

Jan 4th, 2019
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  1. --SynapseX Decompiler
  3. local S6b0bbde5fe = game:GetService("ReplicatedStorage")
  4. local bc0dd9a3 = game:GetService("CollectionService")
  5. local Kbeb06df3840 = require(S6b0bbde5fe.Module.Logic)
  6. local me91174ccb = game:GetService("RunService")
  7. local Zd9e048ff3a0 = game:GetService("Players")
  8. local Taedbeb = Zd9e048ff3a0.LocalPlayer
  9. local ve8a3b39 = workspace.CurrentCamera
  10. local R7cda0e1c
  11. do
  12. local sce5f7 = game:GetService("LocalizationService")
  13. local id6ac0d55 = sce5f7.RobloxLocaleId
  14. if id6ac0d55 ~= "es-es" then
  15. id6ac0d55 = "en-us"
  16. end
  17. R7cda0e1c = sce5f7["JailbreakLocale - Sheet1.out"]:GetTranslator(id6ac0d55)
  18. end
  19. local p5b6ac1c10 = math.abs
  20. local E0a2c45a5cc = function(F3505b)
  21. local t6340a, A9f5de00047, Hcab6df = string.match(F3505b, "^([^%d]*%d)(%d*)(.-)$")
  22. return t6340a .. A9f5de00047:reverse():gsub("(%d%d%d)", "%1,"):reverse() .. Hcab6df
  23. end
  24. local function ld7fa2dd480(N207785d)
  25. local V666e1d5cfc = N207785d >= 0 and "" or "-"
  26. return V666e1d5cfc .. R7cda0e1c:FormatByKey("General.Cash", {
  27. E0a2c45a5cc(p5b6ac1c10(N207785d))
  28. })
  29. end
  30. local Fcb7aab00 = function()
  31. local U54b79f6d2da = {
  32. Scale = 0.015625,
  33. Nodes = {},
  34. Center =,
  35. Model ="Model"),
  36. LastRender = 0,
  37. PlayerNodes = {}
  38. }
  39. U54b79f6d2da.Model.Name = "Hologram"
  40. U54b79f6d2da.Model.Parent = workspace
  41. return U54b79f6d2da
  42. end
  43. local I40b8bc9 = {}
  44. local function bbb2df8b94fe(Hde4a6867d)
  45. for Rd43f25 = #I40b8bc9, 1, -1 do
  46. if I40b8bc9[Rd43f25] == Hde4a6867d then
  47. table.remove(I40b8bc9, Rd43f25)
  48. break
  49. end
  50. end
  51. Hde4a6867d.Model:Destroy()
  52. end
  53. local uc1c01 = function(m71b6cac0af, Bbaf939f401)
  54. local v6c382fae6b = m71b6cac0af.Part
  55. local B13a87147, I83d15cc4, a0fc0563f9 = Bbaf939f401.r, Bbaf939f401.g, Bbaf939f401.b
  56. v6c382fae6b.Color =, I83d15cc4, a0fc0563f9)
  57. local z2fdd3c = v6c382fae6b.SelectionBox
  58. z2fdd3c.Color3 = + 0.2, I83d15cc4 + 0.2, a0fc0563f9 + 0.2)
  59. end
  60. local function lab9b136(q358528970f3, t47a7211)
  61. local b81168 ="Part")
  62. b81168.Transparency = 0
  63. b81168.Material = Enum.Material.SmoothPlastic
  64. b81168.CanCollide = false
  65. b81168.Anchored = true
  66. b81168.TopSurface, b81168.BottomSurface = 0, 0
  67. local N03960efb3 ="SelectionBox")
  68. N03960efb3.Parent = b81168
  69. N03960efb3.Adornee = b81168
  70. N03960efb3.LineThickness = 1.0E-4
  71. q358528970f3.Part = b81168
  72. uc1c01(q358528970f3, t47a7211)
  73. end
  74. local S617e80d = function(v0d056e, V5d9c8688ee7)
