
Nightmare Night with CanadAnon

Mar 2nd, 2013
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  1. >Be Anon
  2. >Canadian
  3. >Territory Master Race
  4. >Master Hunter, stalker of the night
  5. >But even the mightiest of hunters knows fear
  6. >Especially when the night itself turns against you
  8. >Day Dreaming in Equestria
  9. >Shit Shower Comb
  10. >You’ve yet to find a good “s” word to take the place of shave
  11. >One day
  12. >You’ve been enjoying the weather recently
  13. >Not quite cold enough yet, but at least you can take your magic boxers off without nearly dying
  14. >A lot easier to clean them now
  15. >Although you admit you’ll miss sitting in the washing machine
  16. >Good times
  17. >You settle down for your breakfast
  18. >Logs and moose
  19. >You had run into a pack of them recently, and had taken a few of them to last you a couple of weeks
  20. >It was no manticore, but it reminded you of home
  21. >Also, Ted was a manticore
  22. >And he didn’t enjoy you eating all his friends
  23. >You’d had a big fight over it, eventually settling on you eating one every year or so
  24. >The sacrifices you made for friendship
  25. >You hear a knocking on the door
  26. >You finish off your log and open it up to see Fluttershy
  27. >She has a cannon, a coil of rope, and fuzzy pink handcuffs
  28. >”H-Hey Anon! Is e-extreme b-bondage your fetish?”
  29. >You’re not entirely sure how that would work
  30. >You consider saying yes and doing it, just to see what would happen
  31. >You sniff, and smell Fluttershy
  32. >Smells like weakness and captive animals
  33. >Nope
  34. No thanks, Fluttershy.
  35. >Fluttershy’s eyes fall, and you hear a sniffle
  36. But hey, that’s pretty creative! It’s only a matter of time until you get it!
  37. >She smiles at that, and the smell gets stronger
  38. >Time to bail
  39. Anyways Fluttershy, I’ve got to get going! Busy day ahead of me
  40. >”Oh, are you p-preparing for Nightmare Night?”
  41. >Eh?
  42. Um, what’s Nightmare Night?
  43. >Fluttershy’s eyes widen
  44. >”You mean no one told you?! Everyone dresses up, there are a bunch of games-“
  45. >Fluttershy swallows nervously
  46. >”And P-princess L-Luna often comes to Ponyville”
  47. Celli’s sister?
  48. >”Anon! What have we all told you about calling Princess Celestia that!”
  49. I don’t recall…
  50. >You scratch your beard for effect
  51. Anyways, that sounds fun! Like Halloween!
  52. >”Hallowhat?”
  53. I better get to work on a costume!
  54. >You close your door and run off into Ponyville, leaving Fluttershy staring after you
  56. >You reach the Carousel Boutique a few minutes later
  57. >You knock on the door and wait
  58. >A few moments later, a tired looking Rarity opens the door wearing a pink robe
  59. >”Anon? Darling, what brings you here so early?”
  60. >Oh right
  61. >Most ponies don’t wake up with the sun
  62. Oh, sorry Rarity, I didn’t mean to wake you!
  63. >”Well, I expect you’ll make it up to me”
  64. >With that she winks and gestures for you to come inside
  65. >You follow, smiling
  66. >Rarity walks into the kitchen and begins to make herself a cup of coffee
  67. >You notice one of the bottles of vodka you had given to your pony friends sitting on the counter, half empty
  68. >Good to see someone was enjoying them
  69. >”So, Anon, you were going to tell me why you’re here?”
  70. Yes! Apparently Nightmare Night is tonight?
  71. >”Oh yes! It’s one of the most fantastic times of the year! I positively love making costumes for everyone, truly a challenge fit for someone of my astounding talent. Are you saying you only found out recently?”
