

Apr 28th, 2012
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  1. 07:22 FractalDawn Yup
  2. 07:22 FractalDawn and arranged essentially by Kalarus and Dorotea
  3. 07:22 Artell Right.
  4. 07:23 FractalDawn Except Tavi stole her safety net, so she ran, and Tavi's theft actually saved his life by delaying him when Crassus tried to get the purse back
  5. 07:23 FractalDawn Just-- damn. I like that there is a /reasonable/ and valid cause for him being the one left standing.
  6. 07:24 Artell It's almost as if Jim Butcher is a competent writer!
  7. 07:26 FractalDawn I know!
  8. 07:26 FractalDawn Such an astonishing thought.
  9. 07:26 FractalDawn And all from a Lost Roman Legion with Pokemon.
  10. 07:28 Artell Indeed.
  11. 07:38 *** Guest63156 quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
  12. 07:55 *** July joined #PPC
  13. 07:55 +++ Bot has given op to July
  14. 07:57 Artell Well, there goes my Saturday, I rediscovered Ashens. [Show YouTube video (] [Getting info...]
  15. 07:58 Pieguy Ashens rocks.
  16. 07:59 Artell His voice is so nice.
  17. 07:59 Artell I could listen to it all day.
  18. 07:59 *** July quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
  19. 08:01 *** July joined #PPC
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  21. 08:11 *** July quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
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  24. 08:21 *** July quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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  27. 08:29 *** July quit (Ping timeout: 252 seconds)
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  30. 08:48 CrimsonFlight The forum I frequent is offline due to someone deciding to hack it. Again.
  31. 08:48 CrimsonFlight Why does this always happen?
  32. 08:49 CrimsonFlight I mean, the ones responsible last time did it because LEGO used Maori names for the names of some BIONICLEs.
  33. 08:59 Pieguy Well, Molten Core was nice
  34. 09:13 *** July quit (Ping timeout: 276 seconds)
  35. 09:14 FractalDawn ...CF: Bionicle fan?
  36. 09:20 CrimsonFlight Yes.
  37. 09:21 CrimsonFlight I still am, despite it ending two years ago. I follow Hero Factory as well.
  38. 09:24 FractalDawn Oh, Bionicle finally ended?
  39. 09:24 FractalDawn I need to catch up on the sets, then. Even if I'm sad I missed most of Gen1
  40. 09:24 CrimsonFlight Two years ago in fact.
  41. 09:24 FractalDawn Damn.
  42. 09:24 CrimsonFlight The ending was rather rushed.
  43. 09:24 CrimsonFlight But better than nothing.
  44. 09:24 FractalDawn I should find out what happened. Takanuva was kind of one of my favorite little darlings ever.
  45. 09:25 FractalDawn Just. He was 'dorable and sweet as Takua
  46. 09:25 FractalDawn and then shiny and 'dorable and sweet as Takanuva
  47. 09:25 CrimsonFlight When did you stop following the story?
  48. 09:25 CrimsonFlight He was a Adorkable yes.
  49. 09:26 FractalDawn Um, I think I had ~ish through Metru Nui? And I heard that Jaller, Hahli, Hewkii ... was it Matoro or Kopeke?, and I cannot remember the last two got elevated up to Toa
  50. 09:26 FractalDawn went through two forms, because requisite
  51. 09:26 CrimsonFlight Yeah.
  52. 09:26 FractalDawn And, um, last I knew there was something about killing Mata Nui?
  53. 09:26 CrimsonFlight It was Matoro.
  54. 09:27 CrimsonFlight Oh, he was dying. 2006 - 2008 were about bringing him back to life and reawakening him.
  55. 09:27 FractalDawn Oh yeah, and Takanuva got hit with something and was Shadow for a while 'cos something screwed with his light and he was all half light half dark and I think I got that set?
  56. 09:27 FractalDawn had a favorite, 'key
  57. 09:27 CrimsonFlight The giant one.
  58. 09:27 CrimsonFlight 2006-2008 were interesting due to all the story serials.
  59. 09:28 CrimsonFlight Like Lesovikk McAngsty-Awesome.
  60. 09:28 FractalDawn Anyway, I lost track a lot--the Toa Nuva were off doing one thing, the new Toa off doing... something. Never was quite clear
  61. 09:28 CrimsonFlight Basic summary.
  62. 09:28 CrimsonFlight 2001: Fight the Makuta
  63. 09:28 CrimsonFlight 2002: Fight the Bohrok.
  64. 09:29 CrimsonFlight 2003: Fight the Bohrok-Kal, Hi there Takanuva, Fight the Rahkshi, Destroy Makuta's body.
  65. 09:29 CrimsonFlight 2004: 1000 years before. Toa Metru! Fight Makuta! Seal him.
