
Iyashi Kei PaizoPbP Info

Mar 15th, 2015
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  2. Male [url=]Tengu[/url]
  3. [url=]Soulknife[/url] ([url=]War Soul[/url]) 8
  4. [url=]Vitalist[/url] 8
  5. Gestalt 8
  6. CG Medium Humanoid (Tengu)
  7. [b]Init[/b] +8; [b]Senses[/b] Low-Light Vision, Perception +19
  9. --------------------
  11. --------------------
  13. [b]AC[/b] 23, touch 14, flat-footed 21. . (+2 Dex, +7 armor, +2 natural, +2 deflection) [25 AC, 16 touch, 21 flat-footed after moving 10 ft. w/ Leaping Spirit Dance]
  14. [b]HP[/b] 122 (8d10+24+18)
  15. [b]Fort[/b] +11, [b]Ref[/b] +10 (+12 after moving 10 ft. in a round), [b]Will[/b] +16
  17. --------------------
  19. --------------------
  21. [b]Speed[/b] 30 ft. (Light Armor)
  22. [b]Melee[/b] +2 Keen Mind Blade +16/+11 (2d6+12/17-20/x2) or +13/+8 (2d6+21/17-20/x2) [2H] AND Bite +9 (1d3+4/20/x2) or +6 (1d3+7/20/x2)
  23. . . +2 Keen Mind Dagger +16/+11 (1d4+9/17-20/x2) or +13/+8 (1d4+15/17-20/x2) AND Bite +9 (1d3+4/20/x2) or +6 (1d3+7/20/x2)
  24. . . Bite/Claw/Claw +14/+14/+14 (1d3+7/20/x2) or +11/+11/+11 (1d3+13/20/x2)
  25. [b]Ranged[/b] +2 Keen Mind Dagger +12/+7 (1d4+8/17-20/x2)
  26. [b]Special Abilities[/b] form mind blade (Su), collective (Su), collective healing (Su), transfer wounds (Su, 3d6, 9/day), steal health (Su), telepathy (Su), martial blade recovery (Su), request aid (Su, 9/day), mender's pulse (Su), swift aid (Su)
  27. [b]Vitalist Powers[/b] (power points 84, ML 8th, Concentration +14)
  28. . . 4th [7PP/power*] [url=]physical acceleration[/url]
  29. . . 3rd [5PP/power*] [url=]battlesense[/url], [url=]body purification[/url]
  30. . . 2nd [3PP/power*] [url=]animal affinity[/url]
  31. . . 1st [1PP/power*] [url=]natural healing[/url], [url=]vigor[/url]
  32. . . 0 [at-will] [url=]detect psionics[/url], [url=]halt death[/url], [url=]sense poison[/url]
  33. [b]War Soul Maneuvers[/b] (IL 8th)
  34. . . 3rd -- [stance] -; [strike] brilliant moon [1]; [boost] -; [counter] altered penumbra [1]
  35. . . 2nd -- [strike] cursed fate [DC20, 1], fading strike [1], resonance strike; [boost] -; [counter] -
  36. . . 1st -- [stance] leaping spirit dance [1], spirit sensing stance; [strike] -; [boost] ghost hunting blow; [counter] inner sense
  38. *= Increases when augmented. Maximum PP/power is equal to Manifester Level.
  40. --------------------
  42. --------------------
  44. [b]Str[/b] 13, [b]Dex[/b] 14, [b]Con[/b] 16, [b]Int[/b] 12, [b]Wis[/b] 22, [b]Cha[/b] 8
  45. [b]Base Atk[/b] +8; [b]CMB[/b] +14; [b]CMD[/b] 23
  46. [b]Feats[/b] [url=]Psicrystal Affinity[/url], [url=]Psionic Body[/url], [url=]Psionic Weapon[/url], [url=]Combat Reflexes[/url] (3 AoOs), [url=]Improved Initiative[/url], [url=]Power Attack (-3/+6)[/url] (Class), [url=]Wild Talent[/url] (Class), [url=]Psicrystal Containment[/url], [url=]Psionic Meditation[/url], [url=]Weapon Group Adaptation (Mind Blade)[/url]
  47. [b]Traits[/b] [url=]Reactionary[/url], [url=]Psychoportive Talent[/url]
  48. [b]Skills[/b] Perception 8 ranks (+19, +21 when within arms reach of Psicrystal), Stealth 8 ranks (+18), Sense Motive 8 ranks (+17, +19 when within arms reach of Psicrystal), Linguistics 8 ranks (+16), Autohypnosis 4 ranks (+13), Spellcraft 8 ranks (+12), Knowledge (psionics) 8 ranks (+12), Heal 0 ranks (+6), Survival 0 ranks (+6), Acrobatics 1 rank (+5), Climb 1 rank (+4), Swim 1 rank (+4), Diplomacy 1 rank (+3)
  49. [b]Languages[/b] Common, Tengu, Abyssal, Aklo, Canto, Celestial, Daemonic, Draconic, Dwarven, Elven, Giant, Gnome, Goblin, Halfling, Necril, Orc, Sign Language, Sylvan, Undercommon
  50. [b]Combat Gear[/b] -; [b]Other Gear[/b] 20pp 92gp 0sp 0cp, psicrystal staff, +1 mithral breastplate, headband of inspired wisdom +2 amulet of natural armor +2, cloak of resistance +2, ring of protection +2, ring of sustenance, belt of mighty constitution +2, handy haversack, sorcerer's kit (satchel, bedroll, belt pouch, flint and steel, iron pot, mess kit, soap, torch (10), trail ration (5 days), waterskin) [i](Light encumbrance)[/i]
  52. --------------------
  54. [spoiler=Special Abilities (Alphabetized)][b][url=]+2 Dexterity, +2 Wisdom, –2 Constitution[/url][/b]: Tengus are fast and observant, but relatively fragile and delicate.
  56. [b][url=]Blade Skills[/url][/b]: Beginning at 2nd level and every even soulknife level thereafter, a soulknife may choose one of a number of abilities to add to her repertoire. Some blade skills have prerequisites that must be met before they can be chosen. All blade skills may only be chosen once and require the soulknife to be using her mind blade unless otherwise stated in the skill's description.
  58. [b][url=]Bonus Feat[/url][/b]: The soulknife may choose Power Attack, Two-Weapon Fighting, or Weapon Focus (mind blade) as a bonus feat at 1st level.
  60. [b][url=]Claw Attack[/url][/b]: Tengus with this racial trait have learned to use their claws as natural weapons. They gain two claw attacks as primary natural attacks that deal 1d3 points of damage, and are treated as having the Improved Unarmed Strike feat for the purpose of qualifying for other feats. This racial trait replaces swordtrained.
