
Loss Chapter 1

Mar 4th, 2013
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  1. >Day Normal in Equestria
  2. >You are Anon
  3. >The only human in all of Equestria
  4. >You’ve been here for about a year now
  5. >And besides Fluttershy’s constant pestering, it’s been pretty good
  6. >You grab your bag and a bagel and run out the door, hoping to avoid today’s fetish guess
  7. >Nope
  8. >You bump into Fluttershy, and she falls backward
  9. >She actually pulls it into a roll and bounces back onto her feet
  10. >Huh
  11. >She beams at you
  12. >You resist the urge to D’aww
  13. >She may be the bane of your existence and annoying to no end, but you couldn’t deny her gir- adorableness
  14. >”S-so Anon, are acrobatics your fetish?”
  15. >…Did she actually plan for you to run into her?
  16. >She’s getting more scheming with her guesses
  17. >She’s like an evil mastermind of fetishes
  18. >You look back at Fluttershy as she gets blown over by a gentle breeze
  19. >She then squirms on her back like a turtle, before rolling onto to her side
  20. >Not seeing much ‘mastermind’ going on here
  21. Afraid not, Fluttershy. Now if you don’t mind me Ireallymustgetgoing!
  22. >Before she can try anything else, you dash past her
  23. >Time for another awesome day
  25. >You reach Twilight’s tree and pull out your key
  26. >Twilight had given you a spare
  27. >Sometimes she’d pull all-nighters, and you didn’t want to wake her when she slept in afterwards
  28. >After working with her every morning for 8 months, she trusted you enough for a key to her books
  29. >You unlock the door and walk in
  30. >Twilight looks up from her book and smiles as she sees you
  31. >”Hey Anon! I know you like using the key, but I could’ve opened the door for you!”
  32. >You smile back at her
  33. And risk waking you? Never
  34. >You walk over to the trap door that leads to the basements and head down the stairs
  35. >Twilight was even cool with you working alone now as well
  36. >Below is a laboratory
  37. >Your pride and joy
  38. >You’d been experimenting with chemicals and magic for the past while, as well as their effects on yourself
  39. >The world was a wonderful place when you could use your own body as a test subject
  40. >Ethics right out the window
  41. >You settle in for the morning; you know you’re getting close
  42. >If you can just get rid of one or two chemical imbalances, you know it’ll work
  43. >Of course, you need to be careful
  44. >The last time you tested it, you singed off all your hair
  45. >You missed the hair, but for some reason Twilight couldn’t use her magic to bring it back
  46. >Rainbow Dash had started calling you Chrome Dome
  47. >So creative, that one
  49. >You continue tinkering around with your concoction for a while, until your alarm on the wall goes off
  50. >You wave to the security camera as you leave; a weird tradition you’d started ever since you created the beauty
  51. >The chemicals inside reacted to magic, essentially doubling the energy put into it
  52. >A simple bolt of Twilights magic would run it for weeks
  53. >You wave goodbye to Twilight as you leave
  54. >Next up is Rainbow Dash
  55. >You see her cloud floating lazily about
  56. >You walk under it and wait a moment
  57. >…
  58. >Dammit
  59. Rainbow, wake up. We’ve got work to do!
  60. >”Mreh, 5 more minutes Dad…”
  61. >You sigh
  62. >She never makes this easy
  63. >You pull out a vial of liquid and shake it
  64. >Aiming it at Rainbow Dash, you remove the stopper
  65. >The smoke shoots out and wraps around her
  66. >You hear her start to sputter
  67. >A moment later, she falls off the cloud, landing with a thump at your feet
  68. >You pat her on the head
  69. Now, shall we get going?
  71. >A half an hour later and you’re standing in one of Apple Jacks emptier fields
  72. >This has been Rainbow Dash’s training area ever since you started helping her
  73. >”Anon, I hope you know I’m going to get back at you for that stupid stink formula you have. Why do you even carry that stuff around with you?”
  74. >You smile at her as she hovers above you
  75. Purely to wake you up every morning, Rainbow
  76. >”Can’t you think of anything better?”
  77. Nothing as funny
  78. >Rainbow glares at you
  79. >You shake your head
  80. Very well, Rainbow. If you can beat my course this time, I’ll wake you up another way
  81. >Rainbow’s eyes narrow
  82. >”…And we start 5 minutes later”
  83. >You smile
  84. Very well. I hope you’re up for the challenge
  85. >Rainbow’s eyes brighten and she grins
  86. >”Today’s the day, Anon! Give me your best!”
