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Jul 15th, 2018
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  1. command /msg [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]:
  2. aliases: w, msg, tell
  3. trigger:
  4. if arg 1 is set:
  5. if arg 2 is set:
  6. send "&2[&7%player% &3? &7Ty&2] &6%arg 2%" to arg 1
  7. send "&2[&7Ty &3? &7%arg 1%&2] &6%arg 2%"
  8. set {ess::%player's uuid%::reply} to arg 1
  9. set {ess::%uuid of arg 1%::reply} to player
  10. else:
  11. send "&7Uzycie komendy: &c/msg <nick> <wiadomosc>"
  12. else:
  13. send "&7Uzycie komendy: &c/msg <nick> <wiadomosc>"
  14. command /tell [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]:
  15. aliases: w, msg, tell
  16. trigger:
  17. if arg 1 is set:
  18. if arg 2 is set:
  19. send "&2[&7%player% &3? &7Ty&2] &6%arg 2%" to arg 1
  20. send "&2[&7Ty &3? &7%arg 1%&2] &6%arg 2%"
  21. set {ess::%player's uuid%::reply} to arg 1
  22. set {ess::%uuid of arg 1%::reply} to player
  23. else:
  24. send "&7Uzycie komendy: &c/tell <nick> <wiadomosc>"
  25. else:
  26. send "&7Uzycie komendy: &c/tell <nick> <wiadomosc>"
  27. command /m [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]:
  28. aliases: w, msg, tell
  29. trigger:
  30. if arg 1 is set:
  31. if arg 2 is set:
  32. send "&2[&7%player% &3? &7Ty&2] &6%arg 2%" to arg 1
  33. send "&2[&7Ty &3? &7%arg 1%&2] &6%arg 2%"
  34. set {ess::%player's uuid%::reply} to arg 1
  35. set {ess::%uuid of arg 1%::reply} to player
  36. else:
  37. send "&7Uzycie komendy: &c/m <nick> <wiadomosc>"
  38. else:
  39. send "&7Uzycie komendy: &c/m <nick> <wiadomosc>"
  40. command /t [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]:
  41. aliases: w, msg, tell
  42. trigger:
  43. if arg 1 is set:
  44. if arg 2 is set:
  45. send "&2[&7%player% &3? &7Ty&2] &6%arg 2%" to arg 1
  46. send "&2[&7Ty &3? &7%arg 1%&2] &6%arg 2%"
  47. set {ess::%player's uuid%::reply} to arg 1
  48. set {ess::%uuid of arg 1%::reply} to player
  49. else:
  50. send "&7Uzycie komendy: &c/t <nick> <wiadomosc>"
  51. else:
  52. send "&7Uzycie komendy: &c/t <nick> <wiadomosc>"
  53. command /w [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]:
  54. aliases: w, msg, tell
  55. trigger:
  56. if arg 1 is set:
  57. if arg 2 is set:
  58. send "&2[&7%player% &3? &7Ty&2] &6%arg 2%" to arg 1
  59. send "&2[&7Ty &3? &7%arg 1%&2] &6%arg 2%"
  60. set {ess::%player's uuid%::reply} to arg 1
  61. set {ess::%uuid of arg 1%::reply} to player
  62. else:
  63. send "&7Uzycie komendy: &c/w <nick> <wiadomosc>"
  64. else:
  65. send "&7Uzycie komendy: &c/w <nick> <wiadomosc>"
  66. command /whisper [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]:
  67. aliases: w, msg, tell
  68. trigger:
  69. if arg 1 is set:
  70. if arg 2 is set:
  71. send "&2[&7%player% &3? &7Ty&2] &6%arg 2%" to arg 1
  72. send "&2[&7Ty &3? &7%arg 1%&2] &6%arg 2%"
  73. set {ess::%player's uuid%::reply} to arg 1
  74. set {ess::%uuid of arg 1%::reply} to player
  75. else:
  76. send "&7Uzycie komendy: &c/whisper <nick> <wiadomosc>"
  77. else:
  78. send "&7Uzycie komendy: &c/whisper <nick> <wiadomosc>"
  79. command /wiadomosc [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]:
  80. aliases: w, msg, tell
  81. trigger:
  82. if arg 1 is set:
  83. if arg 2 is set:
  84. send "&2[&7%player% &3? &7Ty&2] &6%arg 2%" to arg 1
  85. send "&2[&7Ty &3? &7%arg 1%&2] &6%arg 2%"
  86. set {ess::%player's uuid%::reply} to arg 1
  87. set {ess::%uuid of arg 1%::reply} to player
  88. else:
  89. send "&7Uzycie komendy: &c/wiadomosc <nick> <wiadomosc>"
  90. else:
  91. send "&7Uzycie komendy: &c/wiadomosc <nick> <wiadomosc>"
  94. command /r [<text>]:
  95. aliases: r
  96. trigger:
  97. if arg 1 is set:
  98. if {ess::%player's uuid%::reply} is set:
  99. if {ess::%player's uuid%::reply} is online:
  100. send "&2[&7%player% &3? &7Ty&2] &6%arg 1%" to {ess::%player's uuid%::reply}
  101. send "&2[&7Ty &3? &7%{ess::%player's uuid%::reply}%&2] &6%arg 1%"
  102. else:
  103. send "&cGracz jest offline"
  104. else:
  105. send "&cNie masz do nikogo odpowiedziec"
  106. else:
  107. send "&7Uzycie komendy: &c/r <wiadomosc>"
  108. command /reply [<text>]:
  109. aliases: r
  110. trigger:
  111. if arg 1 is set:
  112. if {ess::%player's uuid%::reply} is set:
  113. if {ess::%player's uuid%::reply} is online:
  114. send "&2[&7%player% &3? &7Ty&2] &6%arg 1%" to {ess::%player's uuid%::reply}
  115. send "&2[&7Ty &3? &7%{ess::%player's uuid%::reply}%&2] &6%arg 1%"
  116. else:
  117. send "&cGracz jest offline"
  118. else:
  119. send "&cNie masz do nikogo odpowiedziec"
  120. else:
  121. send "&7Uzycie komendy: &c/reply <wiadomosc>"
  123. options:
  124. spamhelpop: 1
  125. command /helpop [<text>]:
  126. trigger:
  127. if arg 1 is set:
  128. send "&c[HelpOP] &3%player%&7: %arg 1%" to all ops
  129. send "&aTwoja wiadomosc zostala wyslana na HELPOP." to player
  130. set {helpop.%player%} to false
  131. wait {@spamhelpop} minute
  132. set {helpop.%player%} to true
  133. if arg 1 is not set:
  134. send "&7Uzycie komendy: &c/helpop <wiadomosc>"
  136. on command "/helpop":
  137. if {helpop.%player%} is false:
  138. cancel event
  139. send "&cNa Helpopie mozna pisac co 1 minute."