  72. Well, yeah. About 10 minutes ago
  73. >Rarity’s eyes widen
  74. >”That won’t do at all! How will I have enough time to make a costume? I haven’t perfected stitching for humans yet, plus I don’t have any ideas, and-”
  75. Rarity, calm down! I have a plan; I just need some sewing equipment from you
  76. >Rarity looks at you for a second, breathing deeply
  77. >When that doesn’t work, she walks over to the vodka bottle and takes a swig
  78. >When she looks back at you, she’s noticeably calmer
  79. >”Well then you’d better get to work”
  81. >You take your equipment and head into Everfree Forest
  82. >After a few visits to your friends, you acquire everything you need for your costume
  83. >Fur, claws, blood, bones and antlers
  84. >You crush some bones and mix it with a paste to make a white paint
  85. >Paint doesn’t work like that
  86. >The hell it doesn’t
  87. >You work like a man possessed for the rest of the day
  88. >No time to waste if you want this done
  89. >You’re excited to meet Princess Luna
  90. >Any relative of Celli has to be cool
  91. >Celli’s been kind to you
  92. >She gave you your job, not to mention she was awesome to hang out with
  93. >She even wrestled with you
  94. >Crazier yet, she won
  95. >You still remember the look on Twilight’s face when Celli preformed a flawless German Suplex on you
  96. >Priceless
  97. >As you finish the final touches on the costume, you look outside
  98. >The sun has begun to set
  99. >You take a moment to enjoy the view, and then begin to put on your costume
  100. >Time for some fun
  102. >Be Luna
  103. >You’re in between boredom and excitement
  104. >Nightmare Night is always a fun time for you
  105. >Coming to Ponyville and scaring the inhabitants has always been interesting
  106. >Ever since the first time a few years ago, when you had tried so hard to fit in normally
  107. >You’re just finding it’s getting duller
  108. >You need something to spice it up
  109. >You’d half been considering bailing on Twilight this year
  110. >That is, until you’d heard of your sister’s newest friend
  111. >This so called Anonymous
  112. >You’d yet to meet him, but Celestia rambled on about him all the time
  113. >At first it had annoyed you, but now you were curious
  114. >The only pony who had caught your sister’s eye this much recently was her disciple Twilight
  115. >But you knew your sister considered her more of a daughter than anything
  116. >It had been a long time since Celestia had had a friend
  117. >Of course it had been longer for you, so here you were
  118. >You shift into your Nightmare Moon form
  119. >You hear the children squeal and flee as your carriage lands
  120. >You summon some lightning for effect, and turn your wings into a writhing mass of bats
  121. >Laughing manically, you stalk through the streets of Ponyville
  122. >You turn a corner, to see the Pink friend of Twilight scream and run away
  123. >She’s wearing what appears to be a goat costume
  124. >She’s a strange one
  125. >You pause as you hear a noise behind you
  126. >There’s a scraping, as if something sharp is dragging along stone
  127. >You turn around and move back into the street
  128. >You see nothing for a moment, but then you hear a blood curdling roar from above you
  129. >A moment later, a beast lands in front of you
  130. >It extends to its full height, at least a foot taller than you
  131. >Its fur is white, with spots of blood
  132. >It’s bone thin, and you can see a couple of its ribs protruding through its chest
  133. >Its feet are hooves like your own, but it has a massive set of antlers instead of a horn
  134. >It stands on its hind legs, but the three claws on the end of each of its arms touch the ground
  135. >Its snout is massive, and its eyes have a faint glow to them
  136. >It stares at you a moment, and then bares its teeth
  137. >It roars, and you scream, falling backwards in a heap
  138. >A moment later your guards appear, pointing their weapons at the monster
  139. >However instead of another roar, you hear laughter
  140. >The ends of the arms fall off, and you see a couple sticks popping out of them
  141. >At the hinges, two strange furless paws appear, and grip its antlers
  142. >The head comes off, and then the paws move to its chest, spreading apart the fur
  143. >And another head appears
  145. >What
  146. >Your guards look confused, but keep their spears pointed at whatever is in front of you
  147. >”Hey there! You must be Princess Luna!”
  148. >You and your guards continue to stare
  149. >”Sorry about all that, I just figured that I’d give you a little scare! I’m Anon!”
  150. >Anon
  151. >Anonymous
  152. >You don’t even
  153. >You can feel your heart beating like a mad house
  154. >It’s been ages since you’ve been scared like this
  155. >Ever since Discord’s reign and Celestia’s rage, both over one thousand years ago, you didn’t think anything would be able to phase you again
  156. >And you’d been right
  157. >Yet this hairless monkey-
  158. >Well, mostly hairless; that’s quite the beard
  159. >-Had managed to knock you over with fear
  160. >You realize your guards are looking at you, waiting for your reaction
  161. >You’ve been staring at Anonymous this whole time
  162. >He looks concerned
  163. >You blush, and get back to your hooves
  164. >Thank the Night you’re wearing the helmet
  165. We are most impressed with you, Anonymous! Tell us, what is that costume of yours? We’ve yet to encounter such a creature in our life!
