
Second Darkness Postgame: Session 115

Feb 11th, 2014
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  1. [15:46] <Kilarra> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [15:46] <Kilarra> ~~~Postgame~~~
  3. [15:46] <Kilarra> -Session 115-
  4. [15:56] <Kilarra> The night was not a pleasant one for Kilarra and Aluthyra. In addition to the presence of someone sent by Kilarra's mother to find her, that someone has turned out to genuinely be Kilarra's half-sister. Not only that, but she is a vampire, and very nearly made a meal out of Kilarra before her enthrallment was broken.
  5. [15:57] <Kilarra> Now morning comes, leaving Imoto in a vulnerable position, giving Aluthyra and Kilarra the opportunity to find and deal with her mother once and for all.
  6. [15:57] <Kilarra> Imoto, being undead, didn't need to sleep, and simply stayed up the whole night staring down Aluthyra's bow.
  7. [15:57] * Aluthyra still has her bow trained on Imoto, having stayed up throughout the rest of the night to keep watch.
  8. [15:58] <Kilarra> Imoto looks glad that Kilarra's room doesn't have any windows.
  9. [15:59] * Kilarra stirs awake and sits up, feeling a bit wretched after spending the night without Aluthyra, and with bitemarks still evident on her neck. She looks over to Aluthyra and Imoto, frowning a bit. She wasn't sure how old her half-sister actually was, but she didn't really want to do her daily devotions in front of her.
  10. [16:00] * Aluthyra suggests, looking back to Kilarra. "Perhaps you can find another room for your devotions?"
  11. [16:02] * Kilarra nods, "The top of the temple has big windows to let sunlight in, so we can't let her go out. At least not unless there's some protective magic Calistria can grant me, and even then I still have to get ready first." She stands up, wearing her smallclothes still and stretching. "I doubt most would mind letting me borrow theirs."
  12. [16:04] * Aluthyra smiles and nods, turning her attention back to Imoto. "Try to be quick, if you can... while I am disciplined, it is getting rather tiring, holding this position."
  13. [16:04] <Kilarra> Imoto offers, "Well... you don't have to point it at me anymore. Even if I wanted to run away, I can't now that the sun is up."
  14. [16:05] * Aluthyra shakes her head. "I would prefer to not take that chance," she replies, looking to Kilarra's bite marks.
  15. [16:09] <Kilarra> Imoto fidgets, looking uncomfortable. She didn't even have an opportunity to wipe her mouth, a bit of red still visible caked on her lips.
  16. [16:10] * Kilarra nods, "Thanks." She slips out to another room to prepare for the day.
  17. [16:11] <Kilarra> Imoto is actually wearing a rather pretty dress that, with her pale skin, makes her looks a little like a fancy dress-up doll.
  18. [16:12] * Aluthyra keeps her stance, ignoring how cute the little vampire looks.
  19. [16:14] <Kilarra> Imoto tries to be polite, which is admittedly difficult when staring down a silver arrow. "So, um... Miss Aluthyra. What is your relationship with Nisha?"
  20. [16:16] * Kilarra borrows Lil's room and gets herself prepared in there, although she's much more subdued that usual
  21. [16:18] <Aluthyra> "We are lovers." Aluthyra frowns slightly. "And I admit that I am rather protective of her. I know what her mother did to her, and it is not very endearing that you wish to bring her back to such a life."
  22. [16:19] <Kilarra> Imoto nods, "Mommy told me what she did too. She was going to bring Nisha back though after. But now she just wants to be happy as a family."
  23. [16:21] * Aluthyra shakes her head. "I suspect that she wants a happy family for her own enjoyment. I doubt she has any concern about your or Kilarra's happiness."
  24. [16:22] <Kilarra> Imoto protests; "But I am happy with mommy and daddy. They're nice to me unless they want to be alone, and they buy me treats and toys and pretty clothes."
  25. [16:24] * Aluthyra asks, "You said that your mother and father turned you into a vampire in order to keep your youth, yes?"
  26. [16:24] <Kilarra> Imoto nods, "Yes, but Mommy said it's so we can be together as a family forever."
  27. [16:27] * Aluthyra suggests, "Or perhaps it is because she wishes to control you. It was by her wish that you were transformed at that age, and by her wish that you wear those clothes. She seeks to impose her will without any thought of others." She frowns. "Kilarra has had a difficult life because of your mother's actions. None of it was up to Kilarra, and now, she wishes to subjugate her once more."
  28. [16:27] <Kilarra> Imoto blinks, "But... if it makes us happy, what's wrong with doing what mommy says?"