  66. 09:29 CrimsonFlight 2005: Mutation into Hordika, Toa Metru, fight Visorak. Free Makuta by accident. Or on purpose, because Vakama did it.
  67. 09:29 FractalDawn (I own Mask of Light and the Metru Nui one--but seriously, Mask of Light. OMG, has Gali Gee actually finished that story? I should check)
  68. 09:29 FractalDawn ...
  69. 09:30 FractalDawn [insert expletive verb] Vakama
  70. 09:30 CrimsonFlight Vakama was awesome.
  71. 09:30 FractalDawn Heh, I could never stand him. Drove me crazy as Turaga, never got past that
  72. 09:30 CrimsonFlight He hit a Rahkshi in the head as a Turaga.
  73. 09:31 CrimsonFlight HE. AS AN OLD GUY. HIT A RAHKSHI.
  74. 09:31 CrimsonFlight He also threatened to destroy the universe in Time Trap.
  75. 09:31 CrimsonFlight That was awesome.
  76. 09:31 FractalDawn Sure. Still annoyed the crap out of m-- what?
  77. 09:31 FractalDawn O.o
  78. 09:32 CrimsonFlight The climax of Time Trap involved Vakama bargaining with the Makuta, wanting safe passage for the Toa Metru to the island of Mata Nui, and one year of safety.
  79. 09:32 CrimsonFlight He did so by threatening to destroy the Mask of Time.
  80. 09:32 CrimsonFlight Which would have lead to the universe collapsing as time went weird.
  81. 09:33 CrimsonFlight Also, managing to bargain with the Makuta is something not many can do.
  82. 09:33 *** July joined #PPC
  83. 09:33 +++ Bot has given op to July
  84. 09:33 FractalDawn Okay. I'll give him that much.
  85. 09:33 FractalDawn But only reluctantly, you understand
  86. 09:34 FractalDawn Maaaan I am so sad Gali Gee never did finish Into the Light. I kind of love it. Four years later I still look wistfully in its direction.
  87. 09:35 CrimsonFlight He started off as a wimpy leader with a lack of confidence, begins to grow, then gets crushed by Lhikan's death, then turns into an arrogant hot-headed idiot, then after he leads the Metru into a trap, he becomes very angsty, ends up betraying the Metru and becomes an awesome villain, before then getting convinced by Matau and returning to their side.
  88. 09:35 CrimsonFlight Then he defeats Roodaka, freeing the Makuta in the process.
  89. 09:35 CrimsonFlight And he knew that would happen.
  90. 09:35 CrimsonFlight He just didn't care.
  91. 09:35 FractalDawn ...Okay. He's got a character arc. I will give him that. But seriously, [verb of choice] Vakama
  92. 09:35 CrimsonFlight Because he wasn't scared of Makuta.
  93. 09:36 CrimsonFlight GaliGee? I think I remember that name.
  94. 09:36 CrimsonFlight Something about BZPower.
  95. 09:37 FractalDawn Yup
  96. 09:37 *** EllipsisFlood joined #PPC
  97. 09:37 FractalDawn She had some really odd but some really great fanfic
  98. 09:37 CrimsonFlight Yeah
  99. 09:37 CrimsonFlight I remember.
  100. 09:37 EllipsisFlood Hi.
  101. 09:37 FractalDawn wistfully starts rereading Into the Light
  102. 09:37 FractalDawn hi, EF
  103. 09:37 FractalDawn Sorry, "Journey into the Light"
  104. 09:38 FractalDawn I miss it so much
  105. 09:38 CrimsonFlight Hey EF.
  106. 09:39 CrimsonFlight Her account got hacked and banned I think.
  107. 09:39 CrimsonFlight That's why I remember her.
  108. 09:39 CrimsonFlight Also, you know how I was ranting earlier? BZPower got hacked. Again.
  109. 09:40 FractalDawn Yes, I gathered that
  110. 09:41 EllipsisFlood How, hacked?
  111. 09:41 CrimsonFlight
  112. 09:41 CrimsonFlight When I try to access the forums, this comes up.
  113. 09:41 CrimsonFlight A community message.
  114. 09:42 EllipsisFlood Ah, I see.
  115. 09:42 EllipsisFlood What forum software do they use?
  116. 09:42 CrimsonFlight IP Board.
  117. 09:42 CrimsonFlight I think they've been using that for a long time.
  118. 09:42 EllipsisFlood ...what. It costs money?
  119. 09:43 EllipsisFlood builds herself a phpBB sandbox.
  120. 09:43 CrimsonFlight ?
  121. 09:43 FractalDawn But yeah, CF, her account was hacked. She started piecing some stuff back together, but... my fic has apparently never been finished
  122. 09:43 FractalDawn just sits and mourns
  123. 09:43 EllipsisFlood
  124. 09:44 EllipsisFlood Security leak or did they get her password somehow?
