

May 26th, 2018
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  1. This lists disgraceful or ironic historical events (A) followed by laws/legal decisions undermining American values (B) in the order that they transpired, concluding with measures that could be taken to prevent an imminent crisis and restore virtue to the Republic (C).
  3. A.
  4. 1886: Bay View Massacre -- Seven labor protesters are killed by National Guardsmen in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
  5. 1903: Colorado Labor Wars -- Miners and mill workers frequently came at odds with National Guardsmen while on strike over the
  6. course of the year
  7. 1942: Internment of Japanese -- US citizens with Japanese heritage were interned in camps for the duration of World War II
  8. 1953: Operation MKULTRA -- CIA program focused on developing mind-control through experimentation on US citizens.
  9. 1973: War on Drugs -- The Drug Enforcement Administration is created and a ‘new prohibition’ is inaugurated
  10. 1975: Church Committee -- This Senate group over-viewed intelligence agency misconduct and concluded that if operations were
  11. ever used on US citizens, it would be the point of no return for the freedom of the nation
  12. 1985: MOVE Bombing -- The MOVE ‘black power’ organization in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania has their compound bombed by
  13. police, destroying a whole city block and killing eleven people
  14. 1992: Ruby Ridge -- Randy Weaver and his family are killed around their home near Naples, Idaho by the FBI
  15. 1993: Waco Siege -- A cult in Waco, Texas called ‘Branch Davidians’ were slaughtered by the ATF and FBI, burning their
  16. compound to the ground with children inside
  17. 2001: War on Terror -- Reigning executive-branch philosophy formed after 9/11 by the Bush Jr. administration
  19. B.
  20. 1869: Texas v. White -- No state can leave the Union
  21. 1913: Sixteenth Amendment -- The federal income tax was established
  22. 1913: Federal Reserve Act -- Created the Federal Reserve and allowed them to create money
  23. 1917: Compulsory Education -- Mississippi is the last state in the Union to legislate that the parents of children
  24. who are not provided approved education will be somehow persuaded
  25. 1917: Espionage Act -- Prevents citizens disseminating information that pose a “clear and present danger” to
  26. US interests
  27. 1933: Executive Order 6102 -- Forcing gold privately held to be exchanged for bank notes under penalty of
  28. prosecution; upheld by the Supreme Court as constitutional
  29. 1935: Social Security Act -- Income that is taxed by the Federal Government is allocated from people in the
  30. workforce to older citizens who can no longer provide for themselves
  31. 1942: Wickard v. Filburn -- Practically anything can be considered ‘interstate commerce’ and therefore can be
  32. regulated by Congress
  33. 1948: Smith-Mundt Act -- Propaganda material created by the State Department can be disseminated to the
  34. citizenry in the name of “public diplomacy”
  35. 1965: Immigration and Nationality Act -- Loosens the heavy immigration vetting process and begins favoring non-Europeans as
  36. immigrants
  37. 1968: Terry v. Ohio -- Police can stop and frisk a person they believe is about to commit a crime
  38. 1980: Diamond v. Chakrabarty -- Genetically Modified Organisms can be patented
  39. 1996: Telecommunications Act -- Allowed media cross-ownership; essentially a media monopoly, including the internet
  40. 1996: Executive Order 13011 -- Encouraged and facilitated the promulgation of information between agencies for
  41. national security and better efficiency
  42. 2001: USA PATRIOT Act -- Allows intelligence agencies to spy on American citizens under the pretext of
  43. ‘terrorism prevention’
  44. 2001: Authorization to Use Military Force -- President has total power to use military force against suspected terrorists, even if
  45. US citizens, and they can be indefinitely detained
  46. 2007: Executive Directive 51 -- During a state of “catastrophic emergency”, the President has power to coordinate and
  47. centralize the other branches of government
  48. 2010: ‘Citizens United’ -- Corporations can spend unlimited sums of money in support for political candidates due
  49. to their ‘legal personhood’
  50. 2010: Affordable Care Act -- Practically everyone living in the United States is required to possess health
  51. insurance or incur a penalty
  52. 2012: Executive Order 13603 -- (expansion of fifty years of similar EO’s) The US government can seize most any
  53. material, service, or industry it deems necessary to hold during a state of emergency
  55. C.
  56. The Republic will undoubtedly fail unless these Twenty Items are realized in Three Stages:
  57. 1. – American Reawakening (Small, practical first steps toward a better nation)
  58. i. Dual-citizens, of any kind, are banned from serving an elected role.
  59. This is to ensure that elected representatives have solely American interests at heart.
  60. ii. All torture-prison facilities (such as Abu Garib and Guantanamo Bay) are dismantled and domestic prisons systems are radically
  61. altered to reform the inmate.
