
The Box in the Closet

Jan 20th, 2018
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  1. Rainbow Dash sighed and groaned her exasperation as noticeably as possible to her friend, Twilight Sparkle. The two ponies sat at a table in Twilight’s castle with cleaning materials and surrounded by stacks of books, Twilight carefully cleaned the cover, spine and binding returning a gentle sheen to the book before she set it one of the stacks of books. Rainbow looked at Twilight's nonchalant behavior and let out a more dramatic groan, trying to get her boredom noticed.
  3. “You know, Rainbow,” Twilight began, not once looking up from her task, “Spike has some hardcover omnibuses in his walk in closet over there,”
  5. “ promised me that if I helped you clean some books you'd gift me some Daring Do stuff. I’ve already cleaned, like, a hundred books!” Rainbow Dash complained.
  7. “You’ve only cleaned all the Daring Do books I own!” Twilight said, pointing at the modest set of books stacked near Rainbow “If you were helping out beyond that we would be done already,”
  9. Rainbow pouted. With a sigh, Rainbow got up from her spot and trotted over to Spike’s closet and opened it. A magical orb lit the space within for Rainbow, revealing shelves of comic books, collectible figurines and signed memorabilia. The omnibuses were easy enough to find, sitting on the bottom shelf right above a pile of clothes.
  11. “Ugh, I know doing laundry is a pain Spike but you were taught better than that,” Rainbow muttered.
  13. Carrying the books, Rainbow went the extra mile and gathered the clothing under wing before pausing when something heavy hit the floor. Looking down Rainbow saw what had fallen, a simple shoe box. A wide smile spread across Rainbow’s and she dropped the books and clothing on the floor, almost certain of what she had found. Pulling off the lid of the box, Rainbow squealed in laughter and excitement alerting Twilight at the table.
  15. “Rainbow, are you okay?” Twilight asked, hastily getting to the closet and looking in to find her friend laughing.
  17. “Yeah, I'm fine! I found ya boy’s spank bank though!” Rainbow said before doubling over with laughter.
  19. Twilight looked at the box to see it filled with filled with reels for a projector and rolled her eyes, unimpressed with her friends immature reaction.
  21. “Oh please, Rainbow. You have no idea what's on those film reels, they could be movies of his favorite comic book characters! Besides, even if it was...that,” Twilight nearly choked on the word “It's perfectly normal and healthy for a growing dragon to be-"
  23. In a multicolored flash Rainbow had taken off with the shoe box, Twilight sputtered in surprise and quickly took off after the pegasus, galloping deftly by the towers of books but stopping just before the door when the light of a projector caught the corner of her eye. Rainbow Dash already had the film reel in and set up, the projector coming to life.
  25. “Rainbow! What in the wide wide world of Equestria is wrong with you? We shouldn't be invading Spike’s privacy, these are his movies and-” Twilight yelled before her voice trailed off at the sight of the title card displayed on the screen.
  27. “Big Gulp in:
  28. Lemon Tasting Mares”
  30. “Called it!” Rainbow stated, raising her hooves in the air triumphantly.
  32. The movie opened with a fade in to the backyard of a young couple sitting on a bench. The mare was much larger than the stallion in both stature and weight and she held her stallion lovingly from behind, cradling him on her soft belly.
  34. “I am so glad our lemon tree grew,” The mare said
  36. “Me too Big Gulp,” the stallion replied.
  38. “Oh for Celestia’s sake! If Spike’s gonna beat off he could at least do it to something quality stuff!” Rainbow exclaimed.
  40. “Rainbow Dash, that's gross! Spike hid these things for a reason and this is a betrayal of his trust, you should know better,” Twilight scolded, her voice tinged with disappointment.
  42. Rainbow Dash winced and rubbed the back of her head; at a loss to defend her actions.
  44. “’re right Twilight. I'm sorry,” Rainbow Dash said, glancing at the playing movie “Spike is my friend and he would be super embarrassed if he knew that we knew where his erection collection...was…”
  46. Rainbow Dash trailed off her voice falling away and a look of shock plastered itself on her face. Twilight’s attention was quickly drawn like Rainbow’s and her jaw fell open at the sight. The large mare, Big Gulp, had her maw stuffed with another, average sized mare. The stallion co-star held the smaller mares legs and gently angled her so she would go down smoothly. With a large swallow the camera was angled to give a clear shot of the thick bulge in Big Gulp’s throat as her live meal slid smoothly down, her belly swelling with meat.
