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  1. 00:00:00 I'm a top 500 support player both seasons now in Marvel Rivals so today I'm going to be sharing with you the most common mistakes I see from low ELO players and how you can fix them in my opinion these are some of the most fundamental mistakes people below Grandmaster make so fixing these should easily get you out of the metal ranks so the first mistake we're going to talk about is staggering staggering is when you or your team die one by one without ever fully regrouping or trading to keep the fight even in numbers when you lose
  3. 00:00:27 a fight it's best to either back out if you can make it to safety or just die quickly so you can rejoin your team winning fights is often a numbers game if you get a pick and make it 6V five you're more likely to win the fight and vice versa so for example let's say you're about to start a fight but two people on your team instantly die in this situation it's better to back out if you can or if you and your team are already committed to the losing fight just die quickly so that way you can regroup with your team from spawn the
  5. 00:00:53 worst thing you can do here is just go in without any followup from your team and die alone also something to knowe is you'll often hear people refer to this as a reset so if your teammates call for a reset now you know to regroup so you can take an even 6v6 fight mistake number two is one that's incredibly easy to fix and that is just to track the enemy ultimates when you're tracking the enemy ultimates it gives you an idea of how you need to play and how you're able to play for example let's say you're
  7. 00:01:18 playing strategist and you have your Luna snow alt and you're playing against a Star-Lord if you're keeping track of the Star-Lord Al and you know he either has it or is going to have it soon now you know you need to hold your Luna snow alt to save your team if you know that that Star-Lord doesn't have his alt now you know that you can use your Luna snow Al without getting punished to help win a fight instead it also helps with positioning for example if you know the enemy Doctor Strange has his alt then
  9. 00:01:40 now you know you need to play back and avoid being too clumped to make sure that you can dodge it knowing when you can get value out of your own alt and how you can deny the enemy value from their alt is incredibly important the easiest way to track the enemy alt is to just look at the alt charge in the kill cam if you die but another way is to just assume that in a mirror matchup for example if both teams have a cloak and dagger both Heroes will be getting alts at around the same time moving on we
  11. 00:02:05 have mistake number three which is not positioning on off angles enough this is something that's important for both dualist and strategist players an off angle is a position that is basically not directly grouped and clumped with your team so it could be slightly to the left or to the right or it could be on High Ground while your team is on low ground the goal of an off angle is to be able to safely output damage from a position where the enemy team is too worried about your team to be able to
  13. 00:02:29 focus on you there are a couple of ways that off angles play out first if nobody on the enemy team looks at you while you're on an off angle it means you can do damage for free this can help you find a kill Force supports to heal them or Force cooldowns the second way it can play out is the enemy team does start focusing you at which point you should just disengage and find cover this is going to pull pressure away from your team allowing them to take space back do more damage or even find kills something
  15. 00:02:54 to keep in mind is you should always be positioning around cover whether you're in an off angle or not if you're playing on on an off angle slightly to the left or right of your team but you're in the open you're just an easy target for the enemy team also you need to remember your goal with being on an off angle is just to apply more pressure it can help you find kills for sure but staying too long or being greedy for kills and dying for it defeats the entire purpose now let's talk about your ultimate abilities
  17. 00:03:19 because a lot of lower ranked players hold their ultimates way too long depending on your hero it can take about 1 to 2 minutes to build your alt charge up meaning if you use your alt within a minute or so of having it you could easily use use five or six ultimates in a 10-minute game something that's really common is people will hold their alts for the perfect opportunity to use it which could easily take an extra 1 to 2 minutes in that time frame of holding your ultimate you could have easily
  19. 00:03:42 built another one back up if you see an okay opportunity to use your alt whether it results in just a kill or two or only forces the enemy to react with their own alt there is still value there even if it's not the team wipe you wanted for example using a dualist alt to force a strategist to use an ALT in return is a completely fine trick it can open opportunities for your other teammates to find value with their own ultimates or it can just give you an advantage going into the next fight when your team
  21. 00:04:07 now has two support ultimates up and the enemy team only has one I like to think of the phrase don't let perfect be the enemy of good it's hard to find the perfect opportunity to Al but there will be plenty of good opportunities instead if you're looking for them while we're on the topic of using abilities often let's talk about your normal abilities otherwise known as cooldowns lower ranked players tend to make the exact same mistake with their cooldowns as they do with their alts which is just
  23. 00:04:32 not using them often enough the same exact concept I just talked about applies here as well most cooldowns are incredibly short less than 20 seconds or so so the more often you use them the more opportunities you're going to create for yourself to find kills trade cooldowns back or force alss from the enemy team don't wait for the perfect opportunity to use your mantis sleep to kill an enemy duelist or strategist use it on the tank who's to far up or the Black Panther who's diving on your teammate this isn't to say to just
  25. 00:04:58 randomly throw out your abilities and wa them but you should always be looking for an opportunity to use them in an efficient way if you can if you want to hold your ability to counter something that's perfectly fine but just don't hold your abilities for no reason so now I've talked about how you should be using your abilities more often but is there a time when you shouldn't be using things like ultimates actually there is mistake number six is using your ultimates in a fight that is already won
  27. 00:05:22 or lost sometimes it can take a lot of ultimates to win a fight but in general you want to use as few as possible this is called alt economy and if if you can win a fight using fewer ultimates than your opponent it gives you an advantage going into the next fight so for example if it's a 6v6 fight and two people on your team use their alt and you kill three people you probably aren't going to need to use yours to secure the fight sure the fight might be over sooner but unless you're under immediate pressure
