
SA-MP Euphoria [Changelog]

Aug 1st, 2011
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  1. -Removed unneeded code
  2. -Now using ZCMD
  3. -Added /resetscores + /balance
  4. -Minor code edits
  5. -Added /config commands
  6. -/config lobby (Set the lobby position)
  7. -/config autostart <value> (Should the break time be used?)
  8. -/config breaktime <time> (Time until game starts after pause ("/config autostart" must be on)
  9. -/config winscore <value> (Total team score until the game is won)
  10. -Added /start (Start a map)
  11. -Map system rescripted completely.
  12. -Dynamic map system added.
  13. -Added a new scoreboard textdraw after a game is over
  14. -Added a new round info textdraw
  15. -Added enums to store all the round settings + map information.
  16. -Settings are stored in a file.
  17. -You can now set the score needed to win a round
  18. -Added ABK textdraw advertisements
  19. -Code optimized/rescripted completely
  20. -Fixed a problem with pickup's while not in a round.
  21. -Changed connect/disconnect join messages.
  22. -Score now only consists of capturing flags.
  23. -Fixed a problem with round coordinates being read incorrectly.
  24. -Selected skins are now used in the Class Selection. (WIP)
  25. -Added "Kills" to the scoreboard.
  26. -Added "Kills" to the round info textdraw.
  27. -Added "Score/WinScore" to the round info textdraw.
  28. -Fxed a bug with a variable not being set, confusing the pickups.
  29. -Added a textdraw notice while someone has a flag.
  30. -Added /end.
  31. -Fixed the scoreboard textdraw, it was a bit off.
  32. -Fixed team not being set on spawn sometimes.
  33. -Patched being able to use /start when a game is already on.
  34. -I add way more shit, but I forget lol -_-
  35. -Flags are now returned to the correct spot.
  36. -Added teamchat (!text)
  37. -Patched return code from calling if pickup is in its original position.
  38. -Fixed checkpoints being set in wrong position.
  39. -Fixed flags not being recreated after pickup.
  40. -Checkpoints now show at all times.
  41. -Checkpoints and flags rescripted.
  42. -Added flag 3d label's.
  43. -Now using Incognito's streamer for checkpoint's, pickups, map icons, and 3d labels.
  44. -Fixed flag pickups not reshowing after pickup due to a bad pickup type.
  45. -Fixed flag textdraw not hiding for red flag.
  46. -Added /add - Add a player into the round
  47. -Added /remove - Remove a player from the round
  48. -Map builder is partially working, still incomplete.
  49. -Map builder commands. (/mapbuild - Open the builder menu) (/mapedit - Open the edit menu for current map)
  50. -Added Register/Login system with basic commands.
  51. -/balance now sets skins.
  52. -Added 3d label to checkpoints
  53. -Patched /balance 'ing in middle of a round.
  54. -Pimped out game messages.
  55. -Added /allvs
  56. -Added /setteam
  57. -Added /switch w/ Menu
  58. -Added /sync
  59. -Fixed bug with flags not being reset on round end.
  60. -Added list of players in scoreboard (need to rebuild scoreboard textdraws)
  61. -Fixed map name array not formatting.
  62. -Passwords are now encrypted. (udb_hash)
  63. -Fixed a bug with the register system being able to log in with the wrong password.
  64. -The round is now automatically ended if a team has no players.
  65. -Game autostart now starts after a round ends.
  66. -Added Lobby 3D Label
  67. -Added /lobby (Teleports player to the lobby)
  68. -Added result messages after a round is over.
  69. -Patched vehicles not being linked to interiors using /car.
  70. -You can no longer spec yourself.
  71. -Moved Admin Script into the gamemode.
  72. -Ingame Map builder finished! (Added "Set Map Name" + "Exit map builder mode")
  73. -Fixed problem with time commands
  74. -Game commands now use custom admin levels
  75. -You can now use vehicle model name's to spawn a car. (/car )
  76. -Flag object + 3d label now attaches to a player when he has a flag. (You cant see ur own 3d label)
  77. -Fixed flag object not dettaching after dropping flag.
