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Jan 19th, 2020
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  1. #include <Windows.h>
  2. #include <d3d9.h> // directx header files
  3. #include <d3dx9.h>
  4. #include <d3dx9mesh.h>
  5. #include <dinput.h>
  6. #include "dxdbg.h"
  7. #include "CMesh.h"
  8. #include "MP3.h"
  9. #include "bsp.h"
  10. using namespace std;
  11. class Game
  12. {
  13. public:
  14. ///////////////////////////////
  15. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  16. //Preprocessor #defines
  17. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  18. #define SZ_FILE_BSP "maze5.bsp" // Quake 3 Type BSP Level File
  19. #define _NUMOFMAPOBJECTS 10
  20. #define __NUMOFGAMETRIGGERS 3
  21. #define _TYPE_LANTERN 1
  22. #define _TYPE_AK47 2
  23. #define _TYPE_BODY 3
  24. #define _TYPE_CLIPBOARD 4
  25. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  26. //Global DirectX Variables
  27. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  28. static ID3DXEffect* g_pEffect;
  29. static ID3DXEffect* g_pEffectMesh;
  30. static LPDIRECTINPUT8 g_lpdi;
  31. static LPDIRECTINPUT8 pDI;
  32. static LPDIRECTINPUTDEVICE8 pMouse;
  33. static LPDIRECT3D9 g_pD3D;
  34. static LPDIRECT3DDEVICE9 g_pd3dDevice;
  35. static IDirect3DTexture9* cubetex;
  36. static IDirect3DTexture9* cubetex2;
  37. static IDirect3DTexture9* AKTex;
  38. static IDirect3DTexture9* clipboardTex;
  39. static IDirect3DTexture9* g_Inv_LanternTex;
  40. static IDirect3DTexture9* g_Inv_ClipboardTex;
  41. static IDirect3DTexture9* g_Inv_ClipboardTex2;
  42. static IDirect3DTexture9* flashlightTex;
  43. static D3DXVECTOR3 g_vCamPosition;
  44. static D3DXVECTOR3 g_vNewPosition;
  45. static D3DXVECTOR3 g_vCamDir;
  46. static D3DXVECTOR3 g_vBallPos;
  47. static D3DXVECTOR3 g_vNewBallPos;
  48. static D3DXVECTOR3 g_vNewMonsterPos;
  49. static D3DXVECTOR3 g_vMonsterPos;
  50. static D3DXVECTOR3 vMonsterDir;
  51. static D3DXVECTOR3 vTemp2;
  52. static D3DXVECTOR3 vHitWallPos2;
  53. static D3DXVECTOR3 vHitWallNormal2;
  54. static D3DXVECTOR3 vGunPosVar;
  55. static D3DXVECTOR3 vGunRotate;
  56. static D3DXVECTOR3 vGunPos;
  57. static D3DXVECTOR3 pNose;
  58. static D3DXMATRIX world, view, proj;
  59. static HWND g_hwnd;
  60. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  61. //MP3 Class Globals
  62. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  63. Mp3 static g_Mp3Horror1;
  64. Mp3 static g_Mp3Horror2;
  65. Mp3 static g_Mp3Horror3;
  66. Mp3 static g_Mp3Breathing;
  67. Mp3 static g_Mp3Roar;
  68. Mp3 static MP3PLAYER2;
  69. Mp3 static MP3PLAYER3;
  70. Mp3 static g_Mp3ClipBoard;
  71. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  72. //Globals
  73. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  74. static float fLengthFromMonster;
  75. static float g_fSpinX;
  76. static float g_fSpinY;
  77. static float g_fZoom;
  78. static float g_fLine;
  79. static float g_fHeight;
  80. static float fShipFloat;
  81. static float Start; // Linear fog distances
  82. static float End;
  83. static bool g_bWire;
  84. static bool g_bTopView;
  85. static bool g_bDrawShadowLevel;
  86. static bool g_bGravity; //gravity set to false for now
  87. static bool g_bShowMonster;
  88. static bool g_bDebugSphere;
  89. static bool g_bMonsterChase;
  90. static bool g_bShowConsole;
  91. static bool g_bPlayMusic;
  92. static bool g_bGunFire;
  93. static bool g_bGunPickedUp;
  94. static bool g_bMonsterChangeDir;
  95. static bool g_bShowClipBoard;
  96. static bool g_bClipboardShowed;
  97. static bool g_bShowSecondHint;
  98. static bool g_bTextShowed;
  99. static bool g_bWithinMonsterView;
  100. static bool g_bSurpriseDirChange;