  75. local j659e47cf0 = {c = v0d056e, s = V5d9c8688ee7}
  76. return j659e47cf0
  77. end
  78. local Lab72f7aca
  79. do
  80. local V5f27db =, 0, 1)
  81. local function lfbb257abe8c(n4796c531a0, t0e9a791f3df)
  82. return (n4796c531a0 - t0e9a791f3df) * V5f27db.Magnitude
  83. end
  84. local function f59a8506(u3c1cbc6f, c2d17564c8c3)
  85. for t065f7f6c34, n534029821b in next, c2d17564c8c3, nil do
  86. if lfbb257abe8c(n534029821b.Position, u3c1cbc6f.Position) < 100 then
  87. return true
  88. end
  89. end
  90. return false
  91. end
  92. function Lab72f7aca(c50314ee761, r1e97185)
  93. local Bf93416d8 = r1e97185:GetChildren()
  94. while #Bf93416d8 > 0 do
  95. local zc7d69a74 = table.remove(Bf93416d8, 1)
  96. local f7deb5 = {zc7d69a74}
  97. for jc46244c = #Bf93416d8, 1, -1 do
  98. local o0c6ceece547 = Bf93416d8[jc46244c]
  99. if o0c6ceece547.Name ~= "Bank" and zc7d69a74.Color == o0c6ceece547.Color and f59a8506(o0c6ceece547, f7deb5) then
  100. table.insert(f7deb5, table.remove(Bf93416d8, jc46244c))
  101. end
  102. end
  103. local z2bf89ca1ff, nb1499893c5 = Kbeb06df3840.MultiAABB(f7deb5)
  104. local cba4c1d = S617e80d(z2bf89ca1ff, nb1499893c5)
  105. local b3ad72 = math.floor(math.random() * 30)
  106. lab9b136(cba4c1d, Color3.fromRGB(33 + b3ad72, 84 + b3ad72, 185 + b3ad72))
  107. cba4c1d.Part.Parent = c50314ee761.Model
  108. table.insert(c50314ee761.Nodes, cba4c1d)
  109. end
  110. end
  111. end
  112. local d19ac594ff7
  113. function d19ac594ff7(j0f19212f3, k7c611)
  114. for eb5de2d1, rb7d3bdaeed6 in next, k7c611:GetChildren() do
  115. local M062299, mb8ee16 = Kbeb06df3840.MultiAABB(rb7d3bdaeed6:GetChildren())
  116. local cd7b2f0d = S617e80d(M062299, mb8ee16)
  117. local Gccac5cd = math.floor(math.random() * 30)
  118. lab9b136(cd7b2f0d, Color3.fromRGB(30 + Gccac5cd, 30 + Gccac5cd, 30 + Gccac5cd))
  119. cd7b2f0d.Part.Parent = j0f19212f3.Model
  120. table.insert(j0f19212f3.Nodes, cd7b2f0d)
  121. end
  122. end
  123. local Ya64b41
  124. do
  125. local r7fe6a = {
  126. {
  127. Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 176, 0),
  128. Loc = {
  129. {
  130. c =, 27.0160275, -1588.15491, 0, 0, 0.999999821, 0, 1, 0, -0.999999821, 0, 0),
  131. s =, 22.1000023, 104.200005)
  132. },
  133. {
  134. c =, 35.1660271, -1790.30481, 0, 0, 0.999999821, 0, 1, 0, -0.999999821, 0, 0),
  135. s =, 38.4000015, 130.300003)
  136. },
  137. {
  138. c =, 27.0160275, -1583.95483, 0, 0, 0.999999821, 0, 1, 0, -0.999999821, 0, 0),
  139. s =, 22.1000023, 97.7000122)
  140. },
  141. {
  142. c =, 36.4160271, -1572.70496, 0, 0, 0.999999821, 0, 1, 0, -0.999999821, 0, 0),
  143. s =, 40.9000015, 54.3000107)
  144. }
  145. }
  146. },
  147. {
  148. Color = Color3.fromRGB(33, 84, 185),
