

Feb 2nd, 2016
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  1. I'm at college and see this fat fuck nugget with a blue faux hawk, gauges (or whatever that fucking tribal jewelry is called), a "Mind my pronouns" tshirt and a backpack with libertarian and vegan buttons. I couldn't even tell if this transbeast is a chick or not but that's not even the issue here. This asshole was bullying an innocent dude who just happen to accidentally step inside the women's bathroom. He pleaded it was an accident but this cunt didn't care at all. She started calling him misogynistic for stereotyping women and trans people and trying to take advantage of women by peaking inside the bathroom. She was being the fucking bully here. If I were him, I would've said I was trans, told her to fuck off and said she was oppressing me and call it a day. But God fucking damn this bitch was ruining my morning. Social Justice Warriors must be as high as a fucking kite to stoop down to this level of stupidity. What did I do? Well I got fucking high too! Right there, I took out a bigass heroin needle, INJECTED THAT FUKKING LIKE BUTTON, and BAM I got high enough just so I can deal with this Tumblr bitch. Once I got on the same level of mental retardation as she was, I called out that fucking cunt. I made her bawl like a motherfucker. I didn't even finished what I was going to say. I just said "Hey you little bitc-." She was so triggered, pooped her pants and pissed all over the floor. People thought she was causing a scene and the fucking cops came and arrested her sorry ass. I walked out of that building like a fucking hero, and had a great time for the rest of the day, SJW-free.
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