  29. 00:05:47 to win the fight fast it's much better for you to hold your alt until the next fight and the same goes the opposite way sometimes it's better to let the enemy team just use three to four alts to win a fight while you guys only use one reset and hold your alts for the next fight again just avoid using your ultimates when the fight is already won or lost mistake number seven is an incredibly simple one to fix and that is please just break the enemy utility Groot walls moonight ANS neyar squids anything else I forgot to mention they
  31. 00:06:15 all provide incredible value to their respective characters and when you're actively breaking utility it means you and your team take less damage and have an easier time playing the game a tip to make this even easier for you is to just listen to Hero voice lines normally they will have a specific voice line dedicated to things like the ANS or the squids letting you know there's one around you to break another incredibly common mistake I see is players trying to force a hero when it's not working
  33. 00:06:40 that doesn't necessarily mean you're dying a lot but just in general having a lack of value for example if you're playing Black Panther into a neyar with Luna team up you have to ask yourself if you're really accomplishing the goal of your hero can you assassinate the backline or at least be a distraction pulling multiple enemies away from your team or are your Dives just getting shut down down what value means here is going to depend on which hero you're playing but in general if you're dying constantly and not having an impact on
  35. 00:07:07 the game whether it's through kills distracting or even holding space if you're a tank then that is personally when I would consider swapping to a different hero if you force a certain hero when it isn't working for too long all you do is leave the rest of your team at a disadvantage before we move on to mistake number nine if you're enjoying this video or finding it helpful at all please consider leaving a like and subscribing it really helps me out and also if you have any questions question or want to watch me play the
  37. 00:07:31 game live in top 500 I stream every single day over at brush so moving on we have mistake number nine which is mainly targeted towards dualist and strategist players but that is simply not having enough uptime uptime generally means how consistently you're doing damage or in the case of supports damaging and healing you should always be looking for opportunities to do damage as often as possible especially as a dualist it puts pressure onto the enemy team which can force them to use resources give up
  39. 00:08:00 space or even find you a kill it's also important to help build your alt the more damage you're doing the faster You're Building alt charge way too often in lower ranks I'll see the dualist standing way too far in the backline missing half their shots and putting zero pressure on the enemy team look for off angles play near cover and be constantly shooting at the enemy team to keep a high up time for strategist players you should still be doing the same thing but to a lesser extent you still need to make sure nobody on your
  41. 00:08:27 team is dying or in danger of dying but if your team doesn't need healing that doesn't mean you get to sit on point and do nothing hiding behind your tanks you should always be looking for opportunities to do damage if you're below Grandmaster and think you have high up time I recommend you go into a replay to see how often you're actually putting pressure on the enemy team because there might be more opportunities to do damage than you realize it wouldn't be a common mistakes video without talking about bad
  43. 00:08:52 positioning there's a lot to cover here but I will do my best to keep it simple this is mainly targeted towards duelist and strategist as tank positioning is is going to be entirely different first not enough lower rank supports and dualists play on off angles I explained off angles earlier in this video so I won't go over it all again but you should always be actively thinking about how to incorporate them into your gameplay the next thing to talk about here is just generally bad positioning and in the
  45. 00:09:16 most simple way bad positioning means you are not playing near cover you should always be looking to position yourself around cover when you can and if you're making a play that requires you to be in open space you should think about where you can go for immediate cover when you are in danger for example if you have a mantis alt active you don't really need to worry about if you're in the open the alt is going to keep you alive but you should be thinking about where you're going to go as soon as that alt is over so you don't
  47. 00:09:41 end up in the open with nowhere to hide you could use anything as cover a vending machine a corner at a choke a random wall but in general you always need to think about where you can go to safely hide and wait for healing or coold Downs as soon as you're in danger finally the last positioning related mistake I want to talk about is overextending if you're are alone and too far up past your team it's incredibly easy to get focused by the enemy team and get picked off a lot of players who play Dive Heroes think they
  49. 00:10:08 need to be in front of the enemy spawn trying to kill the supports as soon as they leave base but all that happens if you're too far forward is the entire enemy team turns on you and now it's a 5 V6 so always try to keep an idea of where your team is and ask yourself can my supports or tanks help me get out if I get CCD am I in line of sight of my support so I can get healed can my team capitalize on the space I'm making by walking forward and collapsing on the enemy team while they try to kill me if
  51. 00:10:33 the answer to those questions is no chances are you are overextended finally we have mistake number 11 which is tunnel visioning tunnel visioning is when you're too focused on one specific Target or goal and don't pay attention to what's going on around you for duelist this means spamming all your shots into one target who isn't killable missing the fact that there's someone else who's completely vulnerable and in a bad position for strategist this means you're spamming heals on someone who doesn't need it while the rest of your
  53. 00:10:58 team dies around you you should do your best to not tunnel on one target for more than a few seconds shooting the tank but they're getting healed to full health look for a dualist or strategist to Target instead healing your tank in the front line if they aren't critical anymore look around you to see if your other support or dualist needs healing in general just pay attention to what's going on around you as much as possible so those are the 11 most common mistakes I see in low ELO Marvel Rivals if
  55. 00:11:22 there's anything I missed please let me know in the comments down below and I can include it in a future video to talk about I hope these tips helped you and good luck with the climb
Tags: marvelrivals
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