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Dec 16th, 2018
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  1. # Information: You may (in the 'Messages' section) set to "null"
  2. # any message you do not want the plugin to send it. In order to color
  3. # the messages or the menu titles, use '&' followed by a color code.
  4. # Please pay attention to the comments of each section.
  6. Options:
  7. # Information: whether or not use the database system. This is required (true) to use the multi-server system.
  8. # WARNING: If you change this option with already saved data, you will have to pass the data of
  9. # the old data system to the new one you have just configured.
  10. UseDatabase: false
  11. # Information: placeholder %PREFIX% is allowed here.
  12. SelectionMenuTitle: "&2Treasure Selection"
  13. # Information: whether or not enable a permanent action bar (above the hotbar) with the info of the treasure hunt. It may be configured in the 'Messages' section.
  14. # WARNING: This feature is not available for versions lower than 1.11. (Automatically set to "false").
  15. InfoBarEnabled: true
  16. # Information: whether or not give the configured prize below every time a player hunts a treasure instead of when a player completes the treasure hunt.
  17. GivePrizeEachHunt: false
  18. # Information: whether or not spawn particles when a treasure is placed. More options below.
  19. ParticlesEnabled: false
  20. # Information: if particles are enabled, the type of particle that will spawn. (Must be a legal type of particle:
  21. Particle: "SPELL"
  22. # Information: whether or not enable the clue system. More options below.
  23. ClueEnabled: false
  24. # Information: if the clue system is enabled, the the radius in blocks in which a player must be (of a treasure) to receive the clue.
  25. ClueRadius: 6
  26. # Information: if the clue system is enabled, the time in ticks (1s = 20t) that must pass between a clue and another (sound).
  27. ClueTime: 30
  28. # Information: if the clue system is enabled, the type of sound that will be played. (Must be a legal type of sound:
  29. # WARNING: This default value will not work for versions lower than 1.11. Please change it to one of this:
  31. # Information: whether or not send a sound when a player hunts a treasure. Configure the sound below.
  32. HuntedSoundEnabled: true
  33. # Information: if the option to send sound when a player hunts a treasure is enabled, the type of sound that will be played. (Must be a legal type of sound:
  34. # WARNING: This default value will not work for versions lower than 1.11. Please change it to one of this:
  36. # Information: whether or not send a sound when a player completes the treasure hunt. Configure the sound below.
  37. HuntCompletedSoundEnabled: true
  38. # Information: if the option to send sound when a player completes the treasure hunt is enabled, the type of sound that will be played. (Must be a legal type of sound:
  39. # WARNING: This default value will not work for versions lower than 1.11. Please change it to one of this:
  40. HuntCompletedSound: "ENTITY_FIREWORK_LARGE_BLAST"
  41. # Information: whether or not display a title and subtitle (configurable in the 'Messages' section) instead of a normal chat message when a player hunts a treasure.
  42. # WARNING: This feature is not available for versions lower than 1.11. (Automatically set to "false").
  43. TitleMessageHunt: true
  44. # Information: whether or not display a title and subtitle (configurable in the 'Messages' section) instead of a normal chat message when a player completes the treasure hunt.
  45. # WARNING: This feature is not available for versions lower than 1.11. (Automatically set to "false").
  46. TitleMessageHuntCompleted: true
  47. # Information: if any title message is enabled, the time in ticks (1s = 20t) what will pass on the shade in/out of the title message.
  48. TitleShade: 10
  49. # Information: if any title message is enabled, the time in ticks (1s = 20t) that will appear the title message.
  50. TitleTime: 60
  52. # Information: complete this only if you are using a database, and configured so above.
  53. # WARNING: Before using the database system, make sure you have created the appropriated database and tables.
  54. # You may check how to do so in the SpigotMC page of the plugin (
  55. Database:
  56. Host: ""
  57. Port: 3306
  58. Username: "root"
  59. Database: "treasure_hunt"
  60. Password: "1234"
  62. # In order to use the economy system, you must have installed the 'Vault' dependency.
  63. Prize:
  64. # Information: ID:DATA QUANTITY
  65. Items:
  66. - 399 1
  67. - 224 1
  68. # Information: TYPE(normal, OP, console):COMMAND(without the '/'). Placeholder %PLAYER_NAME% is allowed here.
  69. Commands:
  70. - console:cmi broadcast &7%PLAYER_NAME% has completed the staff head hunt!
  71. - console:slb give 10 %PLAYER_NAME%
  72. Money: 1000.0
  74. # You may use the placeholder %PREFIX% in each message to display the plugin's prefix.