  87. Don’t regret it later!
  88. >With that, you pull out your set of chemicals
  89. >More specifically, these are your obstacle course chemicals
  90. >Each vial creates a different sized ring
  91. >As well, they remain connected to the vial with a strand of magic string that attaches itself to the ring
  92. >This allows you to control how they move
  93. >If flesh touches any part of the ring, it changes colour
  94. >You signal Rainbow to head to the starting line you always use
  95. >You tie the strings hanging out of the vials to your fingers
  96. >10 fingers, 10 vials, 10 different sized rings
  97. >You pull out the stoppers, and begin to position the rings
  98. >Rainbow is the best flyer you know; if you put the rings in weird positions, she’d finish it no problem
  99. >Which is precisely why you started moving the rings while she flew
  100. >The two of you had been attempting to enhance her reflexes beyond what anyone in Equestria could reach
  101. >The next Wonderbolts audition, later this month, wouldn’t just get Rainbow on the team
  102. >You’d make her Captain
  103. >After a moment of some fairly silly looking finger wiggling, you nod at Rainbow Dash
  104. >And before you can react, she’s made it through the first ring
  105. >Shit
  106. >You pull your pinkie in to bring the first ring back, and focus on the rest
  107. >You split your mind to focus on each ring individually, and begin shifting them as much as you can
  108. >You make sure not to make them move at any consistent speed or in any kind of pattern
  109. >Yet still, Rainbow succeeds at passing through the second to fifth ring
  110. >Of course, this is when it gets fun
  111. >Now it’s only one hand, and your mind is able to focus more
  112. >Rainbow twists and turns, following the rings as they move through the air at increasing speeds
  113. >After what feels like ages, but what is only about thirty seconds, there are only two rings left
  114. >Rainbow begins flying towards the second last one
  115. >Just as she reaches it, however, you yank, pulling the two rings in close to each other
  116. >Rainbow, with her wings in free fall, would barely fit through the smallest ring
  117. >You bring them in close, criss-crossed like a Venn diagram
  118. >Rainbow goes through the first ring
  119. >You’ve got her now, the gap between is tiny
  120. >But then Rainbow twists, making a barely perceptible flap of her wings and shooting above the ring
  121. >Before you can react, she dives and loops through the final ring
  122. >It doesn’t change colour
  123. >Baffled, you pull the last ring towards you
  124. >You put the end of the strings into the vials, and they chemical returns
  125. >Rainbow Dash lands in front of you a moment later, breathing deeply
  126. >”Hah! Did you see that? Am I awesome, or am I awesome? I should’ve asked for 10 minutes!”
  127. >You stare at Rainbow, your mouth hanging open
  128. >Rainbow cocks her head
  129. >”Uh, Anon? You ok?”
  130. >You shake your head, refocusing
  131. Rainbow… that was astounding. You’re astounding!
  132. >Rainbow blushes
  133. >”Don’t get too amazed Anon. You’re my Coach, remember?”
  134. >You pat her on the back
  135. I don’t think I have much more I can help you with after that, Rainbow
  136. >Rainbow looks distraught for a second, but quickly recovers
  137. >After a moment she grins
  138. >”Well then, I guess I’ll have to teach you how to wiggle your fingers better! I’ll see you tomorrow!”
  139. >With that, she flies into the air
  140. >”Remember, 5 minutes later!”
  142. >You return home after a visit to Apple Acres
  143. >You bought a couple of apples, but not before being dragged into an arm wrestling contest between the Apple Family and a few of their visiting cousins
  144. >Your arm was still sore; brute strength had never been your strong point
  145. >That was a few hours you weren’t getting back, but Big Mac and Apple Jack were always fun to hang out with at least
  146. >And over the months, Apple Bloom and her CMC pals had grown to see you as a sort of big brother
  147. >They’d said something about kinship between blank flanks and stuck to you since
  148. >You didn’t mind
  149. >You mow down on the apples for your dinner
  150. >Sometimes you missed meat, but the whole vegetarian thing had grown on you
  151. >After a bit of relaxation, you figure you may as well go to sleep
  152. >You settle in for the night, hoping tomorrow will be as good as today
  153. >You fall asleep imagining ways to make your obstacle course harder
  155. >Day Disaster in Equestria
  156. >You wake up to a loud knocking on your front door
  157. >You look outside to see the sun just beginning to rise
  158. >Fluttershy isn’t normally this early
  159. >A moment later, the knocking returns, louder and faster
  160. >You hop out of bed, quickly getting dressed, and run down stairs
  161. >You open the door to see a distressed looking Twilight
  162. Twilight, what’s wrong?
  163. >”Anon, the library! It’s gone!”