  78. -Rearranged timers. Now running less timers.
  79. -Added a custom player update function. (Useful for anticheat, stats, exc...)
  80. -Optimized code. Converted some pvars to arrays. Minor code cleanup.
  81. -Flag attaches to player with a flag
  82. -Fixed minimum admin level in /setlevel
  83. -Nos is now auto added to vehicles spawned with /car
  84. -Kick and ban now actually do what they are supposed to do
  85. -Patched player becoming bugged if the round ends while the player is in a vehicle
  86. -Player weapons are now removed after round end
  87. -Added /config info (Show the current config settings in a dialog)
  88. -Added dynamic weapon menu's. Players can select weapons from an A/D-like menu.
  89. -Round end time is now in use.
  90. -Added command, /admins (Shows a list of online admins)
  91. -Added total time remaining textdraw above armour (Work in progress).
  92. -Fixed /config endtime not allowing you to set the value.
  93. -Added /config autoend to toggle the round timer.
  94. -Added /givemenu - Force show player weapon menu
  96. /*September 8, 2011*/
  97. -You can no longer spawn without registering/logging in.
  98. -Patched being given weapons until you are out of the weapon menu.
  99. -Added rampages
  100. -Pimped out a few messages
  101. -Pimped out class selection. (Added cutscene bars + changed text style)
  102. -Fixed /balance setting the incorrect skin for the Blue team
  103. -Added information when car is spawned with /car command.
  104. -Fixed rampage system vars not being reset.
  105. -You no longer have to be in a round for rampages to count.
  106. -Fixed flag object not being destroyed. (Hopefully)
  107. -Fixed has flag variable being set to 0, leading to server mistaking flag as dropped when playerid 0 died
  108. -Attached ping + FPS 3d label to player.4
  111. /*June 24, 2014 - Version 0.1.3*/
  112. -Retouched the train station in LS. (Map/Objects)
  114. /*June 26, 2014 - Version 0.1.4*/
  115. -CMD - A notice is given to all players when someone uses command '/kill' to commit suicide.
  116. -CMD - Rearranged command level requirements for some commands. Full list of current commands now available too.
  117. -CMD - Added '/acmds' (View admin commands list - Level 1-4)
  118. -BUG - Fixed the flag vars not being reset after scoring/death
  119. -PATCH - Can no longer set the same setting in 'config <autostart>' as current setting
  120. -PATCH - Can no longer invite yourself in a duel/Fixed bug with nonexisting players (Duel System).
  121. -PATCH - Patched being able to view stats of a non-connected player using /stats.
  122. -BUG - Major Fix - Fixed attach flag code, flag ids and team info was misassigned.
  123. -EDIT - Removed debug code.. it is no longer needed.
  124. -ADD - Added '/config info' with information about the game settings.
  125. -ADD - Added a new map "Lost Hills".
  127. /*June 26, 2014 @ 7:44 PM [Version -]*/
  128. -ADD - Added '/config info' with information about the game settings.
  129. -EDIT - Optimized a lot of code.
  130. -ADD - Added a map name textdraw with the player's current location.
  131. -EDIT - Added more team colors to the game notices (Scoring, players, exc..)
  132. -ADD - Round timer is now hidden when not in a round.
  133. -CMD/ADD - CMD /anim <animationid> for using animations added! (11 Anims total)
  134. -ADD - Added some color and reworded the '/cmds' command dialog
  135. -ADD - A notice is given to all players if a player beats his rampage score
  136. -ADD - Added rampage statistics into '/stats'. (Top Rampage, Total Rampages)   
  137. -ADD - Information about chosen weapons are now sent for the weapon menu)
  138. -PATCH/EDIT - Timer only shows while a round is on. Optimized code, functioning properly now.
