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a guest
Jul 21st, 2018
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  1. alias -l getid {
  2. return $strip($remove($right($1,$calc($len($1) - $pos($1,$chr(40)))),$chr(40),$chr(41),.))))
  3. }
  5. alias -l getname {
  6. return $strip($left($1,$calc($pos($1,$chr(40)) - 1)))
  7. }
  9. alias vinstall {
  10. if (%vinstalled) { echo -a vStats is already installed. /vuninstall to uninstall your stats | HALT }
  11. set %vname $?="Enter your ingame name."
  12. set %varrestpm $?!="Would you like arrest count increases to be announced to you via PM?"
  13. set %vdeathspm $?!="Would you like kill/death counts to be announced via PM?"
  14. set %vcriminalpm $?!="Would you like criminal activity counts (e.g. rape) to be announced via PM?"
  15. set %vvictimpm $?!="Would you like counts to be announced via PM when you are the victim of an arrest, rape or kidnap?"
  16. set %vterrorpm $?!="Would you like counts to be announced via PM when you blow up a building?"
  17. set %vnoobpm $?!="Would you like counts to be announced via PM when you get adnoobed?"
  18. set %vbancountpm $?!="Would you like to announce ban increases(Only works if you are an admin with a high enough level)"
  19. set %vadmincountpm $?!="Would you like to announce other admin action such as mutes/jails/kicks (Only works if you are an admin with a high enough level)"
  20. if ($?!"Installation almost complete. Are you happy with your options?" == $true) {
  21. set %vinstalled 1
  22. echo -a Installation is now complete, simply connect to the server and have fun!
  23. set %varrestcount 0
  24. set %vrearrestcount 0
  25. set %vmwarrestcount 0
  26. set %vdeathcount 0
  27. set %vkillcount 0
  28. set %vbancount 0
  29. set %vmutecount 0
  30. set %vjailcount 0
  31. set %vkickcount 0
  32. set %vfreezecount 0
  33. set %vwarncount 0
  34. set %vrapecount 0
  35. set %vrapedcount 0
  36. set %vrobberycount 0
  37. set %vamountrobbed 0
  38. set %vkidnapcount 0
  39. set %vkidnappedcount 0
  40. set %varrestedcount 0
  41. set %vreportcount 0
  42. set %vreportedcount 0
  43. set %vrobcount 0
  44. set %vrobbedcount 0
  45. set %vcagecount 0
  46. set %vterrorcount 0
  47. set %vnoobcount 0
  48. }
  49. else {
  50. unset %vname
  51. unset %varrestpm
  52. unset %vdeathspm
  53. unset %vbancountpm
  54. unset %vadmincountpm
  55. unset %vcriminalpm
  56. unset %vinstalled
  57. unset %varrestcount
  58. unset %vrearrestcount
  59. unset %vmwarrestcount
  60. unset %vdeathcount
  61. unset %vkillcount
  62. unset %vbancount
  63. unset %vmutecount
  64. unset %vjailcount
  65. unset %vkickcount
  66. unset %vfreezecount
  67. unset %vwarncount
  68. unset %vrapecount
  69. unset %vrapedcount
  70. unset %vrobberycount
  71. unset %vamountrobbed
  72. unset %vkidnapcount
  73. unset %vkidnappedcount
  74. unset %varrestedcount
  75. unset %vreportcount
  76. unset %vreportedcount
  77. unset %vrobcount
  78. unset %vrobbedcount
  79. unset %vcagecount
  80. unset %vterrorcount
  81. unset %vnoobcount
  82. echo -a Installation process cancelled
  83. }
  84. }
  86. alias vuninstall {
  87. if (!%vinstalled) {
  88. if ($?!="vStats isn't installed, would you like to install now?" == $true) { vinstall }
  89. halt
  90. }
  91. if ($?!"Are you sure you want to uninstall? You will lose all your stats." == $true) {
  92. unset %vname
  93. unset %varrestpm
  94. unset %vdeathspm
  95. unset %vbancountpm
  96. unset %vadmincountpm
  97. unset %vcriminalpm
  98. unset %vinstalled
  99. unset %varrestcount
  100. unset %vrearrestcount
  101. unset %vmwarrestcount
  102. unset %vdeathcount
  103. unset %vkillcount
  104. unset %vbancount
  105. unset %vmutecount
  106. unset %vjailcount
  107. unset %vkickcount
  108. unset %vfreezecount
  109. unset %vwarncount
  110. unset %vrapecount
  111. unset %vrapedcount
  112. unset %vrobberycount
  113. unset %vamountrobbed
  114. unset %vkidnapcount
  115. unset %vkidnappedcount
  116. unset %varrestedcount
  117. unset %vreportcount
  118. unset %vreportedcount
  119. unset %vrobcount
  120. unset %vrobbedcount
  121. unset %vcagecount
  122. unset %vterrorcount
  123. unset %vnoobcount
  124. echo -a vStats successfully uninstalled
  125. }
  126. else {
  127. echo -a Uninstall process cancelled
  128. }
  129. }
  130. alias vconfigure {
  131. if (!%vinstalled) { echo -a vStats isnt installed. Type /vinstall to install it. | HALT }
  132. set %vname $?="Enter your ingame name."
