
Lending Lyra a Hand

Mar 17th, 2012
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  1. >day 14 in Equestria
  2. >finally found a place to live and are settling into life in an unfamiliar world
  3. >knock at the door
  4. >OHSHI-
  5. >slowly open door to reveal Lyra
  6. >everythingwentbetterthanexpected.tiff
  7. >"Hi, Anon" she says.
  8. "I'm sorry, we haven't met. And you are?" you lie.
  9. >"Lyra. Nice to meet somep... someone new in town. I wondered if you needed a HAND with anything."
  10. >you can see her staring at your hands with a fanatical zeal
  11. "No. I've already unpacked all my boxes."
  12. >"Oh." she says dejectedly
  13. >"Well, you can always find me around town if you need something. I guess I'll"
  14. "Do you want to come inside? I was just about to have some lunch. I could make you some if you want."
  15. >she races inside your door and slouches human-style in one of your chairs
  16. >what do you make now? She's a herbivore but you've got a special deal with AJ for pork and chicken
  17. "Lyra, I'm almost out of vegetables so I'll have to make you something with meat in it. I hope that's okay.
  18. >she gasps in shock, then agrees, trying very hard to sound nonchalant
  19. >you can tell she is somewhat excited to eat meat
  20. >look through pantry
  21. >taco shells, apples, lettuce, carrots, ground beef in freezer, cheese
  22. >closeenough.png
  23. >make tacos
  24. >the smell of grilling beef wafts across the room
  25. >Lyra breathes in
  26. >she starts hacking and dry heaving and excuses herself to your bathroom
  27. >nothing in there is intended for use by ponies
  28. >you can hear her vomit
  29. >I'm not cleaning that up
  30. >she tries to take a drink of water from your faucet, but can't turn the knobs
  31. >she turns on the shower and drinks from that
  32. >you can hear her give herself a faint peptalk
  33. >Lyra cleans herself off with your towels. She stands on her hind legs and walks back to the kitchen
  34. >you ask why she's walking like that
  35. >"It's just that everything here was meant for with two legs."
  36. >tacos are ready.
  37. >Lyra grimaces at the thought of eating a cow like the ones she used to know as a fill
  38. >You serve Lyra a plate
  39. >she looks at it like it's poison
  40. >you start eating away
  41. >she gets uncomfortable and tries to pick up a shell
  42. >it slides out of her hooves
  43. >why can't I hold these tacos?
  44. >you stop and try to help her
  45. >nothing works
  46. >you forget lunch and start talking to Lyra about your jobs
  47. >she mentions she's the best lyre player in Equestria
  48. >you ask if she could play you something
  49. >she plays a fairly good, but slow, version of Winter Wrap Up
  50. >you clap for her
  51. >as you clap her face begins to blush.
  52. >you ask if you can try playing
  53. >you do an okay rendition of a song you learned on violin as a child.
  54. >she's astounded
  55. >"Anon, that's some of the best playing I've ever seen."
  56. "Really? I thought it was just okay."
  57. >"Wait right there. I'm going to get Octavia."
  58. >she and Octavia return almost instantly via teleport
  59. >"Anonthony. A pleasure to meet you!" Octavia says, holding a violin from the orchestra
  60. >Lyra explains to her the situation as she hands you the violin
  61. >you attempt, poorly, to play a vaguely remembered Bach sonata
  62. >they're astounded and take you to Twilight for further study
  63. >she hooks your hands to a series of electrodes
  64. >records you playing
  65. >"The secret lies entirely in Anon's extra appendages from his hand."
  66. >Lyra asks Twilight if she can build prosthetic hands so the orchestra can attempt more difficult music
  67. >you can tell Lyra's bullshitting through her teeth
  68. >Twilight says she hasn't done enough research and any attempt could be dangerous
  69. >Lyra pushes Twilight to transform her hooves into hands with a mad look in her eyes
  70. >Twilight tries a spell from a dusty book
  71. >Lyra looks at her hooves and makes this face as new fingers appear
  72. >She tries playing her lyre again
  73. >absolutely amazing
  74. >she thanks Twilight and you for giving her an opportunity to play better and walks back home
  75. >you go home and forget about what happened
  76. >next morning
  77. >another knock at the door
  78. >grab your lucky baseball bat in case of Flutterrapist
  79. >Lyra again
  80. >as you let her in the door, you notice her hands are bandaged
  81. "What happened to your hands?" you ask
  82. >"You didn't tell me these things were so thin! I tried putting on my shoes today but the nails went through."