  164. What? What do you mean ‘gone’?
  165. >”There’s no time to explain right now, just follow me!
  166. >Twilight runs off, and you follow suit
  167. >You reach Ponyville fast enough, and you soon see what she means
  168. >Where the tree once stood is a fiery ruin
  169. >Where once books were held, only ash remained
  170. >The nearby buildings are being sprayed with water by numerous ponies
  171. Twilight, what happened here?
  172. >”I don’t know, I woke up to Spike shaking me, and when we got down stairs, the whole place was aflame. I tried to stop it, but the fire was immune to my magic!”
  173. >Twilight begins to cry
  174. >”I’ve never felt so helpless!”
  175. >You pat her on the shoulder
  176. >How could this have happened?
  177. >No time for that now though
  178. Twilight, let’s see if there’s anything left. It’s seemed to have simmered down enough now
  179. >She sobs, but nods, following after you as you walk through the ashes
  180. >It’s not looking so good
  181. >The fire was thorough
  182. >After a moment, you notice a gleam
  183. >You brush side some of the ash
  184. >You lift up your prize
  185. >One of your cameras
  186. >You’re not sure how it lasted the fire, but you aren’t complaining
  187. >Twilight comes up behind you
  188. >She gasps as she sees what you’re holding
  189. >”Anon! Maybe the camera will show what happened last night!”
  190. >You look back at Twilight
  191. >Tears are still flowing down her face, but you see a glimmer of hope
  192. >It makes your heart ache
  193. Let’s find out then
  195. >You can’t believe it
  196. >What is this?
  197. >You, Twilight and the rest of the town are silent as they watch the camera’s recording unfold
  198. >You see a human wearing a sock mask rummage through the library
  199. >They walked right through the door
  200. >You see a glimmer as they put away your key
  201. >How?
  202. >They head down the stairs to your laboratory
  203. >A few moments later they return with…
  204. >No
  205. >Your latest concoction
  206. >The one that had burnt off your hair
  207. >The figure shakes it up and then lets it go, and a flash blinds the camera for a moment
  208. >When it fades, the figure is gone, and the library is ablaze
  209. >Twilight turns off the recording and looks at you
  210. >”…Why?”
  211. Twilight, you have to believe me when I say that wasn’t me!
  212. >Her eyes glow purple, and you feel yourself unable to move
  213. >”Don’t lie to me, Anon! Why did you do this? I thought we were friends?!”
  214. You know me, Twilight! You know I wouldn’t do such a thing!
  215. >”Were you lashing out? Were you sick of living with ‘little ponies’?”
  216. >You try to struggle, but the magic lifts you off the ground
  217. >You look towards the crowd, hoping for help
  218. >You’re met with angry glares
  219. >”Anonymous, you not only destroyed my home and library, but you also endangered the lives of myself and the ponies who live near me”
  220. Twilight, no! I didn’t do it, I’ve been framed I swear!
  221. >She carries on, ignoring you
  222. >”I hereby, with the power invested upon me by Celestia as her student, and as an Element of Harmony, do banish you from Equestria!”
  223. >You feel your heart drop
  224. >A moment later, the world twists and turns, and you find yourself in a waste land
  225. >Only you and the Mane 6 are here
  226. >The ponies glare at you
  227. >Rainbow looks at you sadly before turning away
  228. >The only one that doesn’t look mad is Fluttershy
  229. >She’s impassive
  230. >Twilight speaks up, her eyes glowing
  231. >”Never return to Ponyville, Anonymous, or face far worse!”
  232. >She turns away as well
  233. >”I never want to see your face again”
  234. >And with that, they disappear
  235. >You look around you
  236. >There’s nothing but rocks and desert
  237. >You sit down, unable to stand any longer
  238. >…What just happened?
  240. >You are Fluttershy
  241. >The look on Anon’s face was almost too much
  242. >It killed you to do this to him
  243. >But you loved him
  244. >And you knew his happiness would only last so long as he refused your love
  245. >And his happiness was your greatest concern
  246. >You feel yourself grow giddy
  247. >Imagine how he’ll react when you save him from his banishment, returning him home
  248. >Then he’ll love you
  249. >He’ll have no choice
  250. >You are Fluttershy
  251. >Master Planner
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