
Cold Night

Apr 2nd, 2013
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  1. Imagine, being lost in mereholt, slowly freezing to death in the nuclear cold. Off in the distance you see a towering figure, it's a defender who's been clearing out feral animals you beg her to help you but the air is so cold and you're shivering so violently you can't even get the words out. She understands the situation though. She doesn't have any clothes to wrap you in, so instead she walks right over you. She's so tall she can straddle you between her legs even when you're standing straight up. You feel her glorious thick warm thighs press around you, squeezing your chest tightly in their grip. Her crotch only pressing down lightly on your shoulder, you wrap your arms around her leg and rest your cheek against her stomach. She fiddles with something at her waist and suddenly something flops down past your face, flicking your nose. It's so large it takes you a moment to realize what she's let loose. Even only half firm it's longer than your forearm and thicker around than your fist. Pale and smooth but rosy red at the tip, the giant woman's enormous member radiates heat down your chest. You try to look up at her face to understand what she wants but jutting out over your head like a balcony her breasts completely block the view. Instead she reaches down and tussles your hair in a friendly manner. With little direction, you slowly lift the slab of meat. It's spongy and pliant, and you relish the warmth with your numb fingers. Completely lost in the moment you bury your face against it, the bitter cold around you like a forgotten memory. All you feel is it's heat radiating over you, your nostrils full of it's musky smell, and the slow heavy beat of the defender's heart pulsing through it like a grandfather clock. The giant's organ shifts and twitches lightly in your hand and you feel it grow firmer, thicker, and the towering woman speaks to you for the first time "Now lets raise your core temperature." She suddenly forces her cock into your mouth which barely fits the tip without dislocating your jaw, as you squeeze her massive balls previously retracted she squirts 3 gallons of arkana semen inside of you, until it clogs your trachea and you can't breath, you puke yourself half the load while the rest nourishes your belly and body, you leave for another adventure with all your half naked friends to fight a pointless battle over some metalic phalus in Janus.
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