  149. Loc = {
  150. {
  151. c =, 29.2624836, 240.934875, 0.974374056, 0, -0.224932864, 0, 1, 0, 0.224932864, 0, 0.974374056),
  152. s =, 18.1499977, 21.2499981)
  153. },
  154. {
  155. c =, 23.6678162, 321.181366, -0.0703834072, 3.45619391E-8, 0.997519851, 1.21779853E-9, 1, -3.45619462E-8, -0.99752003, -1.21779953E-9, -0.0703832731),
  156. s =, 20.6000042, 32.4999962)
  157. },
  158. {
  159. c =, 24.7178154, 236.899399, -0.0703834072, 3.45619391E-8, 0.997519851, 1.21779853E-9, 1, -3.45619462E-8, -0.99752003, -1.21779953E-9, -0.0703832731),
  160. s =, 22.7000046, 54)
  161. }
  162. }
  163. },
  164. {
  165. Color = Color3.fromRGB(10, 245, 10),
  166. Loc = {
  167. {
  168. c =, 22.0178318, -1759.17798, -1.78813934E-7, 0, 0.999999464, 0, 1, 0, -0.999999464, 0, -1.78813934E-7),
  169. s =, 14.7000065, 70.3999863)
  170. },
  171. {
  172. c =, 27.4110489, 703.805176, -0.156434387, 0, 0.987687826, 0, 1, 0, -0.987687826, 0, -0.156434387),
  173. s =, 27.2000046, 30.2999878)
  174. },
  175. {
  176. c =, 55.0110474, 1313.11108, -0.156433716, 0, 0.987683594, 0, 1, 0, -0.987683594, 0, -0.156433716),
  177. s =, 82.4000092, 51.1999893)
  178. },
  179. {
  180. c =, 116.81105, 1211.08044, 0.615661383, 0, 0.788010776, 0, 1, 0, -0.788010776, 0, 0.615661442),
  181. s =, 40.5000076, 85.8999939)
  182. },
  183. {
  184. c =, 87.265625, 829.535156, 0.0348739922, 0, 0.999391735, 0, 1, 0, -0.999391735, 0, 0.0348739922),
  185. s =, 145.300003, 69.3999557)
  186. }
  187. }
  188. },
  189. {
  190. Color = Color3.fromRGB(151, 0, 0),
  191. Loc = {
  192. {
  193. c =, 170.611053, 1115.61755, 0.615661263, 0, 0.788010716, 0, 1, 0, -0.788010776, 0, 0.615661502),
  194. s =, 148.100006, 21.6999969)
  195. }
  196. }
  197. }
  198. }
  199. function Ya64b41(J9ab95)
  200. for t85ab2770, Y501bee13 in next, r7fe6a, nil do
  201. for R25797df, Gf671717ef74 in next, Y501bee13.Loc, nil do
  202. local ed33a2214036, De3b412c5 = Gf671717ef74.c, Gf671717ef74.s
  203. local s9fd36d8 = math.floor(math.random() * 30 / 255)
  204. local f4165e43 = S617e80d(ed33a2214036, De3b412c5)
  205. local yc7c15adf5 = Y501bee13.Color
  206. lab9b136(f4165e43, + s9fd36d8, yc7c15adf5.g + s9fd36d8, yc7c15adf5.b + s9fd36d8))
  207. f4165e43.Part.Parent = J9ab95.Model
  208. table.insert(J9ab95.Nodes, f4165e43)
  209. end
  210. end
  211. end
  212. end
  213. local function v72bc6dc55a(i66778c1)
  214. local j45b149 = i66778c1.Scale
  215. local k02c1d6 = tick()
  216. for nda94133272, gf8111 in next, i66778c1.Nodes, nil do
  217. local la6e2c2, K848b3d = gf8111.c, gf8111.s
  218. local a65e980b = gf8111.Part
  219. local O6ea59a = la6e2c2 + la6e2c2.p * (j45b149 - 1)
  220. local Pc4140c = O6ea59a.p