  83. >you give her a pair of work gloves so she doesn't cut herself anymore
  84. >"Another thing, nothing here was built for use with hands!"
  85. >youdontsay.avi
  86. >"I'm also getting worn out walking on two hooves all the time. I can only do that for a little while."
  87. "Do you want Twilight to undo the spell?" you ask
  88. >"No, not just yet." she replies
  89. >"There are a few... advantages" she says, wistfully
  90. >flash cut to her schlicking, typing a My Little Human clopfic on a typewriter Twilight is building for you, petting Bon Bon's mane as she sleeps while whispering "Who's a good horsie? You are? Yes you are. What's that? 'Neigh?'" and running away as soon as Bon Bon wakes up
  91. >"OK. So why did you come to me?"
  92. >"I had a crazy idea and I totally get if you don't want to do it but what if, hear me out, you performed with the Equestria Orchestra next week at their concert series debut. I could be your... girlfriend."
  93. >areyoufuckingkiddingme
  94. >"No, see, it not only would make you a celebrity, it would help people see you as just another member of the herd and not 'that hairless monkey alien' like they think of you now."
  95. "Back up, you would be my 'girlfriend'?" you say, grossed out
  96. >"That's nothing. I just meant I would accompany you to the show. I was just trying to use the words you're familiar with. We wouldn't have to buck or anything, because I know you're not into ponies. It's all part of the 'Anon's a regular everyday normal pony' scheme
  97. >you agree, reluctantly
  98. >she grabs your face with her gloved hands and thanks you profusely
  99. >what have I gotten myself into
  100. >be the night of the debut
  101. >you've practiced the sheet music Octavia gave you but are still only moderately good at it
  102. >doesn't matter, ponies still think you're incredible
  103. >you dress in a suit Rarity tailored specially for you in exchange for threading needles for her
  104. >it's gaudy but nobody knows what human clothes look like
  105. >Lyra knocks again
  106. >you open the door and are somewhat shocked
  107. >her face looks more like a human face
  108. >you can tell she's wearing prosthetic feet and high heels
  109. >her skin seems less green
  110. "Lyra, you look... gorgeous."
  111. >"Thank you, Anon. You look...HANDsome"
  112. >if she doesn't stop with the hand puns...
  113. "So, are you going to teleport us there?"
  114. >"No, I got us something more romantic"
  115. >she points to a carriage being pulled by Bon Bon and Pinkie
  116. >you're WTFing hard at this
  117. >before you can speak she leads you to the carriage
  118. "Lyra, why are Pinkie and Bon Bon tied to this carriage?"
  119. >Twilight gave me copies of your human literature. It just seemed like a romantic gesture
  120. >she pulls out a whip and smacks Pinkie really hard
  121. >Pinkie perks up and takes off galloping
  122. "Stop! Lyra, there's no need to whip them like that. Just tell them where we're going."
  123. >"But Anon, isn't this how you did it on Ear-"
  124. "Horses there can't talk. You can. I won't watch you whip my friends like this."
  125. >She sighs and asks Pinkie and Bon Bon to take you to the symphony.
  126. >"Roger dodger," says Pinkie before Lyra reminds her that Earth horses don't talk.
  127. >Lyra's taking this whole "human girlfriend" thing too seriously you think.
  128. >you arrive at the symphony in time
  129. >Lyra gets out and pays Pinkie in sugarcubes
  130. >she almost hitches them to a tree before remembering your directions.
  131. >as soon as you step out, Pinkie runs away on a sugar high, dragging Bon Bon behind her
  132. >you look back at Lyra's feet and you see what you think is an ankle coming from the top of her prosthetic feet
  133. >you look back at her face and notice her horn seems smaller
  134. >"You're supposed to meet Octavia backstage. I'll be in the front row, putting my hands together after your solo."
  136. >you walk backstage and see Octavia waiting for you impatiently
  137. >"Anonthony! Is this what humans call punctuality? We're on in 15 minutes and you have yet to rehearse."
  138. >you rehearse with the symphony but they all still treat you like an outsider
  139. >you set up on the stage, right in the middle so everypone can see their star performer
  140. >you play along easily, the notes are all single notes or at the same distance across
  141. >the audience applauds as Octavia approaches a microphone
  142. >"Ladies and gentlestallions, as I'm sure you know by now, Equestria has a new species residing within it.