  75. # There are more placeholders available. They are specified above each message.
  76. Messages:
  77. # Information: placeholder %PREFIX% is not allowed here.
  78. Prefix: "&7[&2Treasure&fHunt&7]&r"
  79. NoPermissions: "%PREFIX% &cYou do not have enough permissions to perform this command."
  80. NoPermissionBreak: "%PREFIX% &cYou do not have enough permissions to break a treasure."
  81. NoPermissionPlace: "%PREFIX% &cYou do not have enough permissions to place a treasure."
  82. # Placeholders: %GOOD_USAGE% (the correct command, with the '/').
  83. SyntaxError: "%PREFIX% &cBad syntax. Use instead: &7%GOOD_USAGE%&c."
  84. # Placeholders: %PLAYER_NAME% (player's name).
  85. PlayerNull: "%PREFIX% &cThe player &7%PLAYER_NAME% &chas never played in this server before."
  86. NoInventorySpace: "%PREFIX% &cPlease free some slots of your inventory before."
  87. NoInventorySpaceDrop: "%PREFIX% &cYour inventory was full, the prize has been dropped to the ground."
  88. Help:
  89. - ""
  90. - ""
  91. - "&7<------> %PREFIX% (Help) &7<------>"
  92. - "&7-> &2&l/th help &r&7- Displays this message."
  93. - "&7-> &2&l/th reload &r&7- Reloads the config and the data file."
  94. - "&7-> &2&l/th select &r&7- Open the treasure type selection menu."
  95. - "&7-> &2&l/th reset <player|(all)> &r&7- Resets a specific player's progress, or all the player's progress."
  96. - "&7-> &2&l/th list (player) &r&7- Displays the list of all the treasures placed, or the list of all the treasures hunted by a player."
  97. - ""
  98. - ""
  99. # Placeholders: %TOTAL_COUNT% (count of all the treasures placed), %TREASURES% (all the treasures listed).
  100. List: "%PREFIX% &aCurrently there are &7%TOTAL_COUNT% &atreasures placed: &7%TREASURES%&a."
  101. ListEmpty: "%PREFIX% &cThere is not any treasure placed."
  102. # Placeholders: %PLAYER_NAME%(player's name), %TOTAL_COUNT% (count of all the treasures placed), %TREASURES% (all the treasures listed).
  103. ListUsers: "%PREFIX% &aThe player &7%PLAYER_NAME% &ahas hunted a total of &7%TOTAL_COUNT% &atreasures: &7%TREASURES%&a."
  104. # Placeholders: %PLAYER_NAME% (player's name).
  105. ListUsersEmpty: "%PREFIX% &cThe user &7%PLAYER_NAME% &chas not hunted any treasure."
  106. ListSeparator: "&a, &7"
  107. Reloaded: "%PREFIX% &aYou have successfully reloaded the data and the config file."
  108. # Placeholders: %PLAYER_NAME% (player's name).
  109. Reset: "%PREFIX% &aYou have successfully reset &7%PLAYER_NAME%&a's progress."
  110. ResetAll: "%PREFIX% &aYou have successfully reset all player's progress."
  111. TreasureBroken: "%PREFIX% &aYou have successfully deleted that treasure and removed from all the player's progress."
  112. TreasurePlaced: "%PREFIX% &aYou have successfully placed a new treasure on that location."
  113. TreasureGiven: "%PREFIX% &aYou have successfully received a treasure. Place it on the ground."
  114. AlreadyHunted: "%PREFIX% &aYou have already hunted that treasure."
  115. HuntAlreadyCompleted: "%PREFIX% &aYou have already completed the treasure hunt."
  116. HuntedTitle: "&2&lTreasure Hunted"
  117. # Placeholders: %USER_COUNT% (count of all the treasures hunted by the player), %TOTAL_COUNT% (count of all the treasures placed).
  118. HuntedSubtitle: "&7Count: &2%USER_COUNT%&7/&2%TOTAL_COUNT%"
  119. HuntCompletedTitle: "&2&lHunt Completed"
  120. HuntCompletedSubtitle: "&7Enjoy your prize!"
  121. # Placeholders: %USER_COUNT% (count of all the treasures hunted by the player), %TOTAL_COUNT% (count of all the treasures placed).
  122. Hunted: "%PREFIX% &aYou hunted a treasure! &7(&a%USER_COUNT%&7/&a%TOTAL_COUNT%)"
  123. HuntCompleted: "%PREFIX% &2Congrats! You have completed the treasure hunt! Enjoy your price!"
  124. # Placeholders: %USER_COUNT% (count of all the treasures hunted by the player), %TOTAL_COUNT% (count of all the treasures placed).
