
Ch 5: Part 4: Thorn's End: Session 91

Dec 12th, 2013
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  1. [16:06:08] <@Kilarra> *****Second Darkness*****
  2. [16:07:46] <@Kilarra> ~~~Chapter 5: A Memory of Darkness~~~
  3. [16:10:38] <@Kilarra> -Session 91-
  4. [16:12:44] <@Kilarra> The party had found Malindil and Arlindil of the Winter Council in the quarters of the latter and in each other's company. Mentioning the drow menace got a rise out of Arlindil, who sent the party to clear out a roost of Vrocks that used to be his quarters. The party did so, but the sheer number of demons around Thorn's End resulted in them being quickly replaced.
  5. [16:13:15] <@Kilarra> Their task done howeverm Arlindil agreed to an emergency reconvening of the broken council, and Malindil followed suit, leaving only Hialin to be convinced.
  6. [16:13:44] <@Kilarra> Hialin himself seems on edge and highly impatient, not fond of disturbances, and has demanded form the party proof of their claim that the council is reconvening.
  7. [16:16:34] <Aluthyra> Kahree groans. "We can prove it to you. It's like... a, what, few minute walk to the council chambers?"
  8. [16:18:09] <@Kilarra> Hialin scoffs, "And that's a few minutes too many. My research cannot be interrupted for such distractions."
  9. [16:19:05] <Aluthyra> Kahree frowns. "The sooner you check, the sooner we leave and you can get back to it."
  10. [16:20:08] <@Kilarra> One of the guards speaks up, "Hialin sir, we can vouch for the outsiders. On Armistil's orders, we have been escorting them through the base. They have already met with Perelir, Arlindil and Malindil."
  11. [16:21:51] <@Kilarra> Hialin seems to lose focus for a moment, looking around his room as if searching for something. When he sets eyes on the guard again, he scowls, but nods. "Not that the three of them are worth anything anymore, but I suppose." He seems to lose focus again as he picks up a bit of stale looking bread and takes a bite, before tossing the rest aside once more.
  12. [16:23:46] Kilarra grimaces a bit and looks to Aluthyra, "They weren't kidding about this guy."
  13. [16:25:17] Aluthyra nods, slight frown present on her lips.
  14. [16:25:57] <Aluthyra> Kahree scowls. "What? 'Not worth anything anymore'? So -you- were the one that tried to have us captured."
  15. [16:27:23] <@Kilarra> Hialin looks at the party, as if actually noticing they were there for the first time. "Oh. You're the ones Villastir told me about. Took them long enough to bring you here."
  16. [16:29:00] <Aluthyra> Kahree's eyes narrow at the name. The elf. "-They- didn't bring us here. We came here."
  17. [16:32:34] <@Kilarra> Hialin blinks, "Well, so long as you're here. How did you learn about the drow in the first place? What can you tell me about this destruction plot? Do you know their target?"
  18. [16:33:01] <@Kilarra> Estril whispers to Kahree, "Told you he was scary."
  19. [16:34:33] <Aluthyra> Kahree looks back to Kilarra and Kjell. They're better at explaining!
  20. [16:35:01] Kilarra frowns at Hialin, "Perhaps it would be better if we explained everything to all of you at once. It would be more efficient that way, take up less of your time."
  21. [16:37:17] <@Kilarra> Hialin mulls that over for a moment, "Alright, then we should get this over with." He seems to go out of focus again for a moment, then looks back to the party, "I'll be along, but if they're not there and you've been wasting my time..." he trails off as a book catches his eye and he begins scanning a few pages.
  22. [16:38:55] <Aluthyra> Kahree huffs. "This guy... Come on, we're going now, and then you can get back to your books."
  23. [16:39:58] [NOTICE Global]: [Network Notice] Googolplexed - DOH HO HO! The gifts keep coming! Today is the 3rd day of giving with a FREE raffle of GAMES AND CUSTOM ART held at #christmasraffle in ~20 minutes (2PM Pacific) All you need to enter is to be there~! If you would like to donate, please contact Spiffy
  24. [16:40:56] <@Kilarra> Hialin shakes his head, "I will be along, as I must if the others are coming, but if I must, then I intend to do so with my findings prepared for presentation."
  25. [16:42:49] Aluthyra raises an eyebrow. "It will not take long to gather your findings, will it?"
  26. [16:43:42] <@Kilarra> Hialin waves a hand at the party, "It will go quicker if I didn't have to put up with distracting presences."
  27. [16:45:54] Kilarra sighs, "Let's just go. If he doesn't end up coming, then the other three might actually make better decisions."
  28. [16:47:09] <Aluthyra> /me nods, turning for the door. "Very well." She looks to the guards. "If you could lead us to the other council members, please."