  48. “Mm-hm all those lemons they steal definitely make them taste like lemons,” Big Gulp said, patting her firm gut.
  50. “Hey babe,” the stallion said, exposing himself and offering his cock “Got room for one more?”
  52. The arguing stopped, Rainbow and Twilight were incredulous to what they had just witnessed. Big Gulp licked her lips and grabbed the stallion by his hips and ran her tongue up the underside of his length before teasing the tip and making the stallion moan softly, whispering words of encouragement to her. It wasn't long before Big Gulp was hungry for more and bobbed her head on his cock, each pass she went deeper until with a slow deliberate pace she slid the entirety of his length into her mouth until her nose was pressed right against his belly.
  54. The stallion grunted, his hips moving, desperately, trying to tip himself over the edge when he was stopped. Big Gulp scooped the stallion up in her arms and faced him and all his glory towards the camera. Twilight and Rainbow watched with rapt attention as Big Gulp lifted the stallion over head and opened her mouth wide. With a steady pace the stallion began to vanish, hind hooves first, down Big Gulp’s throat, each powerful gulp was met with a moan from the on-edge stallion. Legs, rear, hips, flanks, belly soon all that was hanging out of Big Gulp’s mouth was the head and fore hooves of stallion with a goofy smile on his face.
  56. “Take great care of that lemon tree Biggie,” the stallion said before a sudden jerk brought the rest of him into her warm maw.
  58. With a last powerful gulp the soft bulge in the mares throat was dealt with like the last one.
  60. “Oh I will. I just got to churn up some fertilizer for our amazing lemon tree,” Big Gulp said, giving her wide belly a firm slap.
  62. Getting to her hooves, Big Gulp began walking towards the house, her plump ass swaying in time with her large, distended gut when the film ended. Rainbow and Twilight sat in silence, still processing what the had seen but Rainbow didn't dwell as long as Twilight did. Working quickly, Rainbow replaced the reel with another from Spike’s box and the next one started, sans a title card.
  64. The movie showed the Badlands, dragon territory. A group of three teenage dragons were crouched down, hiding behind rocks silently motioning for their camera operator, a fourth member, to come closer quietly. Approaching the other three teen dragons the camera looked over the hiding spot revealing three ponies walking nearby. The camera was trained on them for a few minutes before it turned back to one of the other dragons, the camera shaking and a restrained laugh coming from behind the camera.
  66. The camera shifted focus to one of the dragon teens, giving a silent clawed countdown before yelling “Go!” and all of them began rushing the three ponies. The ensuing chaos was chilling to watch, the ponies screamed and broke into a gallop while one dragon took to the air, quickly tackling a pony and holding it still. A long, lithe, teen dragoness charged on all fours, using the rocky outcroppings as launching points, gaining on her galloping prey and snatching the pony tail in her maw and with a vicious pull back the pony was toppled. The last of the teens didn’t get his pony, his lumbering form too slow to catch up while the galloping mare ran screaming into unknown lands.
  68. “Oh Celestia...they aren’t,” Twilight said, her voice trembling.
  70. “Shh...this is the good part,” Rainbow hissed.
  72. Twilight’s eyes were dragged from the movie and she looked at Rainbow with a mixture of shock and disgust. Rainbow didn’t notice, her heart was racing, her coat felt like electricity was coursing through it, she breathed heavy and her body trembled as she watched the winged dragon teen open his fanged maw wide and toss the mare in head first.
  74. “No! Please! I can pay-” the voice of the mare screamed before her head was jam packed into the the dragon’s throat.
  76. “Spit her out you overgrown gecko’s! Spit my wife out now or I’ll end you!” The stallion screamed, raining kicks and head butts against the lithe dragoness.