  62. [b][url=]Collective (Su)[/url] (6 members + Vitalist)[/b]: A vitalist learns to use psionic power to connect willing minds through an internal network that strengthens their psychic bonds. As a standard action, a vitalist can join a number willing targets into his collective equal to his key ability modifier or half his vitalist level, whichever is higher. The vitalist must have line of sight to each target, each target must have a Wisdom score of at least 1, and all targets must be within Medium range (100 ft. + 10 ft. per class level). The vitalist is always considered a member of his own collective, and does not count against this limit.
  64. The vitalist can choose to remove a member as a free action on his turn, and any member can voluntarily leave the collective as a free action on their turn. Any member whose Wisdom drops to zero or who moves out of range of the collective is automatically removed. If a member enters a null psionics field, the connection to the collective is suppressed until that member leaves the field. A member who leaves the collective for any reason immediately loses any and all benefits they may have gained from being a member. A vitalist is aware of the status of his collective and can, roughly, sense the presence of each member, although beyond telling if such a creature is still a member, this has no mechanical benefit until higher levels (see telepathy and health sense, below).
  66. A vitalist can manifest certain powers through his collective. If a vitalist power specifies one or more willing targets (or is harmless) and has a range greater than personal, he can manifest this power on a member of his collective regardless of the range of the actual power. All other non-range restrictions still apply. He may also manifest any power with the Network descriptor this way, regardless of their actual ranges or targets. If he is capable of manifesting powers or casting spells from a different class (as is the case for a multiclass vitalist), any compatible spell or power with a range greater than touch can also be used through the collective.
  68. If a member of the collective dies, the member is removed from the collective and the vitalist must make a Fortitude save (DC 15) or lose 1 power point for every Hit Die of the fallen member and be sickened for an equal number of rounds.
  70. At 15th level, a vitalist's collective range is limitless on the same plane as the vitalist.
  71. At 19th level, a vitalist's collective reaches even across to other planes and dimensions.
  73. [b][url=]Collective Healing (Su)[/url][/b]: Whenever a willing member of the vitalist's collective could regain lost hit points or ability damage, the vitalist may choose to redirect any or all of that healing to one or more other willing members of the collective as a free action. This can transfer instantaneous healing (such as a body adjustment power), healing from ongoing healing effects, such as fast healing, and even hit points gained from rest (in which case, a member of the collective would rest for a period of time as normal, and the amount of hit points and ability damage healed would go to another).
  75. In any case, the original recipient of the healing effect chooses whether to allow the diverted healing, and does not gain the benefits of any healing he grants to another. The type of healing (positive energy, negative energy, construct repair, etc.) is unchanged from the original source for determining who or what can be healed.
  77. Example: Darius the soulknife is a willing member of Jorus the vitalist's collective. He drinks a potion of cure light wounds that would normally heal him for 6 hit points, but Jorus decides to redirect 4 of those points to himself. Darius agrees and, as a result, Darius is healed for 2 hit points, and Jorus is healed for 4. If there were more members in Jorus's collective, Jorus could spread the healing from that potion out even more as long as the sum of hit points healed was no greater than 6.
  79. A vitalist may even heal wounds through collective healing if at full health. This may only be used with healing effects such as potions, powers, or other such effects. [Healing] from long term care or natural healing cannot be transferred in this way.
  81. [b][url=]Combat Reflexes[/url] (3 Attacks of Opportunity)[/b]: You can make additional attacks of opportunity. You may make a number of additional attacks of opportunity per round equal to your Dexterity bonus. With this feat, you may also make attacks of opportunity while flat-footed.
  83. [b][url=]Enhanced Mind Blade +3[/url][/b]: A soulknife's mind blade improves as the character gains higher levels. At 3rd level and every odd level thereafter, the mind blade gains a cumulative +1 enhancement bonus that she may spend on an actual enhancement bonus or on weapon special abilities. A soulknife's level determines her maximum enhancement bonus (see Table: The Soulknife). The soulknife may (and must, when her total enhancement is higher than her maximum bonus) apply any special ability from Table: Weapon Special Abilities instead of an enhancement bonus, as long as she meets the level requirements. A soulknife can choose any combination of weapon special abilities and/or enhancement bonus enhancement bonus before assigning any special abilities. If the soulknife shapes her mind blade into two items, the enhancement bonus of her mind blade (if any) is reduced by 1 (to a minimum of 0). If this would reduce the enhancement bonus on the mind blades to 0 and weapon special abilities are applied, the soulknife must reshape her mind blade to make the options valid. Both mind blades have the same selection of enhancement bonus that does not exceed the total allowed by the soulknife's level, but she must assign at least a +1 and weapon special abilities (if any). This penalty does not apply when using the Mind Shield blade skill.
  85. [b]Favored Class: Soulknife/Vitalist[/b] (HP) x8
  87. [b][url=]Focused Offense[/url][/b]: As long as the soulknife maintains psionic focus, she adds her Wisdom modifier to her attack and damage rolls instead of her Strength modifier.
  89. [b][url=]Form Mind Blade (Su)[/url][/b]: As a move action, a soulknife can form a semi-solid weapon composed of psychic energy distilled from her own mind.
  91. A soulknife must choose the form of her mind blade at 1st level. She can either form it into a light weapon, a one-handed weapon, or a two-handed weapon. Once chosen, her mind blade stays in this form every time the soulknife forms her mind blade. The light weapon deals 1d6 points of damage, the one-handed weapon deals 1d8 points of damage, and the two-handed weapon deals 2d6 points of damage. All damages are based on a Medium-sized creature wielding Medium-sized weapons; adjust the weapon damage as appropriate for different sized weapons. In all forms, the mind blade has a critical range of 19-20/x2. A soulknife with powerful build or any similar ability forms an appropriately-sized mind blade dealing the size-appropriate amount of damage. If the soulknife's chosen form is a light weapon, she may choose to form two light weapons when forming her mind blade if she so chooses, but she suffers the standard penalties for two-weapon fighting.
  93. Regardless of the weapon form a soulknife has chosen, her mind blade does not have a set damage type. When shaping her weapon and assigning abilities to it, the soulknife chooses whether it will deal bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing damage. The soulknife may change the damage type of an existing mind blade, or may summon a new mind blade with a different damage type, as a full-round action; otherwise, the mind blade retains the last damage type chosen every time it is summoned.
  95. The blade can be broken (it has hardness 10 and 10 hit points); however, a soulknife can simply create another on her next move action. The moment she relinquishes her grip on her blade, it dissipates (unless she intends to throw it; see below). A mind blade is considered a magic weapon for the purpose of overcoming damage reduction and is considered a masterwork weapon.
