
Learning To Read

Mar 25th, 2010
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  1. (6:39 PM) Mum: yeah I'll think about it some more. Dad might have some thoughts as well.
  2. (6:40 PM) Me: This assignment is discriminatory toward people with bad memories :<
  3. (6:40 PM) Mum: Maybe you need to find a seven year old and steal their memories
  4. (6:41 PM) Me: Hmmm.
  5. This has potential.
  6. (6:43 PM) Mum: Dad said he used to read with you everynight when you went to bed. He's asking do you remember the cockies circle books,
  7. (6:44 PM) Me: I remember that you guys read to me, but not from the inside, if you know what I mean?
  8. I know that you did, but I don't remember what it felt like.
  9. I do remember the books, but I remember more about the story tapes than I do the cocky's circle books.
  10. (6:45 PM) Mum: Dad's just gone to look for some of the 'favourite' books you used to read together
  11. (6:46 PM) Me: I remember 'when the moon was blue'
  12. I think of that every time I see one of those portable houses on a truck
  13. because doesn't the house get up and run away?
  14. (6:46 PM) Me: And I remember the one with the really dark drawings, about a cat on a rug in the library
  15. (6:47 PM) Me: And I remember the one where the cat climbs the rainbow
  16. aaand the one about Timothy Flynn being clumsy
  17. (6:47 PM) Me: and the one about the boy with all the random things in his pockets
  18. that he fixes stuff with
  19. (6:47 PM) Dad: The diggingest dog? Ten apples up on top?
  20. (6:47 PM) Dad: spirit of hope?
  21. (6:47 PM) Me: I don't remember the dog one, but ten apples up on top I think I do
  22. and how could I forget the spirit of hope?
  23. But that's not a cocky's circle book :P
  24. (6:48 PM) Dad: 1 fish 2 fish red fish blue fish?
  25. (6:48 PM) Me: The picnic at shelly beach one is a big favourite of mine
  26. (6:48 PM) Dad: Bob Graham
  27. (6:48 PM) Me: and yeah, can't forget the seuss. Fox in socks, and what was that other one, 'did I ever tell you how lucky you are'?
  28. (6:51 PM) Dad: mm, the library cat
  29. (6:51 PM) Me: I seem to remember that one being a little on the creepy side.
  30. (6:51 PM) Dad: the rainbow cat...
  31. (6:51 PM) Me: I remember the mood of the art of the library cat one
  32. not the story or anything
  33. (6:52 PM) Dad: We had a favorite cocky's circle book...
  34. (6:52 PM) Dad: about a tug boat and a lighthouse
  35. (6:52 PM) Me: Yeah, I remember there was one with a tug boat in it that was 'the favourite'
  36. don't remember what happened in it though
  37. (6:53 PM) Dad: he sneezes, "a-toot! a-toot!"
  38. (6:58 PM) Me: I had to write some kind of narrative about literacy
  39. (6:58 PM) Me: except 'literacy' in this course means, like, anything that you have to learn to understand
  40. (6:58 PM) Dad: Sly old lockjaw the croc
  41. (6:58 PM) Me: so numbers or decoding images is literacy too
  42. (6:58 PM) Dad: The little tugboat that sneezed
  43. (6:58 PM) Me: Ohh yeah
  44. (6:58 PM) Dad: ahhh
  45. (6:58 PM) Dad: When the moon was blue, that's another one
  46. (6:59 PM) Me: yeah, I remember that one a lot.
  47. (6:59 PM) Me: so anyway, I wrote about the time we were in the car listening to ben folds five
  48. and I think I asked why he was saying his girlfriend was a brick
  49. (7:00 PM) Me: and you guys explained to me that songs could mean stuff without saying them outright
  50. (7:01 PM) Me: Hopefully that's enough of an 'epiphany moment' as the teacher wanted.
  51. (7:02 PM) Dad: So you remember the reading at bed time...
  52. (7:02 PM) Me: Like I said
  53. I remember that you guys did it
  54. but I don't remember what it felt like.
  55. (7:02 PM) Dad: hmmm,
  56. (7:02 PM) Me: I'm in no doubt that that was a big formative part of me being good with words
  57. but I can't really write about it in an autobiographical sense.
  58. (7:04 PM) Dad: in the beginning (before you could read, but after you showed an interest) I woyld read slowly, pointing at the words
  59. (7:04 PM) Dad: Every so often I'd stop with my finger pointing at an easy word
  60. (7:05 PM) Dad: We'd sound it out and read it and I go again until we got to the same word
  61. (7:06 PM) Dad: pretty soon you were reading sentances one word at a time as I pointed to the word...
  62. (7:06 PM) Me: Lawd, how old would I have been?
  63. (7:07 PM) Dad: Very small, I reckon this was maybe even before pre-school
  64. or at least at the same time
  65. (7:08 PM) Me: Hmm. So if you're five in kinder, you're four in pre-school. So I would have been, what, three or four?
  66. (7:08 PM) Dad: yep,
  67. (7:08 PM) Me: Goddamn, it shouldn't be surprising that I can't remember that long ago
  68. that was eighteen years ago :P
  69. (7:10 PM) Dad: we started very small, at the beginning, and it was pretty hard work for you so we'd do it for a while and then revert to un-threatening "just Dad reading" so you could relax...
  70. (7:11 PM) Dad: but after a while we'd get a favorite (easy) book and you'd struggle through the whole thing
  71. (7:11 PM) Dad: then I'd read you a few reward stories
  72. (7:11 PM) Me: This is so strange to hear.
  73. (7:12 PM) Me: I don't remember doing any of this.
  74. I owe you guys a lot, y'know. Stuff like this. Gave me a huge head start on so many kids.
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