  125. InfoBar: "%PREFIX% &7&l%USER_COUNT%/%TOTAL_COUNT%"
  127. # You may add a maximum of 27 different types.
  128. # Read the plugin description on SpigotMC to learn how to use the
  129. # 'Texture' field.
  130. Types:
  131. tr1:
  132. DisplayName: "&2Miss_Moth"
  133. Lore:
  134. - "&7Place this treasure on the ground!"
  135. SelectionLore:
  136. - "&7Click to select this treasure!"
  137. Texture: "9e9251672d181c2f2973d51678f1f531c663897c90c4aa2665ab942475676918"
  138. tr2:
  139. DisplayName: "&2Stug47"
  140. Lore:
  141. - "&7Place this treasure on the ground!"
  142. SelectionLore:
  143. - "&7Click to select this treasure!"
  144. Texture: "bee80525f0305ecd70571cd9d8897bdfa9bb44c62acd67d89b8342b32350a605"
  145. tr3:
  146. DisplayName: "&2Toniduss"
  147. Lore:
  148. - "&7Place this treasure on the ground!"
  149. SelectionLore:
  150. - "&7Click to select this treasure!"
  151. Texture: "8b6e3b0b8fc112fa7f85b0fec0572594fa35653f5f9812422c3ead21511c8392"
  152. pr1:
  153. DisplayName: "&2AviaMoth"
  154. Lore:
  155. - "&7Place this treasure on the ground!"
  156. SelectionLore:
  157. - "&7Click to select this treasure!"
  158. Texture: "695c77b340e9c61febc3f787599adc1074667191f3c4e1cf0468f8da4a94d705"
  159. pr2:
  160. DisplayName: "&2Arisustarfall"
  161. Lore:
  162. - "&7Place this treasure on the ground!"
  163. SelectionLore:
  164. - "&7Click to select this treasure!"
  165. Texture: "fb545dc8fd6983b895afbc3115745c5eac7228b72b95a3d898b3b431ddcf82ba"
  166. pr3:
  167. DisplayName: "&2FrozenToday"
  168. Lore:
  169. - "&7Place this treasure on the ground!"
  170. SelectionLore:
  171. - "&7Click to select this treasure!"
  172. Texture: "aeeb3c3c67bea07e278ecdd68e5af2cafbe77c5e79be77d366a983465a0f7bdf"
  173. pu1:
  174. DisplayName: "&2goodrich_tires"
  175. Lore:
  176. - "&7Place this treasure on the ground!"
  177. SelectionLore:
  178. - "&7Click to select this treasure!"
  179. Texture: "8aa17cd3c5e27140f646c578453a54ffc8d96ab44d8167938ee934bf6f6b8ef3"
  180. pu2:
  181. DisplayName: "&2nafets121"
  182. Lore:
  183. - "&7Place this treasure on the ground!"
  184. SelectionLore:
  185. - "&7Click to select this treasure!"
  186. Texture: "9e121e818c4bc663f4fad22e72abe1cf8a9da32b095f47f331a003a19cdbe636"
  187. pu3:
  188. DisplayName: "&2Thebutterman1001"
  189. Lore:
  190. - "&7Place this treasure on the ground!"
  191. SelectionLore:
  192. - "&7Click to select this treasure!"
  193. Texture: "cf5a1c5c9de4e9d9aa715f2baac8e3a02a76d201b3e7b3ec154b68f7dfb7c34e"
  194. egg1:
  195. DisplayName: "&eEaster Egg 1"
  196. Lore:
  197. - "&7Place this treasure on the ground!"
  198. SelectionLore:
  199. - "&7Click to select this treasure!"
  200. Texture: "9889f11c8838c09e1ecf2f83439ebcb9f324e567b0e9dc4b7c25d93e50ff2b"
  201. egg2:
  202. DisplayName: "&eEaster Egg 2"
  203. Lore:
  204. - "&7Place this treasure on the ground!"
  205. SelectionLore:
  206. - "&7Click to select this treasure!"
  207. Texture: "17daff4239e560f7f53b1ccbcebc614f0ddf3581a6fad5bd81567291ecf4571"
  208. egg3:
  209. DisplayName: "&eEaster Egg 3"
  210. Lore:
  211. - "&7Place this treasure on the ground!"
  212. SelectionLore:
  213. - "&7Click to select this treasure!"
  214. Texture: "b2cd5df9d7f1fa8341fcce2f3c118e2f517e4d2d99df2c51d61d93ed7f83e13"
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