
Text Adventure Chapter 11 Log

May 22nd, 2014
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  1. >You attend to the wounds of your party members.
  2. [ALL HP RESTORED! (One first aid kit used)]
  4. >You look around the massive library, at a loss of what to do.
  5. >What did Twilight bring you guys here to do?
  6. >Eh, who cares what she wants anyway?
  7. >You turn to your party.
  8. “Hey guys, let’s find some books on medicine or alchemy.”
  9. >Red shakes her head.
  10. >“While I’d love to further my knowledge on it, we should really focus on trying to find something that will help us against this threat. The library is too big for just a few of us to be searching.”
  11. >The rest of your group nod their heads and murmur in agreement.
  12. >Oh, right. The giant shadowy monster thing.
  13. >Fuck it, you’ll do it yourself.
  14. “Hey Red, you wanna tag along with me?”
  15. >The nurse nods.
  16. >“Sure, why not?”
  18. >You’ve managed to find some interesting books on your excursion.
  19. [ADDED TO INVENTORY: Intermediate Medicine, The Notes of Starswirl The Bearded: Portals.]
  20. >On your way to your reading spot, you almost trip over a lump of butterscotch.
  21. >Oh wait, that’s just Fluttershy.
  22. >You never did get that info out of her.
  23. >There’s always a possibility that you could get a book with info about manticores, and not have to deal with her.
  24. >However, you’re too lazy to find more books.
  25. “Hey Red, I gotta take care of something, you gonna be alright doing your own thing?”
  26. >She nods.
  27. “Yeah, I’ll be fine.”
  28. >After a kiss, you part ways.
  29. >Without a word, you sit down next to the pegasus who is looking down at a book.
  30. >She doesn’t notice at first, but eventually she looks up from the text and faces you.
  31. “Yo.”
  32. >The pony stutters out a faint “Hello”.
  33. >Okay think, how do you get this thing to start talking to you and giving info?
  34. >You notice the butterflies on her flank.
  35. >Hm, you’ve actually noticed marks on all of the ponies here, you’ll have to ask about that later.
  36. >For now, you’ll just assume that they are just ass tattoos, and that they represent the interests of the pony they are on.
  37. “So, butterflies, huh? Do you like them?”
  38. >She perks up just a bit.
  39. >”O-oh… Yes, I do…”
  40. >Good start so far. Wait, isn’t she supposed to have a major hard-on for animals or some shit?
  41. >You speak up again.
  42. “What about other kinds of animals? Which do you like?”
  43. >It looks like the meek pegasus is getting a bit more interested in the conversation.
  44. >...
  45. >After what feels like endless babbling about animals, you remember what you came here for in the first place.
  46. “By the way, is there anything else you can tell me about manticores? How aggressive are they?”
  47. > Fluttershy ponders for a bit.
  48. >”Well um, their tails are poisonous… and they are just as aggressive as a lion. They can fly, too…”
  49. >That is still terrifying.
  51. >So, what now? You can attempt to find some books on what’s attacking Equestria, go to your spot and read your current books, stay here and talk to Fluttershy some more, or something else.
  54. ZECORA
  56. HP: 150/150
  57. Abilities: Brew Potion, Potion toss, Shoot dart
  58. Inventory: Healing potion (2), Iron Hide Brew (1), Potion-making kit, Blowdart w/ poison darts (3)
  59. Equipped: Forehoof bracelets, Earrings, Neck bracelets
  63. >Oh, you forgot something!
  64. >You’re a bit curious about dark magic, so you’ll pick up a book on that as you travel back to your reading corner.
  65. >...
  66. >Turns out you got more than just a dark magic book on the way back.
  67. [ITEMS ADDED: A Crash Course on Dark Magic, A book with a faded title that’s too hard to see. It seems to be all about sex though, so it shall be called “The Book of Sex”]
  69. >You settle down in the spot you have claimed for yourself, and decide to read through the portal book.
  70. >Surprisingly, it uses the standard Arabic alphabet.
  71. >It tells of many of Starwirl’s portals.
  72. >They are all primarily enchanted mirrors it seems.
  73. >Most lead to… alternate worlds? Interesting, maybe this could explain how you got here.
  74. >A few pages later, you see a very interesting section.
  75. >It starts off with a picture of what looks like a human. Below it are details telling about a world where every pony is a human, and the society being much more technologically advanced.
  76. >Huh, maybe you should keep this in mind.
  77. >That’s enough of that for now.
  78. >You proceed to read the other books you have.
  79. >...
  80. >After reading a bit more, you close the book and stretch.
  81. >You’ve learned a bit from the medical book, but will need some real practice to completely master the new info.
  82. >As for dark magic, a lot of the book didn’t really make sense to you. Guess you’ll need to understand basic magic first.
  83. >You’re a bit sleepy right now.
  84. >Hm, would there be a way to tranquilize that manticore?
  85. >You know just the Zebra to ask.
  87. “Hey Zecora, do you know if you could make tranquilizer darts?”
  88. >She nods with a smile.
  89. >”If I have the proper ingredients, yes. I know of a poison that makes creatures rest.”
  90. >You nod in approval.
  91. “Cool, let’s stay on the lookout.”
  94. Sleeping darts: 2 blue leaves, 1 red herb
  97. >Putting stuff to sleep sounds good and all, but what really sounds nice is a gun.
  98. >You make a list of stuff to gather on your phone.
  100. [QUEST ADDED: Firepower]
  102. Obtain the following items:
  104. Metal Pipes (0/4)
  105. Wooden Handle (0/1)
  106. Small Mechanism (0/1)
  107. Gunpowder (0/1)
  108. Reusable Ignitior (0/1)
  111. >You put your phone away, and begin your next task.
  112. >Walking over to Twilight, you ask a question.
  113. “Can you tell me the basics of magic?”
  114. >Her head shoots up as soon as you ask the question.
  115. >”I’d love to!”
  116. >...
  117. [Obtained knowledge of basic magic!]
  118. >You still can’t use it, though, apparently you need magic “inside of you”.
  120. >Before you leave, you hand Twilight the book on dark magic.
  121. “Could you explain this to us?”
  122. >She goes on to explain what dark magic is, and shows a bit on how to use it.
  123. >”Remember, dark magic is only used in extreme emergencies.”
  125. >Another idea strikes you.
  126. >If you could tame that manticore, you could go riding into battle like a badass.
  127. >However, if it got injured, you wouldn’t know how to care for it.
  128. >The closest living source of info about that stuff is only a few steps away, so you decide to just ask her now.
  129. “Hey Fluttershy, mind if I ask a few more animal questions?”
  130. >She happily obliges.
  131. [Basic vet skill learned!]
  133. >It’s pretty much the same as healing wounds on humans and ponies, so you’re pretty sure you have the ability down without need to practice.
  134. >Also, Ms. Banana Hush seems to have opened up quite a bit since your first encounter; that’s a quest you can check off.
  136. [Quest: Get Fluttershy to open up: COMPLETE]
  137. Reward(s): Well you’re better acquainted with an animal lover… Woohoo..?
  139. >You notice Redheart walk past.
  140. >You gaze at that great booty as she goes by.
  141. >It’s nice.
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