
Spades and Green Hoof Cemetery Summer 2014

Jan 13th, 2015
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  1. 3[11:33] * GreenHoof sits in front of Phoenix's grave on his haunches, beer in hoof. The stallion appears as if he didn't get any sleep last night, and the bags under his eyes give away as such. He clinks the beer against the headstone and takes another gulp, his long black tail curled around him.
  3. 03[11:36] * Spades tries to remain as quiet as he can. Hidden behind a tall gravestone, and eyes over the depresed stallion, Spades ponders about the posibility of scaring him. Of course, his childish mind falls on such thoughts, but it doesn't take him long to notice that it'd be overly immature. After all, he's almost an adult. The colt stands up and begins a slow march towards Hoof, trying to make his hoofsteps loud so to reveal he's there.
  5. 03[11:40] * GreenHoof 's ears flicker in response, the noise of hoofsteps registering. He nonchalantly pats his his side, feeling for his crossbow, as he calmly stands up and turns around, placing the beer on the ground. When his eyes are greeted by the young colt, he slowly brings his crossbow away from his hoof and scratches his side before placing it on the ground, an old trick he developed so others might not see he readied to draw everytime someone approached him from behind. The short earth pony is not wearing his banadana around his neck today, leaving the various scars visible on his chest that looked like he had been shot several times.
  6. 01[11:40] <03GreenHoof> "Oh... it's you." Hoof rasps quietly
  8. 03[11:43] * Spades nods. He didn't really catch more of Hoof's movements, enthralled by the plenty of scars on his chest. How did you get those, Walker? As usual, Spades starts with a question, his curious nature taking the best of him all the time. And why so alone here? Came to see if you find the pissed grave?
  10. 03[11:48] * GreenHoof turns back around to face Phoenix's grave, picking up his beer again and taking a swig. jesus... do all Equestrian kids ask this many questions? Hoof thinks to himself. "Scars came from a few things. And i'm alone cause most don't care to visit the cemetery. Like I said, they want to forget history." He neglects to answer the last question, the stallion having chose to attribute the urine to a wild animal. He also noticed the kid called him Walker rather than his pony name, something that oddly comforted the stallion
  12. 03[11:56] * Spades keeps his distance from the stallion, still staring at his scarred body rather than his face. A shining morning Sun announces Noon soon to arrive, and Spades, for a second, scoffs and trots to be under a nearby short tree. "Why would they even do that?... You non-ponies are weireder and weirder each time. All I get is that you all like to drink, announce orgies and visit smelly graves." Spades' little rant ends as soon as he rests his f
  13. 01[11:57] <03GreenHoof> [as he rests his f-]
  14. [11:57] <14Spades> Spades' little rant ends as soon as he rests his flanks on the ground. "And why do you carry that thing everywhere?" He aims a hoof to the crossbow.
  16. 03[12:06] * GreenHoof 's expression droops a bit at the colt's words, though his accusations weren't really that far off when it came to the inn. He takes another gulp of his beer as Spades finishes speaking, looking to him to see what he's pointing at, then looking at the crossbow himself, and then he shrugs, looking to Spades again. "Cause. Last time I didn't, some assassin mare almost killed me. And it's not everyone. Just some folks quick to forget. Think that now that they're in a new place they can just drop all the baggage from their past life and begin again. I wouldn't want to, even if I could. Like I said, some don't have the focus. Were drones in the old world, drones in the new too." He puts the empty bottle away and pulls out another, popping it open and clinking it against Phoenix's grave again before taking a gulp. "As far as the orgies and degeneracy, that's more of an Inn phenomenon..." The stallion says before coughing a bit, his voice giving out, realizing he'd said more just now than in the past entire week.
  18. 04[12:11] * Spades lo9wers his green foreleg and looks, pretending to be distracted, to a side, studying some of the other graves around. His face is locked in a slight frown, but he speaks softly. "Lots of graves for a small town. What's with the assassin mare you said? Did she kill your friend when she couldn't kill you?"
