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peanut interview with snoops v5

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Oct 22nd, 2019
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  1. 1. >link combat swords MC + combat swords BWL+ + combat daggers + seal fate (meme)
  2. 2. >Lmgd's philosophy on 2ss into SND = more favourable energy cycle, easier to complete rotation
  3. >my philosophy on threat management in the first few seconds of pull and CP for SND = multiple SS = front loading threat, does tank use rage pots/sapper on pull? yes? 2SS into SnD - no? 1SS into SnD so as to not front-load and pull, maximize uptime start dps early instead of waiting for tank to get threat to even start using energy (always be regenerating, if need be dump enegy into sinister strike and turn away to not auto attack if it would make you pull aggro, at least you can "bank" some of that energy into combo points to use when tank has more threat)
  4. >general rotation: keep 100% uptime on SnD, try to use at 5cp not for combo point efficiency but for Relentless Strikes, if 5CP ready and some leftover time on SnD/energy > eviscerate and SS into SnD
  5. >swingtimer manipulation (sword spec, hand of justice, windfury) = sword spec procs effectively make your swingtimer jump to the end and swing, so if you get a proc late into the swingtimer's progression you only gain very little from a proc so: use sinister strike just after swingtimer completed and restarts because sinister strike can proc sword spec - this way you maximize gain from swordspec
  6. >cooldown usage = if you think fight might be long enough to get a 2nd blade flurry in in the end and/or there is no cleave phase, open up with blade flurry as early as your globals allow, else save for cleave phase - if no cleave and no time for 2nd blade flurry, use whenever you think it's needed
  7. >cooldown usage 2 = adrenaline rush should be saved and not popped on pull (assuming you dont have 20-30 second killtimes like some hardcore guilds) - instead save it for when you get a crusader proc. crusader buff lasts 15 seconds and grants 100 str, adrenaline rush lasts 15 seconds. you want to have some energy ticker addon or weakaura, and use adrenaline rush just before an energy tick is about to happen, this lets you squeeze out an extra tick of energy regeneration and getting that extra energy is worth more than 1-2 extra seconds of overlap between crusader and adrenaline rush
  8. >cooldown usage 3 = I like to use my thistle tea during a crusader proc, it's 5 minute CD so you don't really have to worry about popping it early to benefit from a 2nd one, unless fight is exceptionally long
  9. >energy pooling = try to hover around 80 energy so you never overcap, and if you get a crusader proc you have 80 extra energy to benefit from +100 STR, instead of sitting at 0 getting a proc and having to wait for energy to even make use of the proc
  10. 3. >both sword and dagger rogues should always be behind their target so their attacks dont get parried - if you get parried that means you dont deal damage with that attack AND the tank gets hit faster by the boss than he expects because of the parry-haste mechanic
  11. >you never use ambush to open even as a dagger rogue, because of the increased critical strike chance on backstab
  12. >opening from stealth is a dps loss because you are slower to get to the boss - dont bother using stealth, pretend you are a warrior
  13. >on onyxia specifically, and most other dragon bosses tails swipe and the frontal cone attacks - hitbox is larger than you think, be just in front of their back legs and as far away from them as you can to minimize risk - this should count as "behind" for backstab without the consequence of tailswipe
  15. 4. what is the best pre bis?
  16. The discrepancy as to which is better is primarily centered around one deciding factor: what will the 6 piece shadowcraft proc chance be? - once this is determined we will be able to definitively know which set is better. Something to note is that in patch 1.12 individual shadowcraft pieces do have higher stat bonuses than their previous patch iterations - this is a big reason as to why you hadn't seen shadowcraft be competitive on other private servers. Also, the precisely calibrated boomstick is included in the second gear set because it is arguably better than blackcrow, although it is a very miniscule difference.
