

Oct 14th, 2015
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  1. Eriond: Being sweetness and light incarnate. He was basically always that. Also, not quite omnipotence or omniscience but it's scarily close sometimes.
  3. Henry: Hmm. Currently not really any, except a knack for seeing the heart of things.
  5. Evelyn: Currently, the early stages of basic ice, fire, and lightning attacks (she doesn't enjoy the latter). She doesn't have much else yet. Check back with her in... what, eight years in her timeline, I think?
  7. Lois: black belt in unspecified martial art form, some firearms training (handgun at least), writing (journalism flavor), finding trouble, instinct for the truth, bad karaoke, general knack for logistics, ability not to get herself killed, Snark, dealing with superheroes and supervillains without going insane, drinking heavily (except champagne, which she gets drunk on really fast), having a lot of advice be it practical or bad or good-disguised-as-bad.
  8. The writing and the Strangeness Dealing were developed as an adult, and the drinking as a teen. The rest just kind of happened over her whole life.
  10. Anakin: fencing (lightsaber style), general knack for combat both armed and unarmed (and ship), piloting (regular and combat both), Star Wars-style tech and droid repair and droid construction, multi-ecological survival, a surprising amount of skill with the Force, excellent sense of tactics but less so of strategy, and making the absolute worst life choices available. <small>(yes I swear that's a cultivated skill)</small>
  11. Everything either natural and/or taught/trained as a child/teen by Obi-wan.
  13. Tavi: armed combat (specialties in sword and sling); unarmed combat; furycrafting aka elemental magic in wind, earth, water, fire, wood, metal (both combat and non-combat applications, which covers anything from healing to a particularly sharp sword to meddling with forces of nature); military tactics, strategy, and history; military (and civilian) command; learning foreign languages, mostly Canish for him and potentially some Latin; espionage and assassination; archaeology; mathematics of a flavor I am still working on, but he's great at proofs; engineering and weapons innovation, within the limits of his world's capacity; ability to look at other people's ideas and adapt them for his use; chess (well, its equivalent); some tracking; comparative magical theory; comparative governmental theory; logistics on a large scale; international diplomacy; politics; mild, occasional, not-on-demand, and highly unreliable preternatural intuition (precognitive/insight); a terrifyingly steep learning curve; sheep-herding; people-herding.
  14. The tracking, sling, and sheep-herding were all taught to him as a child by his uncle Bernard.
  15. Almost everything else was either natural inclination that only blossomed when he had something to do with it, or else potential and talent cultivated while in Alera Imperia between 15 and 20, some through teaching, some through watching Gaius Sextus.
  16. International diplomacy and command he mostly learned on the fly as needed to avoid being killed.
  17. The intuition is in-born and cannot be trained. The furycrafting is in-born but only significantly trained at 23. The steep learning curve is in-born and terrifying.
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