  20. 03[12:13] * Spades tries not to look at Hoof after the question, instead keeping his gaze over the graveyard. The shadow cast over him doesn't hide any of his features, since clear daylight makes it hard to conceal anything. Hoof cna appreciate how Spades' expression went from the subtle frown to more of a sad face.
  22. 3[12:15] * GreenHoof frowns, then shakes his head, figuring Spades was asking more out of curiosity and ignorance of how to ask these sorts of questions rather than malice or arrogance. He takes a moment, studying the kid's face for a second before responding. "No... that was another mare that tried to kill me. She killed my friend before she tried to kill me, though..." Hoof trails off before muttering just loud enough to hear, "...Guess I'm the last one standing..."
  24. 03[12:20] * Spades sighs, as if dissapointed. "You make it all sound so depressive, grandpa." His eyes return to Hoof full of curiosity once more, even if his face is locked in a blank expression. "You are alive, Walker, alive to go take revenge on that mare. Why don't you use your crossbow for something and stop drinking? Do non-ponies not believe in hope?"
  26. 03[12:28] * GreenHoof turns back around, putting the beer down next to Phoenix's headstone and looking at Spades, a slight hint of mental pain evident on his face. "What makes you think I haven't already killed her, kid? That loose end got wrapped up months ago, that witch is dead now. And besides which, revenge ain't hope, Spades. I figured Equestrians would know that, what with the magic of friendship and all. Hope's about all I can hold onto at this point."
  28. 03[12:31] * Spades stays silent, processing the info. A hint of surprise crosses his face, but it soon vanishes behind a face of confusion. "You... killed a witch? A non-pony killing a witch? What kind of witch was that mare?" he widens his eyes in surprise and stands up. "How did she kill your friend?"
  30. 03[12:33] * Rain flies by over the cementary not particulary happy with this place as it's quite a dismal place. However Rain does know with some help from a concerned fire pony where her farmerbro is, soon enough she spots the stallion and...some kid? Whose, wait no that can't be right he's too old then...deciding to figure out what is going on Rain decends towards the ground flapping her
  31. 03[12:33] * Rain wings in a back draft to kill her momentum at the ground. "Hoofy? Are you alright?" Rain asks coming up to the stallion and nuzzling him gently.
  33. 03[12:37] * GreenHoof straightens up, and for a moment, just a moment, he doesn't look like a miserable faggot, a look of resolve on his face instead. "A kashvar... kashver, or whatever. The ones with all the feral cultists that attack in hordes. She skinned him and used his flesh for... I don't know what. And part of his skin to make a mask to shapeshift into him. She's dead now though. It doesn't matter." The stallion turns back around to pick up the beer when a familiar mare lands and nuzzles him, looking at Rain with a tired look in his eye. "Eh? Rain, what're you doin here?"
  35. 03[12:39] * Spades glares to the purple pegasus if only for a while, too focused on Hoof's words previous to her landing. He looks down to the grave and, with a sigh, lets go his doubts and smugness. "Hey ma'am. Are you the sister of Walker?" He addresses the mare in a gentle, rare on him, tone, trying to sound nice and naive. "He was telling me a tale"
  37. 03[12:41] * GreenHoof raises an eyebrow at the colt's innocent tone, reminding him of himself when he was that age.
  39. [12:41] <06Rain> "Er, yeah I am..." Rain answers the colt after finishing the nuzzling and looks at Hoof with a small frown, "Farmerbro, come on I came in here to come get you, Hearth was worried when I checked in on her last and wanted me to find you. Why are you out here with Nix?"
  41. 03[12:42] * Rain draps a wing around Hoof in a comforting gesture in the meanwhile as she rubs his back soothingly.