  78. The threats did nothing to persuade the dragons, the winged teen wrapped two claws around his prey’s hips and swallowed, his fangs scraping and cutting slightly into her flesh. The mare screamed, her fear of being bitten in half a certain reality in her mind, her thrashing only made her injuries worse but made the dragon’s meal better as her blood dripped into his maw, further wetting her descent into his belly. Rainbow watched as a blood and spit soaked mare was eaten alive in one fluid motion, her legs slipping out of sight and joining the rest of her in the dragons gut, his belly full and rounded with a full pony inside.
  80. A mournful cry came from the stallion, his voice breaking as his fighting weakened dramatically. The lithe dragoness took the opportunity and rapped her long tail around him and squeezed the little pony tight around his barrel, his broken cries were cut short as the breath was squeezed from his lungs. The stallion flailed his legs with abandon while his lungs fought for air. The dragoness lifted her meal high overhead and only waited a few moments before he became still. The dragoness opened her mouth and gave the camera operator a good look into a toothless maw, wet and soft all the way to the back of her dark gullet, before delivering a surprise belch right into the camera.
  81. The camera shook and backed away, the operator cursing and laughter could be heard from the winged dragon. Without pause the dragoness filled her mouth, eating the stallion legs first, the swallows were so strong that each contraction that pulled the stallion deeper could be seen rippling through her slender throat. The scales of her neck spread apart as the stallion filled her throat, his rump was tugged down into the hungry predator and only then did she loosen the grip of her tail. The camera drew close to the hungry girl and the recording picked up the clear gulps and glrks of her feeding.
  83. Rainbow’s body throbbed, her body shivering with each audible swallow before the camera backed away an re-centered the shot of the stallion’s face, the only part that remained uneaten. The stallion was only just coming to a woozy state when with a strong gulp his head was dragged roughly back, only his muzzle remaining in sight before that too was pulled down. The dragoness took a few more seconds to fully ingest the stallion before belching with satisfaction.
  85. “Talk about tasty!” she announced.
  87. “Looks like we got ourselves some lovers too, I wonder if that was their kid that got away,” the winged teen said,
  89. “Probably. Way to blow it Gunk! You let her get away,” the dragoness said, rubbing her stuffed gut.
  91. The large lumbering dragon shrugged and returned a rude gesture.
  93. “Well, whatever...these two will have a lovely reunion as piles of dung in a few days,” the winged teen said, his gut swaying as he walked over to the dragoness and touched his squirming belly with hers
  95. Rainbow’s concentration was broken when her extended wing got in the way of the light of the projector. The film played for a while longer but Rainbow quickly noticed Twilight was gone. Rainbow looked around for a few seconds before taking to the air and spotted Twilight back at the table, cleaning her books. Rainbow landed once more and shut the projector off, gathered up Spike’s private collection and put them back into the closet.
  96. There was an awkward silence in the library and while Rainbow was in the closet she got the omnibuses and set them near Twilight.
  98. “Thank you…” Twilight mumbled.
  100. “No problem...I'm...I'm gonna head home for the night. I'll make this up to you later…” Rainbow said softly and kicking sheepishly at the floor.
  102. “Good idea…” Twilight replied.
  104. Without another word, Rainbow left Twilight's castle and Twilight didn't see bite nor hair of her friend, occasionally receiving old Ponish trinkets in the mail from Rainbow; an obvious token of apology from the speedster. As conflicted as Twilight was with Rainbow she still considered her a close friend, despite her enjoyment of those awful films. Twilight had long since cooled off from that night and resolved to have a chat with Rainbow when she next saw her. Until that day Twilight would open Rainbow’s apology mail and place the item with the others until a package arrived one day and Twilight opened it only to find, too late, that the item was intended for Spike. Sitting in the box was a blank, sealed, silver tin used for holding film reels. The sight of it made Twilight recoil, there was no doubt in her mind about what this was and she tossed it away, the box tumbled across the floor, stopping a few feet away.
  106. ‘No...Spike didn't...not again,” Twilight said, then familiar feeling of fear climbing in her chest “It's just filled with that gem dust candy dip he likes so well, it has to be,”
  108. Twilight rushed to the box, taking the tin in her magical grip and getting the projector in the library out once more; all the while lying to herself about the contents. Breaking the seal on the tin Twilight's heart dropped at the sight of a film reel and she sat there staring at it, her head running through explanations before she resolved to watch it. Trembling, Twilight set the reel and turned the projector on and it played the movie.