  29. [16:30] * Aluthyra shakes her head. "Perhaps you are happy, but Kilarra would not be. And would you not like to have the choice, or any say in the matter?" Aluthyra nods. "Perhaps your mother has made decisions that have made you happy, but can you say that you couldn't have made better ones? Can you say that it is better to not decide yourself?"
  30. [16:30] <Kilarra> Imoto just looks a bit confused, "Why wouldn't mommy and daddy want what's best for me?"
  31. [16:34] <Aluthyra> "Can you not say that you would want what is best for yourself?" Aluthyra sighs. "You can make the same decisions. If they truly wanted what is best for you, they would allow you to be free; to make your own decisions. If you are not allowed to do so, how are you any different than a pet? A simple dog?"
  32. [16:35] <Kilarra> Imoto offers, "Because dog's can't talk?"
  33. [16:37] * Aluthyra chuckles. "But a dog can bark. And when its-- when your-- opinions do not matter, how is your voice different than a bark?"
  34. [16:39] <Kilarra> Imoto seems perplexed by the ideas Aluthyra is presenting, and goes quiet for a while.
  35. [16:39] * Kilarra finishes preparing and, before doing anything else, finishes restoring the blood drained by Imoto's bite
  36. [16:40] * Aluthyra smiles and keeps quiet, letting the string of her bow slacken.
  37. [16:43] * Kilarra returns to her room after giving Shorafa a brief explanation of what happened and, careful not to let any daylight in, starts dressing. She looks to Imoto as she dresses, "I have a spell that will protect you form sunlight for a while."
  38. [16:44] <Kilarra> Imoto blinks, surprised. "Mommy never had magic like that."
  39. [16:45] * Kilarra nods, "Well our mother, as powerful as she is, doesn't know how to look past the end of her nose unless it's something she wants."
  40. [16:45] * Aluthyra nods to Kilarra, placing her bow over her shoulder. "Are you ready; for all that we may face?"
  41. [16:47] * Kilarra slips on her belt, mace, chainmail, vestements and other gear, including her new boots. "As ready as I can be I suspect. Do you have a good supply of silver arrows?"
  42. [16:47] * Aluthyra nods. "I have thirty. Do you think that will be enough?"
  43. [16:48] * Kilarra looks to Imoto, "What else did mother bring with her?"
  44. [16:48] <Kilarra> Imoto fidgets a bit, "If... if I tell you, will you promise to just talk to mommy and daddy first? Please?"
  45. [16:50] * Kilarra frowns a bit. She really had a soft spot for unwilling young undead creatures. "Alright, fine. However, if she tries to attack me in any way, all bets are off."
  46. [16:51] <Kilarra> Imoto holds out a hand with a pinky finger extended, "Swear?"
  47. [16:52] * Kilarra blinks, then extends her own pinky, "Uh..." She wasn't sure what exactly this meant.
  48. [16:53] <Kilarra> Imoto hooks her pinky onto Kilarra's, then says in a bit of a singsong Tian language; "Yubikiri genman, uso tsuitara hari senbon nomasu, yubi katta."
  49. [16:54] * Kilarra blinks in surprise, then dares to ask, "What did that mean?"
  50. [16:55] <Kilarra> Imoto smiles a bit, "If you tell a lie, stick a needle in your eye."
  51. [16:57] * Kilarra frowns, hoping she hadn't inadvertantly entered into some kind of curse. "Alright then." She looks to Aluthyra, "Are you ready? They'll have breakfast out by now."
  52. [16:57] * Aluthyra nods. "Yes. I am."
  53. [16:58] * Kilarra stands and places a hand on Imoto's shoulder. "Calistria, protect my sister from the light of day until she can be brought back to the light."
  54. [16:59] <Kilarra> The light around Imoto dims considerably, as though a living shadow surrounded her, absorbing light like an aura of darkness
  55. [16:59] <Kilarra> Imoto blinks, looking at herself curiously.
  56. [17:00] * Kilarra opens the door and steps out into the main atrium of the temple.
  57. [17:01] <Kilarra> Imoto gulps, then cautiously steps out as well, she shuts her eyes, wincing. After a moment of that, she slowly opens her eyes, blinking. It wasn't hurting her.
  58. [17:02] * Aluthyra follows after Imoto, still cautious around the girl.
  59. [17:02] <Kilarra> Imoto walks around in the window filtered sunlight, looking a bit amazed as the light didn't reach her pale skin.
  60. [17:03] <Kilarra> Shorafa stands by the tables where the temple's occupants were breaking fast, but there was a smaller table a little removed form the others. "I apologize darlink, but the others are a bit nervous about your little sister."