  133. set %varrestpm $?!="Would you like arrest count increases to be announced to you via PM?"
  134. set %vdeathspm $?!="Would you like kill/death counts to be announced via PM?"
  135. set %vcriminalpm $?!="Would you like criminal activity counts (e.g. rape) to be announced via PM?"
  136. set %vvictimpm $?!="Would you like counts to be announced via PM when you are the victim of an arrest, rape or kidnap?"
  137. set %vterrorpm $?!="Would you like counts to be announced via PM when you blow up a building?"
  138. set %vnoobpm $?!="Would you like counts to be announced via PM when you get adnoobed?"
  139. set %vbancountpm $?!="Would you like to announce ban increases(Only works if you are an admin with a high enough level)"
  140. set %vadmincountpm $?!="Would you like to announce other admin action such as mutes/jails/kicks (Only works if you are an admin with a high enough level)"
  141. echo -a vStats has been reconfigured. You may reconfigure at any time with /vconfigure
  142. }
  144. alias vadstats {
  145. if (%vinstalled) {
  146. msg #vstats (6vStats) 6Bans:7 %vbancount  $+ $chr(124) 6Mutes:7 %vmutecount  $+ $chr(124) 6Jails:7 %vjailcount  $+ $chr(124) 6Kicks:7 %vkickcount  $+ $chr(124) 6Warns:7 %vwarncount  $+ $chr(124) 6Freezes:7 %vfreezecount  $+ $chr(124) 6Cages:7 %vcagecount
  147. }
  148. }
  150. alias vstats {
  151. if (%vinstalled) {
  152. msg #vstats (6vStats) 6Police Reports:7 %vreportcount  $+ $chr(124) 6Arrest:7 %varrestcount  $+ $chr(124) 6Most wanted arrests:7 %vmwarrestcount  $+ $chr(124) 6Total arrests:7 $calc(%varrestcount + %vmwarrestcount)  $+ $chr(124) 6Kills:7 %vkillcount  $+ $chr(124) 6Deaths:7 %vdeathcount  $+ $chr(124) 6Ratio:7 $calc(%vkillcount / %vdeathcount)  $+ $chr(124) 6Player robs:7 %vrobcount  $+ $chr(124) 6Business robberies:7 %vrobberycount  $+ $chr(124) 6Amount robbed:7 $chr(36) $+ %vamountrobbed  $+ $chr(124) 6Rapes:7 %vrapecount  $+ $chr(124) 6Kidnaps:7 %vkidnapcount  $+ $chr(124) 6Times robbed:7 %vrobbedcount  $+ $chr(124) 6Times raped:7 %vrapedcount  $+ $chr(124) 6Times Kidnapped:7 %vkidnappedcount  $+ $chr(124) 6Times Arrested:7 %varrestedcount  $+ $chr(124) 6Times Police Reported:7 %vreportedcount  $+ $chr(124) 6Times Blown Building:7 %vterrorcount  $+ $chr(124) 6Times Adnoobed:7 %noobcount
  153. }
  154. }
  156. on *:TEXT:*Most Wanted suspect*has been sent to Alcatraz by Officer*:#: {
  157. if ($nick == DRDCNR1) || ($nick == DRDCNR2) || ($nick == DRDCNR3) {
  158. if (%vinstalled) {
  159. if (%vname == $getname($12)) {
  160. inc %vmwarrestcount
  161. if (%varrestpm) { msg #vstats !pm $getid($12) Most wanted arrest count increased! You have arrested %vmwarrestcount most wanted criminals. }
  162. }
  163. if (%vname == $getname($4)) {
  164. inc %varrestedcount
  165. if (%vvictimpm) { msg #vstats !pm $getid($4) You have been arrested %varrestedcount times! }
  166. }
  167. }
  168. }
  169. }
  171. on *:TEXT:*Wanted suspect*has been arrested by Officer*:#: {
  172. if ($nick == DRDCNR1) || ($nick == DRDCNR2) || ($nick == DRDCNR3) {
  173. if (%vinstalled) {
  174. if (%vname == $getname($9)) {
  175. inc %varrestcount
  176. if (%varrestpm) { msg #vstats !pm $getid($9) Arrest count increased! You have arrested %varrestcount people. }
