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a guest
May 24th, 2018
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  1. <ContentPage.Content>
  2. <ScrollView>
  3. <StackLayout
  4. Padding="{Binding MainStackSidePadding}"
  5. Spacing="15">
  6. <RelativeLayout
  7. Padding="{Binding MainStackSidePadding}"
  8. BackgroundColor="Red">
  9. <Image x:Name="logo" Source="testbar.png" HorizontalOptions="Center" HeightRequest="{Binding LogoSmallHeight}"
  10. RelativeLayout.XConstraint =
  11. "{ConstraintExpression Type=RelativeToParent,
  12. Property=Width,
  13. Factor=0.5,
  14. Constant=0}"
  15. RelativeLayout.YConstraint =
  16. "{ConstraintExpression Type=RelativeToParent,
  17. Property=Height,
  18. Factor=0,
  19. Constant=0}"/>
  20. <Image x:Name="backButton" Source="back.png" HeightRequest="30"
  21. RelativeLayout.XConstraint =
  22. "{ConstraintExpression Type=RelativeToParent,
  23. Property=Width,
  24. Factor=0.025,
  25. Constant=0}"
  26. RelativeLayout.YConstraint =
  27. "{ConstraintExpression Type=RelativeToView,
  28. ElementName = logo,
  29. Property=Height,
  30. Factor=0,
  31. Constant=50}">
  32. <Image.GestureRecognizers>
  33. <TapGestureRecognizer
  34. Command="{Binding GoBackCommand}"/>
  35. </Image.GestureRecognizers>
  36. </Image>
  37. </RelativeLayout>
  38. <!--Some other elements and labels etc. -->
  39. </StackLayout>
  40. </ScrollView>
  41. </ContentPage.Content>
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