  61. [17:04] * Kilarra takes her seat and nods, "They have every right to be, given what she is."
  62. [17:04] <Kilarra> Imoto stops looking dazzled by the daylight and looks abashed. "I-I'm sorry I bit you."
  63. [17:05] * Aluthyra smiles slightly as she takes a seat next to Kilarra.
  64. [17:07] <Kilarra> Imoto seats herself quietly at the table with the other two. As they eat, she explains, "Momma brought a couple of big devourers to act as bodyguards, but that's all."
  65. [17:07] * Kilarra nods, "How many is a couple?"
  66. [17:08] <Kilarra> Imoto counts on her fingers, "Three. Daddy didn't bring any thralls with him because mommy wanted to travel quickly, and she could only teleport so many."
  67. [17:11] * Kilarra nods, making note of the fact that her mother could teleport. However, there was one lingering question on her mind. "Mother wanted to be a family forever you said. Is she still alive or not?"
  68. [17:12] <Kilarra> Imoto blinks, "Well... she stills looks like she is, but a couple years ago she started wearing this fancy necklace. One time I walked in on her when she wasn't wearing it and she was really skinny and pale and got really mad at me." She frowns a bit, rubbing one arm.
  69. [17:15] * Kilarra frowns, thinking about that. "A lich." That wasn't good. Liches were powerful, and very difficult to kill. Fitting that she wouldn't give herself the same kind of weakness as her husband and daughter.
  70. [17:16] * Kilarra looks to Aluthyra, "Do you have any arrows that can bludgeon? Liches are skeletal and have no flesh to pierce." She glances at her mace.
  71. [17:17] * Aluthyra smiles and nods. "Yes. Thirty."
  72. [17:17] * Kilarra nods, "Good."
  73. [17:17] <Kilarra> Imoto looks worried, "You promised to talk to her first!"
  74. [17:18] * Kilarra nods, "and I will, butI want to be sure that Aluthyra will be safe no matter what."
  75. [17:18] <Kilarra> Imoto blinks, then nods slowly. That seemed... odd. The word safe seemed itself somewhat foreign to her.
  76. [17:23] * Kilarra eats a modest breakfast. She had more or less covered her bases in spell preparation, but wanted to get going so that Imoto's protective shade wouldn't wear off. It would last about two and a half hours total, although she had prepared it a second time as a precaution.
  77. [17:25] * Aluthyra eats a mix of bread and cheese; simple and familiar to the woman. When she his done, she waits, ready to go out with Kilarra and Imoto.
  78. [17:25] * Kilarra stands, looking to Shorafa, "If all goes well I'll see you this evening." She heads towards the entrance, holding the curtain open for Aluthyra and Imoto
  79. [17:26] <Kilarra> Shorafa nods, "Good luck darlink."
  80. [17:26] * Aluthyra walks through, taking her bow off of her shoulder as she passes. Best to be ready.
  81. [17:29] <Kilarra> Imoto hesitantly steps out into the day, then just looks up at the blue sky in awe, Kilarra's protective enchantment keeping her shaded. "Wow..."
  82. [17:32] <Kilarra> Imoro looks to Kilarra, "Nisha... is the day always this pretty? I was usually awake at night even before I was a vampire because thats when mommy and daddy were too."
  83. [17:33] * Kilarra still looks a bit uncomfortable being called that. "Yes, so long as it's not cloudy out."
  84. [17:34] <Kilarra> Imoto walks along rather slowly, seeming to revel in the brightness of daytime while it wasn't destroying her undead body.
  85. [17:36] * Aluthyra frowns, looking around. "How far are we from your mother, Imoto?"
  86. [17:38] <Kilarra> Imoto gradually leads Kilarra and Aluthyra south towards the port, but then heads east as well along the coast. "She and daddy took a nice big cottage at the base of one of the cliffs on a small beach."
  87. [17:43] <Kilarra> Imoto eventually stops near the edge of a cliff with no apparent path down
  88. [17:46] <Kilarra> Aluthyra can make out with relative ease, a small inlet of beach at the base of the cliff, tucked just inside the nesting of two small hills at the base of a larger mountain.
  89. [17:47] <Kilarra> Imoto, already knowing it was there, points it out. "Down there."
  90. [17:47] * Aluthyra nods, allowing Kilarra to take the lead before following after.
  91. [17:47] * Kilarra has no idea how to get down there with no path
  92. [17:48] <Kilarra> Imoto doesn't hesitate, and transforms into a bat. She looks at them like it was nothing out of the ordinary.