  29. [16:47:35] <Aluthyra> Kahree continues glaring at Hialin for a few more moments before turning for the door.
  30. [16:50:11] <@Kilarra> Estril blows a quiet raspberry and continues to hover invisibly near Kahree as they take their leave.
  31. [16:50:47] <@Kilarra> The guards nod, although they cast worried glances back at Hialin, who definitely seems nearly unhinged, before leading the party back down through the fortress.
  32. [16:55:21] <@Kilarra> The guards lead the party back down through the fortress, eventually reaching a chamber on the fourth floor:
  33. [16:55:46] <@Kilarra> This comfortably appointed room holds several chairs and low tables, reading lamps, a wine rack full of bottles and elegant glasses, and a small cabinet for holding other alcoholic spirits. A fire burns merrily in a hearth against the southeast wall.
  34. [16:57:08] <@Kilarra> Malindil, Arlindil and Perelir are already present here, although Perelir seems a mix of surprised and impressed that the party actually managed to assemble the Council. She addresses the party as they are brought into the room. "I am glad to see you again. Is Hialin coming?"
  35. [16:58:46] Aluthyra nods. "Eventually. He said that he would like to gather materials to show you all first."
  36. [16:59:46] <@Kilarra> Perelir nods, "Thank you for your efforts. Perhaps, with your catalyzing, we may actually achieve something at long last."
  37. [17:00:17] <@Kilarra> "I doubt it," grumbles Malindil morosely. "Three times now have I laid down my life trying to 'achieve' something, and yet here we remain."
  38. [17:09:49] Aluthyra nods. "Hopefully you shall, and will luck, we will be able to assist."
  39. [17:41:57] <@Kilarra> Arlindil places an arm around Malindil. "These outsiders have come to us, and whether or not we agree, they still managed to get us out of our isolation. The rest presumably is up to our judgements."
  40. [17:56:01] <@Kilarra> After a few minutes pass and those assembled can have a quick bit of refreshment, Hialin finally shows his face. He says nothing and simply moves through the room to the chamber beyond
  41. [17:56:44] <@Kilarra> Perelir rises to follow, and motions for the party to come with her. She leads them through an adjacent small shamber, then into what certainly looks like a proper meeting room:
  42. [17:57:13] <@Kilarra> This spacious chamber is the very picture of austerity. Candlesburn throughout the room, illuminating tapestries depictingelven life in beautiful detail. A long, wide table stretches twentyfeet through the center of the room, surrounded by exquisitelycarved, high-backed chairs, and set with several silver ewersand silver-filigreed goblets.
  43. [17:57:42] <@Kilarra> To the southeast, six tall paintingsdepicting full-size renditions of elves hang on the wall—abeautiful woman in a gown of stars with long red hair, a darkhairedman in a long fur cloak with green facial tattoos, a paleskinnedman with black hair wearing dark clothes and a spikedglove, (c)
  44. [17:57:54] <@Kilarra> a statuesque beauty in golden armor wielding a spearand a sword, a tall man with silver hair and long green robesholding a bejeweled staff, and a narrow-eyed woman dressedin gold and green armor missing the top half of her left ear.
  45. [17:58:19] <@Kilarra> This last portrait has been slashed multiple times with a blade.To the northwest, the walls are bare save for what appears tobe an iron spike with a pentagram carved into its head—thespike has been driven into the wall, and shimmers with a palegolden radiance.
  46. [18:00:11] <@Kilarra> Aside from Hialin taking a seat, the room is occupied by a glowing orb of light that seems to be standing guard over that iron spike. Perelir approaches it, smiling, "We are about to convene council, you may take your leave for now."
  47. [18:01:13] <@Kilarra> The orb bobs and a ringing, celestial voice comes form it, "As you wish my lady." The orb then shifts into the familiar, but not quite identical form of a Ghale Azata, who strides out of the room, bowing politely to the party as she passes.
  48. [18:02:16] Kilarra steps into the room and immediately shudders, her eyes drawn to the spike in the wall. "That must be it," she muses, crossing her arms over her chest and rubbing her shoulders.
  49. [18:03:37] Aluthyra smiles in turn to the Azata, turning her attention back to the council as she enters. As Kilarra rubs her arms, Aluthyra wraps one of her wings around the other woman. "Cold?"
  50. [18:04:27] Kilarra shakes her head, "Not actually, but that thing is giving me chills." She frowns a bit, leaning into the wing embrace, "I hate my blood."
  51. [18:05:48] <@Kilarra> The Azata takes up a post outside the room, along with the party's two escort guards, her greatsword sheathed for now. Kahree can still feel Estril's wings flapping near her head, but he goes completely quiet, curiosity overlapping his usual chattiness.