  97. A soulknife can use feats such as Power Attack or Combat Expertise in conjunction with the mind blade just as if it were a normal weapon. She can also choose her mind blade for feats requiring a specific weapon choice, such as Weapon Focus and Improved Critical. Powers or spells that upgrade weapons can be used on a mind blade. The soulknife can use feats such as Weapon Finesse that work on light weapons with her mind blade, but such feats only work on mind blades in a light weapon form.
  99. Even in places where psionic effects do not normally function (such as within a null psionics field), a soulknife can attempt to sustain her mind blade by making a DC 20 Will save. On a successful save, the soulknife maintains her mind blade for a number of rounds equal to her class level before she needs to check again, although the mind blade is treated for all purposes as a non-magical, masterwork weapon while in a place where psionic effects do not normally function. On an unsuccessful attempt, the mind blade vanishes. As a move action on her turn, the soulknife can attempt a new Will save to rematerialize her mind blade while she remains within the psionics-negating effect. She gains a bonus on Will saves made to maintain or form her mind blade equal to the total enhancement bonus of her mind blade (see below).
  101. The soulknife chooses the appearance of her mind blade, although its shape must reflect the selections the soulknife has chosen: a bludgeoning mind blade would be blunt, slashing would have an edge, etc.
  103. [b][url=]Gifted Linguist[/url][/b]: Tengus gain a +4 racial bonus on Linguistics checks, and learn 2 languages each time they gain a rank in Linguistics rather than 1 language.
  105. [b][url=]Health Sense[/url][/b]: Beginning at 2nd level, a vitalist may take a swift action to gauge the relative health level of collective members, determining the amount of damage, in hit points, that an ally has taken. In addition, the vitalist may make a Heal check as a standard action, with a DC of 15, to determine if any of the members of his collective are afflicted by a disease or poison.
  107. Starting at 7th level, the vitalist can make a Heal check over his collective to stabilize a dying target or treat a wound from a caltrop, spike growth, spike stones, or similar. This ability improves at 12th level, and the vitalist may make a Heal check over his collective to treat a poisoned creature.
  109. At 17th level, the vitalist is able to treat diseases in the same fashion, making a Heal check over his collective.
  111. When treating a target over a collective, the DC of the Heal check is the same as if the vitalist was treating the target normally.
  113. [b][url=]Improved Initiative[/url][/b]: Your quick reflexes allow you to react rapidly to danger. You get a +4 bonus on initiative checks.
  115. [b][url=]Languages[/url][/b]: Tengus begin play speaking Common and Tengu. Tengus with high Intelligence scores can choose any languages they want (except for secret languages, such as Druidic).
  117. [b][url=]Maneuvers[/url][/b]: A war soul begins his career with knowledge of three martial maneuvers. The disciplines available to him are Broken Blade, Solar Wind, Thrashing Dragon, and Veiled Moon. Once he knows a maneuver, he must ready it before he can use it (see Maneuvers Readied, below). A maneuver usable by a war soul is considered an extraordinary ability unless otherwise noted in its description. His maneuvers are not affected by spell resistance, and he does not provoke attacks of opportunity when he initiates one. He learns additional maneuvers at higher levels, as shown on Table: War Soul Maneuvers. The war soul must meet a maneuver's prerequisite to learn it.
  119. Upon reaching 4th level, and at every even numbered war soul level after that, he can choose to learn a new maneuver in place of one he already knows. In effect, the war soul loses the old maneuver in exchange for the new one. The war soul need not replace the old maneuver with a maneuver of the same level. He can choose a new maneuver of any level he likes, as long as he observes his restriction on the highest-level maneuvers he knows. The war soul can swap only a single maneuver at any given level. A war soul's primary initiator attribute is Wisdom, and each war soul level is counted as a full initiator level.
  121. This ability replaces the psychic strike class feature and the blade skill at 10th level.
  123. [b][url=]Maneuvers Readied[/url][/b]: A war soul can ready all three of his three starting maneuvers, but as he advances in level and learns more maneuvers, he must choose which maneuvers to ready. He readies his maneuvers by meditating over his mind blade for 10 minutes. The maneuvers he chooses remain readied until he decides to repeat this again and change them. War souls do not need to sleep or be well rested to ready their maneuvers; any time he spends 10 minutes in meditation, he can change his readied maneuvers. He begins an encounter with all readied maneuvers unexpended, regardless of how many times he may have already used them since he chose them. When the war soul initiates a maneuver, he expends it for the current encounter, so each of his readied maneuvers can be used once per encounter (until they are recovered, see below).
  125. War souls may recover their maneuvers in one of two ways. The war soul may concentrate on his mind blade to recover an expended maneuver from its psychic projection as a standard action and recover one maneuver. Alternately, he may flood his psychic being with martial knowledge by expending his psionic focus to recover a number of expended maneuvers equal to his Wisdom modifier (minimum of two) as a full round action. While recovering maneuvers, the war soul's mental state makes him react violently to those who would attack him. When attacked, he may make an immediate counter-attack against his attacker at his full base attack bonus; he may only make one counter-attack against a given enemy per round, and he may make no more counter- attacks then his 1 + his Wisdom modifier per round.
  127. [b][url=]Martial Blade Recovery (Su)[/url][/b]: At 4th level, psionic channels established during manifestation of a mind blade may allow reclamation of bursts of foreign psychic energy caused by the defeat of an opponent. These bursts of energy can be used to invigorate the mind of the war soul and restore his resolve and skill. If the war soul reduces a living opponent (possessing 1/2 HD or more and an Intelligence score of 3 or higher) to 0 hit points or less, as a swift action the character may recover either a single expended maneuver or his psionic focus. The war soul must be using a mind blade to recover maneuvers in this fashion. This class feature replaces the blade skill gained at 4th level.
  129. [b][url=]Medic Powers[/url][/b]: The vitalist gains special uses of some of his powers that are unavailable to other characters.
  131. The following powers gain the Network descriptor when manifested by a vitalist: all powers of the [healing] subdiscipline, animal affinity, biofeedback, body of iron, endorphin surge, expansion, oak body, physical acceleration, sustenance, suspend life, timeless body, and vigor.
  133. [b][url=]Medium[/url][/b]: Tengus are Medium creatures and receive no bonuses or penalties due to their size.
  135. [b][url=]Mender Method[/url][/b]: A mender vitalist is the most common found, as he focuses on healing wounds more efficiently, even bringing back life to the dead. The mender vitalist learns how to boost the body's natural healing ability to unimaginable regenerative levels.