  177. }
  178. if (%vname == $getname($3)) {
  179. inc %varrestedcount
  180. if (%vvictimpm) { msg #vstats !pm $getid($3) You have been arrested %varrestedcount times! }
  181. }
  182. }
  183. }
  184. }
  187. on *:TEXT:2[Death]*was killed by*:#: {
  188. if ($nick == DRDCNR1) || ($nick == DRDCNR2) || ($nick == DRDCNR3) {
  189. if (%vinstalled) {
  190. if ($getname($6) == %vname) {
  191. inc %vkillcount
  192. if (%vdeathspm) { msg #vstats !pm $getid($6) Kill count increased! You have killed %vkillcount people. }
  193. }
  194. if ($getname($2) == %vname) {
  195. inc %vdeathcount
  196. if (%vdeathspm) { msg #vstats !pm $getid($2) Death count increased! You have died %vdeathcount times. }
  197. }
  198. }
  199. }
  200. }
  202. on *:TEXT:*Has raped*:#: {
  203. if ($nick == DRDCNR1) || ($nick == DRDCNR2) || ($nick == DRDCNR3) {
  204. if (%vinstalled) {
  205. if ($getname($1) == %vname) {
  206. inc %vrapecount
  207. if (%vcriminalpm) { msg #vstats !pm $getid($1) Rape count increased! You have raped %vrapecount people. }
  208. }
  209. if ($getname($4) == %vname) {
  210. inc %vrapedcount
  211. if (%vcriminalpm) { msg #vstats !pm $getid($4) You have been raped %vrapedcount times! }
  212. }
  213. }
  214. }
  215. }
  217. on *:TEXT:*, You have successfully Jailed*:#: {
  218. if ($nick == DRDCNR1) || ($nick == DRDCNR2) || ($nick == DRDCNR3) {
  219. if (%vinstalled) {
  220. if ($strip($remove($1,$chr(44))) == $me) {
  221. if ($5 == Jailed) {
  222. inc %vjailcount
  223. if (%vadmincountpm) { msg #vstats Jail count increased! I have jailed %vjailcount people. }
  224. }
  225. }
  226. }
  227. }
  228. }
  230. on *:TEXT:*(POLICE REPORT)*Officer*has reported suspect*Reason*:#: {
  231. if ($nick == DRDCNR1) || ($nick == DRDCNR2) || ($nick == DRDCNR3) {
  232. if (POLICE isin $1) {
  233. if (%vinstalled) {
  234. if (%vname == $getname($4)) {
  235. inc %vreportcount
  236. if (%%varrestpm) { msg #vstats !pm $getid($4) Police Report count increased! You have Police Reported %vreportcount people. }
  237. }
  238. if (%vname == $getname($8)) {
  239. inc %vreportedcount
  240. if (%vcriminalpm) { msg #vstats !pm $getid($4) You have been Police Reported %vreportedcount times! }
  241. }
  242. }
  243. }
  244. }
  245. }
  247. on *:TEXT:*has been*by*on IRC*:#: {
  248. if ($nick == DRDCNR1) || ($nick == DRDCNR2) || ($nick == DRDCNR3) {
  249. if (%vinstalled) {
  250. if ($str($chr(42),3) isin $1) {
  251. if ($7 == $me) {
  252. if ($5 == banned) {
  253. inc %vbancount
  254. if (%vbancountpm) { msg #vstats Ban count increased! I have banned %vbancount people. }
  255. }
  256. if ($5 == muted) {
  257. inc %vmutecount
  258. if (%vadmincountpm) { msg #vstats Mute count increased! I have muted %vmutecount people. }
  259. }
  260. if ($5 == frozen) {
  261. inc %vfreezecount
  262. if (%vadmincountpm) { msg #vstats Freeze count increased! I have frozen %vfreezecount people. }
  263. }
  264. if ($5 == kicked) {
  265. inc %vkickcount
  266. if (%vadmincountpm) { msg #vstats Kick count increased! I have kicked %vkickcount people. }
  267. }
  268. if ($5 == warned) {
  269. inc %vwarncount
