
JenniffyRL Excuses

Sep 24th, 2020 (edited)
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  1. My music stopped...~
  2. I was reading chat...~
  3. I went shopping...~
  4. I'm not properly stonered...~
  5. My equilibrium was off or some shit...~
  6. I should've got better stoned...~
  7. We haven't got the proper amount of Bacardi running through the veins yet...~
  8. Blame it on the rain...~
  9. It was the weather...~
  10. I woke up wrong today...~
  11. My thumb got in the way...~
  12. The grass is wet...~
  13. I didn't have my screen on...~
  14. I need to smoke more weed...~
  15. My hair was in the way...~
  16. This music needs to be changed...~
  17. I gotta change my car...~
  18. The grass feels sluggish...~
  19. My thumb didn't work...~
  20. My glasses were dirty...~
  21. My arms are stiff...~
  22. I was looking at the moon or something...~
  23. I'm too stoned...~
  24. I felt like I was in a Tron game...~
  25. My thoughts are louder than my music...~
  26. Maybe it's time to change the vehicle...~
  27. I don't even know how to work this car...~
  28. My fingers are cold...~
  29. To be fair I didn't play right the first 2 minutes of the game...~
  30. My fingers don't listen...~
  31. Sometimes I think my thumbs don't work...~
  32. No music is playing?!? Oh that's the problem...~
  33. My chair moved...~
  34. This is new weed I'm smoking so I'm not used to the high yet...~
  35. I need the right music to motivate me...~
  36. Sometimes I don't have control over the car, the car has control over me...~
  37. Sorry I was talking about little dicks, I didn't mean to miss the shot...~
  38. My rearview mirror fell off...~
  39. I was possessed by something...~
  40. Sorry I just went into a vortex, a stoner vortex...~
  41. Gangster rap made me do it...~
  42. I had to sneeze...~
  43. I forgot what color I am...~
  44. I was reading the news...~
  45. My eye is swollen...~
  46. It was a computer glitch...~
  47. The wind blew me over...~
  48. I was thinking about ice cream...~
  49. I was thinking about peeing...~
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