

Jul 29th, 2018
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  1. Auto-Download-Placeholders: true
  2. #Here you can combine multiple number placeholders into one!
  3. #Operator precedence is taken into account, so these are the same:
  4. #5 + (3 * %player_health%)
  5. #5 + 3 * %player_health%
  6. #And multiplication operators can usually be left out:
  7. #5 + 3%player_health%
  8. Formulas:
  9. #Shows what you can do, though it's completely pointless:
  10. #square(x) is a shortcut for (x * x)
  11. #mod is modulus. 128 mod 100 = 28, 7 mod 4 = 3
  12. overkill: '101(((4(5 + 3%player_food_level%) / square(2)) - 5) / 3) mod 100'
  13. useless:
  14. #sqrt(x) is the square root of x, so sqrt(4) gives 2 and sqrt(16) gives 4
  15. value: 'sqrt(%player_health% * %player_health%)'
  16. #You can specify format per-formula, or (see the bottom) use the global format
  17. #A documentation on this:
  18. #
  19. format: '#.##' #Number rounded to 2 decimals
  20. reversed-food: '-%player_food_level% + 20'
  21. server-sum: '%bungeecord_server1% + %bungeecord_server2%'
  23. #Use MVdWPlaceholderAPI for placeholders instead of clip's PlaceholderAPI
  24. Use-MVdWPlaceholderAPI: false
  26. #Here you can declare your SQL databases
  27. #Databases:
  28. # testdb:
  29. # # Should start with jdbc:mysql:// for mysql databases
  30. # url: 'jdbc:mysql://localhost/test'
  31. # user: 'host'
  32. # password: ''
  34. #Sql-Queries:
  35. # #5 second refresh delay (default value)
  36. # Refresh-Delay: 5
  37. # #How to use:
  38. # #Use %animlib_sql_test% to retrieve the last stored value
  39. # #Use %animlib_sqlrefresh_test% to retrieve the last value, and request it to be refreshed for the player
  40. # test:
  41. # #The database name, as specified under Databases
  42. # Database: testdb
  43. # #The SQL query, very important ;3
  44. # Query: "SELECT `Name` FROM `test` WHERE `UUID`='%player_uuid%'"
  45. # Default: '%player_name%'
  46. # #The amount of times the value can be used before forgetting it.
  47. # #When 0 (the default value), it will not expire until the player leaves
  48. # Lifespan: 1
  49. # #Should this be requested when a player joins?
  50. # Request-On-Join: true
  51. # #Should it automatically be refreshed as specified by Refresh-Delay?
  52. # Auto-Refresh: true
  53. # #The processor of the received data. You get a variable called 'sql' which is a ResultSet
  54. # #See
  55. # Script:
  56. # - ";" #Go to the first result
  57. # - "sql.getString('Name');" #The last line specifies what to return, in this case the Name field
  58. #The formula locale to use (default, even when not specified, is english)
  59. #This can make, for example:
  60. #100,000.123 in english
  61. #100.000,123 in german
  62. #100 000,123 in french
  64. #Formula-Locale: en_EN
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