  140. /*June 29, 2014 - @ 7:44 PM [Version -]*/
  141. -ADD - Added a countdown textdraw for map autostart.
  142. -PATCH - Player is now removed from vehicle before being placed in a round or after round, preventing a bug.
  143. -ADD - Random is now shown in the map start notice if a map is random.
  144. -PATCH - Fixed a bug in map textdraw not showing textdraw.
  145. -ADD - A player is given on notice when they spawn if a map is autostarting.
  146. -ADD - A player is notified in the chat when a map is autostarting.
  147. -ADD/PATCH - If there is less then 2 players, a game will not be autostarted.
  148. -EDIT - Remade the scoreboard textdraw.. looks much better
  150. September 28, 2014 - @ 3:39 PM [Version -]
  151. -ADD - Added /join + /unjoin commands for the new edited game system.
  152. -EDIT - Rescripted map autostart system. Autostart will commence only when the first player uses '/join'.
  153. -EDIT/ADD - The lobby code was removed. The player will now spawn around LS randomly.
  154. -EDIT - The gamemode is no longer 'Capture the Flag' only. The code was edited for freeroam-type gameplay. Players are only added to a round if they '/join' a game!
  155. -ADD - Added a new gang system. (WIP)
  156. -ADD - Added a new map (building) in El Corona behind car bomb shop with a movable platform. (Will be a car dealer/modification shop in near future)
  157. -ADD - Added a new music/streaming playlist system. (WIP)
  158. -ADD - Map autostart notice now shows the name of the player who started a map.
  159. -EDIT - Removed some gang functions. Fixed bug in gang commands not running code due to broken functions.
  160. -PATCH - Can no longer quick start (/start) a CTF map while in a car.
  161. -PATCH - Fixed player not being considered/entered in a game after quick-start. Fixes spawn problems.
  162. -EDIT - Removed /allvs and /setteam commands from CTF
  163. -EDIT - Removed scoreboard internal functions.. recoded/shortened/optimized
  164. -EDIT - Recoded minigame team assignments and recoded/optimized checkpoint internal functions
  165. -PATCH - Fixed a bug with the flag being created twice.
  166. -ADD - Added team colors to CTF game join notice.
  167. -EDIT - Reworded/colored game update notices
  168. -PATCH - The round info textdraw is now hidden after a game is over.
  169. -ADD - Teams are now autobalanced and player is added to a random team after /start or auto-start of a game.
  170. -ADD - Team total members are now shown in game notice colored messages!
  172. [Version - W.I.P. - Started September 28 - 4:09 PM] [Postd 10-5-2014 @ 4:54 P.M.]
  173. -DEL - Removed ABK advertisement textdraws. Will be redesigned.
  174. -Request to join a gang.  Added command. (gang join <gangid/name>
  175. -Accept a gang request.  Added command. (gang accept <playerid/name>)
  176. -Added '@' chat text for private gang chat.
  177. -EDIT/ADD - /join now shows a dialog to pick a team for Capture the Flag.
  178. -EDIT - You can only use team chat while in a minigame. '!' symbol in chat
  179. -PATCH - Time textdraw is now hidden after round end.
  180. -DEL - Removed CTF current map textdraw to be rescripted.
  181. -ADD - Added /carmod.  You can now add neon lights to your car
  182. -ADD - Added map icon for the new mod shop garage in El Corona
  183. -ADD - Added new weapon shop in Willowfield. (/guns cmd temporary)
  184. -ADD - Added /credits command.  
  185. -EDIT - Recoded FPS code. Removed Pvars, optimized.
  186. -EDIT - Player map markers are enabled now.  Regular players (Not in game/gang) are now white color.
  187. -ADD - Updated to Streamer Plugin v2.7.4 by Incognito
  188. -ADD - Added native functions for PAWNO compiler ( Useful for scripting team.