  140. command /ac [<text>]:
  141. trigger:
  142. if arg 1 is set:
  143. send "&c[HelpOP] &3%player%&7: %arg 1%" to all ops
  144. send "&aTwoja wiadomosc zostala wyslana na HELPOP." to player
  145. set {helpop.%player%} to false
  146. wait {@spamhelpop} minute
  147. set {helpop.%player%} to true
  148. if arg 1 is not set:
  149. send "&7Uzycie komendy: &c/ac <wiadomosc>"
  151. on command "/helpop":
  152. if {helpop.%player%} is false:
  153. cancel event
  154. send "&cNa Helpopie mozna pisac co 1 minute."
  158. command /gm [<text>] [<player>]:
  159. aliases: gm, gamemode, g,
  160. permission: essentials.gamemode
  161. permission message: &7Dostep do tej komendy ma tylko ranga &cAdmin&7 wzwyz!
  162. trigger:
  163. if arg 1 is not set:
  164. send "&7Uzycie komendy: &c/gm <tryb>" to player
  165. if arg 2 is set:
  166. if arg 1 is "1":
  167. set the gamemode of argument 2 to creative
  168. send "&c%player% &7zmienil Twoj tryb gry na &cKreatywny&7." to arg 2
  169. send "&7Zmieniles tryb gry gracza &c%arg 2% &7na &cKreatywny."
  170. stop
  171. if arg 1 is "0":
  172. set the gamemode of argument 2 to survival
  173. send "&c%player% &7zmienil Twoj tryb gry na &cSurvival&7." to arg 2
  174. send "&7Zmieniles tryb gry gracza &c%arg 2% &7na &cSurvival."
  175. stop
  176. if arg 1 is "2":
  177. set the gamemode of argument 2 to adventure
  178. send "&c%player% &7zmienil twoj tryb gry na &cPrzygoda&7." to arg 2
  179. send "&7Zmieniles tryb gry gracza &c%arg 2% &7na &cPrzygoda&7."
  180. stop
  181. if arg 1 is "3":
  182. set the gamemode of argument 2 to spectator
  183. send "&c%player% &7zmienil twoj tryb gry na &cObserwator&7." to arg 2
  184. send "&7Zmieniles tryb gry gracza &c%arg 2% &7na &cObserwator&7."
  185. stop
  186. if arg 1 is "c":
  187. set the gamemode of argument 2 to creative
  188. send "&c%player% &7zmienil Twoj tryb gry na &cKreatywny&7." to arg 2
  189. send "&7Zmieniles tryb gry gracza &c%arg 2% &7na &cKreatywny."
  190. stop
  191. if arg 1 is "s":
  192. set the gamemode of argument 2 to survival
  193. send "&c%player% &7zmienil Twoj tryb gry na &cSurvival&7." to arg 2
  194. send "&7Zmieniles tryb gry gracza &c%arg 2% &7na &cSurvival."
  195. stop
  196. if arg 1 is "a":
  197. set the gamemode of argument 2 to adventure
  198. send "&c%player% &7zmienil twoj tryb gry na &cPrzygoda&7." to arg 2
  199. send "&7Zmieniles tryb gry gracza &c%arg 2% &7na &cPrzygoda&7."
  200. stop
  201. if arg 1 is "sp":
  202. set the gamemode of argument 2 to spectator
  203. send "&c%player% &7zmienil twoj tryb gry na &cObserwator&7." to arg 2
  204. send "&7Zmieniles tryb gry gracza &c%arg 2% &7na &cObserwator&7."
  205. stop
  206. if arg 1 is "creative":
  207. set the gamemode of argument 2 to creative
  208. send "&c%player% &7zmienil Twoj tryb gry na &cKreatywny&7." to arg 2
  209. send "&7Zmieniles tryb gry gracza &c%arg 2% &7na &cKreatywny."
  210. stop
  211. if arg 1 is "survival":
  212. set the gamemode of argument 2 to survival
  213. send "&c%player% &7zmienil Twoj tryb gry na &cSurvival&7." to arg 2
  214. send "&7Zmieniles tryb gry gracza &c%arg 2% &7na &cSurvival."
  215. stop
  216. if arg 1 is "adventure":
  217. set the gamemode of argument 2 to adventure
  218. send "&c%player% &7zmienil twoj tryb gry na &cPrzygoda&7." to arg 2
  219. send "&7Zmieniles tryb gry gracza &c%arg 2% &7na &cPrzygoda&7."