  110. The screen was blank before some soft muzak began and a title faded in “Gilded Griffon in: Double Stuffed,”. The scene changed to a shot of the inside of a Griffon house, the camera going through each room before gliding upstairs to one of the rooms and meeting a female Griffon laying on a large, spacious pillow, her face cloaked in a masquerade mask but Twilight was tipped off by the purple coloration at the edges of her down.
  112. “Gilda…?” Twilight asked.
  114. “Hey there,” a voice from behind the camera asked.
  116. “What do you want, loser?” The raspy voice of Gilda replied, confirming Twilight's suspicions.
  118. “I want to feed you,” the voice answered.
  120. “Oh? Are you my snack-rifice?” Gilda asked.
  122. “Naw, I got two stupid ponies who want to be chow,” the voice said.
  124. “Really?” Gilda scoffed “They know what they agreed to, right?”
  126. “ I said. Stupid,”
  128. “Well go get them! I'm hungry,” Gilda said, rubbing her stomach.
  130. The camera spun back around to the door and leaned out.
  132. “Yo, Skittles, Bubble Yum! Lunch Time!” The voice yelled.
  134. Twilight rolled her eyes, the only thing more painful than the content of these movies were the stage names. The first pony came into the room and her mane was an instant give away, the mountain of pink curls that could only belong to Pinkie Pie, though, if anypony else but Twilight were watching they wouldn't know. Pinkie’s entire body was frosted in a thin layer of clear icing, and chocolate drizzle was over top of the icing making a sweet filigree that was accentuated by gumdrops. Pinkies face was masked with what could be mistaken as heavy makeup at first, but as the camera panned around the smiling mare it looked to be powdered sugars of different colors acting.
  136. “Hi! My name is-” The mare began but the audio cut out and then came back “But you can call me Bubble Yum!”
  138. “That's nice but remember to use your stage name, will you?”
  140. “Whoopsie, sorry,” Pinkie Pie said giggling.
  142. Pinkie Pie bounded over to Gilda while the next pony came in and a shocked gasp could be heard from the griffoness when she saw her childhood friend, Rainbow Dash. The pegasus was covered in a light dusting, from head to hooves, in a rainbow luster dust. Licorice, sliced thin and woven, imitated stockings on Rainbow’s legs, her tail and mane were styled like a punk and her lips were glossed with a cherry substance.
  144. “‘Sup. I’m Skittles…” Rainbow said, flicking her hair.
  146. “You’re gonna be griffon chow here in a few minutes, dweeb” Gilda responded, “Never thought I’d see you in this scene,”
  148. “Well...whether he knows it or not, a friend got me into it,” Rainbow said “by the way, a copy of this is heading to him right?”
  150. The camera operator affirmed.
  152. “ this the ‘friend’?” Gilda said, petting Pinkie
  154. “Nope! It was a dragon! I can’t tell you who he is cause he doesn’t have a stage name yet. I came along because this sounded super duper fun!” Pinkie yelled.
  156. “Right...You two know what’s gonna happen right?” Gilda asked.
  158. “Yeah, this,” Rainbow said.
  160. Pinkie felt her hind hooves get lifted and giggled hysterically when her hooves were jam packed into Rainbow’s maw and took the first gulp. Rainbow’s tongue lavished Pinkie’s legs, licking them clean of the frosting before swallowing another few inches. Gilda watched with growing excitement as little by little the giggling pink pony disappeared past those ruby lips, her soft, plump thighs squishing together as they entered Rainbow’s mouth before a moments pause and then a thick, hungry swallow dragged her a bit further down to Rainbow’s gullet.
  162. “Rainbow!” Pinkie squealed, “Rainbow that tickles!”
  164. The camera focused on Rainbow’s throat as it distended, the faint definition of Pinkie’s thighs could be seen before a swallow rolled over them and dragged them deeper. Rainbow’s lips crested over the top of Pinkie’s rump, the sizable rear taking sometime to get by and needing physical attention to pack all of that pony into her gullet. Pinkie’s giggling and laughing died down, becoming soft coo’s and moans as her hips and lower tummy were greeted by Rainbow’s roaming, hungry tongue.
