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Mar 18th, 2022
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  1. version: "1.0.4-SNAPSHOT"
  2. prefix: "&c&l[Notificare]"
  4. main:
  5. # Maximum time for player to authenticate in milliseconds. If the player stays on the auth limbo for longer than this time, then the player will be kicked.
  6. auth-time: 60000
  7. enable-bossbar: false
  8. # Available colors: PINK, BLUE, RED, GREEN, YELLOW, PURPLE, WHITE
  9. bossbar-color: "RED"
  10. # Available overlays: PROGRESS, NOTCHED_6, NOTCHED_10, NOTCHED_12, NOTCHED_20
  11. bossbar-overlay: "NOTCHED_20"
  12. min-password-length: 4
  13. # Max password length for the BCrypt hashing algorithm, which is used in this plugin, can't be higher than 71. You can set a lower value than 71.
  14. max-password-length: 71
  15. check-password-strength: true
  16. unsafe-passwords-file: "unsafe_passwords.txt"
  17. online-mode-need-auth: false
  18. # Needs floodgate plugin.
  19. floodgate-need-auth: true
  20. force-offline-uuid: false
  21. # Delay in milliseconds before sending auth-confirming titles and messages to the player. (login-premium-title, login-floodgate, etc.)
  22. premium-and-floodgate-messages-delay: 1250
  23. # Forcibly set player's UUID to the value from the database
  24. # If the player had the cracked account, and switched to the premium account, the cracked UUID will be used.
  25. save-uuid: true
  26. enable-totp: false
  27. totp-need-password: true
  28. register-need-repeat-password: true
  29. change-password-need-old-password: true
  30. # This prefix will be added to offline mode players nickname
  31. offline-mode-prefix: ""
  32. # This prefix will be added to online mode players nickname
  33. online-mode-prefix: ""
  34. # If you want to migrate your database from another plugin, which is not using BCrypt.
  35. # You can set an old hash algorithm to migrate from. Currently, only AUTHME is supported yet.
  36. migration-hash: ""
  37. # Available dimensions: OVERWORLD, NETHER, THE_END
  38. dimension: "THE_END"
  39. purge-cache-millis: 3600000
  40. # QR Generator URL, set {data} placeholder
  41. qr-generator-url: "{data}&size=200x200&ecc=M&margin=30"
  42. totp-issuer: "Topicraft"
  43. bcrypt-cost: 10
  44. login-attempts: 3
  45. ip-limit-registrations: 2
  46. totp-recovery-codes-amount: 16
  47. # Time in milliseconds, when ip limit works, set to 0 for disable.
  48. ip-limit-valid-time: 604800000
  49. # Regex of allowed nicknames
  50. # ^ means the start of the line, $ means the end of the line
  51. # [A-Za-z0-9_] is a character set of A-Z, a-z, 0-9 and _
  52. # {3,16} means that allowed length is from 3 to 16 chars
  53. allowed-nickname-regex: "^[A-Za-z0-9_]{3,16}$"
  54. load-world: false
  55. # World file type: schematic
  56. world-file-type: "schematic"
  57. world-file-path: "world.schematic"
  58. # Custom isPremium URL
  59. # You can use Mojang one's API (set by default)
  60. # Or CloudFlare one's:
  61. # Or use this code to make your own API:
  62. # Or implement your own API, it should just respond with HTTP code 200 only if the player is premium
  63. ispremium-auth-url: ""
  64. world-coords:
  65. x: 0
  66. y: 0
  67. z: 0
  68. # You can left blank the fields marked with "*" comment.
  69. strings:
  70. reload: "{PRFX} &aReloaded successfully!"
  71. reload-failed: "{PRFX} &cReload failed, check console for details."
  72. error-occurred: "{PRFX} &cAn internal error has occurred!"
  73. not-player: "{PRFX} &cСonsole is not allowed to execute this command!"
  74. not-registered: "{PRFX} &fTrebuie sa te inregistrezi! &a&n/register"
  75. wrong-password: "{PRFX} &fParola introdusa este &cgresita&f!"
  76. nickname-invalid-kick: "{NL}&fNumele tau contine caractere interzise! Te rugam sa iti schimbi numele!"
  77. # 6 hours by default in ip-limit-valid-time
  78. ip-limit: "{PRFX} &fAi atins limita de conturi inregistrate pe un singur IP!"
  79. wrong-nickname-case-kick: "{PRFX}{NL}&cThe case of your nickname is wrong. Nickname is CaSe SeNsItIvE."
  80. bossbar: "{PRFX} You have &6{0} &fseconds left to log in."
  81. times-up: "{NL}&cTimpul de logare a expirat!"
  82. # *
  83. login-premium: ""
  84. # *
  85. login-premium-title: ""
  86. # *
  87. login-premium-subtitle: ""
  88. # *
  89. login-floodgate: ""
  90. # *
  91. login-floodgate-title: ""
  92. # *
  93. login-floodgate-subtitle: ""
  94. login: "{PRFX} &fPentru a te loga apasa tasta &bT&f si scrie &a&n/login parolaTa"
  95. login-wrong-password: "{PRFX} &fParola introdusa esta gresita."