  137. [b][url=]Mender's Pulse (Su)[/url][/b]: As a free action, a mender of 6th level may project a pulse to all members of his collective by spending one power point, granting fast healing 1 for one round. Every three vitalist levels thereafter, this fast healing increases by 1. This healing is not eligible to be redirected using collective healing.
  139. [b][url=]Mender's Touch[/url][/b]: A mender vitalist of 2nd level who utilizes transfer wounds heals the target an additional number of hit points equal to his class level. This additional healing is not transferred to the mender like the normal amount healed.
  141. [b][url=]Mind Daggers[/url][/b]: The soulknife may form one or a pair of mind daggers in place of her normal forms. Mind daggers have a range increment of 30 ft when thrown, deal 1d4 points of damage (type assigned in the same manner as other forms) and have a critical range of 19-20/x2. She may switch between mind daggers and her chosen blade form at will as a free action, including in the middle of full attacks, and it can be done more than once per round (this is an exception to the full-round action normally required to shape a mind blade). She cannot switch between the daggers and the two-handed mind blade form unless only forming a single dagger. Mind daggers have the same enhancement configuration as the soulknife’s current mind blade configuration.
  143. [b][url=]Natural Weapon[/url][/b]: A tengu has a bite attack that deals 1d3 points of damage.
  145. [b][url=]Normal Speed[/url][/b]: Tengus have a base speed of 30 feet.
  147. [b][url=]Power Attack[/url] (-3/+6)[/b]: You can make exceptionally deadly melee attacks by sacrificing accuracy for strength. You can choose to take a –1 penalty on all melee attack rolls and combat maneuver checks to gain a +2 bonus on all melee damage rolls. This bonus to damage is increased by half (+50%) if you are making an attack with a two-handed weapon, a one handed weapon using two hands, or a primary natural weapon that adds 1-1/2 times your Strength modifier on damage rolls. This bonus to damage is halved (–50%) if you are making an attack with an off-hand weapon or secondary natural weapon. When your base attack bonus reaches +4, and every 4 points thereafter, the penalty increases by –1 and the bonus to damage increases by +2. You must choose to use this feat before making an attack roll, and its effects last until your next turn. The bonus damage does not apply to touch attacks or effects that do not deal hit point damage.
  149. [b][url=]Psicrystal Affinity[/url][/b]: You have created a psicrystal. This feat allows you to gain a psicrystal. Should your psicrystal be destroyed, you gain a new one after 24 hours. A new psicrystal must have the same personality as the original.
  151. [b][url=]Psicrystal Containment[/url][/b]: Your psicrystal has advanced enough that it can hold a psionic focus that you store within it. You can psionically focus your psicrystal in the same manner in which you gain psionic focus. At any time when you need to expend your psionic focus, you can expend your psicrystal’s psionic focus instead, as long as the crystal is within 5 feet of you. At any time when you need to maintain psionic focus for an effect, you can use your psicrystal’s psionic focus instead, as long as the crystal is within 5 feet of you. Psionically focusing your psicrystal works just like focusing yourself. The psicrystal cannot focus itself—only the owner can spend the time to focus the crystal.
  153. [b][url=]Psionic Body[/url][/b]: Your mind reinforces your body. When you take this feat, you gain 2 hit points for each psionic feat you have (including this one). Whenever you take a new psionic feat, you gain 2 more hit points.
  155. [b][url=]Psionic Meditation[/url][/b]: You can focus your mind faster than normal, even under duress. You can take a move action to become psionically focused. This feat works on other methods of psionic focus, such as that permitted by Psicrystal Containment.
  157. [b][url=]Psionic Weapon[/url][/b]: You can charge your melee weapon with additional damage potential. While you maintain psionic focus, your attacks with a melee weapon deal an extra 1 point of damage. Additionally, if you expend your psionic focus as part of an attack with a melee weapon, that attack instead deals an extra 2d6 points of damage. You must decide whether or not to use this feat prior to making an attack. If your attack misses, you still expend your psionic focus.
  159. [b][url=]Psychoportive Talent[/url][/b]: You can expend your psionic focus as an immediate action to make a five-foot step. You may do this even if you have already moved in the round in question, although not if you have already taken a five-foot step, and doing so does not prevent further movement in this round. This talent grants no benefit if you do not have the ability to gain psionic focus.
  161. [b][url=]Quick Draw[/url][/b]: A 5th level soulknife may manifest her mind blade as a free action, though she may still only attempt to do so once per round (unless throwing the weapon multiple times using the Multiple Throw blade skill).
  163. [b][url=]Reactionary[/url][/b]: You were bullied often as a child, but never quite developed an offensive response. Instead, you became adept at anticipating sudden attacks and reacting to danger quickly. You gain a +2 trait bonus on Initiative checks.
  165. [b][url=]Request Aid (Su)[/url] (9/day)[/b]: Starting at 5th level, members of a vitalist's collective are able to request aid from the vitalist, should he not realize such aid is needed. As a standard action, any member of the collective can request healing from the vitalist. The vitalist can grant this request by spending up to his level in power points as a free action, even if it is not his turn. Each power point spent in this fashion heals 3 hit points to the target. A vitalist can even initiate this healing himself should he realize someone needs healing, by spending a standard action. A vitalist can do this a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Wisdom modifier.
  167. [b][url=]Senses[/url][/b]: Tengus have low-light vision.
  169. [b][url=]Shape Mind Blade[/url][/b]: The soulknife's mind blade retains the last chosen form every time it is formed until the soulknife reshapes it. If the soulknife chooses to reshape her blade, it requires a full-round action to do so. She may also re-assign the type of damage dealt as part of reshaping her mind blade if she so chooses. A soulknife can reassign the ability or abilities she has added to her mind blade; see below. To do so, she must first spend 8 hours in concentration. These cannot be the normal 8 hours used for rest, even if the soulknife does not require sleep. After that period, the mind blade materializes with the new ability or abilities selected by the soulknife.
  171. [b][url=]Sneaky[/url][/b]: Tengus gain a +2 racial bonus on Perception and Stealth checks.
  173. [b][url=]Spirit of Many (Su)[/url][/b]: A vitalist of 2nd level gains special abilities when manifesting powers with the Network descriptor. He can manifest these powers on any member of his collective, even if they are out of the power's range or would normally be immune to the power. Whenever a vitalist manifests a power with the Network descriptor targeting only members of his collective, the power loses the mind-affecting descriptor (if it had it) and bypasses any power resistance, although it still provokes an attack of opportunity to manifest as normal. Network powers manifest only on members of the collective never allow saving throws -- their saving throw entry becomes “None,” although if the power specifies a subsequent saving throw, subjects attempt those saves normally. The vitalist also adds the following augment to all powers with the Network descriptor:
  175. . . Augment: For every additional power point you spend, you can choose an additional target, so long as the target is a member of your collective.