  125. 09:45 CrimsonFlight
  126. 09:45 CrimsonFlight What.
  127. 09:47 EllipsisFlood What are you whating about?
  128. 09:48 CrimsonFlight
  129. 09:48 CrimsonFlight They launched cyber attacks on a forum aimed at toy fans.
  130. 09:48 CrimsonFlight WHAT.
  131. 09:48 CrimsonFlight Just because of use of Maori words?
  132. 09:49 EllipsisFlood You know why Bionicle was discontinued (or rumored to have been discontinued).
  133. 09:49 CrimsonFlight It is discontinued.
  134. 09:49 CrimsonFlight Wasn't making enough money for LEGO.
  135. 09:51 EllipsisFlood Wait. Does that mean Hero Factory makes more?
  136. 09:51 CrimsonFlight BIONICLE was getting old.
  137. 09:51 CrimsonFlight They needed fresh stuff.
  138. 09:52 *** July quit (Ping timeout: 258 seconds)
  139. 09:53 EllipsisFlood Ah.
  140. 09:53 EllipsisFlood Dunno, I found both a bit weird.
  141. 09:54 FractalDawn Heh, I have a weakness for elemental magic systems and group casts
  142. 09:54 CrimsonFlight BIONICLE is ROBOTS WITH MAGIC.
  143. 09:54 CrimsonFlight Or at least, Biomechnical MAGICAL BEINGS.
  144. 09:54 FractalDawn Yeees
  145. 09:54 CrimsonFlight Hero Factory is SUPERHERO ROBOTS.
  146. 09:54 FractalDawn ...Meh, I like elemental magic systems, I'll stay in happybionicleland
  147. 09:54 FractalDawn Oh hey, you never did tell me how it ended
  148. 09:55 CrimsonFlight Well after Matoro did a Heroic Sacrifice and revived the dead Mata Nui, saving the universe, the Toa Nuva came back to awaken him.
  149. 09:55 EllipsisFlood Yeah. These are two words that don't really fit together.
  150. 09:55 CrimsonFlight Yes. A main set character died.
  151. 09:55 FractalDawn ...Meeep, Matoro!
  152. 09:55 FractalDawn Nuuuuu
  153. 09:56 FractalDawn Welp, I guess the Toa Nuva did their job...
  154. 09:56 CrimsonFlight I cried when he died.
  155. 09:56 FractalDawn You know what always made me sad? My MNOLG2 attempts kept breaking. I never got to finish it. And I wanted to, so badly!
  156. 09:56 CrimsonFlight Well, the Toa Nuva fought against the Brotherhood of Makuta (Including a female one) in Karda Nui.
  157. 09:56 CrimsonFlight MNOLG 2 works for me.
  158. 09:57 FractalDawn Is it even still accessible anywhere?
  159. 09:57 CrimsonFlight Yes.
  160. 09:57 FractalDawn and if it is, get me the fragging link I have an old screenname for Hahli okay I love her to death
  161. 09:57 FractalDawn (Bionicle was my first real fandom, I used to hang out on BZP aaages ago and tried some fanfic-ing. It led to my OC group cast in the end)
  162. 09:58 CrimsonFlight What was your name on BZPower?
  163. 09:58 *** July joined #PPC
  164. 09:58 +++ Bot has given op to July
  165. 09:58 CrimsonFlight
  166. 09:58 FractalDawn I honestly cannot for the life of me recall
  167. 09:58 CrimsonFlight There you go.
  168. 09:58 CrimsonFlight It's got MNOLG, MNOLG 2 and VNOG.
  169. 09:58 FractalDawn --!
  170. 09:59 FractalDawn quietly goes to die in a happy place
  171. 09:59 CrimsonFlight And BIONICLE Colgate.
  174. 09:59 CrimsonFlight starts squeeing.
  175. 09:59 FractalDawn CrimsonFlight: you have earned my eternal gratitude
  176. 10:00 CrimsonFlight Thank the guys in charge of running it.
  177. 10:00 FractalDawn So. So. Much. Omg.
  178. 10:00 FractalDawn squeeeee
  179. 10:00 CrimsonFlight I'm friends with one of the staff on that site.
  180. 10:01 CrimsonFlight Wait, Crystal Matrix contributes?
  181. 10:01 CrimsonFlight ...
  182. 10:01 CrimsonFlight MY GOD.
  183. 10:01 FractalDawn Well, pass on the thanks of a grateful child-at-heart who thought the opportunity to play through MNOLG2 had been forever lost
  184. 10:02 CrimsonFlight They have a Shout Box for stuff like that.