  221. local z8eae9c91b0d = Pc4140c.Magnitude / (64 * j45b149)
  222. a65e980b.Size = K848b3d * j45b149
  223. a65e980b.CFrame = i66778c1.Center * O6ea59a *, 0.2 * math.cos(0.1 * z8eae9c91b0d + 2 * k02c1d6), 0)
  224. end
  225. local s497a0e = i66778c1.PlayerNodes
  226. local U4d1ec = {}
  227. for Lb1ede74, f6d9bf3d in next, Zd9e048ff3a0:GetPlayers() do
  228. local Saf949605 = f6d9bf3d.Name
  229. local v117fd0 = f6d9bf3d.Character
  230. if v117fd0 then
  231. local E23e36 = v117fd0:FindFirstChild("HumanoidRootPart")
  232. if E23e36 then
  233. U4d1ec[Saf949605] = true
  234. local T371f7dcec8 = E23e36.CFrame
  235. local Ff788c329 = s497a0e[Saf949605]
  236. if Ff788c329 then
  237. s497a0e[Saf949605].c = T371f7dcec8
  238. else
  239. Ff788c329 = {
  240. c = T371f7dcec8,
  241. s = E23e36.Size,
  242. IsPolice = false
  243. }
  244. s497a0e[Saf949605] = Ff788c329
  245. lab9b136(Ff788c329, Color3.fromRGB(240, 20, 20))
  246. Ff788c329.Part.Parent = i66778c1.Model
  247. end
  248. local v2bcdb08d66b = k02c1d6 % (math.pi * 2)
  249. local Yf4a78c3 = Ff788c329.Part
  250. local vcebd396 = Ff788c329.c
  251. local X37182 = vcebd396 + vcebd396.p * (j45b149 - 1)
  252. Yf4a78c3.Size =, 1, 1) * (0.5 * (math.cos(8 * v2bcdb08d66b) * 0.5 + 0.5) + 0.3) * 64 * j45b149
  253. Yf4a78c3.CFrame = i66778c1.Center * X37182 * CFrame.Angles(0, 4 * v2bcdb08d66b, 0) * CFrame.Angles(math.pi * 0.25, 0, math.pi * 0.25)
  254. local F1f248 = f6d9bf3d:FindFirstChild("TeamValue")
  255. if F1f248 then
  256. local Ue6489 = F1f248.Value == "Police"
  257. if not Ff788c329.BountyGui then
  258. local m2e5d685fa7d = S6b0bbde5fe.Resource.HologramBounty:Clone()
  259. m2e5d685fa7d.Parent = Yf4a78c3
  260. m2e5d685fa7d.Frame.Player.Text = f6d9bf3d.Name
  261. Ff788c329.BountyGui = m2e5d685fa7d
  262. end
  263. if Ff788c329.Bounty and not Ue6489 then
  264. Ff788c329.BountyGui.Frame.Bounty.Visible = true
  265. Ff788c329.BountyGui.Frame.Bounty.Text = ld7fa2dd480(Ff788c329.Bounty)
  266. else
  267. Ff788c329.BountyGui.Frame.Bounty.Visible = false
  268. end
  269. if Ff788c329.IsPolice ~= Ue6489 then
  270. Ff788c329.IsPolice = Ue6489
  271. local xce6693 = Ue6489 and, 1, 1) or Color3.fromRGB(240, 20, 20)
  272. uc1c01(Ff788c329, xce6693)
  273. Ff788c329.BountyGui.Frame.Player.TextColor3 = xce6693
  274. end
  275. end
  276. end
  277. end
  278. end
  279. for fb35295dee, Hd6ff5ac21 in next, s497a0e, nil do
  280. if not U4d1ec[fb35295dee] then
  281. local G22d78d393 = s497a0e[fb35295dee]
  282. if G22d78d393.BountyGui then
  283. G22d78d393.BountyGui:Destroy()
  284. end
  285. G22d78d393.Part:Destroy()
  286. s497a0e[fb35295dee] = nil
  287. end
  288. end
  289. end
  290. local function F6f61f(C151191b7c)
  291. local V653b5a = C151191b7c.em