  220. stop
  221. if arg 1 is "spectator":
  222. set the gamemode of argument 2 to spectator
  223. send "&c%player% &7zmienil twoj tryb gry na &cObserwator&7." to arg 2
  224. send "&7Zmieniles tryb gry gracza &c%arg 2% &7na &cObserwator&7."
  225. stop
  226. else:
  227. if arg 1 is "1":
  228. set the gamemode of the player to creative
  229. send "&7Zmieniles swoj tryb gry na &cKreatywny&7."
  230. stop
  231. if arg 1 is "0":
  232. set the gamemode of the player to survival
  233. send "&7Zmieniles swoj tryb gry na &cSurvival&7."
  234. stop
  235. if arg 1 is "2":
  236. set the gamemode of the player to adventure
  237. send "&7Zmieniles swoj tryb gry na &cPrzygoda&7."
  238. if arg 1 is "3":
  239. set the gamemode of the player to spectator
  240. send "&7Zmieniles swoj tryb gry na &cObserwator&7."
  241. if arg 1 is "c":
  242. set the gamemode of the player to creative
  243. send "&7Zmieniles swoj tryb gry na &cKreatywny&7."
  244. stop
  245. if arg 1 is "s":
  246. set the gamemode of the player to survival
  247. send "&7Zmieniles swoj tryb gry na &cSurvival&7."
  248. stop
  249. if arg 1 is "a":
  250. set the gamemode of the player to adventure
  251. send "&7Zmieniles swoj tryb gry na &cPrzygoda&7."
  252. if arg 1 is "sp":
  253. set the gamemode of the player to spectator
  254. send "&7Zmieniles swoj tryb gry na &cObserwator&7."
  255. if arg 1 is "creative":
  256. set the gamemode of the player to creative
  257. send "&7Zmieniles swoj tryb gry na &cKreatywny&7."
  258. stop
  259. if arg 1 is "survival":
  260. set the gamemode of the player to survival
  261. send "&7Zmieniles swoj tryb gry na &cSurvival&7."
  262. stop
  263. if arg 1 is "adventure":
  264. set the gamemode of the player to adventure
  265. send "&7Zmieniles swoj tryb gry na &cPrzygoda&7."
  266. if arg 1 is "obserwator":
  267. set the gamemode of the player to spectator
  268. send "&7Zmieniles swoj tryb gry na &cObserwator&7."
  270. command /gamemode [<text>] [<player>]:
  271. aliases: gm, gamemode, g,
  272. permission: essentials.gamemode
  273. permission message: &7Dostep do tej komendy ma tylko ranga &cAdmin&7 wzwyz!
  274. trigger:
  275. if arg 1 is not set:
  276. send "&7Uzycie komendy: &c/gamemode <tryb>" to player
  277. if arg 2 is set:
  278. if arg 1 is "1":
  279. set the gamemode of argument 2 to creative
  280. send "&c%player% &7zmienil Twoj tryb gry na &cKreatywny&7." to arg 2
  281. send "&7Zmieniles tryb gry gracza &c%arg 2% &7na &cKreatywny."
  282. stop
  283. if arg 1 is "0":
  284. set the gamemode of argument 2 to survival
  285. send "&c%player% &7zmienil Twoj tryb gry na &cSurvival&7." to arg 2
  286. send "&7Zmieniles tryb gry gracza &c%arg 2% &7na &cSurvival."
  287. stop
  288. if arg 1 is "2":
  289. set the gamemode of argument 2 to adventure
  290. send "&c%player% &7zmienil twoj tryb gry na &cPrzygoda&7." to arg 2
  291. send "&7Zmieniles tryb gry gracza &c%arg 2% &7na &cPrzygoda&7."
  292. stop
  293. if arg 1 is "3":
  294. set the gamemode of argument 2 to spectator
  295. send "&c%player% &7zmienil twoj tryb gry na &cObserwator&7." to arg 2
  296. send "&7Zmieniles tryb gry gracza &c%arg 2% &7na &cObserwator&7."
  297. stop
  298. if arg 1 is "c":
  299. set the gamemode of argument 2 to creative
  300. send "&c%player% &7zmienil Twoj tryb gry na &cKreatywny&7." to arg 2
  301. send "&7Zmieniles tryb gry gracza &c%arg 2% &7na &cKreatywny."
  302. stop
  303. if arg 1 is "s":
  304. set the gamemode of argument 2 to survival
  305. send "&c%player% &7zmienil Twoj tryb gry na &cSurvival&7." to arg 2
  306. send "&7Zmieniles tryb gry gracza &c%arg 2% &7na &cSurvival."
  307. stop
  308. if arg 1 is "a":
  309. set the gamemode of argument 2 to adventure
  310. send "&c%player% &7zmienil twoj tryb gry na &cPrzygoda&7." to arg 2
  311. send "&7Zmieniles tryb gry gracza &c%arg 2% &7na &cPrzygoda&7."
  312. stop
  313. if arg 1 is "sp":
  314. set the gamemode of argument 2 to spectator
  315. send "&c%player% &7zmienil twoj tryb gry na &cObserwator&7." to arg 2
  316. send "&7Zmieniles tryb gry gracza &c%arg 2% &7na &cObserwator&7."
  317. stop
  318. if arg 1 is "creative":
  319. set the gamemode of argument 2 to creative
  320. send "&c%player% &7zmienil Twoj tryb gry na &cKreatywny&7." to arg 2
  321. send "&7Zmieniles tryb gry gracza &c%arg 2% &7na &cKreatywny."
  322. stop
  323. if arg 1 is "survival":
  324. set the gamemode of argument 2 to survival
  325. send "&c%player% &7zmienil Twoj tryb gry na &cSurvival&7." to arg 2
  326. send "&7Zmieniles tryb gry gracza &c%arg 2% &7na &cSurvival."