  96. login-wrong-password-kick: "{PRFX}{NL}&cAi introdus parola gresita de prea multe ori!"
  97. login-successful: "{PRFX} &aTe-ai logat cu succes! Spor la joaca!"
  98. # *
  99. login-title: ""
  100. # *
  101. login-subtitle: ""
  102. # *
  103. login-successful-title: ""
  104. # *
  105. login-successful-subtitle: ""
  106. # Or if register-need-repeat-password set to false remove the "<repeat password>" part.
  107. register: "{PRFX} &fPentru a te juca pe serverul nostru trebuie sa te inregistrezi!{NL}&b&l| &fPentru a te inregistra apasa tasta &bT&f si scrie &a&n/register parolaTa parolaTa"
  108. register-different-passwords: "{PRFX} &fParolele introduse difera una de cealalta!"
  109. register-password-too-short: "{PRFX} &fParola aleasa este prea scurta! Te rugam sa alegi alta!"
  110. register-password-too-long: "{PRFX} &fParola aleasa este prea lunga! Te rugam sa alegi alta!"
  111. register-password-unsafe: "{PRFX} &fParola aleasa nu este sigura! Te rugam sa alegi alta!"
  112. register-successful: "{PRFX} &aTe-ai inregistrat cu succes!"
  113. # *
  114. register-title: ""
  115. # *
  116. register-subtitle: ""
  117. # *
  118. register-successful-title: ""
  119. # *
  120. register-successful-subtitle: ""
  121. unregister-successful: "{PRFX}{NL}&aSuccessfully unregistered!"
  122. unregister-usage: "{PRFX} Usage: &6/unregister <current password> confirm"
  123. premium-successful: "{PRFX}{NL}&aSuccessfully changed account state to &6PREMIUM&a!"
  124. already-premium: "{PRFX} &cYour account is already &6PREMIUM&c!"
  125. not-premium: "{PRFX} &cYour account is not &6PREMIUM&c!"
  126. premium-usage: "{PRFX} Usage: &6/premium <current password> confirm"
  127. force-unregister-successful: "{PRFX} &6{0} &asuccessfully unregistered!"
  128. force-unregister-kick: "{PRFX}{NL}&aYou have been unregistered by administrator!"
  129. force-unregister-not-successful: "{PRFX} &cUnable to unregister &6{0}&c. Most likely this player has never been on this server."
  130. force-unregister-usage: "{PRFX} Usage: &6/forceunregister <nickname>"
  131. change-password-successful: "{PRFX} &fTi-ai schimbat parola cu succes!"
  132. # Or if change-password-need-old-pass set to false remove the "<old password>" part.
  133. change-password-usage: "{PRFX} &fFoloseste /changepass <parola veche> <parola noua>"
  134. force-change-password-successful: "{PRFX} &aSuccessfully changed password for player &6{0}&a!"
  135. force-change-password-message: "{PRFX} &fParola ta a fost schimbata in &6{0} &fde un administrator!"
  136. force-change-password-not-successful: "{PRFX} &cUnable to change password for &6{0}&c. Most likely this player has never been on this server."
  137. force-change-password-usage: "{PRFX} Usage: &6/forcechangepassword <nickname> <new password>"
  138. totp: "{PRFX} Please, enter your 2FA key using &6/2fa <key>"
  139. # *
  140. totp-title: "{PRFX}"
  141. # *
  142. totp-subtitle: "&aEnter your 2FA key using &6/2fa <key>"
  143. totp-successful: "{PRFX} &aSuccessfully enabled 2FA!"
  144. totp-disabled: "{PRFX} &aSuccessfully disabled 2FA!"
  145. # Or if totp-need-pass set to false remove the "<current password>" part.
  146. totp-usage: "{PRFX} Usage: &6/2fa enable <current password>&f or &6/2fa disable <totp key>&f."
  147. totp-wrong: "{PRFX} &cWrong 2FA key!"
  148. totp-already-enabled: "{PRFX} &c2FA is already enabled. Disable it using &6/2fa disable <key>&c."
  149. totp-qr: "{PRFX} Click here to open 2FA QR code in browser."
  150. totp-token: "{PRFX} &aYour 2FA token &7(Click to copy)&a: &6{0}"
  151. totp-recovery: "{PRFX} &aYour recovery codes &7(Click to copy)&a: &6{0}"
  152. destroy-session-successful: "{PRFX} &eYour session is now destroyed, you'll need to log in again after reconnecting."
  153. auth-coords:
  154. x: 0.0
  155. y: 0.0
  156. z: 0.0
  157. yaw: 0.0
  158. pitch: 0.0
  160. # Database settings
  161. database: [deleted data]
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