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a guest
Mar 23rd, 2017
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  1. #include <iostream>
  2. #include <string>
  4. using namespace std;
  6. string packets = "";
  7. string ip = "";
  8. string port = "";
  10. bool DDOS = false;
  11. int main() {
  12. if (DDOS == true)
  13. {
  14. cout << "Sent " + packets + " packets to " + ip + " on port " + port + " using UDP";
  16. }
  18. string username = "";
  19. string password = "";
  20. string option = "";
  21. string ip = "";
  22. string port = "";
  23. string time = "";
  24. string attacking = "";
  25. bool loginSuccess = false;
  27. system("title DoucheBotNET Bots Connected: 59853");
  28. system("color e");
  29. cout << "===================================================================\n";
  30. cout << "= =\n";
  31. cout << "= Douche BotNET v2 =\n";
  32. cout << "= =\n";
  33. cout << "===================================================================\n";
  34. cout << "= =\n";
  35. cout << "= Welcome, Please Enter You're Login Down Below. =\n";
  36. cout << "= =\n";
  37. cout << "= <Note: If you are not authorized you're PC will shut down.> =\n";
  38. cout << "= =\n";
  39. cout << "===================================================================\n";
  40. do {
  41. cout << "\nUsername: ";
  42. cin >> username;
  43. cout << "Password: ";
  44. cin >> password;
  46. if (username == "DoucheCreator" && password == "douche12312310") {
  47. system("cls");
  48. cout << "\t\x1b[1;33md8888b. .d8888. db db .o88b. db db .d88b. d8b db d88888b d888888b \n";
  49. cout << "\t\x1b[1;33m88 `8D 88' YP `8b d8' d8P Y8 88 88 .8P Y8. 888o 88 88' `~~88~~' \n";
  50. cout << "\t\x1b[1;33m88oodD' `8bo. `8bd8' 8P 88ooo88 88 88 88V8o 88 88ooooo 88 \n";
  51. cout << "\t\x1b[1;33m88~~~ `Y8b. 88 8b 88~~~88 88 88 88 V8o88 88~~~~~ 88 \n";
  52. cout << "\t\x1b[1;33m88 db 8D 88 Y8b d8 88 88 `8b d8' 88 V888 88. 88 \n";
  53. cout << "\t\x1b[1;33m88 `8888Y' YP `Y88P' YP YP `Y88P' VP V8P Y88888P YP \n";
  54. cout << " \t\n\n\x1b[1;33m.::. Slaves Connected: 59853 .::. Welcome, " + username + " .::. Masters Connected: 1 .::.\n";
  55. cout << " \t\x1b[1;33m .::. Type Help For Available Commands .::.\r\n";
  56. cout << " \t\x1b[1;33m .::. Type Attack For Attack Commands .::.";
  57. cout << "\x1b[1;31m\nCommand: ";
  58. cin >> option;
  59. if (option == "1") {
  60. system("cls");
  61. cout << "===================================================================\n";
  62. cout << "= =\n";
  63. cout << "= Douche BotNET v2 =\n";
  64. cout << "= =\n";
  65. cout << "===================================================================\n";
  66. cout << "\nIP-ADDRESS: ";
  67. cin >> ip;
  68. cout << "PORT: ";
  69. cin >> port;
  70. cout << "TIME: ";
  71. cin >> time;
  72. system("cls");
  73. cout << "====================================================================\n";
  74. cout << "= =\n";
  75. cout << "= Douche BotNET v2 =\n";
  76. cout << "= =\n";
  77. cout << "====================================================================\n";
  78. cout << "\tAttack has been sent to " + ip + " on port " + port + " for " + time + " seconds\n";
  79. cout << "====================================================================\n";
  80. cin >> attacking;
  81. DDOS = true;
  82. system("pause");
  83. }
  84. else if (option == "2") {
  85. system("exit");
  86. }
  87. else if (option == "3") {
  88. system("cls");
  89. cout << "===================================================================\n";
  90. cout << "= =\n";
  91. cout << "= Douche BotNET v2 =\n";
  92. cout << "= =\n";
  93. cout << "===================================================================\n";
  94. cout << "= =\n";
  95. cout << "= BotNET made by Douche. =\n";
  96. cout << "= =\n";
  97. cout << "= One of the most powerful botnets out there at the moment. =\n";
  98. cout << "= =\n";
  99. cout << "===================================================================\n";
  100. cout << "\nCommand: ";
  101. cin >> option;
  102. }
  103. else if (option == "4") {
  104. system("cls");
  105. cout << "===================================================================\n";
  106. cout << "= =\n";
  107. cout << "= Douche BotNET v2 =\n";
  108. cout << "= =\n";
  109. cout << "===================================================================\n";
  110. cout << "= =\n";
  111. cout << "= You Can Contact Us At =\n";
  112. cout << "= =\n";
  113. cout << "===================================================================\n";
  114. cout << "\nCommand: ";
  115. cin >> option;
  116. }
  117. }
  118. else if (username == "Douchetest" && password == "douchetest123") {
  119. cout << "\nLogin successful, fucking nigger.\n\n";
  120. }
  121. else if (username == "" && password == "") {
  122. system("exit");
  123. }
  124. else
  125. {
  126. system("exit");
  127. }
  131. } while (loginSuccess);
  134. return 0;
  135. }
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