1500 soldier x zenyatta vod review

Sep 13th, 2017
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  1. Yay Speed book made his first pastern!! Ok so this one is for edward zhong. I am typing this while watching the vid. So in the setup time I hear someone who is displeased with the team comp. You answer this by saying that this is silver. This tells me two really important things. 1. You have a mic. A mic is one of the best things you can have for overwatch. Callouts often the great divider of ranks. 2. You have probably been in silver enough to see stupid team comps work. The meta is less of a rulebook in lower ranks that it is a guideline. But, you should still make sure you don't play like your in quick play. I also like your attempt to guide your team to a better comp. Continuing with the mic, it never hurts to say hi to your team. These are the people you have to work with, so it's best to be some what acquainted. Instead of using chat, speak. A human voice is a familiar sound. Chat doesn't carry the same effect. Now, I will probably not goes as in depth with your soldier play. I rarely play him, but I still understand positioning well. You have a strong, consistent form of damage that can be built upon. You seem to have rather good aim, and you make some minimal callouts. At 3:10 you already have ult yet do not tell your team, especially your Ana, who can easily combo you with nano. To be completely honest, I can't find a lot of issues with how you are playing soldier. My only gripe at the moment(4:00) is that you would stay with your rein more, But you seem very competent on high ground. I can't find much more to comment on with the soldier gameplay. You seem to understand the character in a way that doesn't really fit your rank. I think I will leave the rest of the game play to another coach, so I'm skipping to the zen gameplay. The thing about zenyatta is that players often lose track of one of his orbs, usually healing. They get a sort of tunnel vision and forget to heal people. It's best to let the orb sit on a dps you know will be taking damage, and then going ham. Remember, this is coming from the guy who one tricks lucio, who is built around micromanaging. You died extremely early on to the pharah, and you could have avoided that by not stopping at the door. As zen, you want to turtle, holding a spot with a strong sightline of both your team and the enemy. It helps to mentally map out good spots to hunker down in. You also didn't call out the fact you discorded the pharah. The discord is hard to see and saying who you targeted can help a lot. Ok I am going to be one hundred percent honest. Your gameplay perplexes me. You not only have good aim, you have a fine game sense, and you can make callouts. Why are you in silver? I have seen far worse players in platinum and diamond. Do you know? Because I can't find a good reason why. And if you have seen the gameplay, you might agree that this isn't right. I mean there are still a few mistakes and issues, but they're so trivial I would be nitpicking. You did really well on the second point, holding the backline and you were fairly balanced with your orbs. I like you keeping it on mercy, which is a mistake I see a lot. She might be able to self regenerate, but she could still use heals. You communicate well with your rein, who is not bad herself, and are generally keeping the team coordinated. The third point, you did well calling out the zen and wrecking the reaper, and you seem uncontested. If I was on the enemy team, I would be focusing you more, which they fail to do. And if I was on the enemy team, I'd also be bouncing halfway across the map at the speed of light to murder you, but I digress. You probably could have used your ultimate at (17:20) but otherwise it was fine. Remember, you don't always have to use it just to counter an enemy ultimate. I think at this point you really start to tunnel vision, and I understand that. After the enemy zen ulted, you probably should have run away. You should be trying to keep yourself alive above all else. You deserved the victory. I want to hear from you, as I am undeniably curious why you are in silver. Speed boop out.
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