  143. >Through careful observation and conversation with Anonthony, we have determined that his... unique extremities have given him a musical ability unrivaled by anypone. We are pleased to introduce the first human member of the Equestria Orchestra, Anonthony!"
  144. you wave at the crowd nervously. you can hear hundreds of gasps and monocles dropping as they look at your hand
  145. >"Anonthony will be performing for us a solo piece from his home planet"
  146. >launch into Vivaldi's Rite of Spring with motifs of Winter Wrap Up mixed in
  147. >the crowd is in awe
  148. >furious applause at the end, which sounds like a stampede
  149. you look down and see Lyra clapping in the front row as the curtain closes
  150. >after the curtain closes, a stallion walks away and calls you a freak
  151. >feelsbadman.jpg
  152. you ride home on the same carriage with Lyra
  153. >she does most of the talking about how proud she was of you and how she defended you from people who called you a mutant
  154. >back at your house
  155. >Lyra asks "Isn't this where you invite me in for a drink?"
  156. "You know there's no alcohol in Equestria."
  157. >"We could make some coffee."
  158. "Since when do ponies drink coffee?"
  159. >"Twilight was able to simulate it after reading a science textbook."
  160. >she gives you a jar labeled "Cofee"
  161. >you make two cups
  162. >it's terrible and you stop after a couple of sips
  163. >Lyra drinks it all, burning her hands on the mug several times.
  164. >She asks you quite bluntly "So isn't this where the human mating ritual begins?"
  165. >you say "Lyra, you know my policy. I do not fuck ponies. I think you should leave."
  166. >she asks to use your bathroom before she leaves
  167. >you agree but insist she must leave right after and not break anything.
  168. >she takes like 10 minutes
  169. >she eventually calls for you "Uh, Anon. Can you come in here?"
  170. >you wonder what she broke
  171. >you enter and are shocked to see Lyra standing there with a human body with just a slight tinge of green to her skin
  172. "What did you do?" you yell at her
  173. >"I don't know." she responds
  175. >part of you is freaking out that she's not a pony anymore but part of you secretly enjoys her new human form
  176. >she thoughtfully wore a light green bra/panty set as part of her "human girlfriend" outfit
  177. >ignoring how weird that is, you call Twilight using the phone she set up.
  178. >Twilight's phone goes straight to voicemail saying you should call back during business hours
  179. >You tell Lyra she can sleep with you for one night, but no sex. She's still technically a p0ne.
  180. >She says, "Come on, Anon, haven't you always wondered what it's like?"
  181. >You admit that in any other circumstance, you'd be all over her, but you don't have sex with ponies, even if they're temporarily transformed.
  182. >she unhooks her bra and asks again
  183. >don't do this to me, boner.
  184. >you say no, although she can see you're getting turned on
  185. >"Ooh, looks like somebody's got a unicorn in their pants."
  186. >begone, ye lusty temptress
  187. >she unbuttons your pants and slides down your underwear
  188. >nononononononono
  189. >as she grins maniacally, she starts jerking you off with both hands.
  190. >yesyesyesyesyesyesyesyes
  191. OK, I fuck horses
  192. >you start fingering her and she squeaks with pleasure
  193. >both of you start climaxing at the same time
  194. >You cum into her mouth as she shoots mint scented juices across your arm
  195. >you sniff the minty goo
  196. >BUENO
  197. >you and Lyra fall asleep on your bed
  198. >when you wake up, Lyra asks if you're going to call Twilight and change her back to a pone
  199. >she seems depressed that her hands will be gone forever soon
  200. "I don't know. What happened last night was incredible but this world wasn't meant for humans. Unless you can find an arrangement like mine, it's not something I'd recommend."
  201. >she asks you not to change her back. She loves having hands and feet.
  202. >you decide not to call today, hoping she'll change her mind later
  203. >you go out and check the mailbox
  204. >Octavia sent you a letter requesting that you become a permanent member of the orchestra
  205. >you come back inside to find Lyra trying on your shirts and pants
  206. >"I won't tell her just yet" you think to yourself
  207. >you realize you left your violin at the opera house
  208. >"Hey Lyra," you call to her. "I need to go by the opera house. Can you lend me a hand?"
  209. >she agrees and you walk there, hand in hand.
  211. END
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