  185. 10:03 FractalDawn ...Okay. I will refuse to admit to the existence (or sadly I will weep for the crap writing I was doing, oh god I was older than you are) of most of that stuff
  186. 10:03 CrimsonFlight ?
  187. 10:04 FractalDawn but I had an at-least-half-decent Hahli-centric fic
  188. 10:04 FractalDawn from the immediately-post-MoL days
  189. 10:04 CrimsonFlight I rather liked her during 07.
  190. 10:05 FractalDawn I'd fallen off fandom by then
  191. 10:05 CrimsonFlight Possibly because everyone kept on doing ambiguously moral things.
  192. 10:05 FractalDawn (Also, uh, Hahli and Jaller may have contributed to my love of Water-Fire element pairings, cough)
  193. 10:05 CrimsonFlight The Ko-Koro Tram! I'd forgotten about that!
  194. 10:05 CrimsonFlight Looking through the videos on BioMedia.
  195. 10:06 CrimsonFlight They have nearly everything that counts as BIONICLE Media.
  196. 10:06 FractalDawn I saaaw
  197. 10:06 FractalDawn I'll have to look later, when I am less time-crunched
  198. 10:06 FractalDawn right now I gotta head out soon and I cannot for the life of me remember where I put my music
  199. 10:06 CrimsonFlight Yeah.
  200. 10:06 CrimsonFlight Anyway, I'm off to brush my teeth.
  201. 10:07 FractalDawn ohman, MNOLG2
  202. 10:07 FractalDawn my day is /made/
  203. 10:19 FractalDawn ...Opening a door in your own face is not recommended
  204. 10:19 CrimsonFlight I see.
  205. 10:19 CrimsonFlight By the way, how goes your MNOLG2 Adventures?
  206. 10:20 FractalDawn Heh. I am about to leave the house, I'll start my game when I get back.
  207. 10:21 CrimsonFlight I see.
  208. 10:21 FractalDawn I DO have Bionicle: the Game rattling around here somewhere, though!
  209. 10:21 FractalDawn is a proud little fan
  210. 10:21 CrimsonFlight BIONICLE the Game was awesome.
  211. 10:22 *** Tray-Gnome joined #PPC
  212. 10:22 FractalDawn This was before I owned a PS2, so I haven't actually finished it
  213. 10:22 +++ Bot has given halfop to Tray-Gnome
  214. 10:22 *** Tomash joined #PPC
  215. 10:22 Tray-Gnome Mrrblrrr.
  216. 10:22 FractalDawn but I believe I was stuck on a racing bit, so... meh.
  217. 10:22 Tomash Hello.
  218. 10:22 CrimsonFlight Hey.
  219. 10:22 Tray-Gnome Hey Tomash.
  220. 10:22 CrimsonFlight Ah, that racing bit.
  221. 10:22 FractalDawn we'll see, I'll probably try to play again sometime (behind my interminable queue)
  222. 10:22 FractalDawn Hullo!
  223. 10:22 FractalDawn Kopaka's level?
  224. 10:23 Tomash dodges Tray's tackle.
  225. 10:23 Tray-Gnome Not tackling people for the foreseeable future.
  226. 10:24 Tomash Darn.
  227. 10:24 CrimsonFlight Also, found another site for BIONICLE media.
  228. 10:24 CrimsonFlight This one for games.
  229. 10:24 FractalDawn Oooh, shiny
  230. 10:24 CrimsonFlight Run by GATANUI, youngest evar staff member.
  231. 10:25 CrimsonFlight
  232. 10:25 CrimsonFlight BOGA is more professional than BMP, but BMP has more content.
  233. 10:25 CrimsonFlight They're both still good though.
  234. 10:26 FractalDawn Mmm
  235. 10:26 FractalDawn but also useful for different things, probably
  236. 10:26 FractalDawn bookmarks with joy
  237. 10:26 CrimsonFlight Yeah.
  238. 10:26 CrimsonFlight Still surprised Gatanui managed to become staff at the age of fourteen.
  239. 10:27 Tray-Gnome I don't think I'm familiar with BMP?
  240. 10:28 CrimsonFlight Bionicle Media Project, it's a site dedicated to archiving all BIONICLE media.
  241. 10:28 Tray-Gnome Aaah.
  242. 10:28 Tray-Gnome Linky?
  243. 10:29 CrimsonFlight
  244. 10:29 Tray-Gnome Danke.
  245. 10:29 Tray-Gnome And now I go breakfast.
  246. 10:29 *** Tray-Gnome is now known as Tray-Nom
  247. 10:29 FractalDawn Okay. I am off to sing, and now with much happyjoy because Bionicle will be waiting for me, after my trip to GameStop! Oh, gamey-filled day...
  248. 10:29 FractalDawn Ta!
  249. 13:10 system You have disconnected from the server
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