  177. [b][url=]Stances Known[/url][/b]: War souls begin play with knowledge of one 1st level stance from any discipline open to them. At the indicated levels (see class table), the war soul selects an additional new stance. Unlike maneuvers, stances are not expended and he does not have to ready them. All the stances he knows are available to him at all times, and he can change the stance he is currently using as a swift action. A stance is an extraordinary ability unless otherwise stated in the stance description. Unlike with maneuvers, the war soul cannot learn a new stance at higher levels in place of one he already knows.
  179. [b][url=]Steal Health (Su)[/url][/b]: At 3rd level, a vitalist has learned to siphon the health of a creature and use it for his own needs or the needs of his collective. As a touch attack, the vitalist may deal a number of hit points in damage to the target equal to his vitalist level + his Wisdom modifier and heal an equal amount of damage. The vitalist may share any healing from this effect over his collective, even if he himself would not be eligible for the healing. A vitalist may not heal more hit points than the touched creature had prior to using this ability.
  181. This ability may only be used on creatures with a Constitution score and may not be used against creatures in the vitalist's collective. A vitalist may use this ability on creatures with a total number of hit dice less than half his vitalist level, but he gains no healing from it.
  183. For example, Jorus is a level 3 vitalist with a Wisdom of 16 and 15 hit points. Jorus has suffered 3 hit points of damage and uses Steal Health on a nearby 2 hit dice orc, dealing 6 hit points of damage (3 from his levels in vitalist, 3 from his Wisdom modifier). Although Jorus may only heal himself for 3 hit points, he may distribute the other 3 hit points over the collective to other members as needed. If Jorus was level 6, he would have dealt 9 points of damage, but would not have received any healing because the orc's total number of hit dice was too low.
  185. At 7th level, a vitalist is able to use steal health as a ranged touch attack with a range of 30 feet.
  187. [b][url=]Swift Aid (Su)[/url][/b]: A mender of 8th level may, as an immediate action and by expending his psionic focus, heal a member of his collective as if he had used transfer wounds.
  189. [b][url=]Telepathy (Su)[/url][/b]: When a vitalist reaches 3rd level, all willing members of his collective (including the vitalist himself) can communicate with each other telepathically, even if they do not share a common language. Psionic creatures who are willing members in a vitalist's collective (including the vitalist himself) may manifest unknown powers from powers known by another willing psionic creature in the collective as if they were making physical contact.
  191. A vitalist may temporarily deactivate, and reactivate, this ability as a swift action.
  193. [b][url=]Tengu[/url][/b]: Tengus are humanoids with the tengu subtype.
  195. [b][url=]Throw Mind Blade[/url][/b]: All soulknives have some knowledge of how to throw their mind blades, though the range increment varies by form and the largest of blade forms cannot be thrown. Light weapon mind blades have a range increment of 20 ft. One-handed weapon mind blades have a range increment of 15 ft. Two-handed weapon mind blades cannot be thrown without the Two-Handed Throw blade skill. Whether or not the attack hits, a thrown mind blade then dissipates.
  197. [b][url=]Transfer Wounds (Su)[/url] (3d6, 9/day)[/b]: All vitalists learn how to transfer wounds with but a touch. As a standard action that does not provoke attacks of opportunity, a vitalist may touch a target and heal it for 1d6 points of damage. The vitalist suffers the same number of points of non-lethal damage (up to the amount the target is actually healed) At 4th level and every 3 levels thereafter, the damage healed to the target and non-lethal damage taken by the vitalist increases by 1d6. A vitalist may use this ability a number of times per day equal to 3 + his Wisdom modifier. A vitalist may not use this ability upon himself.
  199. [b][url=]Veiled Moon Mystery[/url][/b]: The deadly mystery of the Veiled Moon shadows the actions of these war souls, and aids them in their understanding of the discipline. While in a Veiled Moon stance, the character may choose to use his Wisdom modifier in place of his Dexterity modifier when using the Stealth skill and gains the hide in plain sight special ability. The soulknife must be at least 8th level to select this blade skill.
  201. [b][url=]Weapon Group Adaption[/url] (Mind Blade)[/b]: Choose a weapon group (excluding siege weapons and siege firearms). That weapon group is considered associated with disciplines you have access to. Note that this does not change the initiation requirements of maneuvers from those disciplines (for example, a warlord who takes this feat might have heavy blades associated with Solar Wind, but still cannot make a ranged attack with them without further feats or abilities that allow him to use a heavy blade as a ranged weapon).
  203. [b][url=]Wild Talent[/url][/b]: The soulknife gains Wild Talent as a bonus feat at 1st level. This provides her with the psionic power necessary to manifest her mind blade. A character who is already psionic instead gains the Psionic Talent feat.[/spoiler]
  205. [spoiler=Special Abilities (Class and Level)][b]Favored Class: Soulknife/Vitalist[/b] (HP) x8
  207. ===
  209. [b][bigger][url=][Tengu][/bigger][/url][/b]
  211. [b][1] Senses
  212. [1] Sneaky
  213. [1] Gifted Linguist
  214. [1] Claw Attack
  215. [1] Natural Weapon[/b]
  217. ===
  219. [b][bigger][url=][Soulknife][/url] [url=](War Soul)[/bigger][/url][/b]
  221. [b][1] [url=]Bonus Feat[/url][/b]
  222. [b][1] [url=]Form Mind Blade (Su)[/url][/b]
  223. [b][1] [url=]Shape Mind Blade[/url][/b]
  224. [b][1] [url=]Throw Mind Blade[/url][/b]
  225. [b][1] [url=]Wild Talent[/url][/b]
  226. [b][1] [url=]Maneuvers[/url][/b]
  227. [b][1] [url=]Maneuvers Readied[/url][/b]
  228. [b][1] [url=]Stances Known[/url][/b]
  229. [b][2] [url=]Blade Skills[/url][/b]
  230. . . [2] [url=]Focused Offense[/url]
  231. . . [6] [url=]Mind Daggers[/url]
  232. . . [8] [url=]Veiled Moon Mystery[/url]
  233. [b][3] [url=]Enhanced Mind Blade +3[/url][/b]
  234. [b][4] [url=]Martial Blade Recovery (Su)[/url][/b]
  235. [b][5] [url=]Quick Draw[/url][/b]
  237. ===
  239. [b][bigger][url=][Vitalist][/bigger][/url][/b]
  241. [b][1] [url=]Mender Method[/url][/b]
  242. . . [2] [url=]Mender's Touch[/url]
  243. . . [6] [url=]Mender's Pulse (Su)[/url]
  244. . . [8] [url=]Swift Aid (Su)[/url]
  245. [b][1] [url=]Collective (Su)[/url][/b]
  246. [b][1] [url=]Collective Healing (Su)[/url][/b]
  247. [b][1] [url=]Medic Powers[/url][/b]
  248. [b][1] [url=]Transfer Wounds (Su)[/url][/b] (3d6, 9/day)
  249. [b][2] [url=]Health Sense[/url][/b]
  250. [b][2] [url=]Spirit of Many (Su)[/url][/b]
  251. [b][3] [url=]Steal Health (Su)[/url][/b]
  252. [b][3] [url=]Telepathy (Su)[/url][/b]
  253. [b][5] [url=]Request Aid (Su)[/url][/b] (9/day)[/spoiler]
  255. --------------------
  257. [b][url=]The Art of the Blade - Path of War[/url][/b]
  259. [spoiler=Stances][b][bigger]===1st Level===[/bigger][/b]
  262. Discipline: Veiled Moon (Stance)
  263. Level: 1
  264. Initiation Action: 1 swift action
  265. Range: Personal
  266. Target: You
  267. Duration: Stance
  268. Light as a feather, the Veiled Moon disciple moves gracefully in combat, with the smooth and practiced grace of an incorporeal being. The disciple gains a +2 dodge bonus to AC and a +2 competence bonus to Reflex saves while in this stance so long as he moves at least 10 feet on his turn each round. This bonus increases by +2 at initiator level 9, and by an additional +2 at initiator level 17.
