

Jun 25th, 2014
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  1. <script type="text/javascript">
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  5. jq( document ).ready(function() {
  6. jq( "#date_filter_title" ).click(function() {
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  10. jq( "#date_filter_options" ).click(function(e) {
  11. jq( "#date_filter_options" ).hide();
  12. var txt = jq(;
  13. jq("#date_filter_title").text(txt);
  14. });
  15. });
  17. /* if the page has been fully loaded we add click handlers for categories checkboxes*/
  18. jq(document).ready(function () {
  19. /* Get the checkboxes values based on the class attached to each categories checkbox */
  20. jq("#submit_selected_categories").click(function() {
  21. getSelectedCategoriesUsingClass();
  22. });
  23. });
  25. function getSelectedCategoriesUsingClass() {
  26. /* declare an checkbox array */
  27. var selectedCategories = new Array();
  29. /* look for all checkboxes that have a class 'category_check' attached to it and check if it was checked */
  30. jq(".category_check:checked").each(function() {
  31. selectedCategories.push($(this).val());
  32. });
  33. }
  35. </script>
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  95. .date_filter_title:hover
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  112. position: relative;
  113. top: 1px;
  114. }
  115. .date_filter_title:after {
  116. content:' ↓'
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  118. .single_filter_option {
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  120. cursor: pointer;
  121. }
  123. .demo-container {
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  150. .legend, .legend div {
  151. display: none;
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  154. .bold {
  155. font-weight: bold;
  156. }
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  160. <article id="search-box">
  161. <section>
  162. <div class="chart-search-wrapper">
  163. <form class="chart-search-form">
  164. <div class="chart-search-input">
  165. <div class="chart_search_form_inputs">
  166. <input type="text" name="patientId" value=${patientId} hidden>
  167. <input type="text" id="searchText" name="phrase" class="chart_search_form_text_input inline ui-autocomplete-input" placeholder="${ ui.message("chartsearch.messageInSearchField") }" size="40">
  168. <input type="submit" id="searchBtn" class="button inline chart_search_form_button" value="search"/>
  169. </div>
  170. <div class="filters_section">
  171. <div class="dropdown">
  172. <div class="inside_categories_filter">
  173. <span class="dropdown-name" id="categories_label">
  174. <a href="#" class="filter_method">Categories</script></a>
  175. <i class="icon-sort-down" id="icon-arrow-dropdown"></i>
  176. </span>
  177. <div class="filter_categories">
  178. <a href="">Select All</a><span><label class="align_to_right"><a href="">Clear</a></label></span>
  179. <br /><hr />
  180. <input class="category_check" type="checkbox" name="diagnoses" value="Diagnosis" checked>Diagnoses <a href="#" >(0)</a><br />
  181. <input class="category_check" type="checkbox" name="orders" value="Misc Order" checked >Orders <a href="#">(3)</a><br />
  182. <input class="category_check" type="checkbox" name="reports" value="Finding" checked >Reports <a href="#">(6)</a><br />
  183. <input class="category_check" type="checkbox" name="vitals" value="Test" checked >Vitals <a href="#">(5)</a><br />
  184. <input class="category_check" type="checkbox" name="others" value="Misc" checked >Others <a href="#">(54)</a><br /><hr />
  185. <input id="submit_selected_categories" type="submit" value="OK" ><a href="#" class="align_to_right">Cancel</a>
  186. </div>
  187. </div>
  188. </div>
  189. <div class="dropdown">
  190. <div class="inside_categories_filter">
  191. <span class="dropdown-name" id="time_label">
  192. <a href="#" class="filter_method" id="time_anchor">Any Time</a>
  193. <i class="icon-sort-down" id="icon-arrow-dropdown"></i>
  194. </span>
  195. <div class="filter_categories">
  196. <hr />
  197. <a class="single_filter_option" onclick="time_filter(1, 'Last Day')">Last Day</a>
  198. <a class="single_filter_option" onclick="time_filter(7, 'Last Week')">Last Week</a>
  199. <a class="single_filter_option" onclick="time_filter(14, 'Last 2 Weeks')">Last 2 Weeks</a>
  200. <a class="single_filter_option" onclick="time_filter(31, 'Last Month')">Last Month</a>
  201. <a class="single_filter_option" onclick="time_filter(93, 'Last 3 Months')">Last 3 Months</a>
  202. <a class="single_filter_option" onclick="time_filter(183, 'Last 6 Months')">Last 6 Months</a>
  203. <a class="single_filter_option" onclick="time_filter(365, 'Last Year')">Last Year</a>
  204. <a class="single_filter_option" onclick="refresh_data()">Any Time</a>
  205. </div>
  206. </div>
  207. </div>
  208. <div class="dropdown">
  209. <div class="inside_categories_filter">
  210. <span class="dropdown-name" id="categories_label">
  211. <a href="#" class="filter_method" id="location_anchor">All Locations</a>
  212. <i class="icon-sort-down" id="icon-arrow-dropdown"></i>
  213. </span>
  214. <div class="filter_categories" id="locationOptions">
  216. </div>
  217. </div>
  218. </div>
  219. <div class="dropdown">
  220. <div class="inside_categories_filter">
  221. <span class="dropdown-name" id="categories_label">
  222. <a href="#" class="filter_method" id="provider_anchor">All Providers</a>
  223. <i class="icon-sort-down" id="icon-arrow-dropdown"></i>
  224. </span>
  225. <div class="filter_categories" id="providersOptions">
  227. </div>
  228. </div>
  229. </div>
  230. <div class="dropdown">
  231. <div class="inside_categories_filter">
  232. <span class="dropdown-name" id="categories_label">
  233. <a href="#" class="filter_method" id="dataType_anchor">All Data Types</a>
  234. <i class="icon-sort-down" id="icon-arrow-dropdown"></i>
  235. </span>
  236. <div class="filter_categories" id="datatypesOptions">
  238. </div>
  239. </div>
  240. </div>
  241. </div>
  242. </div>
  243. ${ ui.includeFragment("chartsearch", "main_results") }
  244. </form>
  245. </div>
  246. </section>
  247. </article>
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