
Judgment: In Marinara We Trust

Jun 22nd, 2012
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  1. >You are a worker for the Department of Fish and Wildlife's Division of Fluffy Pony Management.
  2. >Otherwise known as the 'Fluffy Pony Judgment Squad'.
  3. >Today has not been kind to you.
  4. >Four feral herds required assessments, and you had to annihilate three of them.
  5. >The good herd, a little pack of thirty, was your first assignment.
  6. >The other three were annoying as all hell to terminate.
  7. >It took you almost six hours.
  8. >Six hours of wading through waves of self-defense shit.
  9. >Six hours of hunting down and killing stragglers.
  10. >Six hours of dealing with agitated fluffy mares, screaming at you to leave their foals alone.
  11. >You are in no mood to see another fluffy pony today.
  12. >So, of course, your supervisor calls just before your shift ends.
  13. >You're the closest to a report from a gated community having a problem with, you guessed it, a feral herd.
  14. >One of those fancy cliffside places.
  15. >If it's gated, how the hell did the fluffy ponies get in?
  16. >Whatever.
  17. >You grit your teeth and drive up there.
  18. >When you arrive, you have to drive around for a bit to find them.
  19. >It's drizzling, too! Fucking wonderful.
  20. >You see a couple of fluffy ponies beside a house, apparently acting as scouts.
  21. >When you park and get out, they waddle around back, babbling about your presence.
  22. >You follow them.
  23. >Roughly forty fluffies are wrecking some yuppie's vegetable garden.
  24. >You see five pregnant dams off to the side, being fed by a few attendants.
  25. >Three dams have already foaled, and are busy tending to their kids.
  26. >They all become nervous upon seeing you.
  27. >A bright red pegasus approaches, the two scouts from earlier flanking it.
  28. >”Go 'way, dis fwuffy pwace now! Fwuffies gif yummy nummies to mummas, hewp make nummies fo' babehs!”
  29. >The smarty friend.
  30. >You resist picking him up and punching him in the face until his skull collapses into a fuzzy, decorative ashtray.
  31. >Gotta follow the protocol. Assessment first.
  32. >The herd, made restless by your presence, enters a defensive stance.
  33. >Bloated dams are rolled into a tighter clump, and surrounded by puffy-cheeked males.
  34. >Attendants help put foals on their mother's backs, then escort the families to a position near the dams.
  35. >The other females waddle along to the rear of the herd, trying to comfort the nervous dams, while also making sure the foals stay with their mares and feel safe.
  36. >The rest of the males flank their smarty friend, who continues to babble threats at you that you could give less than a shit about at this juncture.
  37. >From all this, you know the herd is highly organized.
  38. >You look down at the pegasus smarty.
  39. “Why are you messing up people's gardens?”
  40. >”Dese ow nummies now, gif to babehs an' mummas, make stwong fwuffies!”
  41. “You can't take people's food.”
  42. >”No cawe, take aww hooman nummies! Nummies fo' fwuffies now!”
  43. >The herd anxiously agrees with him, their huge, shining eyes never leaving you.
  44. >That's enough assessment.
  45. >God damn it, now you're going to be out here for hours killing all of these damn things.
  46. >You look off to your left.
  47. >Fifty yards away is the edge of the cliff; beyond is a sheer drop into a canyon of nearly six hundred feet.
  48. >There's no fence here. The property seems to run all the way to the precipice.
  49. >Gated community, huh.
  50. >These fools deserve to have their petunias raped.
  51. >You've got a job to do, though, and it's going to get done.
  52. >Suddenly, a thought occurs to you.
  53. >You point to over to the cliff's edge. Some of the fluffies look that way.
  54. “You know, there's a ton of spaghetti over there.”
  55. >”No wissen to hooman! Haf nummies hewe!” the smarty pegasus huffs.
  56. “Spaghetti. Dripping with marinara. Think about it.”
  57. >Some of the fluffies are drooling; they soon start bleating about 'sgettis'.
  58. >”Why munsta hewp fwuffies?” the smarty asks.
  59. “Hey, I don't like these people either. If you took their secret spaghetti...”
  60. >The smarty looks up at you with bated breath, awaiting the rest of your words.
  61. “...why, you'd be the best smarty friend ever. You are the best, aren't you?”
  62. >He begins jumping around, fluttering his wings and nodding fiercely.
  63. >”Munsta wight! Smawty am bes' smawty eva! Fank you fo' hewp fwuffies, munsta!”
  64. >He hugs your legs and barks commands.
  65. >”Fwuffies go! We ge' sgettis fo' aww fwuffies, be bes' fwuffies eva!”
  66. >The herd charges the cliff, shouting with glee about the secret spaghetti.
  67. >They're in such a hurry, they leave the swollen dams behind.
  68. >Foals fall off their greedy mothers' backs, chirping wordlessly or crying out in terror.
  69. >You walk slowly after the herd to monitor the impending carnage.
  70. >The fluffies slide and stumble as they run.
  71. >Their hooves cannot get grip on the wet grass.
  72. >By the time they realize they've been had, inertia sends them flying off into the canyon.
  73. >Fluffies in the back slam into those that managed to stop short, causing both parties to fall to their doom.
  74. >Every single mobile adult fluffy just ran off a cliff because you said spaghetti was there.
  75. >You'd compare them to lemmings, but that would be a grave insult to lemmings.
  76. >You walk over to the five bloated dams amidst a fading chorus of screams as the herd plummets to its doom.
  77. >”Why fwiends weave? Come back, gif sgettis to mumma?” a dam asks you.
  78. >You just shrug at her.
  79. “I'll take you to them, if you want.”
  80. >”Fank you! Hooman nice to mumma, hewp ge' sgettis!”
  81. >Two at a time, you carry them to the cliffside.
  82. >They continue to thank you for helping them get the 'seequet sgettis'.
  83. >Their praise dies the moment you toss them into the void, morphing into abject terror.
  84. >You go back to collect the now-orphaned foals.
  85. >The larger ones squeak words at you, mostly a cacophony of 'hewp', 'wuv', 'mumma', and 'dadda'.
  86. >The smaller ones just chirp frantically, terrified chants of 'yeep' that make them sound rather birdlike.
  87. >With a flourish, you launch them into the air and turn around, not even bothering to witness their fall.
  88. >Tomorrow morning, you're going to hate yourself.
  89. >You'll regret being so callous, lying, and throwing innocent babies to their deaths.
  90. >Right now, however?
  91. >You're fresh out of fucks to give.
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