  166. >You gesture to your guards, and they lower their spears, disappearing once again
  167. >Anonymous is smiling again
  168. >”Well this is a Wendigo! It’s a spirit that possesses a man and turns them into a cannibalistic spirit! They’re really quite interes…”
  169. >You begin to stare at Anonymous more as he goes on, talking about legends and cannibalism and so on
  170. >You don’t feel scared anymore, but your heart hasn’t slowed down at all
  171. >You smile, and motion for him to stop talking
  172. Please, Anon, we ask that you join us on our trek through Ponyville, so your costume can scare more than just us tonight!
  173. >Anonymous’ smile widens, and he lifts the head back up, putting it on his head
  174. >When he closes the chest, you notice two small holes where he can look through
  175. >He grabs the two sticks connecting the arms with the claws, and pulls them back into his socket
  176. >”I’d be more than happy to do so, Luna!”
  177. >You notice he didn’t add your title
  178. >You blush a bit at the familiarity and quickly turn your head away
  179. Huzzah! Let us go!
  181. >Be Fluttershy
  182. >You had been terrified out of your mind when you saw Princess Luna get jumped by Anon
  183. >You had thought it was a terrible beast that had come from Everfree Forest to attack the princess
  184. >Before you could get your wings out of your costume and find Twilight, Anon had appeared out of the monsters chest and started to talk to Princess Luna
  185. >How in Equestria did he get a costume that good made in so little time?
  186. >More importantly though, you had seen Princess Luna’s eyes
  187. >You knew that look; it was similar to the look you gave Anon
  188. >And this gave you a plan
  189. >You giggle, and set off, following Anon and the Princess
  190. >Tonight is going to be a great night
  192. >Be Anon
  193. >You were right when you had guessed Luna would be cool
  194. >You were having the time of your life scaring all the ponies
  195. >You swear Pinkie had actually died of a heart attack and resurrected herself
  196. >Confetti had shot out of her eyes when she came back
  197. >She made a comment about how she wanted to grow up to be a big goat like you and ran off with the rest of the children
  198. >She’s a strange one, that Pinkie
  199. >After a few more scares, you notice Twilight run up to you in a Celestia costume
  200. >You try not to laugh, but fail
  201. >Twilight glares at you
  202. >”I figured it was you, Anon! What are you doing right now? How do you even have a costume?!”
  203. >You tap Luna on the shoulder, and she uses her magic to pull aside your chest fur so you can stick your head out
  204. Well, I made it of course! Sure was a pain getting it done with so little heads up, but I guess that’s part of the fun!
  205. >”Part of the fun? Anon, you weren’t even supposed to know about Nightmare Night!”
  206. >Eh?
  207. What? Why not?
  208. >”Anon, do you even remember what happened at Hearth’s Warming?”
  209. >You pause for a moment
  210. Nothing terrible, I don’t think
  211. >”You cut down the tree at Town Square and used it to make a fire!”
  212. I said I was sorry! I hadn’t kicked my tree cutting addiction at that point, you know that!
  213. >”Really? Well what about Equestria Day?”
  214. What about it? We always had a triathlon on Canada Day!
  216. …Part of the fun?
  217. >”No Anon, I couldn’t risk you ruining Nightmare Night!”
  218. >At that, Luna steps forward, looking down at Twilight, who makes a squeaking noise
  219. >”Twilight, you know we have the utmost respect for you, however I won’t have you insulting our partner!”
  220. >Twilight balks and bows, running off
  221. >You let go of one of your costumes arms and pat Luna on the back
  222. So we’re partners now, eh? Glad to hear it!
  223. >Luna straightens, looking everywhere but at you
  224. >”Well, we meant it! We don’t know what we’d do without you here tonight”
  225. >You smile, patting Luna on the back again and grabbing your claw
  226. The pleasure is mine, Luna! Now if you don’t mind me, I have to go off for a second!
  227. >Luna looks at you then, her eyes wide
  228. >”W-what? But we’re having such a good time!”