  43. 03[12:44] * Spades stares a bit blankly to the show of affection. His mind drifts about the pudgy pegasus and then to the mention of the grave. "Before you go, Walker. What happened to the things of the witch?" His question sounds as innocent as his previous words.
  45. [12:46] <06Rain> "Hoof, whose this anyway?" Rain asks not liking the sound of this, "Better question, who are you kid? Why do you wanna know so bad?"
  47. 03[12:48] * GreenHoof plants his hooves where he stands, not shying away from Rain's soothing gestures, but not reacting to them either. He casts a glance to Spades, then looks to Rain, and then Phoenix's headstone again. "I'm just visiting him. I'll be home soon..." He opens his mouth again to respond to Spades' question before Rain speaks again, and he holds a hoof up. "This is Spades. He's an Equestrian. Travelled here with his brother for a couple days."
  49. 01[12:48] <03GreenHoof> "As far as the witches' things, I don't know, kid. I could really care less as long as they don't bother me again."
  51. 04[12:50] * Spades pouts and looks away from Rain. "Very impolite ma'am. I was talking with Walker before you arrived" The young green colt stands up, exposing his shovel and axe cutie mark to Rain's eyes for the first time, although trotting past her without much care. "I'll take your word on it. Who wants to end up being a toy for witches? Heh"
  53. 03[12:50] * GreenHoof smirks and chuckles mirthfully, standing up. "Not me..."
  55. [12:53] <06Rain> "Equestrian?" Rain asks looking at Hoof then at the kid again making a note of the cutiemark for later. "Huh, well alirhgt I suppose, though I don't see why you would be interested in what a bunch of witches wanted anyway. Escpically considering the huge mess that happened under the town." Rain looks a bit troubled before sighing "Alright sorry sorry, that was rude I'll admit, but
  57. [12:53] <06Rain> come on kid, thats like asking someone to relive some bad memories ya know?" Rain waits a spell before looking at Hoof "You take as long as you need Hoof, but hey member that you still have friends over here in the land of the living too ok?" Rain asks clapping a hoof to his shoulder.
  59. 03[12:56] * GreenHoof nods and gives Rain a slight, forced smile, and looks to Spades. "No, it's fine, I don't mind the questions. He's a bright kid."
  61. 3[12:56] * Spades just shrugs to all the words coming out of Rain. "Whatever you say ma'am" He makes a mental note about non-ponies, and grimaces for a while on his way to the entrance of the graveyard. Before going out, he calls to Hoof. "And you are a dull grandpa. Bye Walker, see ya later"
  63. [12:59] <06Rain> "..." Rain nods to hoof slightly before watching the kid head out and then cocks a look at Hoof "Grandpa? Since when did you get a bunch of kids when I wasn't looking eh? Grandpa?" Rain teases lightly as she digs her hoof into Hoof's side for a small dig.
  65. 03[12:59] * Spades trots slowly for the exit, minding the words he hear from the ponies as he leaves, and trying to muffle his hoofsteps as much as he can. Eventually, he's too far to hear anything, and starts running towards the town...
  67. 03[13:00] * GreenHoof chuckles and calls back. "Shit I'm only 22, not a grandpa yet!" He takes a deep breath and turns to Rain. "Alright... guess we can go, then..." Hoof turns to the grave, snapping a quick salute, before picking up the beer bottle and putting it away and looking to Rain again, shrugging. "Dunno why he calls me that..."
  69. [13:03] <06Rain> "Mm, might be cuz you act like waaay older than you are?" Rain chides softly as she wraps a wing around the stallion holding him close as they start to head out from the cementary. "Serisouly though hoof you really should try to lighten up, it's good to member the past but if your not careful your gonna get chained to it."
  71. 03[13:09] * GreenHoof goes with Rain out of the cemetery, leaning against the warm furred mare a bit under her wing. "Well... maybe I don't want to move on from it. It... it wasn't that long ago..." the short green stallion says as they exit the graveyard and head into townsquare, letting Rain lead the way
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