  271. Discipline: Veiled Moon (Stance)
  272. Level: 1
  273. Initiation Action: 1 swift action
  274. Range: Personal
  275. Target: You
  276. Duration: Stance
  277. By sensing the different patterns all beings that exist have, the senses of the Veiled Moon disciple exceed that of natural beings and move into the realm of supernatural awareness. While in this stance, the initiators gains the scent special ability and he may detect creatures on the Ethereal plane that are near the Material plane within 30-ft. of his position.[/spoiler]
  279. [spoiler=Maneuvers][b][bigger]===1st Level===[/bigger][/b]
  281. [b]GHOST HUNTING BLOW[/b]
  282. Discipline: Veiled Moon (Boost)
  283. Level: 1
  284. Initiation Action: 1 swift action
  285. Range: Personal
  286. Target: You
  287. Duration: One round
  288. By reaching across the barrier between worlds, the disciple may strike at disembodied spirits as easily he would strike a normal mortal. Any and all of the initiator's attacks made this round, including attacks of opportunity, are made as if the initiator's weapon possessed the ghost touch property. This is an Ethereal plane using maneuver.
  290. [b]INNER SENSE[/b]
  291. Discipline: Veiled Moon (Counter)
  292. Level: 1
  293. Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
  294. Range: Personal
  295. Target: You
  296. Duration: Instant
  297. By sensing ripples in the spiritual world around him, the Veiled Moon disciple is capable of better avoiding dangerous effects and situations. This counter grants the disciple a +2 insight bonus to a single saving throw.
  299. [b][bigger]===2nd Level===[/bigger][/b]
  301. [b]CURSED FATE[/b]
  302. Discipline: Veiled Moon (Strike) [mind-affecting]
  303. Level: 2
  304. Initiation Action: 1 standard action
  305. Range: Melee or ranged attack
  306. Target: One creature
  307. Duration: Instant
  308. Saving Throw: Will negates
  309. The disciple can befuddle and bewilder his opponent with this strike, causing a grave imbalance in the psyche of the victim. The initiator must make a successful attack against the target, inflicting an additional 2d6 points of damage and the target must attempt a Will save (DC 12 + initiation modifier) or suffer a -4 to all d20 rolls until the disciple's next turn.
  311. [b]FADING STRIKE[/b]
  312. Discipline: Veiled Moon (Strike) (teleportation)
  313. Level: 2
  314. Initiation Action: 1 standard action
  315. Range: Personal
  316. Target: Up to the disciple's movement speed
  317. Duration: Instant
  318. The disciple learns the basic technique at this level for walking between worlds to reach locations that previously could be inaccessible on the mortal world and potentially attack foes at those locales. As a standard action, the initiator may either teleport to a location no farther away than his maximum movement speed, and make an attack action against an opponent as part of the same standard action, or attack an adjacent target and then teleport to a location no farther away than his maximum movement speed. The teleportation destination must be clearly seen by the disciple to teleport to that location, and it must be unoccupied.
  320. [b]RESONANCE STRIKE[/b]
  321. Discipline: Veiled Moon (Strike) [Force]
  322. Level: 2
  323. Initiation Action: 1 standard action
  324. Range: Melee or ranged attack
  325. Target: One creature
  326. Duration: Instant
  327. By funneling his spiritual power into his attack, the Veiled Moon practitioner may strike an opponent with glowing silvery light on the Material or the Ethereal plane. This strike is resolved as a melee or ranged touch attack, and it inflicts 3d6 + initiator level points of force damage in lieu of normal damage, and this attack may strike incorporeal creatures without suffering reduced damage. This is an Ethereal plane using maneuver.
  330. [b][bigger]===3rd Level===[/bigger][/b]
  332. [b]ALTERED PENUMBRA[/b]
  333. Discipline: Veiled Moon (Counter) (Teleportation, Figment)
  334. Level: 3
  335. Prerequisite(s): One Veiled Moon maneuver
  336. Initiation Action: 1 immediate action
  337. Range: Personal
  338. Target: You
  339. Duration: Instant
  340. Position is relative to the Veiled Moon disciple's thinking, and his position in the universe is mutable. Using these principles, the disciple may circumvent reality to remove himself from harms way when necessary. The initiator makes a Stealth check opposing the attacker's Perception check. If successful then the initiator may teleport to any spot within 10- ft. away from his current position and leave a minor image duplicate of himself behind to take the attack of his foe in his place. Minor images created by this counter last for 1d4 rounds or until dispersed. This ability may be used to defend against spells and effects that directly target the initiator with an attack roll (such as ranged touch effects) or for those that allow for a Reflex save. If the attack would still encompass an area to where the initiator is teleporting (such as with the fireball spell he has not vacated), the initiator would still be struck by the attack.