  229. Well the night isn’t over yet. I’m just going to the washroom for a second, I’ll be right back!
  230. >You turn around and jog off, not noticing Luna’s cheeks redden
  231. >You also don’t notice the wall shift as you pass it
  233. >Be Luna
  234. >You can’t believe you called Anonymous your partner
  235. >What if he takes it the wrong way?
  236. >Then again, he seemed not to think about it that way
  237. >Or what if he was just acting?
  238. >Why is Anonymous so hard to figure out?
  239. >Your heart has been on overdrive all night
  240. >You’re not sure how much more you can take
  241. >At the same time, you don’t want the night to end
  242. >You’ll have to ask Anonymous to come back to Canterlot with you
  243. >You’re sure he’d be glad to
  244. >You feel a giggle coming up as you begin imagining what he’ll say
  245. >Your giggle cuts off as you hear a noise
  246. >You spin around, hoping to see Anon back already
  247. >Instead, you see a wall with a pink mane in the middle of the road
  248. >Wait what
  249. >”H-hello Princess L-Luna!”
  250. >You recognize that voice
  251. >The yellow pony
  252. Gutterlye?
  253. >The wall shifts, and you the yellow head appears from underneath the mane
  254. >”Um, n-no, it’s F-Fluttershy, Y-your Highness!”
  255. Close enough. What do you want of us, Nutterty? We do not have much time for whatever you request
  256. >The yellow pony breathes in, and the wall stops shaking
  257. >”I want to warn you about something”
  258. A warning?
  259. >”It’s about A-Anon!”
  260. >Your eyes narrow, and the pony squeaks
  261. >”Let me finish! I see the way you look at him, Princess Luna! I feel the same way! But I also know where this is going. Anon doesn’t love ponies!”
  262. >Your heart stops for a moment
  263. >But Anonymous is so kind
  264. >He talks of everypony he knows here as a friend
  265. >Stop it Luna
  266. >…No, not that voice
  267. >You hadn’t heard it for a long time
  268. >You were sure it was gone
  269. >Don’t be foolish, Luna. I am you, and I’ll always be here to help you. At the same time, don’t purposely misunderstand this whelp of a pony. You know exactly what she meant
  270. >No!
  271. >He’s a different species, Luna. It’s not surprising he wouldn’t want anything sexual from you
  272. >But… I’m so happy with him right now! And he seems so happy too!
  273. >You know he sees you as nothing more than a friend. The same way he sees Celestia
  274. >”Uhm, Princess L-Luna?”
  275. >You snap back to reality and look at the pony again
  276. >”I know this hurts, b-but I have a plan. If we work together, we can make him love me- us!”
  277. …And how exactly would we do that?
  278. >”Anon doesn’t love ponies, but he’s never tried one of us before! If we can get him to try, I know he’ll turn! He’s just in a denial!”
  279. >For a whelp, she’s not as dumb as she looks. This may work, Luna
  280. >But how will we make Anonymous to try it?
  281. >Simple. We bring him into our territory, and show him pleasure he has never felt before. Whether he wants to or not.
  282. >You look down at the yellow pony once again. She and Nhym make a good point. You don’t want to live in that boring world without Anon again
  283. Very well, Jutterpie. Meet us at the outskirts of Everfree Forest after tonight’s festivities end
  285. >Be Anon
  286. >Tonight was pretty awesome
  287. >Reminds you of the times when you used to scare seals out of the water and club the hell out of-
  288. >What?
  289. >What do you mean that’s inappropriate?
  290. >You’re full of shit
  291. >…
  292. >Bah! Fine
  293. >Either way, you had fun
  294. >Though you noticed Luna looking at you sadly a couple times
  295. >Must have been worried about how the night was almost over
  296. >Overall though, she was pretty awesome
  297. >She was so good; you nearly got scared a couple of times
  298. >Nearly
  299. >As the sky started to brighten a little, and most of the ponies had head off to sleep, you had told Luna you’d come to visit her and Celli in Canterlot sometime
  300. >You probably had to go there on business at some point anyways, may as well make it a visit
  301. >She had thanked you and flown off
  302. >It looked like she had headed the wrong way, but perhaps she was making a detour
  303. >Yours not to question why
  304. >You open your door and flip onto your bed
  305. >You had traded out your normal bear fur sheets for snake skin
  306. >Felt cooler on your skin while you slept
  307. >You smile as you think more of the previous night, and are soon asleep
  309. >You open your eyes, to find your house gone
  310. >In fact, you don’t even recognize this part of the forest
  311. >Last time you checked, the grass wasn’t supposed to be purple
  312. >And when did you take off your boxers?