  52. [18:06:13] <@Kilarra> Kjell bows to the Azata as well, remembering their brief excursion to Elysium, and then joins the other party members inside.
  53. [18:06:51] <Aluthyra> Kahree shrugs it off, not really caring about Estril's oddities. She moves into the room without greeting, looking around... Her eyes narrow slightly at Hialin.
  54. [18:08:14] <@Kilarra> Hialin doesn't seem to notice as he takes a seat in front of his portrait. Perelir does the same as Malindil and Arlindil enter, also taking seats by their own portraits.
  55. [18:09:50] <@Kilarra> Although it looks like there are normally only seats for the council members, extra chairs have been placed along the table, allowing the party to each have a seat.
  56. [18:10:29] Aluthyra holds Kilarra close for a few moments before giving her a squeeze, then stepping to take a seat.
  57. [18:11:37] Kilarra takes a seat as far from the spike as she could manage while still getting next to Aluthyra. For comforting herself, she slips her tail up next to ALuthyra's leg.
  58. [18:12:19] <Aluthyra> Kahree, on the other hand, takes the seat farthest away from Kilarra.
  59. [18:12:33] <@Kilarra> Hialin looks at Kilarra as she takes a seat, as though noticing her horns and hooves for the first time, but doesn't have the same immediate reaction to her, simply shrugging and looking back to his notes.
  60. [18:14:38] <@Kilarra> After all are seated, no one seems to say anything. They all just sit there, lost in their own thoughts, glowering at each other, or in Hialin's case, glowering at whatever his eyes manage to focus on.
  61. [18:17:51] Kilarra glances to Kjell, who seemed to actually have some talent for telling the story they've been through so far.
  62. [18:18:32] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods, but before he can speak, Hialin interjects
  63. [18:19:40] <@Kilarra> The elf clears his throat first, cutting off the outsider, and demands: "Why have we been gathered here? There is so much important work to be done, and you claimed to have answers for me, yet you sit there gaping like fish on dry land."
  64. [18:20:29] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods and speaks, "We came here to seek your advice on a grave matter
  65. [18:20:35] <@Kilarra> -10 Karma to dust off
  66. [18:21:38] <@Kilarra> Kjell nods and speaks, "We came here to seek your advice on a grave matter. Now, we have recently learned of many drow machinations, which we originally ended up involved with quite by accident. Still, these drow pose a dire threat to Kyonin, and the elves we have grown to be allies of."
  67. [18:22:03] <@Kilarra> Kjell recounts the tales of Devil's Elbow, Celwynvian, and Zirnakaynin.
  68. [18:24:00] <@Kilarra> However, throughout Kjell's storytelling, it's hard to remain fluent as the members of the Winter Council constantly start arguing with each other.
  69. [18:24:40] <@Kilarra> Arlindil, The downcast druid, is despondent, claiming that the Winter Council is dead and that they should admit it, abandon the building to Tanglebriar, and throw themselves before Queen Telandia for mercy.
  70. [18:25:19] [NOTICE Global]: [Network Notice] Colgate - For those wondering, we're being packeted atm.
  71. [18:25:24] <@Kilarra> Hialin sees the other elves (and the partys) as symptoms of the Winter Council’s failure, and takes every opportunity to cast blame. He claims to be alonein researching a method to solve the current problem,and that he alone is honoring Auramesties’s memory.
  72. [18:26:00] <@Kilarra> He takes particular delight in mocking Malindil andArlindil’s relationship, saying that their antics do notbelie a proper member of the council, who should beabove the distractions of the heart and body.
  73. [18:27:14] <@Kilarra> Malindil wants to recruit the party and her fellow councilors in an assault on the demons. A solid, swift blow to them and their nalfeshnee leader will show them that the Winter Council remains strong, but she quickly gets distracted by any perceived slight against her lover Arlindil and swiftly and shrilly defends himwith insults and accusations of her own.
  74. [18:28:16] <@Kilarra> Perelir believes that the only sane choice is to contact the queen, to ask for her help, and to engage the armies of Kyonin to begin a massive reclamation effort against Tanglebriar, starting here at Thorn’s End.
  75. [18:28:42] <@Kilarra> Theconcept of giving up the Winter Council’s secrets tothe rest of the elven government is the only thing thatgalvanizes the other three elves together in agreement
  76. [18:29:34] <@Kilarra> Hialin is swift to decry: "Perelir is no longer fit to be seated on this council! All those in favour of her expulsion?" He raises his hand immediately, but the other two do not follow suit, looking to each other a bit nerviously
  77. [18:29:45] Kilarra looks to Aluthyra, "Uh... any ideas?"
  78. [18:31:02] Aluthyra shakes her head. "I do not think I am quite suited for such mediation."
  79. [18:31:42] <@Kilarra> -End Session-
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