
Kirino 3

Aug 2nd, 2013
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  1. 3:08 ComradeKirino I am not marrying you
  2. 03:09 ComradeKirino you havent even gotten ministerunc to divorce me even though we never married
  3. 03:09 ComradeKirino and id never marry you anyway
  4. 03:09 heidiland Oh please
  5. 03:09 heidiland So tsundere
  6. 03:09 heidiland *squee*
  7. 03:11 ComradeKirino >.> I'm busy recruiting
  8. 03:12 heidiland Hahahahahaha
  9. 03:15 ComradeKirino what?
  10. 03:17 heidiland Don't make me take out my bible Kirino.
  11. 03:17 heidiland If we want to make it a religious match, I'm going to win.
  12. 03:18 ComradeKirino I will interpret the bible as I please and ignore sections that are unconvenient!
  13. 03:18 heidiland As everyone does
  14. 03:18 ComradeKirino
  15. 03:45 ComradeKirino my alliance just increased by 300%, we are booming, scared yet?
  16. 03:48 heidiland Pfffft
  17. 03:48 heidiland Please
  18. 04:11 heidiland Hope you appreciate my massive bible e-penis
  19. 04:13 ComradeKirino I am an exception, god himself said so, deus vult.
  20. 04:17 heidiland lel
  21. 04:23 heidiland aw kirino
  22. 04:23 heidiland you're so cute
  23. 04:23 heidiland marry me
  24. 04:24 ComradeKirino I-i cant, I have devoted myself to god! a-and I dont like you anyway!
  25. 04:26 heidiland You do
  26. 04:26 heidiland It's so obvious
  27. 04:27 ComradeKirino You're imagining too much again >.< also obviously no one would ever confess to you since you share every conversation for the world to see, not that I would ever confess to a horsefucker!
  28. 04:27 heidiland >you share every conversation
  29. 04:27 heidiland Our relationship is of vital importance to ACE!
  30. 04:28 heidiland You can't expect me to not share it
  31. 04:28 heidiland Besides, they need fap material.
  32. 04:28 heidiland And who spoke about confessions?
  33. 04:28 heidiland Not me
  34. 04:28 heidiland You did
  35. 04:28 heidiland Freudian slip there~
  36. 04:29 ComradeKirino E-either way, due to me not liking you and you sharing everything we talk of in public means a confession wont ever happen, so stop dreaming.
  37. 04:30 heidiland If there's a confession to make, I solemnly swear to not tell anyone
  38. 04:30 heidiland It can be our little secret :3
  39. 04:30 heidiland Horsefucker's honour.
  40. 04:31 ComradeKirino I-i....
  41. 04:32 ComradeKirino I dont like you, at all!
  42. 04:33 heidiland Keep fooling yourself
  43. 04:34 ComradeKirino E-either way, you dont like me either, so it doesnt matter.
  44. 04:34 heidiland Oh but I do
  45. 04:34 heidiland You're my waifu
  46. 04:35 heidiland Seriously
  47. 04:35 heidiland Strong willed girl who likes games?
  48. 04:35 ComradeKirino T-then why havent you gotten ministerunc to divorce me? liar!
  49. 04:35 heidiland Definitely my waifu
  50. 04:35 heidiland I PM'd him
  51. 04:35 heidiland He didn't answer
  52. 04:35 heidiland I-I'll make a forum post!
  53. 04:35 ComradeKirino -.- you arent trying hard enough, because you dont really love me and are just out to toy with me.
  54. 04:36 heidiland Relationship's a little give and take
  55. 04:37 heidiland I've been doing all the giving
  56. 04:38 ComradeKirino A-also, f-for your info, I wont be wearing marshal uniform in war anymore, but chainmail and armour and helmet, h-hold on, il show you *goes into the next room and gets dressed*
  57. 04:39 heidiland O-oh my~
  58. 04:39 heidiland This will make undressing you when I march into your mansion more difficult
  59. 04:39 heidiland But oh so rewarding!
  60. 04:40 ComradeKirino Stop being perverted... *enters room in full chainmail, armour and helmet* D-do I look cute?
  61. 04:41 heidiland Uguuuu~
  62. 04:43 ComradeKirino >.< yes or no?
  63. 04:43 heidiland You're the animu gurl
  64. 04:43 heidiland Uguu~
  65. 04:43 heidiland Never heard of it?
  66. 04:43 heidiland Wow
  67. 04:43 heidiland Jesus
  68. 04:43 heidiland That must weight a ton though
  69. 04:44 heidiland Maybe you'd feel lighter without it...?
  70. 04:44 ComradeKirino N-not really, the weight of chainmail is distributed across the body an-
  71. 04:44 ComradeKirino wait a minute
  72. 04:44 ComradeKirino was that a sexually incenting comment?
  73. 04:44 ComradeKirino >.>
  74. 04:44 heidiland Oh no!
  75. 04:44 heidiland As if!
  76. 04:47 heidiland So anyway I'm off to bed Kirino-san-sama-senpai-chan-kun~
  77. 04:47 heidiland I'll be dreaming of you :3
  78. 04:47 ComradeKirino >.>
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