  342. [b]BRILLIANT MOON[/b]
  343. Discipline: Veiled Moon (Strike)
  344. Level: 3
  345. Prerequisite(s): One Veiled Moon maneuver
  346. Initiation Action: 1 standard action
  347. Range: Melee or ranged attack
  348. Target: One creature
  349. Duration: Instant
  350. By partially phasing a portion of his attack out of this reality, the disciple may ignore certain obstacles, such as armor, when striking at an opponent. The initiator makes an attack roll and ignores the target's armor bonus to AC (unless this armor bonus comes from a force effect, such as mage armor). A successful hit inflicts an additional 4d4 points of force damage from the spiritual power the disciple infuses into the attack.[/spoiler]
  352. --------------------
  354. [spoiler=Psicrystal]Psicrystal
  355. NN Diminutive Construct
  356. [b]Init[/b] +2; [b]Senses[/b] Sighted 40 ft.; Perception +6
  358. --------------------
  359. DEFENSE
  360. --------------------
  362. [b]AC[/b] 19, touch 16, flat-footed 17. . (+2 Dex*, +3 natural, +4 size)
  363. [b]HP[/b] 61
  364. [b]Fort[/b] +11, [b]Ref[/b] +10, [b]Will[/b] +16
  366. --------------------
  367. OFFENSE
  368. --------------------
  370. [b]Speed[/b] 30 ft., climb 20 ft.*
  371. [b]Melee[/b] -
  373. --------------------
  375. --------------------
  377. [b]Str[/b] 1*, [b]Dex[/b] 15*, [b]Con[/b] -, [b]Int[/b] 9, [b]Wis[/b] 10, [b]Cha[/b] 10
  378. [b]Base Atk[/b] +0; [b]CMB[/b] -9; [b]CMD[/b] 3
  379. [b]Feats[/b] -
  380. [b]Skills[/b] Climb 1 rank (+11*), Perception 8 ranks (+10), Sense Motive 8 ranks (+10), Stealth 8 ranks (+10), Knowledge (psionics) 8 ranks (+7), Linguistics 8 ranks (+7), Spellcraft 8 ranks (+7), Autohypnosis 4 ranks (+4), Acrobatics 1 rank (+3), Diplomacy 1 rank (+1), Swim 1 rank (-4*)
  381. [b]Languages[/b] Common, Tengu, Abyssal, Aklo, Celestial, Daemonic, Draconic, Necril, Sylvan
  382. [b]SQ[/b] construct traits, psicrystal granted abilities
  384. --------------------
  386. --------------------
  388. [b][url=]Alertness (Ex)[/url][/b]: The presence of a psicrystal sharpens its master’s senses. While a psicrystal is within arm’s reach (adjacent to or in the same square as its owner), its owner gains the Alertness feat.
  390. [b][url=]Improved Evasion (Ex)[/url][/b]: If a psicrystal is subjected to an attack that normally allows a Reflex saving throw for half damage, it takes no damage if it makes a successful saving throw and half damage even if the saving throw fails.
  392. [b][url=]Personality (Ex)[/url][/b] - Resolved (+2 Will saves): Each psicrystal has a distinct personality, chosen by its owner at the time of its creation from among those given on the Psicrystal Personalities table. At 1st level, its owner typically gets a feel for a psicrystal’s personality only through occasional impulses, but as the owner increases in level the psicrystal’s personality becomes more pronounced. At higher levels, it is not uncommon for a psicrystal to constantly ply its owner with observations and advice, often severely slanted toward the psicrystal’s particular worldview. The owner always sees a bit of himself in his psicrystal, even if magnified and therefore distorted.
  394. [b][url=]Self-Propultion (Su)[/url][/b]: As a standard action, its owner can will a psicrystal to form spidery, ectoplasmic legs that grant the psicrystal a land speed of 30 feet and a climb speed of 20 feet. The legs fade into nothingness after one day (or sooner, if the owner desires).
  396. [b][url=]Share Powers (Su)[/url][/b]: At the owner’s option, he can have any power (but not any psi-like ability) he manifests on himself also affect his psicrystal. The psicrystal must be within 5 feet of him at the time of the manifestation to receive the benefit. If the power has a duration other than instantaneous, it stops affecting the psicrystal if it moves farther than 5 feet away, and will not affect the psicrystal again, even if it returns to its owner before the duration expires. Additionally, the owner can manifest a power with a target of “You” on his psicrystal (as a touch range power) instead of on himself. The owner and psicrystal cannot share powers if the powers normally do not affect creatures of the psicrystal’s type (construct).
  398. [b][url=]Sighted (Ex)[/url][/b]: Although it has no physical sensory organs, a psicrystal can telepathically sense its environment as well as a creature with normal vision and hearing. Darkness (even supernatural darkness) is irrelevant, as are areas of supernatural silence, though a psicrystal still can’t discern invisible or ethereal beings. A psicrystal’s sighted range is 40 feet.
  400. [b][url=]Telepathic Link (Su)[/url][/b]: The owner has a telepathic link with his psicrystal out to a distance of up to 1 mile. The owner cannot see through the psicrystal’s senses, but the two of them can communicate telepathically as if the psicrystal were the target of a mindlink power manifested by the owner. For instance, a psicrystal placed in a distant room could relay the activities occurring in that room. Because of the telepathic link between a psicrystal and its owner, the owner has the same connection to an item or place that the psicrystal does. For instance, if his psicrystal has seen a room, the owner can teleport into that room as if he has seen it too.
  402. [b][url=]Deliver Touch Powers (Su)[/url][/b]: If the owner is 3rd level or higher, his psicrystal can deliver touch powers for him. If the owner and psicrystal are in contact at the time the owner manifests a touch power, he can designate his psicrystal as the “toucher.” The psicrystal can then deliver the touch power just as the owner could. As usual, if the owner manifests another power before the touch is delivered, the touch power dissipates.
  404. [b][url=]Telepathic Speech (Ex)[/url][/b]: If the owner is 5th level or higher, the psicrystal can communicate telepathically with any creature that has a language and is within 30 feet of the psicrystal, while the psicrystal is also within 1 mile of the owner.
  406. *With self-propulsion ability activated.[/spoiler]
  408. [spoiler=Psicrystal Staff][url=]Psicrystal Staves[/url]
  410. A psicrystal staff is a long shaft of wood or crystal designed to provide a “setting” for a psionic character’s psicrystal, if a character has one. The basic psicrystal staff grants minimal ability to the psionic character’s psicrystal; however, every psicrystal staff can be customized, modified, and upgraded by the addition of setting stones. Each stone grants different abilities to the psionic character who uses the staff to carry his psicrystal. Of course, many psionic characters already carry their psicrystals on staves—only practiced eyes can tell the difference between a decorative setting and a potent item.
