
PxA Chapter 2b

Feb 18th, 2014
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  1. >it had been four days since you and Pinkamena had began your work on Fluttershy
  2. >the results had been pretty disappointing for you both
  3. >all she'd done is whimper and beg you to stop as you'd cut her
  4. >most times she passed out before any real fun could happen
  5. >Pinkamena had been taking her frustration out on you afterwards
  6. >at least something was working out in your favor
  7. >you heard muffled sobbing coming from the back room
  8. >Pinkamena had become impatient and started without you
  9. >you turned the doorknob
  10. >Pinkamena had full on mounted Fluttershy this time
  11. >you noticed she had huge bleeding gashes in her sides
  12. >"Why are you such an ungrateful BITCH?!" Pinkamena demanded, spitting on the cowering Pegasus's face
  13. >Fluttershy was heaving and sobbing, begging Pinkamena to stop
  14. "Nonny and I have been doing out very best to show you how much we care about you! WHY!"
  15. >Pinkamena punched her captive
  16. >CAN'T
  17. >Again, another strike
  18. >YOU
  19. >You were fairly certain you heard something snap as her hoof connected again with her friend's battered form
  21. >"I HATE YOU!!!" came the very forceful reply
  22. >you were astounded by the unexpected response
  23. >so was Pinkamena
  24. >"I don't know who or what you are, but you are NOT MY FRIEND PINKIE PIE-"
  25. >Pinkamena twitched at the sound of that name
  26. >her face twisted into a mask of rage
  27. >you swore her grip was about to snap the knife in twain
  28. "Never call me by that name again you USELESS LITTLE-"
  29. >the knife plunged deep into Fluttershy's chest
  30. >too deep
  31. >you belatedly realized that this had gotten way out of hand
  32. >Pinkamena was screaming with incomprehensible rage as she stabbed her friend over and over
  33. >you rushed over and grabbed ahold of her hoof before it could find it's mark once more
  34. "Please Pinkamena, please stop!"
  35. >she twisted to face you
  36. >the look of rage in her eyes chilled you to the bone
  37. >it was suddenly replaced by a look of shock and regret
  38. >"Oh Nonny!" she sobbed, the knife clattering to the floor
  39. >you scooped her up, consoling her as best you could
  40. "it's okay just got a little carried away...that's all"
  41. >You feel a sharp pain in your shoulder as she bites down hard on it between sobs
  42. >You'd have to be more vigilant to prevent this from happening again in the future
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