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a guest
Mar 22nd, 2018
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  1. # ###################################################
  2. # ############## Channel Configuration ##############
  3. # ###################################################
  4. #
  5. # This is the channel configuration.
  6. # You can change and copy this file to create as many channels you want.
  7. # This is the default options:
  8. #
  9. # name: Global - The name of channel.
  10. # alias: g - The alias to use the channel
  11. # across-worlds: true - Send messages of this channel to all worlds?
  12. # distance: 0 - If across worlds is false, distance to receive this messages.
  13. # color: &b - The color of channel
  14. # tag-builder: ch-tags,world,clan-tag,marry-tag,group-prefix,nickname,group-suffix,message - Tags of this channel
  15. # need-focus: false - Player can use the alias or need to use '/ch g' to use this channel?
  16. # canLock: true - Change if the player can use /<channel> to lock on channel.
  17. # receivers-message: true - Send chat messages like if no player near to receive the message?
  18. # cost: 0.0 - Cost to player use this channel.
  19. # use-this-builder: false - Use this tag builder or use the 'config.yml' tag-builder?
  20. #
  21. # channelAlias - Use this channel as a command alias.
  22. # enable: true - Enable this execute a command alias?
  23. # sendAs: player - Send the command alias as 'player' or 'console'?
  24. # cmd: '' - Command to send on every message send by this channel.
  25. # available-worlds - Worlds and only this world where this chat can be used and messages sent/received.
  26. # discord:
  27. # mode: NONE - The options are NONE, SEND, LISTEN, BOTH. If enabled and token code set and the channel ID matches with one discord channel, will react according the choosen mode.
  28. # hover: &3Discord Channel: &a{dd-channel}
  29. # format-to-mc: {ch-color}[{ch-alias}]&b{dd-rolecolor}[{dd-rolename}]{sender}&r:
  30. # format-to-dd: :thought_balloon: **{sender}**: {message}
  31. # allow-server-cmds: false - Use this channel to send commands from discord > minecraft.
  32. # channelID: '' - The IDs of your Discord Channels. Enable debug on your discord to get the channel ID.
  33. # Note: You can add more than one discord id, just separate by "," like: 13246579865498,3216587898754
  34. #
  35. across-worlds=false
  36. alias=mas
  37. available-worlds=[]
  38. bungee=false
  39. canLock=true
  40. channelAlias {
  41. cmd=""
  42. enable=false
  43. sendAs=player
  44. }
  45. char-alias="$$$#"
  46. color="&e"
  47. cost=0
  48. discord {
  49. allow-bot=true
  50. allow-server-cmds=false
  51. channelID=""
  52. format-to-dd=":regional_indicator_g: **{sender}**: {message}"
  53. format-to-mc="{ch-color}[{ch-alias}]&b{dd-rolecolor}[{dd-rolename}]{sender}&r: "
  54. hover="&3Discord Channel: &a{dd-channel}\n&3Role Name: {dd-rolecolor}{dd-rolename}"
  55. mode=none
  56. }
  57. distance=3
  58. jedis=false
  59. name=mas
  60. need-focus=false
  61. password=""
  62. receivers-message=true
  63. tag-builder=actionstaff
  64. use-this-builder=true
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