
stuff 2

Apr 19th, 2018
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  2. tubular - Today at 10:05 PM
  3. additional thoughts from the shower today:
  4. there are probably shit tons of lost ghosts in those sealed vaults
  5. because i doubt fae are exceptions to the way getting dead works; they just don't have reapers because dying of natural causes generally isnt a thing
  6. gnarly - Today at 10:06 PM
  7. well I'm sure they do have reapers, they still die. especially like, around that war time?
  8. buuuut there very well could have been something keeping them around or preventing reapers getting in proper
  9. or detecting them
  10. magical interferance
  11. tubular - Today at 10:08 PM
  12. well i mean reapers are mortal (or fae) side, they don't come out of the spirit world to get you, they have to physically push you in from the side you're on and i don't think they can cross over
  13. so any fae reapers probably couldnt get to all the dead
  14. if they could i would be extremely impressed
  15. gnarly - Today at 10:08 PM
  16. y eah no nobody was going near that shit
  17. not even by choice I'm sure they'd love ot do their jobs
  18. but like. infestation
  19. tubular - Today at 10:09 PM
  20. ... and further more they're the ones that actually go around ending peoples' lives after their timers run out, ideally very gently. if they've been dead for a longer time than a few minutes the soul's ties disintigrate and they are now a medium problem
  21. so like, i'm sure fae reapers would have loved to put those people down gently and sent them across
  22. most of the ones stuck in the labs were probably totally innocent of the war stuff
  23. but there was no getting in there
  24. gnarly - Today at 10:11 PM
  25. .... I mean. a lot probably weren't innocent labs are where all the shady shit was going down to begin with
  26. but I mean once they're dead that ceases to matter
  27. most of the time dying is going to be a 'oh fuck, okay then'
  28. tubular - Today at 10:12 PM
  29. a lot probably aren't also, tho
  30. like, private ones for instance
  31. ... like the one snek is stuck in
  32. gnarly - Today at 10:12 PM
  33. I mean, kawaii snek and doggos were clearly in like, food labs
  34. tubular - Today at 10:12 PM
  35. yeah
  36. gnarly - Today at 10:13 PM
  37. the suckers in like toxin labs were ultrafucked they didn't have a setup for growing food they were pumping out toxins and shit
  38. most of them just up and drank some most likely
  39. tubular - Today at 10:13 PM
  40. yeah
  41. ......... yknow that makes me just... think about how many interns got trapped in those places
  42. didn't know what was going on, just wanted to do science
  43. ... those are probably the dangerous ones
  44. a lot are probably sleeping poultergeists now
  45. if not grudges
  46. gnarly - Today at 10:15 PM
  47. uuuuh huh
  48. tubular - Today at 10:16 PM
  49. .... that probably got woken the fuck up by the nuke
  50. gnarly - Today at 10:16 PM
  51. yeah just about everything that isn't infested is going to go off all at once
  52. snek is gonna be like NANI THE FUCK because it's the first new thing she's heard in thousands of years
  53. fuckin.. old security systems booting up, old grudges waking up
  54. tubular - Today at 10:17 PM
  55. yes
  56. ... well i mean not the first new thing
  57. i kinda figure she was trapped underneath the dick pillar
  58. where the city used to be
  59. gnarly - Today at 10:18 PM
  60. I mean.... a lot of that stuff is definitely centred around there
  61. underground too so it'll be a fuckin earthquake
  62. tubular - Today at 10:18 PM
  63. yeah
  64. she felt that entire fight
  65. ... the doggos probably aren't too far away from her so them too
  66. gnarly - Today at 10:18 PM
  67. I guess come to think of it a lot of shit is already awake
  68. tubular - Today at 10:19 PM
  69. around that area, yeah
  70. probably less so the further away you get
  71. but a fuckin realm-wide nuke is definitely going to wake all of it up
  72. gnarly - Today at 10:19 PM
  73. well the nuke will shake up the whole realm, but yeah the dick pillar had a good epicentre going
  74. going to be a danger zone right at the middle cause that stuff's already up and about and pissed off
  75. tubular - Today at 10:20 PM
  76. yeah
  77. theyre just gonna have to drag every medium/walker they know in to deal with this huh
  78. possibly also a few reavers
  79. i doubt any of the grudges down there were able to get powerful enough to condense into demons because iirc we decided they only get that big and bad when constantly fed spiritual power? which after the explosion would have been... very scarce
  80. gnarly - Today at 10:26 PM
  81. Yeah it wasn't even a lot of people dying, persay - they were being turned
  82. tubular - Today at 10:26 PM
  83. yeah
  84. gnarly - Today at 10:26 PM
  85. a couple lumps from labs, groups of people, but even then pretty small
  86. tubular - Today at 10:27 PM
  87. yeah
  88. considering everything they're going to have to bring zorana in with them since she isnt letting go of that sheathe to save her life
  89. gnarly - Today at 10:28 PM
  90. ..... you know that said there's probably like... millions of spirits in that realm, stuck in infested bodies
  91. the river is going to fucking overflow
  92. tubular - Today at 10:28 PM
  93. yeah
  94. i was even about to say
  95. its probably a very good thing that they have to bring her
  96. because a lot of those, once they die for real, she can probably swoop around and bring them all through before they have a chance to regain their shape as ghosts
  97. when they're all wisps in the moments after death its a lot easier to bring millions through
  98. gnarly - Today at 10:30 PM
  99. yeeeeeeeeah might wanna put a bottleneck on that
  100. poor Zidane be paddling the river and just hears a rumbling. Looks up, pulls down nonexistent glasses
  101. "mother of boss"
  102. tubular - Today at 10:30 PM
  103. yes
  104. it's the fully formed ghosts that are going to have to be looked for and helped i think
  105. like whenever we've seen yata collect multiples, it's always been while the disaster is going on so they don't have a chance to form
  106. he seems to deal with fully formed ghosts individually
  107. ..... so are you ready for another sad thought
  108. if snek really did flip walker, then that conveys the ability to see ghosts
  109. we know this
  110. gnarly - Today at 10:38 PM
  111. ... oh
  112. tubular - Today at 10:38 PM
  113. so in the last like year or so she thinks she's been hallucinating her old labmates
  114. gnarly - Today at 10:38 PM
  115. so she doesn't just have her friends' corpses, she has their spirits diddling around!
  116. tubular - Today at 10:39 PM
  117. yeah
  118. ... the doggos too, if they flipped
  119. gnarly - Today at 10:39 PM
  120. ha ha woops
  121. tubular - Today at 10:42 PM
  122. ooooooops
  123. gnarly - Today at 10:42 PM
  124. aaanyway I'm gonna go and grab a shower and stuff
  125. so I'll be back in a bit
  126. tubular - Today at 10:42 PM
  127. ye
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