  270. if (%vadmincountpm) { msg #vstats Warn count increased! I have warned %vwarncount people. }
  271. }
  272. }
  273. }
  274. }
  275. }
  276. }
  278. on *:TEXT:*ADMIN*PLAYER*:#: {
  279. if ($nick == DRDCNR1) || ($nick == DRDCNR2) || ($nick == DRDCNR3) {
  280. if (%vinstalled) {
  281. if ($strip($1) == ADMIN) {
  282. if (%vname == $getname($2)) {
  283. if ($3 == BANNED) {
  284. inc %vbancount
  285. if (%vbancountpm) { msg #vstats !pm $getid($2) Ban count increased! You have banned %vbancount people. }
  286. }
  287. if ($3 == JAILED) {
  288. inc %vjailcount
  289. if (%vadmincountpm) { msg #vstats !pm $getid($2) Jail count increased! You have jailed %vjailcount people. }
  290. }
  291. if ($3 == KICKED) {
  292. inc %vkickcount
  293. if (%vadmincountpm) { msg #vstats !pm $getid($2) Kick count increased! You have kicked %vkickcount people. }
  294. }
  295. if ($4 == WARNED) {
  296. inc %vwarncount
  297. if (%vadmincountpm) { msg #vstats !pm $getid($2) Warn count increased! You have warned %vwarncount people. }
  298. }
  299. if ($3 == FROZE) {
  300. inc %vfreezecount
  301. if (%vadmincountpm) { msg #vstats !pm $getid($2) Freeze count increased! You have froze %vfreezecount people. }
  302. }
  303. if ($3 == CAGED) {
  304. inc %vcagecount
  305. if (%vadmincountpm) { msg #vstats !pm $getid($2) Cage count increased! You have caged %vcagecount people. }
  306. }
  307. }
  308. }
  309. if ($strip($2) == ADMIN) {
  310. if (%vname == $getname($3)) {
  311. if ($4 == MUTED) {
  312. inc %vmutecount
  313. if (%vadmincountpm) { msg #vstats !pm $getid($3) Mute count increased! You have muted %vmutecount people. }
  314. }
  315. }
  316. }
  317. }
  318. }
  319. }
  321. on *:TEXT:*TRP*HAS WARNED PLAYER*:#: {
  322. if ($nick == DRDCNR1) || ($nick == DRDCNR2) || ($nick == DRDCNR3) {
  323. if (%vinstalled) {
  324. if ($strip($1) == TRP) {
  325. if (%vname == $getname($2)) {
  326. if ($4 == WARNED) {
  327. inc %vwarncount
  328. if (%vadmincountpm) { msg #vstats !pm $getid($2) Warn count increased! You have warned %vwarncount people. }
  329. }
  330. }
  331. }
  332. }
  333. }
  334. }
  336. on *:TEXT:**(DM WARN)**Has been warned for DMING by TRP*:#: {
  337. if ($nick == DRDCNR1) || ($nick == DRDCNR2) || ($nick == DRDCNR3) {
  338. if (%vinstalled) {
  339. if ($strip($10) == TRP) {
  340. if (%vname == $getname($11)) {
  341. if ($6 == warned) {
  342. inc %vwarncount
  343. if (%vadmincountpm) { msg #vstats !pm $getid($11) Warn count increased! You have warned %vwarncount people. }
  344. }
  345. }
  346. }
  347. }
  348. }
  349. }
  352. on *:TEXT:**(ADMIN WARN)**Has been warned for DMING by server admin*:#: {
  353. if ($nick == DRDCNR1) || ($nick == DRDCNR2) || ($nick == DRDCNR3) {
  354. if (%vinstalled) {
  355. if (ADMIN isin $1) {
  356. if (%vname == $getname($12)) {
  357. inc %vwarncount
  358. if (%vadmincountpm) { msg #vstats !pm $getid($12) Warn count increased! You have warned %vwarncount people. }
  359. }
  360. }
  361. }
  362. }
  363. }
  367. on *:TEXT:*has been banned from the server:#: {
  368. if ($nick == DRDCNR1) || ($nick == DRDCNR2) || ($nick == DRDCNR3) {
  369. if (%vinstalled) {