  17. and
  18. note: need to adjust for dire maul rings and bracers - do not know shadowcraft proc chance, only anecdotal advice from my own experimentation
  19. -6piece is considered pre bis and competing with tier 1 and tier 2 for daggers, for swords it doesn't really matter much which set you use both are good, but you should swap to tradition pre bis as soon as you break shadowcraft 6p
  20. 5. >swords: less positioning requirements than daggers, sword weapons are better suited for control oriented hemo pvp builds, great pre-bis itemization available (dalrends, mirah's song if you break dalrend setbonus with a raidwep)
  21. >swords: if horde, way less competition for weapons with warriors, if alliance harder to come by because of human warriors competing (generally vis'kag to rogues, brutality blade to warriors is a good solution, then in BWL CTS to warriors, rogues get ancient qiraji ripper in AQ)
  22. >daggers: front-stabbing is a private server only thing, harder to do solo content because you have to be behind your target to use your best combo builder, lackluster pre-bis itemization until alterac valley daggers comes out for your mainhand and spec scales a lot with main hand damage (thats why you put +weapon damage on mainhand and agility or crusader (I'm a crusader shill) on offhand)
  23. >daggers: best suited for bursty pvp builds such as seal fate (with a lot of crit from gear) or improved sprint + backstab + prep (ask me for pictures to use in video)
  24. >daggers: people say swords pulls ahead by so much, and it does pull ahead in the hands of a good player that abuses sword spec like we mentioned earlier, but the truth is that daggers is right behind it and is totally competitive with swords and should not be considered a bad spec by any means, it can easily compete for rank 1 dps in most guilds
  25. --general gearing advice: crit is better than hit so long as you are not crit capped because crit increases the damage of everything that can crit, while hit only increases the damage of your auto attacks (assuming hit= above hitcap, can also talk about hitcap and how weapon skill affects it)
  26. 6. what is the most optimal pvp spec for a rogue?
  28. 7. what is the most optimal pvp combat rotation for a rogue? - I have no in depth answer to this
  30. 8. what are the most useful consumables for rogues in pve? (MENTION WINDFURY PEANUT, dont use any enhancing item on your mainhand as horde in a windfury group, because windfury takes that slot up like poisons do)
  31. 1. Elixir of the Mongoos > Elixir of Greater Agility (yes you can have both buffs active but mongoose aura overwrite elixir of greater agility in your stats so it's wasted gold you gain nothing)
  32. 2. Thistle Tea (very important to have for each fight)
  33. 3. Juju Power and Juju Might > Elixir of Giants and Winterfall Firewater (the premium ones both just give 5 AP more than their budget versions)
  34. 4. Free Action Potion (fights with stuns like the 2 gehennas adds, pop it pre-pull and go ham)
  35. 5. Limited Invulnerability Potion (pull aggro from the boss and dont have vanish ready? LIP pots function like a paladins BOP and temporarily remove you from the threat table, this gives the tank time to gain back threat (you should stop attacking while popping these)
  36. 6. Restorative Potion (fights with curses to help out your druids/mages, like Lucifron's Curse, or on Chromaggus)
  37. 7. Sapper Charges (big aoe burst, best when also used by tanks, allows for great damage when used as a raid) (dont need to be goblin engineer to use, only to craft, 1 minute craft time EACH!!)
  38. 8. Stratholme Holy Water (naxx, nefarian skeleton phase)
  39. 9. Grilled Squid (can only be caught in wintertime, stockpile!) > Blessed Sunfruit (AD revered rep)
  40. 10. Dragonbreath Chili on fights where the target isn't immune to fire damage, scales with elixir of fire power and flask of supreme power (really not worth imo)
  41. 11. GIGA TRYHARD MODE: Shadow Oil on both weapons + spellpower flask + elixir of shadow power + warlock shadow curse + shadow priest shadow damage debuff = a bit better than instant poison or critstones, speculated to bring like 10 DPS and might even use up warlocks shadowbolt stacks
  42. 12. Elemental Sharpening Stones currently sim higher than poisons assuming pre-bis ish gear, make sure you're not crit capped when using these (we can do a critcap segment on how to calculate it, but kinda cba explaining how critcap works though)
  43. 13. Ground Scorpok Assay (from a repeatable quest in badlands, you get the buff for 1 hour upon turning it in, and an item in bags that lets you refresh the buff for another hour of +25 agi)
  44. 9. what are the most useful professions for rogue?
  45. >engineering engineering engineering engineering engineering and, engineering
  46. >herbalism/mining to a certain degree for stealthruns to get the new materials you can gather in Zul'Gurub if you can farm that raid like private servers (not very likely)
  47. 10. how does an optimized rogue stack up to other classes in terms of single target dps?
  48. >rogues are the only class that can compete with warriors, theoretically warriors have a higher possible DPS and a good warrior player can beat you - cleave fights are where warriors really shine compared to rogues - casters start catching up by the time aq comes out, one ignite mage will compete with the rogues (but thats not all from his own damage), in naxx warlocks and mages really catch up to melee and start competing with them but geared melee still rule
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