  412. Psicrystal staves have an Armor Class of 7, 10 hit points, a hardness of 8, and a break DC of 24.
  414. Activation: Psicrystal staves are activated as a free action so long as the psionic character keeps his psicrystal docked on the staff’s primary setting. The staff wielder must hold the staff to utilize its power. Psicrystals (as well as ancillary setting stones) can be docked for free. As a standard action, the psion can dock or release his psicrystal, psionically affixing it to the staff or releasing it; psicrystals with self-propulsion can dock or release themselves, at the direction of the psionic character. While docked, the psicrystal (and setting stones, if any) and the staff function as a unit. Besides the psicrystal itself, the psicrystal staff can hold a total of three additional setting stones. The wielder can switch a setting stone with another as a standard action. Setting stones, when mounted, also become part of the staff.
  416. Docked psicrystals are treated as if their owner’s manifester level is +2 higher than it really is, thus unlocking psicrystal potential early. The psicrystal must be mounted for at least 12 consecutive hours to initially gain this benefit, and it loses this benefit if it is unmounted for more than 12 hours total in a given day. For instance, a 1st-level psion with a psicrystal staff and a mounted psicrystal gains the benefits of a psicrystal with the ability to deliver touch powers, +1 natural armor, and +1 Intelligence, which is something normally only a psionic character of 3rd to 4th level could expect.[/spoiler]
  418. --------------------
  420. [spoiler=Background]Hatched under a waning moon, Iyashi Kei is the sixth son of a sixth son of the Kei clan. From birth, he seemed slightly [i]different[/i] from his brothers and sisters. Beyond developing an odd speech pattern, the young tengu was prone to flights of fancy. Even more easily distracted and impulsive than his kin, Iyashi (who prefers to be called by his family name) quickly earned a reputation as the proverbial "black sheep" of his family. This left him mostly excluded from the family and their dealings, and with nothing but free time, the sixth son had little to do but peruse the Kei clan's library, a shiny yellow-orange rock he had found his only companion.
  422. It cannot be said that Kei wasn't without reasons for his behavior. As far back as he can remember, he had dreams and visions of vast interstellar landscapes. Strange gibbering creatures would whisper in his ears, distant choirs of unknown form would chant unspeakable verse from beyond the horizon, and structures, as far as the eye could see, that should have collapsed upon themselves. Everything in these dreams felt [i]wrong[/i] to the young tengu, but the urge to know more about these places began to drive him. With the freedom to do as he pleased, Kei spent all his waking hours studying the ancient tomes of his clan. Sure enough, the tengu youth was able to find scrolls about visions of an otherworldly place. Buried deep in the knowledge of the Kei clan's secret arts, it seemed that the powers the clan exorcists wielded was attained by forging deals with forces they did not understand.
  424. In secret, Kei began to practice those old family arts. The circumstances of his birth made him quite proficient, and allowed him to swiftly begin to grasp the innate power of his mind. Not soon after he began this training, his beloved pet rock seemed to come to life. Growing five oddly-bent legs that clearly should not have been able to support the small rock, it began to climb all over its tengu master. It would speak directly into his mind in an alien tongue, a combination of strange demands to leave his clan's village, and seemingly useless advice. Despite this, Kei was pleased to have a real companion for the first time. He would talk telepathically to the psicrystal for hours on end, figuring out how to better control his powers. Though it had little ability to respond to his questions and thoughts, it at least provided company and a focus for his ability.
  426. Nearly two not-quite-as-lonely years after his psicrystal first manifested, Kei finally mastered the last of the arts in the Kei clan library. Still mostly in the dark about the Outer Gods that had originally bestowed their boons upon the Kei clan, Iyashi found that he, too, could contact the strange beings from beyond space to gain their strength. And with that strength polished to an art, Kei chose to finally heed his psicrystal's demand to leave the village. Slipping away on a moonless night, the self-styled exorcist began a journey for fame and fortune, one he continues to this very day.[/spoiler]
  428. [spoiler=Appearance and Personality]Tall for his kind, Kei appears to be a splendid example of a Tengu. His personality and behavior, however, leave much to be desired. With a slight but not scrawny frame, glossy black feathers, eyes, and beak, he very much is a physical paragon of his race.
  430. The mithral armor Kei wears over a grey leather outfit seems to suit him well, even though his talon-like feet seem to not quite fit into the boots. Additionally, though they don't appear it at first blush, his beak and claws are sharp enough to be used as weapons, the final resort for the exorcist should his psionic powers fail him.
  432. Flighty, enthusiastic and very inquisitive, Kei seems to strongly emphasize the traits of his people. His thirst for knowledge, which led him to his powers, is the source of his continuing research into the Outer Gods that he venerates. However, the strange circumstances of his birth, combined with his study of ancient tomes and eldritch knowledge have left him speaking and acting oddly, making it difficult for him to interact with others. Kei tries to circumvent this by communicating his feelings over his collective, but it's sadly a skill he has yet to master.
  434. Kei's psicrystal is a hand-sized opalescent yellow-orange stone with tiny legs that are bent in strange directions and don't seem even remotely capable of locomotion. Originally a plain stone the tengu had picked up because it was shiny and seemed to call to him, this psicrystal has served its master well. When set into his psicrystal staff, these legs connect to the staff's body, anchoring it. It speaks in an alien tongue and possesses almost unreasonable resolve: at first to leave the Kei clan village, later to make Kei stronger, and now to deal with the forces of evil inside Rappan Athuk.
  436. [url=]Portrait of Kei.[/url][/spoiler]
  438. --------------------
  440. [spoiler=Current Status]| HP: 122/122 | AC: 23 T: 14 FF: 21 | CMD: 23 | F: +11 R: +10 W: +16 | Init: +8 Per: +21 | PP: 84/84 | Collective: 4/6, Transfer Wounds: 9/9, Request Aid: 9/9 | AoOs: 3/3 |
  442. Effects: Alertness, Psionic Focus, Leaping Spirit Dance
  443. Collective: Alamar, Alpha, Brass, Psicrystal
  445. Manuevers:
  446. . . 3rd -- [stance] -; [strike] brilliant moon [1/1]; [boost] -; [counter] altered penumbra [1/1]
  447. . . 2nd -- [strike] cursed fate [1/1], fading strike [1/1], resonance strike; [boost] -; [counter] -
  448. . . 1st -- [stance] leaping spirit dance [1], spirit sensing stance; [strike] -; [boost] ghost hunting blow; [counter] inner sense
  450. ===
  452. Psicrystal:
  453. | HP: 61/61 | AC: 17 T: 14 FF: 17 | CMD: 3 | F: +11 R: +10 W: +16 | Init: +0 Per: +8 |
  455. Effects: Psionic Focus[/spoiler]
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