  370. if ($strip($remove($1,$chr(44))) == $me) {
  371. inc %vbancount
  372. if (%vbancountpm) { msg #vstats Ban count increased! I have banned %vbancount people. }
  373. }
  374. }
  375. }
  376. }
  379. on *:TEXT:*ROBBERY)*has robbed a total of*:#: {
  380. if ($nick == DRDCNR1) || ($nick == DRDCNR2) || ($nick == DRDCNR3) {
  381. if (%vinstalled) {
  382. if ($chr(36) isin $9) { var %name $getname($3) | set %id $getid($3) | var %word $9 }
  383. if ($chr(36) isin $10) { var %name $getname($4) | var %id $getid($4) | var %word $10 }
  384. if (%vname == %name) {
  385. inc %vrobberycount
  386. set %vamountrobbed $calc(%vamountrobbed + $remove(%word,$chr(36)))
  387. if (%vcriminalpm) { msg #vstats !pm %id You have robbed a total of $chr(36) $+ %vamountrobbed from %vrobberycount places. }
  388. }
  389. }
  390. }
  391. }
  393. on *:TEXT:|_-Rob-_|*Has Robbed Player*By*:#: {
  394. if ($nick == DRDCNR1) || ($nick == DRDCNR2) || ($nick == DRDCNR3) {
  395. if (%vinstalled) {
  396. if ($getname($2) == %vname) {
  397. inc %vrobcount
  398. set %vamountrobbed $calc(%vamountrobbed + $remove($13,$chr(36),$chr(33)))
  399. if (%vcriminalpm) { msg #vstats !pm $getid($2) Rob count increased! You have robbed %vrobcount people. }
  400. }
  401. if ($getname($6) == %vname) {
  402. inc %vrobbedcount
  403. if (%vcriminalpm) { msg #vstats !pm $getid($6) You have been robbed %vrobbedcount times! }
  404. }
  405. }
  406. }
  407. }
  410. on *:TEXT:(Kidnapping)*has grabbed*and thrown him into his car!:#: {
  411. if ($nick == DRDCNR1) || ($nick == DRDCNR2) || ($nick == DRDCNR3) {
  412. if (%vinstalled) {
  413. if ($getname($2) == %vname) {
  414. inc %vkidnapcount
  415. if (%vcriminalpm) { msg #vstats !pm $getid($2) Kidnap count increased! You have kidnapped %vkidnapcount people. }
  416. }
  417. if ($getname($5) == %vname) {
  418. inc %vkidnappedcount
  419. if (%vvictimpm) { msg #vstats !pm $getid($5) You have been kidnapped %vkidnappedcount times! }
  420. }
  421. }
  422. }
  423. }
  425. on *:TEXT:Terrorist*Has blown up the*with C4 and has robbed*from it.:#: {
  426. if ($nick == DRDCNR1) || ($nick == DRDCNR2) || ($nick == DRDCNR3) {
  427. if (%vinstalled) {
  428. if ($chr(36) isin $13) { var %name $getname($2) | set %id $getid($2) | var %word $13 }
  429. if ($chr(36) isin $14) { var %name $getname($2) | set %id $getid($2) | var %word $14 }
  430. if ($chr(36) isin $15) { var %name $getname($2) | set %id $getid($2) | var %word $15 }
  431. if ($getname($2) == %vname) {
  432. inc %vterrorcount
  433. inc %vrobberycount
  434. set %vamountrobbed $calc(%vamountrobbed + $remove(%word,$chr(36)))
  435. if (%vterrorpm) { msg #vstats !pm %id You have blown up %vterrorcount buildings! }
  436. }
  437. }
  438. }
  439. }
  441. on *:TEXT:**(ADMIN WARN)**Has been warned by server admin for being a nooblet:#: {
  442. if ($nick == DRDCNR1) || ($nick == DRDCNR2) || ($nick == DRDCNR3) {
  443. if (%vinstalled) {
  444. if ($getname($3) == %vname) {
  445. inc %vnoobcount
  446. if (%vnoobpm) { msg #vstats !pm $getid($3) You have been warned for nooby activity %vnoobcount times! }
  447. }
  448. }
  449. }
  450. }
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