  62. The former unconstitutional facilities are a moral stain on our national character, and the latter institution is both
  63. a form of slavery and a complete failure at rehabilitation.
  64. iii. Regulate higher-education tuition fees to serve the students and heavily favor U.S. citizens over foreign students.
  65. The monopolistic stranglehold that universities have over higher-education encourages massive debt accumulation rather
  66. aiding citizens.
  67. iv. Regulate pharmaceutical corporations to serve citizens’ health needs.
  68. The monopolistic stranglehold that ‘big-pharma’ has over life-saving medicines is wholly detrimental to citizens in
  69. dire need of them.
  70. 2. – American Reformation (Large-scale, more ideal fixes, but still completely possible)
  71. v. Elected representatives are Constitutionally-bound to term-limits.
  72. This is to ensure that ‘career-politicians’ and the ‘constant campaign’ cease to exist.
  73. vi. Reinstate the Civilian Conservation Corp (CCC).
  74. This gives an opportunity for new or struggling citizens to help rebuild the nation’s infrastructure and clean up waste
  75. in public spaces, and fosters national cohesion as those involved in the Corp can see the country, be instilled with
  76. its values, and receive discipline apart from military service.
  77. vii. All illegal aliens and illegally residing individuals are deported to their country-of-origin.
  78. This is to ensure a workforce of American citizens and remove an unneeded drain on American time and energy to people
  79. who do not respect our laws.
  80. viii. Immigration, of any kind, is dramatically curtailed.
  81. This is to ensure that demographical changes occur internally, not from external influences.
  82. ix. All military forces in the Middle-East are brought home.
  83. There is no current reason to be militarily involved in the Middle-East and our continued presence there is counter-
  84. productive to tax-paying citizens, to the nations we station ourselves in, and to the soldiers involved.
  85. x. ‘Intelligence Agencies’ are severely overseen and restricted from domestic surveillance and interloping in foreign affairs.
  86. Their perpetual self-serving policies and foreign adventures have consistently proved detrimental to the interest of
  87. American citizens.
  88. xi. All ‘Foreign Aid’ is substantially diminished.
  89. This is to put American taxes to American use and to prevent foreign entanglement.
  90. xii. Significantly reduce the amount of public funding that goes into all domestic ‘welfare programs’ and heavily regulate their
  91. use.
  92. This is to ensure that tax-dollars serve the citizenry rather than the citizens serving free-riders.
  93. xiii. Corporations are no longer considered persons and are regulated differently.
  94. Current definitions are ill-suited to have corporations be a useful piece of America and very often the legal
  95. terminology of their ‘personhood’ negatively impacts citizens.
  96. xiv. End federally-mandated ‘Standardized Testing’, leaving the states to determine education.
  97. This is to stop failed educational policies and to erode federal imposition.
  98. xv. All drugs are federally decriminalized, leaving the states to determine their legality.
  99. This is to end the failed prohibition on drugs and erode federal imposition.
  100. 3. American Rebirth (Short of a ‘temporary autocrat’, these measures would require extreme force of will by the citizenry to
  101. accomplish, but would usher in a bright, whole era for the Republic)
  102. xvi. Completely abolish the ‘Income Tax’ and ‘Social Security’.
  103. Without consent, the federal government redistributes a portion of the income you earn for a failed ‘retirement
  104. program’ – the financial destiny of every citizen should be in their own hands and government revenue should be
  105. supplied through other avenues. The people are already taxed enough.
  106. xvii. Dismantle the ‘Federal Reserve’ central banking system.
  107. The unelected bureaucrats of the unconstitutional institution have far too much control over America’s economy and
  108. consistently encourage deficit spending.
  109. xviii. Erase all current monetary debt individuals owe and establish a new financial ‘Year One’ for the entire nation.
  110. This is to clearly and unequivocally state that past mistakes are past and we will not allow banks to solely determine
  111. America’s financial future.
  112. xix. The ‘State Militia System’, as prescribed in the Constitution, is prioritized over the National Military, which is decreased
  113. substantially.
  114. This is to encourage community-cohesion and transform the United States from an offensive power into a defensive one
  115. through a single motion; not to mention how many tax dollars will be saved. Anyone who does not meet militia-service
  116. requirements cannot serve as citizens – no exceptions.
  117. xx. Prosecute Hollywood, Silicon Valley, Wall Street, and Washington D.C. elite who willingly conspired against the freedom and
  118. values of American citizens for their own benefit.
  119. This is to announce justice for the past, a reckoning in the present, and a warning for those in the future.
  121. Summary:
  122. * End foreign entanglement
  123. * End post-9/11 military policies
  124. * Lessen federal dominance over the states
  125. * Ensure that elected representatives serve better
  126. * Ensure that taxes and corporations serve the American people
  127. * Ensure that those responsible for bringing us down this road are made an example of
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