  101. static bool g_bShowingDiary;
  102. static bool g_bShowedDiary;
  103. static bool g_bShowFlashlight;
  104. static bool g_bRunning;
  105. static bool g_bBallChangeDir;
  106. static int g_nTotalTris;
  107. static int g_nDrawnTris;
  108. static int g_iInvLanterns;
  109. static float fDensity;
  110. static float gunscale;
  111. static float rotconstant;
  112. static float fDistance;
  113. static float rotx;
  114. static float roty;
  115. static float xangle;
  116. static float yangle;
  117. static float LIGHT_RADIUS;
  118. static float LIGHT_SPOT_INNER_CONE;
  119. static float LIGHT_SPOT_OUTER_CONE;
  120. static bool g_bInitLoaded;
  121. static bool g_bLoadingThread;
  122. static bool g_bWaitingOnChange;
  123. static int iSongIndex;
  124. static bool g_bScarySoundPlayed;
  125. static bool g_bBreathingSoundPlayed;
  126. static bool g_bMonsterAwake;
  127. static bool g_bMonsterAwaking;
  128. static bool g_bMonsterAwoke;
  129. static float att0;
  130. static float att1;
  131. static float att2;
  132. static float falloff;
  133. static float g_sceneAmbient[4]; //init in constuctor
  134. static int width, height;
  135. static int g_iInvPages;
  136. static bool bIntro;
  137. static bool bCrazy;
  138. unsigned long static int iIndex;
  139. static bool bAssigned;
  140. static char g_ConsoleLog[100000];
  141. static int g_iNumofMeshes;
  142. static float fShipRotate;
  143. static clock_t clockTicksTaken;
  144. static clock_t endTime;
  145. static double timeInSeconds;
  146. std::clock_t start;
  147. static int starttime;
  148. static int g_iLightLevel;
  149. static clock_t firstTime;
  150. static clock_t firstTime2;
  151. static clock_t firstTimeHorror;
  152. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  153. //Meshes
  154. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  155. static CMesh m_mesh;
  156. static CMesh m_meshAK47;
  157. static CMesh m_meshDeadBody;
  158. static CMesh m_meshShip;
  159. static CMesh m_meshClipboard;
  160. static CMesh m_meshEyes;
  161. static CMesh m_meshTeapot;
  162. static CMesh m_meshLantern;
  163. static CMeshInstance* m_pMeshes;
  164. static CMeshInstance* m_pShip;
  165. static CMeshInstance* m_pMapMeshes;
  166. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  167. //BSP Class Globals
  168. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  169. static CBSP bsp;
  170. static CBSP lightbsp;
  171. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  172. //Function Prototypes
  173. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  174. D3DXVECTOR3 FindDirection(D3DXVECTOR3 *target, D3DXVECTOR3 *firer);
  175. void MovePlayer(CBSP * bsp,
  176. D3DXVECTOR3 * vStart,
  177. D3DXVECTOR3 * vEnd);
  178. void MoveMonster(CBSP * bsp,
  179. D3DXVECTOR3 * vStart,
  180. D3DXVECTOR3 * vEnd);
  181. void MoveBall(CBSP * bsp,
  182. D3DXVECTOR3 * vStart,
  183. D3DXVECTOR3 * vEnd);
  184. static int ObtainFPS();
  185. bool MonsterInView(CBSP *bsp, D3DXVECTOR3 *vEnd);
  186. static void FootSteps();
  187. static void ShowDiary();
  188. static void RenderLoading();
  189. static void CreateMouse();
  190. static void Mouse();
  191. static void ShowClipboard();
  192. static void Console(char buf[200]);
  193. static void ShowConsole();
  194. static void ShowDebugConsole();
  195. static void FlashLight();
  196. static void UpdateEffect();
  197. static bool LoadShader(const char *pszFilename, LPD3DXEFFECT &pEffect);
  198. static void SetupVertexFog(DWORD Color, DWORD Mode, BOOL UseRange, FLOAT Density);
  199. static void MouseActions2(int x, int y, int lmb, int rmb, int mmb);
  200. static void MonsterChase(CBSP *bsp);
  201. static void Gravity(CBSP *bsp);