  313. >You sniff the air, but nothing smells familiar
  314. >There’s no noise either
  315. >Not even the gentle rustling of leaves
  316. >You’re in the middle of a clearing
  317. >No cover
  318. >Not feeling so safe
  319. >No time to think about why you’re here
  320. >You set out, picking a direction at random
  321. >The moment you enter the trees, you hear a rustle
  322. >You turn around, to see the clearing gone
  323. >Probably a bad sign
  324. >You turn around and begin heading forward again
  325. >The undergrowth makes way as you pass by
  326. >After what you guess was a couple minutes, the forest opens up again, and you see a large stone house in the middle of another clearing
  327. >Inside, you hear… humming?
  328. >No one evil hums, so you head over to the door and knock
  329. >The humming stops, and a moment later the door opens
  330. Fluttershy?
  331. >”Why hello Anon! Glad to see you made it here alright! Do come in!”
  332. >Fluttershy walks inside
  333. >On second glance, you realize Fluttershy is wearing some kind of maid outfit
  334. >Not to mention, she didn’t stutter once
  335. >You’re confused, but you don’t really see another option
  336. >You walk inside, and the door shuts behind you
  337. >Before you can ask her about all of this, you hear steps coming down stairs
  338. >You turn to your left to see Luna, still dressed as Nightmare Moon
  339. >Except she seems to be glowing
  340. …Ok this has to be a dream
  341. >At that, Luna smiles and walks closer to you
  342. >”Absolutely, correct, Anon! But this is no regular dream!”
  343. Do I get to control it?
  344. >”Not at all”
  345. Seems like a normal dream to me then
  346. >Luna frowns
  347. >”Anonymous, you’re missing the point. Me and my thrall have taken control of your dreams”
  348. Well, that is definitely unique
  349. >Wait what
  350. >”Yes! And now, Anon my love, I am going to show you exactly what loving a pony can offer!”
  351. >Wait
  352. >WHAT
  353. >”Let’s get to business, shall we?!”
  354. >You feel yourself become unsteady, and the house around you begins to fade
  355. >A moment later, you’re in some kind of dungeon
  356. >You’re also bound to a table
  357. >All around you are various sex toys
  358. >Anal beads, vibrators, fuzzy handcuffs, rope, and what appears to be a wall covered in dildos
  359. >You hear Luna’s voice from behind you, but you can’t move your head enough to see her
  360. >”Mmmmm, that looks comfy. Mind if I join you?”
  361. >You begin to struggle, but to no avail
  362. Luna! Stop this, please. Don’t let Fluttershy’s crazy infect you!
  363. >You hear her chuckle
  364. >”Tsk tsk, Anonymous dear. Do you really think someone as weak willed as Bufferjive here could ever have any real effect on me? This is what Luna wants, and so I’m going to give it to her.”
  365. >What Luna wants?
  366. >You know she spoke in third person, but… she hasn’t been since you got into this dream world
  367. >Plus, there was some kind of bitterness in the way she said Luna
  368. >A moment later it dawns on you
  369. You aren’t Luna! You’re Nightmare Moo-
  370. >A gag appears in your mouth, cutting you off
  371. >”Anonymous, really. Luna and I, we are one and the same. Luna wants you, and so I, her better half, will give you to her as a gift. And perhaps then, she will let me out more than once every few years!”
  372. >You feel the bounds tighten on your wrists and ankles at that, cutting into your skin
  373. >You moan a little from the pain, and feel the blood flow
  374. >Wait, you felt the pain
  375. >Too many god damn realizations
  376. >Nightmare Moon purrs, and you feel a hoof stroke your chin
  377. >”Oh yes, Anon, that’s right. You can feel every moment of what’s about to happen. Don’t worry though…”
  378. >You feel her breath on your cheek as she leans in
  379. >”…You’ll love it”
  380. >She begins walking around the table
  381. >You’ve stopped struggling; there’s not much physically you can do
  382. >You take a few deep breaths, closing your eyes
  383. >”That’s right Anon, accept it. It’ll make this easier for all of us!”