  327. stop
  328. if arg 1 is "adventure":
  329. set the gamemode of argument 2 to adventure
  330. send "&c%player% &7zmienil twoj tryb gry na &cPrzygoda&7." to arg 2
  331. send "&7Zmieniles tryb gry gracza &c%arg 2% &7na &cPrzygoda&7."
  332. stop
  333. if arg 1 is "spectator":
  334. set the gamemode of argument 2 to spectator
  335. send "&c%player% &7zmienil twoj tryb gry na &cObserwator&7." to arg 2
  336. send "&7Zmieniles tryb gry gracza &c%arg 2% &7na &cObserwator&7."
  337. stop
  338. else:
  339. if arg 1 is "1":
  340. set the gamemode of the player to creative
  341. send "&7Zmieniles swoj tryb gry na &cKreatywny&7."
  342. stop
  343. if arg 1 is "0":
  344. set the gamemode of the player to survival
  345. send "&7Zmieniles swoj tryb gry na &cSurvival&7."
  346. stop
  347. if arg 1 is "2":
  348. set the gamemode of the player to adventure
  349. send "&7Zmieniles swoj tryb gry na &cPrzygoda&7."
  350. if arg 1 is "3":
  351. set the gamemode of the player to spectator
  352. send "&7Zmieniles swoj tryb gry na &cObserwator&7."
  353. if arg 1 is "c":
  354. set the gamemode of the player to creative
  355. send "&7Zmieniles swoj tryb gry na &cKreatywny&7."
  356. stop
  357. if arg 1 is "s":
  358. set the gamemode of the player to survival
  359. send "&7Zmieniles swoj tryb gry na &cSurvival&7."
  360. stop
  361. if arg 1 is "a":
  362. set the gamemode of the player to adventure
  363. send "&7Zmieniles swoj tryb gry na &cPrzygoda&7."
  364. if arg 1 is "sp":
  365. set the gamemode of the player to spectator
  366. send "&7Zmieniles swoj tryb gry na &cObserwator&7."
  367. if arg 1 is "creative":
  368. set the gamemode of the player to creative
  369. send "&7Zmieniles swoj tryb gry na &cKreatywny&7."
  370. stop
  371. if arg 1 is "survival":
  372. set the gamemode of the player to survival
  373. send "&7Zmieniles swoj tryb gry na &cSurvival&7."
  374. stop
  375. if arg 1 is "adventure":
  376. set the gamemode of the player to adventure
  377. send "&7Zmieniles swoj tryb gry na &cPrzygoda&7."
  378. if arg 1 is "obserwator":
  379. set the gamemode of the player to spectator
  380. send "&7Zmieniles swoj tryb gry na &cObserwator&7."
  382. command /tp [<offlineplayer>]:
  383. trigger:
  384. if player has permission "":
  385. if arg-1 is set:
  386. if arg-1 is online:
  387. teleport player to arg-1
  388. send "&7Zostales przeteleportowany do gracza &c%arg-1%&2."
  389. else:
  390. send "&cBlad: &7Gracz nie jest na serwerze!"
  391. else:
  392. send "&7Uzycie komendy: &c/tp <nick>"
  393. else:
  394. send "&cBlad: &7Nie masz uprawnien!"
  395. command /s [<offlineplayer>]:
  396. trigger:
  397. if player has permission "":
  398. if arg-1 is set:
  399. if arg-1 is online:
  400. teleport arg-1 to player
  401. send "&7Przeteleportowales &c%arg-1% &7do siebie."
  402. send "&7Zostales przeteleportowany do administratora &c%player%&2." to arg-1
  403. else:
  404. send "&cBlad: &7Gracz nie jest na serwerze!"
  405. else:
  406. send "&7Uzycie komendy: &c/s <nick>"
  407. else:
  408. send "&7Dostep do tej komendy ma tylko ranga &cHelper&7 wzwyz!"
  409. command /fly [<offlineplayer>]:
  410. trigger:
  411. if player has permission "":
  412. if arg-1 is not set:
  413. if player's fly mode is false:
  414. send "&7Ustawiles fly: &aON"
  415. set player's fly mode to true
  416. stop
  417. if player's fly mode is true:
  418. send "&7Ustawiles fly: &cOFF"
  419. set player's fly mode to false
  420. stop
  421. if arg-1 is set:
  422. if arg-1 is online:
  423. if arg-1's fly mode is false:
  424. send "&7Ustawiles fly: &aON&7, dla gracza &c%arg-1%"
  425. send "&7Zmieniono fly na: &aON" to arg-1
  426. set arg-1's fly mode to true
  427. stop
  428. if arg-1's fly mode is true:
  429. send "&7Ustawiles fly: &cOFF&7, dla gracza &c%arg-1%"
  430. send "&7Zmieniono fly na: &cOFF" to arg-1
  431. set arg-1's fly mode to false
  432. stop
  433. else:
  434. send "&cBlad: &7Gracz nie jest na serwerze!"
  435. else:
  436. send "&7Dostep do tej komendy ma tylko ranga &cHelper&7 wzwyz!"
  443. on damage:
  444. if {vanish::%victim%} is "on":
  445. cancel event
  446. on pick up:
  447. if {vanish::%player%} is "on":
  448. cancel event
  450. variables:
  451. vanish.%player% = 0
  452. vanish.budowanie.%player% = 1
  453. vanish.atak.%player% = 1
  454. = 1
  455. vanish.itemy.%player% = 1
  456. vanish.god.%player% = 1
  457. command /vanish [<text>]:
  458. permission: essentials.v
  459. permission message: &7Dostep do tej komendy ma tylko ranga &cHelper&7 wzwyz!
