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a guest
Jun 19th, 2018
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  1. command /fix:
  2. trigger:
  3. if player is holding a pickaxe:
  4. set {_delay} to difference between {repair.%player%.lastused} and now
  5. if {_delay} is less than a minute:
  6. send player title "&cPlease wait.." with subtitle "&7%difference between a minute and {_delay}% to repair again" for 5 seconds
  7. else:
  8. send ""
  9. send "&8&l** &aYou successfully repaired your pickaxe &8&l**"
  10. send ""
  11. repair player's tool
  12. set {repair.%player%.lastused} to now
  13. stop
  14. if player is holding a sword:
  15. set {_delay} to difference between {repair.%player%.lastused} and now
  16. if {_delay} is less than a minute:
  17. send player title "&cPlease wait.." with subtitle "&7%difference between a minute and {_delay}% to repair again" for 5 seconds
  18. else:
  19. send ""
  20. send "&8&l** &aYou successfully repaired your sword &8&l**"
  21. send ""
  22. repair player's tool
  23. set {repair.%player%.lastused} to now
  24. stop
  25. if player isn't holding a pickaxe:
  26. send "&8&l* &cYou need to be holding your Sword / Pickaxe to repair it &8&l*"
  27. stop
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