  384. >You imagine the restraints binding your wrists
  385. >You should have some kind of control over all of this; she had said it was your dream, she’d just hijacked it
  386. >And there is no will stronger, than that of a pure-blooded Canadian hunter
  387. >You hear a snap as the restraints break
  388. >Before Nightmare Moon can react, you jump off the table, dashing forward and hoping she hadn’t made the walls as hard as the ground
  389. >You feel a small push of resistance, but the stone breaks and you’re back in the forest
  390. >You sprint into the trees, trying to buy yourself some time to think
  391. >You hear a crack of thunder and a scream of anger
  392. >In a blink of the eye, the forest around you is on fire
  393. >Smoke fills the air, and you find yourself struggling to breathe
  394. >The sky swirls into a storm, and vile creatures come from its centre, tearing each other apart
  395. >You hear another crack of thunder, and a weight pushes you to the ground
  396. >You’re flipped onto your back, and you see Nightmare Moon staring at you, her eyes crazed
  397. >”You will not ruin this for me, you stupid monkey! Now accept your fate, and submit to my will!”
  398. >You look her in the eye
  399. >Inside, you swear you can see a glimmer
  400. >You put on your biggest smile
  401. Luna, don’t let her win
  402. >Nightmare Moon cackles, and the thunder grows louder
  403. >”Do you really think that will stop me? Luna can’t see what is happening! She will stay meekly inside as I finish the job, and either you will love her, or her mind will break when she sees what has become of you! Regardless, I shall be free, and the night will reign for all eternity!”
  404. >You give her a moment as she laughs, before heaving upwards
  405. >Caught off guard, she falls back
  406. >You know Luna is close
  407. >She probably heard all that, but that won’t stop Nightmare Moon from raping you in a fiery forest
  408. >She just needs one more push to get control
  409. >You need to startle her
  410. >A lot
  411. >Before you can second guess yourself, you jump forward, and kiss Luna right on the lips
  413. >You wake up in your bed
  414. >You’re sweating, much to your distress
  415. >You hate sweating
  416. >On the plus side, your boxers are back on you
  417. >You look outside
  418. >The sun is still rising
  419. >You’ve probably only been out for about an hour
  420. >You leave your house, and begin to jog out of the clearing
  421. >You reach the edge of the woods, and take a deep breath
  422. >It smells right, but more importantly, you catch a whiff of something familiar
  423. >Weakness and captive animals
  424. >You sprint in the direction of the smell, and soon you find them
  425. >Fluttershy is still passed out on the ground
  426. >Luna is lying on her knees, crying
  427. >You run up to her, and give her a hug
  428. >She stiffens, but after a moment relaxes into it, resting her head on your shoulder
  429. >After a moment you pull back and look at her eyes
  430. >Everything looks normal and sane, if not a little blotchy
  431. >You smile at her, but her head falls
  432. >”Why do you smile at us, Anonymous? We have done a terrible thing to you this night”
  433. >You look at her for a moment
  434. >You sigh, and pat her on the head
  435. Luna, I don’t really understand what the deal is with you and Nightmare Moon. What I do know is we’re friends. And Canadians don’t let their friends down, not if they can help it.
  436. >Luna looks back up at you again
  437. >Her eyes are beginning to brim with tears once again
  438. >You smile at her again, pulling her into another hug
  439. >She laughs and sobs at the same time
  440. >You stay together in silence for a bit
  441. >Luna pulls away, and you can see her blushing
  442. >”So uh, what about that kiss?”
  443. What about it?
  444. >Luna reddens even more
  445. >”Well, what does it mean?”
  446. >You sigh, and smack her upside the head
  447. >She glares at you for a moment, indignant
  448. >You laugh
  449. It didn’t mean anything, Luny. I just needed to startle you back out, and it seemed like a good way to do that. You know, voluntary affection instead of rape.
  450. >You see Luna’s head fall down
  451. …But it wasn’t exactly unpleasant
  452. >Luna’s head jerks back up, her smile so big it actually freaks you out for a second
  453. Whoa whoa, don’t get ahead of yourself, eh?
  454. >Luna jumps on you, and you both laugh as you fall over onto the ground
  455. >Tonight was a good night
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