  460. aliases: v
  461. trigger:
  462. if argument is not set:
  463. if {vanish.%player%} is 1:
  464. set {vanish.%player%} to 0
  465. reveal player to all players
  466. send "&7Zostales &codkryty"
  467. else:
  468. set {vanish.%player%} to 1
  469. hide player to all players
  470. send "&7Zostales &aukryty"
  471. if argument is "info":
  472. send "&bVanish &7- &binformacje"
  473. if {vanish.%player%} is 1:
  474. send "&7Status: &awłączony"
  475. else:
  476. send "&7Status: &cwyłączony"
  477. send "&bBlokady:"
  478. if {vanish.budowanie.%player%} is 1:
  479. send "&7Budowanie: &awłączona"
  480. else:
  481. send "&7Budowanie: &cwyłączona"
  482. if {vanish.atak.%player%} is 1:
  483. send "&7Atak: &awłączona"
  484. else:
  485. send "&7Atak: &cwyłączona"
  486. if {} is 1:
  487. send "&7Redstone: &awłączona"
  488. else:
  489. send "&7Redstone: &cwyłączona"
  490. if {vanish.itemy.%player%} is 1:
  491. send "&7Itemy: &awłączona"
  492. else:
  493. send "&7Itemy: &cwyłączona"
  494. if {vanish.god.%player%} is 1:
  495. send "&7God: &awłączony"
  496. else:
  497. send "&7God: &cwyłączony"
  498. if argument is "budowanie":
  499. if {vanish.budowanie.%player%} is 1:
  500. set {vanish.budowanie.%player%} to 0
  501. send "&cBlokada budowania wyłączona"
  502. else:
  503. set {vanish.budowanie.%player%} to 1
  504. send "&aBlokada budowania włączona"
  505. if argument is "atak":
  506. if {vanish.atak.%player%} is 1:
  507. set {vanish.atak.%player%} to 0
  508. send "&cBlokada ataku wyłączona"
  509. else:
  510. set {vanish.atak.%player%} to 1
  511. send "&aBlokada ataku włączona"
  512. if argument is "redstone":
  513. if {} is 1:
  514. set {} to 0
  515. send "&cBlokada redstona wyłączona"
  516. else:
  517. set {} to 1
  518. send "&aBlokada redstona włączona"
  519. if argument is "itemy":
  520. if {vanish.itemy.%player%} is 1:
  521. set {vanish.itemy.%player%} to 0
  522. send "&cBlokada itemów wyłączona"
  523. else:
  524. set {vanish.itemy.%player%} to 1
  525. send "&aBlokada itemów włączona"
  526. if argument is "god":
  527. if {vanish.god.%player%} is 1:
  528. set {vanish.god.%player%} to 0
  529. send "&cGod wyłączony"
  530. else:
  531. set {vanish.god.%player%} to 1
  532. send "&aGod włączony"
  533. on join:
  534. if {vanish.%player%} is 1:
  535. if player has permission "vanish":
  536. hide player to all players
  537. send "&2Jestes ukryty"
  538. else:
  539. set {vanish.%player%} to 0
  540. loop all players:
  541. if {vanish.%loop-player%} is 1:
  542. hide loop-player to player
  543. on place:
  544. if {vanish.%player%} is 1:
  545. if {vanish.budowanie.%player%} is 1:
  546. cancel event
  547. on break:
  548. if {vanish.%player%} is 1:
  549. if {vanish.budowanie.%player%} is 1:
  550. cancel event
  551. on damage:
  552. if {vanish.%attacker%} is 1:
  553. if {vanish.atak.%attacker%} is 1:
  554. cancel event
  555. if {vanish.%victim%} is 1:
  556. if {vanish.god.%victim%} is 1:
  557. cancel event
  558. on right click on lever or button:
  559. if {vanish.%player%} is 1:
  560. if {} is 1:
  561. cancel event
  562. on drop:
  563. if {vanish.%player%} is 1:
  564. if {vanish.itemy.%player%} is 1:
  565. cancel event
  566. on pick up:
  567. if {vanish.%player%} is 1:
  568. if {vanish.itemy.%player%} is 1:
  569. cancel event
  571. on right click on lever:
  572. cancel event
  573. send "&8AntyLagi &7-> &9Dzwignia zostala zablokowana!"
  577. command /heal [<player>]:
  578. trigger:
  579. if arg 1 is not set:
  580. if player's health is not 10:
  581. if player has permission "essentials.heal":
  582. set the player's food level to 10
  583. heal the player by 10 hearts
  584. send "&7Uleczono!"
  585. stop
  586. else:
  587. send "&7Dostep do tej komendy ma tylko ranga &cHelper&7 wzwyz!"
  588. stop
  589. else:
  590. send "&cTwoje zycie jest pelne!"
  591. stop
  592. if arg 1 is set:
  593. if argument's health is not 10:
  594. if player has permission "essentials.heal":
  595. set the argument's food level to 10
  596. heal the argument by 10 hearts
  597. send "&7Uleczono!" to arg 1
  598. send "&7Uleczono gracza &a%arg 1%"
  599. stop
  600. else:
  601. send "&7Dostep do tej komendy ma tylko ranga &cHelper&7 wzwyz!"
  602. stop
  603. else:
  604. send "&cZycie tego gracza jest pelne!"
  605. stop
  608. command /feed [<player>]:
  609. aliases: nakarm
  610. trigger:
  611. if arg 1 is not set:
  612. if player's food level is not 10:
  613. if player has permission "essentials.heal":
  614. set the player's food level to 10
  615. send "&7Nakarmiono!"
  616. stop
  617. else:
  618. send "&7Dostep do tej komendy ma tylko ranga &cHelper&7 wzwyz!"
  619. stop
  620. else:
  621. send "&cTwoj glod jest pelny!"
