Guest User


a guest
Jan 23rd, 2020
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  1. {"description":"[Discord ToS:]\n[Discord Guidelines:]\n━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━━\n:one: **No doxing or leaking personal information about others.** \nThis includes names, pictures, social media accounts etc. \n*Punishment: Ban.*\n\n:two: **No racism or homophobia.**\nCensored slurs are permitted, providing they are not being directed at anyone with the intent to discriminate.\n*Punishment: Mute or ban (depending on severity).*\n\n:three: **No vendettas against other members.**\nCriticising and disliking people is allowed but targeted harassment and mob mentality is not.\n*Punishment: Mute, demotion or ban (depending on severity).*\n\n:four: **Do not record voice calls without the explicit consent of __all__ participants.** \n*Punishment: Ban.*\n\n:five: **No seizure-inducing media (including emotes).**\n*Punishment: Mute or in extreme cases, ban.*\n\n:six: **Keep all NSFW content in the <#661649724578725888> channel.**\nYou will need the NSFW role to unlock it.\n*Punishment: Mute, or ban.*\n\n:seven: **Do not organise raids on this server.**\n*Punishment: Ban.*\n\n:eight: **Do not advertise in the direct messages of any server member.**\nIf this happens, please report it to a moderator. \n*Punishment: Ban.*\n\n:nine: **Keep conversations in the allocated topic channels.**\n*Punishment: Mute.*\n\n:keycap_ten: **Please don't ask for roles repeatedly - it doesn't increase your chances of getting them.** \n*Punishment: Mute.*","image":{"url":""},"color":16777215}
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