  202. static void SetCameraTopView();
  203. static void SetCameraLevelView();
  204. static void RenderInventory();
  205. static void SetMaterial();
  206. static void RenderPosition();
  207. static void SetLight();
  208. static void ShowGameHints();
  209. static void RenderInfo();
  210. static void WakeMonster();
  211. static void ObjectPickup();
  212. static void BallMovement();
  213. static void PlayHorror();
  214. static void KeyBoard();
  215. static void PlayBreathing();
  216. static void PlayPaperSound();
  217. static void PlayScarySound();
  218. static bool LoadAll();
  219. static bool Release();
  220. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  221. //Thread Function Prototypes
  222. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  223. static DWORD WINAPI KeyBoardThread(LPVOID lpParam);
  224. static DWORD WINAPI RenderMeshes(LPVOID lpParam);
  225. static DWORD WINAPI BreathingSoundTimer(LPVOID lpParam);
  226. static DWORD WINAPI SurpiseDirChange(LPVOID lpParam);
  227. static DWORD WINAPI ScarySoundTimer(LPVOID lpParam);
  228. static DWORD WINAPI WakingTimer(LPVOID lpParam);
  229. static DWORD WINAPI SongTimer(LPVOID lpParam);
  230. static DWORD WINAPI GameHintsThread(LPVOID lpParam);
  231. static DWORD WINAPI TextTimer(LPVOID lpParam);
  232. static DWORD WINAPI LoadingThread(LPVOID lpParam);
  233. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  234. //structs
  235. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  236. struct Light
  237. {
  240. int type;
  241. float dir[3];
  242. float pos[3];
  243. float ambient[4];
  244. float diffuse[4];
  245. float specular[4];
  246. float spotInnerCone;
  247. float spotOuterCone;
  248. float radius;
  249. };
  251. struct Material
  252. {
  253. float ambient[4];
  254. float diffuse[4];
  255. float emissive[4];
  256. float specular[4];
  257. float shininess;
  258. };
  259. Light static g_light;//init in constuctor
  260. Material static g_material; //init in constuctor
  262. struct Vertex
  263. {
  264. float pos[3];
  265. float texCoord[2];
  266. float normal[3];
  267. };
  269. struct DebugConsole {
  270. char sData[5000];
  271. static bool bDisplayed;
  272. DebugConsole *next;
  273. };
  274. DebugConsole static *root; // This won't change, or we would lose the list in memory
  275. DebugConsole static *conductor; // This will point to each node as it traverses the list
  276. struct GameHintTrigger
  277. {
  278. static char sData[100];
  279. static bool bDisplayed;
  280. static bool bDisplay;
  281. };
  282. GameHintTrigger static GameHintTriggers[__NUMOFGAMETRIGGERS];
  283. struct GameHints
  284. {
  285. static char Data[200];
  286. static bool bDisplay;
  287. };
  288. GameHints static *GameHintsDisplay[3];
  289. class MapObject
  290. {
  291. public:
  292. CMeshInstance *pMapMesh;
  293. static bool pickedup;
  294. static float xpos, ypos, zpos; //Position of Map Object
  295. static int ObjType; //Type of Object i.e. _TYPE_LANTERN, gun, etc.
  296. MapObject::MapObject() {};
  297. MapObject::MapObject(int type, float x, float y, float z);
  298. static void MapObject::Render();
  299. };
  300. MapObject static *MapObjects[_NUMOFMAPOBJECTS];
  303. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  304. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  305. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  306. //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
  307. Game::Game();
  308. static bool CreateDX(HWND hWnd);
  309. static void Render();
  310. static void ShowMessage(char buff[500]) { MessageBoxA(NULL, buff, buff, MB_OK); }
  311. };
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