  622. stop
  623. if arg 1 is set:
  624. if argument's food level is not 10:
  625. if player has permission "essentials.heal":
  626. set the argument's food level to 10
  627. send "&7Nakarmiono!" to arg 1
  628. send "&7Nakarmiono gracza &a%arg 1%"
  629. stop
  630. else:
  631. send "&7Dostep do tej komendy ma tylko ranga &cHelper&7 wzwyz!"
  632. stop
  633. else:
  634. send "&cGlod tego gracza jest pelny!"
  635. stop
  637. command /god [<text>]:
  638. permission: essentials.god
  639. permission message: &7Dostep do tej komendy ma tylko ranga &cHelper&7 wzwyz!
  640. trigger:
  641. if {god.%player%} = false:
  642. set {god.%player%} to true
  643. send "&aWlaczyles &7god'a"
  644. else:
  645. set {god.%player%} to false
  646. send "&cWylaczyles &7god'a"
  649. on damage:
  650. if {god.%victim%} is true:
  651. cancel event
  654. command /broadcast [<text>]:
  655. executable by: players
  656. trigger:
  657. if player has permission "essentials.bc":
  658. if arg 1 is not set:
  659. send "&7Uzycie komendy: &c/broadcast <tekst>"
  660. else:
  661. broadcast "&8(&4&lBroadCast&8) &6%colored arg 1%"
  662. else:
  663. send "&7Dostep do tej komendy ma tylko ranga &cModerator&7 wzwyz!"
  665. command /bc [<text>]:
  666. executable by: players
  667. trigger:
  668. if player has permission "essentials.bc":
  669. if arg 1 is not set:
  670. send "&7Uzycie komendy: &c/bc <tekst>"
  671. else:
  672. broadcast "&8(&4&lBroadCast&8) &6%colored arg 1%"
  673. else:
  674. send "&7Dostep do tej komendy ma tylko ranga &cModerator&7 wzwyz!"
  677. on chat:
  678. if {mute0::%player%} is true:
  679. cancel event
  680. send "&4Blad: &7Twoje usta zostaly zaszyte na &c%{mute0czas::%player%}% &7minut!"
  681. if {mute.%player%} is true:
  682. send "&4Blad: &7Twoje usta zostaly zaszyte na zawsze!"
  683. cancel event
  684. command /mute [<player>] [<text>]:
  685. permission: essentials.mute
  686. permission message: &7Dostep do tej komendy ma tylko ranga &cHelper&7 wzwyz!
  687. trigger:
  688. if arg 1 is set:
  689. if arg 2 is set:
  690. if arg 2 is "perm":
  691. broadcast "&4&lMUTE&8: &c%player% &7wyciszyl &e%arg 1% &7na &czawsze!"
  692. set {mute.%arg 1%} to true
  693. else:
  694. set {mute0::%player-arg%} to true
  695. set {mute0czas::%player-arg%} to arg-2
  696. broadcast "&4&lMUTE&8: &c%player% &7wyciszyl &c%arg 1% &7na &c%{mute0czas::%player-arg%}% &7minut."
  697. else:
  698. send "&7Uzycie komendy: &c/mute <nick> <czas/perm>"
  699. else:
  700. send "&7Uzycie komendy: &c/mute <nick> <czas/perm>"
  704. every 60 seconds:
  705. loop all players:
  706. if {mute0::%loop-player%} is true:
  707. remove 1 from {mute0czas::%loop-player%}
  708. if {mute0czas::%loop-player%} is less than 0:
  709. set {mute0czas::%loop-player%} to false
  710. send "&4&lMUTE&8: &7Mozesz juz pisac!" to loop-player
  713. command /unmute [<text>]:
  714. permission: essentials.unmute
  715. permission message: &7Dostep do tej komendy ma tylko ranga &cModerator&7 wzwyz!
  716. trigger:
  717. if arg 1 is set:
  718. broadcast "&4&lUNMUTE&8: &c%player% &7zostal odciszony!"
  719. set {mute0::%arg 1%} to false
  720. set {mute.%arg 1%} to false
  721. else:
  722. send "&7Uzycie komendy: &c/unmute <nick>"
  724. command /tempban [<offline player>] [<text >] [<timespan>]:
  725. permission: essentials.tempban
  726. permission message: &7Dostep do tej komendy ma tylko ranga &cHelper&7 wzwyz!
  727. trigger:
  728. if argument 1 is not set:
  729. send "&7Uzycie komendy: &c/tempban <nick> <powod> <czas> <jednostka po angielsku>" to player
  730. stop
  731. if argument 2 is not set:
  732. send "&7Uzycie komendy: &c/tempban <nick> <powod> <czas> <jednostka po angielsku>" to player
  733. stop
  734. if argument 3 is not set:
  735. send "&7Uzycie komendy: &c/tempban <nick> <powod> <czas> <jednostka po angielsku>" to player
  736. stop
  738. set {_gracz} to argument 1
  739. set {_powod} to argument 2
  740. set {_czasban} to argument 3
  741. set {_czas} to now
  742. add {_czasban} to {_czas}
  744. kick {_gracz} due to "&4Zostales zbanowany za: &c%{_powod}%&4 do &c%{_czas}%&4!"
  745. send "&cZbanowales gracza &4%{_gracz}% &cza &4%{_powod}%&c do &4%{_czas}%&c!"
  747. set {bany::%{_gracz}%} to true
  748. set {czasbana::%{_gracz}%} to {_czas}
  749. set {powodbana::%{_gracz}%} to {_powod}
  751. command /untempban [<offline player>]:
  752. permission: essentials.unban
  753. permission message: &7Dostep do tej komendy ma tylko ranga &cModerator&7 wzwyz!