  93. [17:48] * Kilarra blinks at that, then clicks the heels of her boots, the wings sprouting from them,
  94. [17:48] * Aluthyra stretches her wings and lifts up, ready to move on to the inlet.
  95. [17:49] <Kilarra> Imoto glides down, taking a whiff of the sea air and seeming elated. She flies down and lands on the inlet, keeping well away from the edge of the water, and turns back into her tiefling self.
  96. [17:50] * Kilarra enjoys the flight down for what it's worth, and lands shortly after Imoto, the wings on her boots retracting.
  97. [17:51] * Aluthyra alights onto the ground and curls up her wings.
  98. [17:54] <Kilarra> Imoto leads up to the stately looking lodge built into the little beach. Presumably having belonged to someone wealthy, but not looking a bit gloomy. Imoto knocks on the door. "Mommy! Daddy! I'm back! I brought Nisha!"
  99. [17:56] <Kilarra> The door is pulled open inwards, revealing an expansive, lobby-like interior rings by stairs and a 3/4 balcony that led to rooms on the upper floor. The doors were pulled open by a single, lumbering devourer. It didn't speak, but stood aside to let them in. Two more of the large undead monstrocities stand in the lobby, almost looking like morose decor.
  100. [17:56] <Kilarra> *ringed
  101. [17:57] * Kilarra keeps her pulls her mace into her hand, but keeps it at her side for now as she enters the lobby and looks around
  102. [17:58] <Kilarra> Notably, every single window has been boared up completely to keep sunlight from getting in, and the only dim light comes from a few everburning lanterns hung around the large posts.
  103. [17:59] * Aluthyra nocks a silver arrow, following Kilarra...
  104. [18:00] <Kilarra> Imoto makes her way over to small table with some playing cards and drawing paper on it. "Mommy knows you're here now. She and daddy will come soon."
  105. [18:03] * Kilarra eyes the Devourers warily. They were passive now, but a single order would throw all of them at her and Aluthyra easily. As well, she suspected trying to get rid of them now would just cause the rest of them to attack anyways.
  106. [18:04] * Aluthyra frowns. This seems unnecessarily risky.
  107. [18:06] * Kilarra stands near Aluthyra. "I don't like this. My mother is certainly powerful enough on her own, but we don't know how strong Imoto's father is, and these three are a problem. Any ideas?"
  108. [18:09] * Aluthyra frowns and shakes her head. "I doubt that they would appreciate us dispatching these three in advance... Do you have any spells to boost my resistances, or strengthen my skin? If in conjunction with my barkskin, at the very least, I may serve as a shield."
  109. [18:09] * Aluthyra , speaking of it, presses her free hand to her chest, pouring ki into her body and strengthening it.
  110. [18:13] * Kilarra nods and begins casting spells. Spell resistance for herself, and a mass Owl's Wisdom for both of them. Then Death Ward on Each of them.
  111. [18:15] * Kilarra also uses magic vestement to increase the fortitude of her chainmail, and Freedom of Movement on herself, trusting ALuthyra's greater nimbleness to serve in its place
  112. [18:16] * Kilarra isn't sure what kind of attack spells her mother favours, so she holds onto her energy protection for now.
  113. [18:16] * Kilarra does, now that her other spells are in place, give ALuthyra once again the benefit of Spell Turning
  114. [18:18] * Kilarra hopes it's enough. Aluthyra had handled Allevrah amazingly well, but her mother was just as powerful a spellcaster, with the benefits of no being a living thing anymore, if what she surmised form Imoto was true,
  115. [18:22] <Kilarra> After A few minutes more, a large set of double-doors on the floor above open, with two figures stepping out. The first was a very mature and rather gorgeous looking tiefling woman with long dark hair, glowing blue eyes, and two thumbs on each hand.
  116. [18:23] <Kilarra> Beside her is a handsome Tian man wearing very stylish clothes and hat, and a lovely looking rapier, along with a chain shirt made of mithral.
  117. [18:24] <Kilarra> The tiefling woman is wearing a low cut, slightly tattered at the hem black dress, two expensive looking rings, a necklace tucked into her cleavage, and a pair of bracers under the sleeves of her dress
  118. [18:24] <Kilarra> As well as a very stately cape.
  119. [18:24] <Kilarra> and a headband
  120. [18:25] <Kilarra> The tiefling woman steps up to the balcony, speaking in a sultry tone a little unnervingly similar to Shorafa's. "Nisha, my child. Welcome home."
  121. [18:25] <Kilarra> -End Session-
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