  166. “Ooh, this is my favorite part,” Pinkie said, biting a hoof “Soft and warm, her throat feels like a super tight hug!”
  168. A few chunks of icing fell from Pinkie’s sides and onto Rainbow;s growing belly. Pinkie’s rump soon found its way down and into Rainbow’s stomach making it grow large enough to touch the floor. All that remained uneaten of Pinkie was her forelegs and head, her face flushed red and biting her lip in ecstasy; the camera drew close.
  170. “Any last words, food?” the voice asked.
  172. “Skittles, hurry up and finish me off so I can cum!” Pinkie yelled.
  174. On command Rainbow tossed her head back and pushed Pinkie down before closing her mouth and gulping heartily. Rainbow belched and slapped her huge belly as it shivered and squirmed with a live moaning meal.
  176. “Good, huh?” Gilda asked.
  178. “Oh yeah. That full, warm feeling in your belly is awesome!” Rainbow said, rubbing her stuffed gut.
  180. “That’s how you’re gonna make me feel in a few moment, loser,” Gilda said drawing close to Rainbow and getting over top of her. “A one way ticket to my stomach,”
  182. Rainbow wrapped her forehooves wound Gilda’s waist as best she could and gave her soft belly a slow lick.
  184. “If you think you can handle me and my friend, we’re ready to be griffon chub,” Rainbow said.
  186. “Oh! G.G. Think you can do the gut thing for the viewers?” the voice behind the camera asked.
  188. “Gut thing?” Rainbow asked.
  190. “That’s for the audience to see and you to experience. Now watch a real predator eat Skittles,” Gilda said.
  192. Rainbow was gripped by Gilda’s eagle claws and hoisted into the air, hearing a low growl coming from the griffon. Rainbow was tipped forward and dropped into the slavering beak of the griffon. In only moments Rainbow’s punk ‘do was soaked in drool and her ears pinned back right before they were gobbled up. Gilda let out throaty sallow and a yelp could be heard from her throat as the mighty swallow pulled in the rest of Rainbow’s head and the beginnings of her hooves.
  194. “Damn, G.G you know you can take your time with her,” the voice said drawing closer to the pony in her throat.
  195. Gilda returned a rude gesture before jerking her head back and then forward and taking another enormous swallow, forelegs were swallowed up and Gilda’s beak came to the monumental task of fitting Rainbow’s Pinkie stuffed gut between her jaws. Claws on each side of the round belly Gilda’s ravenous eating had slowed to a crawl, her lips making slow and steady progress and doing her best to swallow constantly and keep her meal going down. The moment Rainbow’s huge belly slid into Gilda’s throat was smooth as could be, her cheeks and beak deflating and her throat filling out with the mare’s shapely gut.
  197. Gilda’s beak clamped down on Rainbow’s flanks, making the mare jolt and another yelp emanating from further down her figure, before she released her grip on Rainbow and went to all fours. The camera squared up on the griffon as she took in the rest of Rainbow Dash, leaving just her pony tail hanging out of her mouth. Gilda paused for a moment and looked at the camera, holding up a clawed finger for a moment, her entire meal still resting in her gullet. The next swallow was powerful enough to down her meal in one fell swoop, two entire ponies entered Gilda’s stomach so quickly her belly audibly tapped the floor before coming to a rest.
  199. “That's the finisher! Way to go G.G!” the camera voice celebrated.
  201. Gilda chuckled, laid on her side and rubbed her stuffed gut.
  203. “A little trouble there at the sugary center but nothin’ I couldn't handle,” Gilda said, cleaning her claws of the sweet toppings “How you feeling in there Skittles?”
  205. “Warm. Tight. Wet.” Rainbow responded.
  207. “Yeah, well, get used to it. That's all your gonna feel till I digest you,” Gilda said, burping up some of Skittles licorice stockings.
  209. “Oh, I'm ready. I've been ready for a while,” Rainbow said.
  211. The scene faded out, Gilda rubbing her huge middle and her camera operator chuckling and berating both ponies for being nothing more than dumb food. Credits rolled across the screen to an empty room, Twilight having long since left, unable to watch her two friends do something so reckless just for a moment of ecstasy; missing the last words of the film before it ran blank stating simply.
  213. “No prey were harmed during the making of this film,”
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