  754. trigger:
  755. if argument is set:
  756. if {bany::%argument%} is true:
  757. delete {bany::%argument%}
  758. delete {czasbana::%argument%}
  759. delete {powodbana::%argument%}
  760. send "&aGracz &2%argument% &azostal odbanowany"
  761. else:
  762. send "&4Blad: &7Ten gracz nie ma bana!"
  763. else:
  764. send "&7Uzycie komendy: &c/untempban <nick>" to player
  766. command /sprawdztempban [<offline player>]:
  767. permission: essentials.tempban
  768. permission message: &7Dostep do tej komendy ma tylko ranga &cHelper&7 wzwyz!
  769. trigger:
  770. if argument is set:
  771. if {bany::%argument%} is true:
  772. send "&cGracz &4%argument% &cjest zbanowany za &4%{powodbana::%argument%}% &cdo &4%{czasbana::%argument%}%&c!"
  773. else:
  774. send "&aTen gracz nie ma bana"
  775. else:
  776. send "&7Uzycie komendy: &c/sprawdztempban <nick>" to player
  779. on connect:
  780. if {bany::%player%} is true:
  781. if now is less than {czasbana::%player%}:
  782. kick player due to "&4Zostales zbanowany za: &c%{powodbana::%player%}%&4 do &c%{czasbana::%player%}%&4!"
  783. else:
  784. delete {bany::%player%}
  785. delete {czasbana::%player%}
  786. delete {powodbana::%player%}
  789. command /kick [<player>] [<text>]:
  790. trigger:
  791. if player has permissions "sk.kick":
  792. if arg 1 is set:
  793. if arg 2 is set:
  794. kick %arg 1% due to "&7Zostales wyrzucony przez &c%player% &7Powód: &c%arg 2%"
  795. else:
  796. kick %arg 1% due to "&7Zostales wyrzucony przez &c%player% &7Powód: &c%arg 2%"
  797. else:
  798. send "&7Uzycie komendy: &c/kick <nick> <powod>"
  799. else:
  800. send "&7Dostep do tej komendy ma tylko ranga &cHelper&7 wzwyz!"
  802. every 30 seconds:
  803. add 1 to {msg}
  804. if {msg} is 1:
  805. broadcast "&c[GLaDOS] &7Strona internetowa: &c&"
  806. if {msg} is 2:
  807. broadcast "&c[GLaDOS] &7Nasz itemshop: &c&"
  808. if {msg} is 3:
  809. broadcast "&c[GLaDOS] &7Nasz discord: &c&o"
  810. if {msg} is 4:
  811. broadcast "&c[GLaDOS] &7Rekrutacja &cOFF"
  812. if {msg} is 5:
  813. broadcast "&c[GLaDOS] &7Tryb serwera: &c&oHardCore!"
  814. if {msg} is 6:
  815. broadcast "&c[GLaDOS] &7Bug? Cheater? Uratuje Cie komenda &c&o/helpop"
  816. if {msg} is 7:
  817. broadcast "&c[GLaDOS] &7Masz 100 &7subskrybcji? Chcesz range? Zapoznaj sie z &c&o/yt!"
  818. if {msg} is 8:
  819. broadcast "&c[GLaDOS] &7Maksymalne CPS to &c&o20!"
  820. set {msg} to 0
  822. command /speed [<integer>] [<player>]:
  823. trigger:
  824. if player has permission "essentials.speed":
  825. if arg 1 is not set:
  826. send "&7Uzycie komendy: &c/speed <nick/wartosc> <wartosc>"
  827. else:
  828. if arg 2 is not set:
  829. if arg 1 is not 1:
  830. set player's walk speed to arg 1
  831. set player's fly speed to arg 1
  832. send "&7Ustawiono szybkosc gracza: &c%player% &7na: &c%arg 1%&7."
  833. else:
  834. reset player's walk speed
  835. reset player's fly speed
  836. send "&7Ustawiono szybkosc gracza: &c%player% &7na: &c%arg 1%&7."
  837. else:
  838. if player has permission "Ntools.speed.others":
  839. if arg 1 is not 1:
  840. set arg 2's walk speed to arg 1
  841. set arg 2's fly speed to arg 1
  842. send "&7Ustawiono szybkosc gracza: &6%arg 1% &7na: &6%arg 1%&7."
  843. else:
  844. reset arg 2's walk speed
  845. reset arg 2's fly speed
  846. send "&7Ustawiono szybkosc gracza: &6%arg 1% &7na: &6%arg 1%&7."
  847. else:
  849. send "&7Dostep do tej komendy ma tylko ranga &cAdmin&7 wzwyz!"
  851. variables:
  852. {ban::%offlineplayer%} = false
  853. {powod::%offlineplayer%} = "Brak"
  854. {admin::%offlineplayer%} = "Brak"
  855. command /ban [<offlineplayer>] [<text>]:
  856. trigger:
  857. executor is console:
  858. arg 1 is set:
  859. set {ban::%arg 1%} to true
  860. arg 2 is set:
  861. set {powod::%arg 1%} to colored arg 2
  862. kick arg 1 by reason of "&7Zostales zbanowany na zawsze przez &cCONSOLE.%nl%&7Powod: &c%{powod::%arg 1%}%"
  863. stop
  864. stop
  865. player has permission "essentials.ban":
  866. arg 1 is not set:
  867. send "&7Uzycie komendy: &c/ban <nick> <powod>"
  868. stop
  869. if {ban::%arg 1%} is true:
  870. send "&4Blad: &cPodany gracz jest juz zbanowany!"
