Guest User


a guest
Oct 21st, 2019
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  1. syntax = "proto3";
  2. package data;
  4. message Request{
  5. string aws_region = 1;
  6. string source = 2;
  7. string referer = 3;
  8. string site = 4;
  9. int64 type_id = 5;
  10. int64 response_type_id = 6;
  11. string idfa = 7;
  12. string android_id = 8;
  13. string ua = 9;
  14. string ip = 10;
  15. string ip_aso = 11;
  16. string ip_connection_type = 12;
  17. string ip_isp = 13;
  18. string ip_org = 14;
  19. string lang = 15;
  20. float lat = 16;
  21. float long = 17;
  22. int64 loc_dom = 18;
  23. int64 loc_dow = 19;
  24. int64 loc_msm = 20;
  25. int64 loc_mon = 21;
  26. string local_tz = 22;
  27. string device_fam = 23;
  28. string os_fam = 24;
  29. int64 os_maj = 25;
  30. int64 os_min = 26;
  31. int64 plat_id = 27;
  32. string country = 28;
  33. string city = 29;
  34. string region = 30;
  35. string postal_code = 31;
  36. string dma_code = 32;
  37. int64 conversion = 33;
  38. float revenue = 34;
  39. float tti = 35;
  40. User user = 36;
  41. repeated Demand demand_items = 37;
  42. }
  45. message Demand {
  46. message PublisherStats{
  47. string pub_demand_id = 1;
  48. int64 clicks_1h =2;
  49. int64 clicks_4h =3;
  50. int64 clicks_12h =4;
  51. int64 clicks_3d =5;
  52. int64 clicks_7d =6;
  53. int64 conv_1h =7;
  54. int64 conv_4h =8;
  55. int64 conv_12h =9;
  56. int64 conv_3d =10;
  57. int64 conv_7d =11;
  58. float cvr_1h =12;
  59. float cvr_4h =13;
  60. float cvr_12h =14;
  61. float cvr_3d =15;
  62. float cvr_7d =16;
  63. }
  65. message NetworkStats{
  66. int64 clicks_1h =1;
  67. int64 clicks_4h =2;
  68. int64 clicks_12h =3;
  69. int64 clicks_3d =4;
  70. int64 clicks_7d =5;
  71. int64 conv_1h =6;
  72. int64 conv_4h =7;
  73. int64 conv_12h =8;
  74. int64 conv_3d =9;
  75. int64 conv_7d =10;
  76. float cvr_1h =11;
  77. float cvr_4h =12;
  78. float cvr_12h =13;
  79. float cvr_3d =14;
  80. float cvr_7d =15;
  81. }
  83. int64 id = 1;
  84. int64 category = 2;
  85. float commission = 3;
  86. float rating = 4;
  87. int64 ratingsCount =5;
  88. string store_id = 6;
  89. int64 store_installs =7;
  90. int64 offer_type_id =8;
  91. string pay_method =9;
  92. int64 store = 10;// offerSourceID?
  93. Network network = 11;
  94. PublisherStats pub_stats = 12;
  95. NetworkStats net_stats = 13;
  96. }
  99. message Network {
  100. int64 id = 1;
  101. int64 am_user_id = 2; //"networkCloserUserId": "678",
  102. int64 templates =3;
  103. int64 sensitivity =4;//"networkWhitelistOnly": "1",
  104. int64 network_cap =5;
  105. int64 direct =6;
  106. int64 live_24h =7;
  107. int64 live_7d =8;
  108. int64 live_3w =9;
  109. int64 live_2m =10;
  110. int64 live_6m = 11;
  113. message NetworkStats{
  114. int64 active_templates =1; //networkTotalActiveLinks
  115. int64 valid_templates =2;
  116. float avg_link_hops = 3;
  117. float valid_ratio = 4; //"networkActiveToValidRatio"
  120. float avg_clicks_1h =5;
  121. float avg_clicks_4h =6;
  122. float avg_clicks_12h =7;
  123. float avg_clicks_3d =8;
  124. float avg_clicks_7d =9;
  125. float avg_conv_1h =10;
  126. float avg_conv_4h =11;
  127. float avg_conv_12h =12;
  128. float avg_conv_3d =13;
  129. float avg_conv_7d =14;
  130. float avg_cvr_1h =15;
  131. float avg_cvr_4h =16;
  132. float avg_cvr_12h =17;
  133. float avg_cvr_3d =18;
  134. float avg_cvr_7d =19;
  137. float avg_chng_1h =20;
  138. float avg_chng_4h =21;
  139. float avg_chng_12h =22;
  140. float avg_chng_36h =23;
  141. float avg_chng_72h =24;
  143. float avg_com_chng_1h =25;
  144. float avg_com_chng_4h =26;
  145. float avg_com_chng_12h =27;
  146. float avg_com_chng_36h =28;
  147. float avg_com_chng_72h =29;
  149. float avg_lv_chng_1h =30;
  150. float avg_lv_chng_4h =31;
  151. float avg_lv_chng_12h =32;
  152. float avg_lv_chng_36h =33;
  153. float avg_lv_chng_72h =34;
  155. }
  156. }
  159. message User {
  160. string device_id = 1;
  161. int64 app_count = 2;
  162. int64 app_categories = 3;
  163. string top_category = 4;
  164. string second_category = 5;
  165. string third_category = 6;
  166. int64 clicks = 7;
  167. int64 conversions = 8;
  168. string gender = 9;
  169. int64 age = 10;
  170. int64 incomeUSD = 11;
  171. int64 locations_8h = 12;
  172. int64 locations_2d = 13;
  173. int64 locations_30d = 14;
  174. int64 locations_180d = 15;
  175. }
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