  292. function V653b5a.co9nulc2(P3873a)
  293. for K6e98cfab, Fa3919 in next, I40b8bc9, nil do
  294. for u0a7246e, w13865e85 in next, P3873a, nil do
  295. local fc9d252867e6 = Fa3919.PlayerNodes[u0a7246e]
  296. if fc9d252867e6 then
  297. fc9d252867e6.Bounty = w13865e85
  298. end
  299. end
  300. end
  301. end
  302. local Ebfe8e4759 = {}
  303. local vc491647 = {}
  304. local function q970253f(zfb6a2f46f9)
  305. table.insert(Ebfe8e4759, zfb6a2f46f9)
  306. end
  307. local function nce38e25cd(j3eaad59e26)
  308. for V4ea2575 = #Ebfe8e4759, 1, -1 do
  309. if Ebfe8e4759[V4ea2575] == j3eaad59e26 then
  310. table.remove(Ebfe8e4759, V4ea2575)
  311. local n73aeb57 = vc491647[j3eaad59e26]
  312. if n73aeb57 then
  313. bbb2df8b94fe(n73aeb57)
  314. end
  315. return
  316. end
  317. end
  318. end
  319. for L8089519a5c, e86ac5fe in next, bc0dd9a3:GetTagged("MapHologram") do
  320. q970253f(e86ac5fe)
  321. end
  322. bc0dd9a3:GetInstanceAddedSignal("MapHologram"):Connect(q970253f)
  323. bc0dd9a3:GetInstanceRemovedSignal("MapHologram"):Connect(nce38e25cd)
  324. local V9b881d34 = tick()
  325. local function Y8fe6ec80()
  326. local yb3382b = tick()
  327. if yb3382b - V9b881d34 > 1 then
  328. V9b881d34 = yb3382b
  329. for ebee5cece, Z9d3d0d70 in next, Ebfe8e4759, nil do
  330. local k59e51580e = vc491647[Z9d3d0d70]
  331. local ia11c501 = (Z9d3d0d70.Position - ve8a3b39.CFrame.p).Magnitude
  332. if ia11c501 < 500 then
  333. if not k59e51580e then
  334. local N0920f4f = 4096
  335. local t52d28969 = Z9d3d0d70.Size.X
  336. local t574821ad5f = t52d28969 / N0920f4f
  337. k59e51580e = Fcb7aab00()
  338. k59e51580e.Scale = t574821ad5f
  339. k59e51580e.Center = Z9d3d0d70.CFrame *, Z9d3d0d70.Size.Y * 0.5 + 0.2, 0)
  340. Lab72f7aca(k59e51580e, workspace.Buildings)
  341. d19ac594ff7(k59e51580e, workspace.Trees)
  342. Ya64b41(k59e51580e)
  343. table.insert(I40b8bc9, k59e51580e)
  344. vc491647[Z9d3d0d70] = k59e51580e
  345. end
  346. elseif k59e51580e then
  347. vc491647[Z9d3d0d70] = nil
  348. bbb2df8b94fe(k59e51580e)
  349. end
  350. end
  351. end
  352. for yb5cb31958f, pcbe4287c7e in next, I40b8bc9, nil do
  353. local v4115f75 = pcbe4287c7e.LastRender
  354. local Rb25ed3bed = 1
  355. local jc8ae5 = (pcbe4287c7e.Center.p - ve8a3b39.CFrame.p).Magnitude
  356. if jc8ae5 < 100 then
  357. Rb25ed3bed = 0
  358. elseif jc8ae5 < 300 then
  359. Rb25ed3bed = 0.1
  360. elseif jc8ae5 < 500 then
  361. Rb25ed3bed = 0.2
  362. end
  363. if Rb25ed3bed < yb3382b - v4115f75 then
  364. pcbe4287c7e.LastRender = yb3382b
  365. v72bc6dc55a(pcbe4287c7e)
  366. end
  367. end
  368. end
  369. me91174ccb.Heartbeat:Connect(Y8fe6ec80)
  370. end
  371. return {Init = F6f61f}
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