  871. stop
  872. set {ban::%arg 1%} to true
  873. arg 2 is not set:
  874. set {admin::%arg 1%} to name of player
  875. kick arg 1 by reason of "&7Zostales zbanowany przez &c%player%.%nl%&7Powod: &c%{powod::%arg 1%}%"
  876. stop
  877. set {admin::%arg 1%} to name of player
  878. set {powod::%arg 1%} to colored arg 2
  879. wait 1 tick
  880. kick arg 1 by reason of "&7Zostales zbanowany przez %player%.%nl%&cPowod: &7%{powod::%arg 1%}%"
  881. stop
  882. send "&7Dostep do tej komendy ma tylko ranga &cModerator&7 wzwyz!"
  883. stop
  884. command /unban [<offlineplayer>]:
  885. trigger:
  886. executor is console:
  887. arg 1 is set:
  888. set {ban::%arg 1%} to false
  889. set {powod::%arg 1%} to "Brak"
  890. stop
  891. player has permission "essentials.unban":
  892. arg 1 is not set:
  893. send "&7Uzycie komendy: &c/unban <nick>"
  894. stop
  895. if {ban::%arg 1%} is true:
  896. set {ban::%arg 1%} to false
  897. set {powod::%arg 1%} to "Brak"
  898. stop
  899. send "&4Blad: &cTen gracz nie jest zbanowany!"
  900. stop
  901. send "&7Dostep do tej komendy ma tylko ranga &cModerator&7 wzwyz!"
  902. stop
  903. on connect:
  904. if {ban::%player%} is true:
  905. kick player by reason of "&7Zostales zbanowany przez &c%{admin::%player%}%.%nl%&7Powod: &c%{powod::%arg 1%}%"
  907. command /repair [<text="brak">]:
  908. trigger:
  909. if player has permission "":
  910. if arg 1 is not "hand" or "all":
  911. send "&7Uzycie komendy: &c/repair <all/hand>"
  912. if arg 1 is "hand":
  913. repair player's tool
  914. send "&7Pomyslnie naprawiono!"
  915. if arg 1 is "all":
  916. repair all items in player's inventory
  917. send "&7Pomyslnie naprawiono!"
  918. else:
  919. send "&7Dostep do tej komendy ma tylko ranga &cAdmin&7 wzwyz!"
  922. command /chat [<text>]:
  923. trigger:
  924. if player has permission "":
  925. if arg 1 is empty:
  926. send "&7Uzycie komendy: &c/chat <on/off/cc>" to player
  927. else if arg 1 is "on":
  928. if {chat.stan} is true:
  929. send "&4Blad: &7Chat jest juz wlaczony!" to player
  930. stop trigger
  931. set {chat.stan} to true
  932. broadcast " &8[&9AntySpam&8]"
  933. broadcast " &7Chat zostal wlaczony przez &c%player%&7!"
  934. else if arg 1 is "off":
  935. if {chat.stan} is false:
  936. send "&4Blad: &7Chat jest juz wylaczony!" to player
  937. stop trigger
  938. set {chat.stan} to false
  939. loop 100 times:
  940. broadcast " "
  941. broadcast " &8[&9AntySpam&8]"
  942. broadcast "&7Chat zostal wylaczony przez &c%player%&7!"
  944. else if arg 1 is "cc":
  945. loop 100 times:
  946. broadcast " "
  947. broadcast " &8[&9AntySpam&8]"
  948. broadcast "&7Chat zostal wyczyszczony przez &c%player%&7!"
  949. else:
  950. send "&7Uzycie komendy: &c/chat <on/off/cc>" to player
  951. stop trigger
  952. else:
  953. send "&7Dostep do tej komendy ma tylko ranga &cHelper&7 wzwyz!"
  955. command /cc [<text>]:
  956. trigger:
  957. if player has permission "":
  958. loop 100 times:
  959. broadcast " "
  960. broadcast " &8[&9AntySpam&8]"
  961. broadcast "&7Chat zostal wyczyszczony przez &c%player%&7!"
  962. else:
  963. send "&7Dostep do tej komendy ma tylko ranga &cHelper&7 wzwyz!"
  966. on chat:
  967. if {chat.stan} is false:
  968. if player has permission "" or "":
  969. stop trigger
  970. else:
  971. cancel event
  972. send "&4Blad: &7Czat jest wylaczony! Aby pisac na czacie zakup range &6VIP&7!"
  973. stop
  977. on first join:
  978. wait 1 second
  979. give 1 stone pickaxe to player
  980. give 64 steak to player
  981. give 64 steak to player
  982. give 1 ender chest to player
  983. give 1 boat to player
  985. on death:
  986. wait 1 tick
  987. give 1 stone pickaxe to player
  988. give 64 steak to player
  989. give 64 steak to player
  990. give 1 ender chest to player
  991. give 1 boat to player
  994. command /craft [<text>]:
  995. permission: essentials.workbench
  996. permission message: &7Dostep do tej komendy ma tylko ranga &cVIP&7 wzwyz!
  997. trigger:
  998. open crafting table to player
  1000. command /wb [<text>]:
  1001. permission: essentials.workbench
  1002. permission message: &7Dostep do tej komendy ma tylko ranga &cVIP&7 wzwyz!
  1003. trigger:
  1004. open crafting table to player
  1006. command /workbench [<text>]:
  1007. permission: essentials.workbench
  1008. permission message: &7Dostep do tej komendy ma tylko ranga &cVIP&7 wzwyz!
  1009. trigger:
  1010. open crafting table to player
  1012. command /spawn [<text>]:
  1013. trigger:
  1014. player has permissions "essentials.spawn"
  1015. execute console command "/tp %player% 0 79 0"
  1016. stop
  1017. else:
  1018. send "&4Blad: &cKordy spawna: &7x0 z0! &cAby isc na spawna trzeba przejsc pieszo lub scraftowac rozdzke na spawna!" to player
  1019. stop
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