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Apr 12th, 2017
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  2. LadyRachelKenmare: I told you right off when I released you it was because of your patten of anger issues. Tash is one of My closests freinds, she asked, in confidence why I released you, It was done in messages, not in a room. If anyone else asked Me I will, as promised say it simply didnt work out. But I refuse to lie to a close friend
  3. ashKemuri: Very lovely lies..
  4. ashKemuri: <.<
  5. LadyRachelKenmare: What?
  6. ashKemuri: That's not the truth :c
  7. LadyRachelKenmare: Excuse Me, but it is the truth. I told you flat out thats the reason I released you
  8. ashKemuri: No You did not...
  9. LadyRachelKenmare: Ok dear, you tell ME what I said? Since Ive developed alzheimer's?
  10. ashKemuri: Don't have to be rude?
  11. LadyRachelKenmare: your the one who is calling Me a liar, so yes, I go on the defence
  12. ashKemuri: ...
  13. LadyRachelKenmare: Now, you tell Me
  14. LadyRachelKenmare: Ashley do you think I enjoyed letting you go? That I wanted to?
  15. ashKemuri: -Nods- Probably.. Was easy enough..
  16. LadyRachelKenmare: Well then your sadly mistaken
  17. LadyRachelKenmare: Then you don't know Me at all
  18. ashKemuri: Clearly..
  19. ashKemuri: Never even got mad..
  20. ashKemuri: Only when kenisha started to insult me..
  21. ashKemuri: That's a horrible reason..
  22. LadyRachelKenmare: I had alot of emotions invested in you, I cared for you dearly. But I say a angry side of you that is concerning.
  23. LadyRachelKenmare: ashley this has absolutely nothing to do with what kenisha said, that was strictly between the two of you
  24. ashKemuri: ..
  25. LadyRachelKenmare: I deal and work with many different people from different backgrounds beliefs and problems. I can't have a submissive that goes and throws little into sand because she licked you. To you its all a big funny, to a little who is genuinely a little that sort of act brings forth many issues, more than likely like the ones Im working them thru
  26. ashKemuri: Wow..
  27. LadyRachelKenmare: I do a lot more than most know, much of what I do is in private, some visit Me in public, but many are at risk and vulnerable
  28. ashKemuri: She enjoyed it for one...
  29. ashKemuri: And i apologized..
  30. LadyRachelKenmare: Thats not the point, you didnt know that at the time. If that was one of the other girls she would have freaked and left. she would have lost her faith in Me to keep her safe
  31. ashKemuri: You couldn't explain this to me?
  32. ashKemuri: ...
  33. LadyRachelKenmare: Ashley, that was the final straw. I told you when I released you that you had anger issues, that I couldnt allow around Me. Its a decision I dispised making and ate Me for days. But I know it was a decision I had to make.
  34. ashKemuri: You claim to be 100x better the Scarlet.. You are worse... You are sitting here typing lies that You honestly believe...
  35. LadyRachelKenmare: Ok ashley, think what you wish. I know what I said. Now Ive tried to keep things between us civil and friendly. If you want to go and hurl insults, fine have a ball. But I know what I said and I stand behind that deciison.
  36. ashKemuri: That's not what You said! You are seriously lieing! I can repeat the entire NIGHT before that and that day...
  37. ashKemuri: Like seriously...
  38. ashKemuri: you know what...
  39. LadyRachelKenmare: I asked what you thought I said ashley, you never replied
  40. ashKemuri: To think i trusted You... Wow... IMVU YAY
  41. ashKemuri: <.<
  42. LadyRachelKenmare: Im waiting
  43. ashKemuri: Maybe Scarlet was right about You...
  44. ashKemuri: Bleh.. <-- Didn't listen..
  45. ashKemuri: You are a liar..
  46. LadyRachelKenmare: Im waiitng ashley, what did I say?
  47. ashKemuri: You told me! It wouldn't work out and said i hope only the best for You.. After i complained about kenisha some more... and the night before that! You told me everything was perfect...
  48. ashKemuri: You are simply a liar..
  49. ashKemuri: Like everyone else on here..
  50. ashKemuri: That's the truth..
  51. LadyRachelKenmare: Now whos lying? Or has a convient memory?
  52. ashKemuri: Seriously?
  53. ashKemuri: Probably because You didn't wanna speak the truth about what actually happend... Yeh other slave insulted me like a worthless dog.. and it pissed me off....
  54. ashKemuri: Talked to me like a dog..
  55. LadyRachelKenmare: What happend between you and kenisha was between the two of you, I didnt see a thing until she mailed Me a copy of the chat log. I had a long talk with her concerning it.
  56. ashKemuri: Oh?
  57. LadyRachelKenmare: What now??
  58. ashKemuri: Yet! she was whispering You the entire time?
  59. ashKemuri: Not to mention YOU started it?
  60. LadyRachelKenmare: She started to, and I told her to save the log, I wasnt going to try to keep with two convos
  61. LadyRachelKenmare: I started it????
  62. ashKemuri: Asked You if i should leave...
  63. ashKemuri: You said why
  64. ashKemuri: i said i feel unwanted..
  65. LadyRachelKenmare: How is that starting anything
  66. ashKemuri: You said i'm not the referee* I said SO SHE GET'S TO JUMP ON ME* And You sent her something.. and she started to talk to me like i was nothing..
  67. ashKemuri: You started it
  68. LadyRachelKenmare: I saif you two needed to sort things between you, so no Im no referee. She started sending Me copy/ pastes and I said give Me the chat log at the end, Im not going to referee you two. your going to have to work things out. AND I want to add at the end you two had seemed to have done just that, and she apologied and you accepted
  69. ashKemuri: You have issues..
  70. LadyRachelKenmare: Om ashley, I tried My best to work with you and iron this out. Its obvious that you have no desire to do so
  71. ashKemuri: Interesting.. Catching a liar...
  72. ashKemuri: You out of em all..
  73. LadyRachelKenmare: Good bye ashley
  74. ashKemuri: You are seriously worthless...
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