
Anon the ancient part 2

Jan 6th, 2015
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  2. >Time wasted away as you rested, for some reason you felt perpetually tired.
  3. >Would the little filly come back as she promised?
  4. >You dreamed of soaring across the worlds skies and hunting local wildlife, memory of your years as a dragon is shady so it could be reliving memories of your youth.
  5. >Occasionally you would relive the scenes of your human life, teaching your son how to fish.
  6. >Your first visit by your grandchildren, telling them tales of your wild youth.
  7. >You are roused from your sleep by a gentle touch upon your snout, opening your eyes slowly having them adjust to the low light within the cave you see that Luna has indeed returned.
  8. >"Mister Anonymous I'm back as I promised!"
  9. >She seems giddy with excitement of talking to you, a wide smile and small saddlebags attached to her hips.
  10. "So you are little Luna, have you been well?"
  11. >"Yes! And I have something to show you!"
  12. >She reaches into her saddlebags and pull out what seems to be a rolled up scroll (How does she even do that without fingers? This pony.)
  13. >"I managed to create my very first spell! Look!"
  14. >She unfolds the scroll for you and holds it up to your eye.
  15. >Across the parchment you see what you vaguely assume is a spell matrix, well it looks more like chicken scratch but you assume its a spell matrix none the less (you think spell matrix sounds cooler then formula anyhow.)
  16. "And whats this then?"
  17. >She smiles widely
  18. >"It's supposed to apparate a map of the stars! Here let me show you!"
  19. >Her horn lights up with a greyish white colour and a slew of light eminates from the scroll, a perfect replica of the night skies appears all across your cave
  20. >Looking around you spot various constallations that you had named in your spare time, like the potato masher or the fapsock.
  21. >Fuck everyone and their hoity toity fancy schmancy names for things, you liked simple names for what the things looked like.
  22. >Yet you still put on a smile as she's obviously put a lot of time into her gift for you.
  23. "Impressive litte Luna, I knew you would succeed at whatever you put your mind to."
  24. >Her face lights up with a blush and she smiles shyly
  25. >"I-I Couldn't have done it without your encouragement."
  26. "Pish posh! Of course you could, all you needed was a bit of confidence in yourself."
  27. >You move your massive front limb and hold out a claw being extremely careful not to hurt her.
  28. "Remember all you need is here."
  29. >You point to her head
  30. "And here."
  31. >And then to her chest where you assume her heart is, pony anatomy still confounds you. How are they even able to fly with such misproportioned wings?
  32. "So outside of this impressive spell work Luna how have you been?"
  33. >She stops channeling the spell having fed the scroll enough power to keep it going and huddles up next to your snout as you place your head on the ground.
  34. >"I-I have been improving a lot in my studies, though I am barred from joining my sister in physical training with weapons."
  35. >They teach kids how to wield weapons? Huh, who knew?
  36. "You are still quite young little Luna, you have plenty of time to grow and become strong."
  37. >She smiles sadly
  38. >"It's not that, my magic just isn't strong enough to swing around the training weapons. Where my sister has power in magnitudes, I seem to have more finesse and control if I put my mind to it."
  39. >So It's too heavy is it? Hm. You do have some knowledge of magic from what you experimented with out of boredom in your younger years. Magical weapon apparation should be weightless.
  40. "I may be able to help you little Luna, if you wish to learn of course."
  41. >Her eyes widen and she looks up at you.
  42. >"Really?!"
  44. "Indeed, I have created quite a few spells in my time and I believe I can teach you how to summon your own weightless weapon."
  45. >Her face lights up with happiness as she hears this.
  46. >"Please please can we start now?"
  47. "Of course little one. First clear your mind, throw all thoughts away and concentrate only on your magic."
  48. >She closes her eyes and sticks out her tongue in concentration and her horn lights up surging with magical power.
  49. "Good very good Luna, now envision your weapon. Not just any weapon but the weapon that represents you, feel as your magic gives it form and substance."
  50. >She strains slightly and beads of sweat starts forming on her head, she clenches her eyes in concentration.
  51. "Remember the weapon is a part of you, open your eyes Luna and see your blade."
  52. >She opens her eyes and sees a floating longsword, simple in design yet elegant.
  53. >"D-Did I really make that?"
  54. >You smile
  55. "Indeed, now don't lose hold of it. Practice this whenever you have time, a genius creates once. A master creates a thousand times."
  56. >She tries moving the sword around making shaky practice swings, a bit sloppy but with time she will get there.
  57. "Good good, with enough excercize you should be able to create your blade in seconds if not instantly."
  58. >A smile radiates from her as she drops hold of the spell and the blade vanishes
  59. >You feel a warmth in your chest as she turns around and hugs you.
  60. "Remember little one, be all that you can be. Never give up not even in the face of the so called impossible."
  61. >You missed teaching your grandchildren, and teaching Luna brought that nostalgic feeling back.
  62. >You start to grow tired again, energy rapidly draining from you as you realise you need to go back into hibernation.
  63. >"Whats wrong Mister Anon?"
  64. >You look at her with half lidded eyes and slowly close them.
  65. "I must go back into slumber little one, I fear I am not as young as I used to be. For how long I know not but I when I awaken I will wait for you again."
  66. >You feel her applying a bit more pressure to you.
  67. >"P-promise?"
  68. >With one last sigh you mutter before you fall back into your slumber.
  69. "Always."
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