  189. -ADD/EDIT - Recoded neon dialog. Now using input ID's. Added "remove neon"
  191. [v0.1.4.9 - Started: 10/5/2014 @ 5:02 P.M. | Work in progress]    
  192. -DEL - Removed /guns, /carmod, & /balance command.
  193. -ADD - Added checkpoint to purchase weapons for Willowfield gun shop.
  194. -ADD - Moved garage code from filterscript into gamemode.
  195. -ADD - Garage in El Corona is now fully working.
  196. -ADD - Set maximum password length for register to 20 characters.
  197. -EDIT/PATCH - Merged the house filterscript into the gamemode.  Fixes checkpoints interfering.
  198. -ADD - Added map icon for Willowfield ammunation.
  199. -EDIT - Fixed deagle ammo in ammunation giving 1 bullet. Set to 50.
  200. -ADD - Added '/givemoney <playerid/name> <amount>' command. (Level 4 Admin)
  201. -ADD - Added Chat bubble on players when they type in chat!
  203. [>>>>>>>>>v0.1.4.9 continued | 10/24/2014 @ 11:18 P.M. - 1:37 A.M.<<<<<<<<<]
  204. -ADD - Added global server tips for players in chat. (Default - Every 45 Seconds!)
  205. -EDIT - Organized internal code in some sections, into sections.
  206. -EDIT - Optimized/reduced code in some sections.
  207. -ADD - New server intro with interactable textdraws. (WIP / ALPHA!)
  208. -ADD/EDIT - Will now use dialogs for login/register!
  210. [>>>>>>>>>v0.1.4.9 continued | 1/5/2015 @ 6:24 P.M.<<<<<<<<<<<]
  211. -ADD - Added new hot-air balloons system, located at Santa Maria Beach!  You can fly in a hot-air balloon to the specified destination marker/blip on your map by right-clicking! (BETA)
  212. -ADD - Added randomization for hot-air balloon models!  Random balloon object model spawns to add variety! (Total 7) (Models 19332-19338)
  213. -ADD - Admins can now teleport to a specified location within the paused game map by placing the marker with right-click!
  214. -ADD - Added an auto-login system!
  215. -ADD - Other edits, I forgot to write down.
  217. [>>>>>>>>>v0.1.4.9 - Continued - 10/24/2014 @ 11:18 - 11:40 P.M.<<<<<<<<]
  218. -PATCH - Prevent players from being teleported while entering vehicle in a Ammunation enter checkpoint.
  219. -ADD - Added a ammunation shop at 'Market'
  220. -ADD - Added nitrous to the car mod shop for $7500!
  221. -ADD - Added command /donate for players who want to donate!
  222. -ADD - Added donate message to the server chat tip announcements
  223. -PATCH - Can no longer teleport to yourself with /goto or /get
  224. -PATCH - Fixed wrong amount of 'CTF' team members being shown in game notices!
  225. -PATCH - Can no longer /join if a 'CTF' game is already started
  226. -ADD/MAP - Added a new custom house interior! Now available in /intview!
  227. -PATCH - Car mod shop no longer functions for passengers!
  228. -ADD - Added a gym in Ganton.  You can now purchase and change your character's fighting style!  (Normal $FREE - Boxing $1500 - Kungfu $2200 - Kneehead $2500)
  229. -Redesigned information in '/gangs' (list of gangs) dialogs.
  230. -Fixed a bug with intro clickable textdraws not functioning correctly.    
  231. >>||||[*Added*]|||| -NEW! Added a new red & gray "intro" interface with clickable textdraws!
  232. -Added 'credits' button to the interface
  233. -Interface button changes depending on "registered/logged in/manual login"
  234. -NEW! Login/register dialogs for user accounts!
  235. -Intro interface integrated with user accounts login/register dialog system!
  236. -'/gangs' dialog now shows selected gang information!
  237. >>||||[*Patch/Upgrade*]|||| -Redesigned information in '/gangs' (list of gangs) dialogs.
  238. -Fixed a bug with intro clickable textdraws not functioning correctly.
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