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Jun 16th, 2016
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  1. Jircniv could not help but grin wryly as he heard Freivartz’s words, and made to leave. However --
  2. 听了弗赖瓦尔兹的话,吉克尼夫压抑住不禁想露出苦笑的自己,想要先行迈出步子。可是——
  4. “--Hang on a bit, Yer Majesty,” Seyde said in a dull voice.
  5. 「——能请稍等下吗,陛下」
  7. 瑟迪以没有高低顿挫的声音这么说道。
  9. “We’ve been hired to protect ya, Yer Majesty, so please don’t walk so far ahead. That okay?”
  10. 「我们是作为保护陛下身边而被雇用的,为此还想请您不要走在那么前面呢,这点没问题吧?」
  12. “It is not a matter of being okay or not. You were hired to protect me, so I will do whatever you deem necessary. In addition, if you feel that you need to make use of their strength, please feel free to order them around. However, I’d like to request that they be kept near me as much as possible.”
  13. 「没什么可以、不可以的。你们就是为此而被雇的,如果你们认为那是应做的事,我便会遵从。另外,若认为他们的能力有所需要的话,就像平日表现一样使唤他们便好了。只要,尽可能不要让他们离开我身边就好」
  15. “Well how about that. So we can command the Empire’s Four Knights as we please, I guess we’ve really hit the big leagues now. Still, it’ll be fine if you two stay by His Majesty’s side. If anything happens, just run when we give you the instruction. That oughta do it. Then, play us a tune, chief.”
  16. 「这还真是,竟能随意调遣帝国四骑士的老爷们,我们也变成大人物了呢。但话是这么说,两位还是呆在陛下的身边就可以了哦。要真出了什么事,就听从我们的指示逃走、跑起来,像这样的话就没问题了。那么,领队,就请你奏上一曲吧」
  18. “Got it. My apologies for Seyde’s tone, Your Majesty. No matter how many times I tell him, he always ends up doing that…”
  19. 「了解 ,陛下。真抱歉,瑟迪口气有些不中听。无论说多少次也都是这样的……」
  21. “No need to worry. That said, it might be troublesome if he did that in a public area…”
  22. 「无需在意。但虽然话是这么说,如果是在公开场合的话我可就头疼了啊」
  24. Perhaps Freivartz had gotten the message, but he nodded slightly. That implied that he knew the right time and place for this sort of thing.
  25. 是心意传达到了吗, 弗赖瓦尔兹轻轻地点了一下头。这代表着他会分清楚时间和场合的吧。
  27. And then, he sang. No, this was less of a song than a collection of bizarre sounds. This was because there were some parts he could hear, but not understand. It stopped after several seconds, although the strange music lingered in their hearts. Then, Seyde made his move.
  28. 然后他唱起了歌。不对,与其说是歌,倒不如说是不可思议声音的集合体吧。这也是由于,即使耳朵听到也不明白其中的意思。当明明一共也就持续了数秒,但却奇妙的停留在心中歌结束后,瑟迪便展开了行动。
  30. If one had to attach some form of sound effect to his movements, both “sluggish” and “slimy” would be appropriate. Either way, Jircniv was not capable of those movements.
  31. 若要加上拟声词的话,到底是该用就会是「慢吞吞」的呢,还是该用「滑溜溜」的呢。那是吉克尼夫根本无法做不到的动作
  33. “Then, please keep about ten meters back and follow me.”
  34. 「那么,请拉开十米的间距跟上来」
  36. They did as Seyde said, keeping ten meters back before moving on. Jircniv took the opportunity to ask Freivartz about the song from just now.
  37. 听了瑟迪的话,一行人拉开距离后便开始了前进。乘此机会吉克尼夫也向身旁的弗赖瓦尔兹,问起了刚才歌的事。
  39. “What was that, anyway?”
  40. 「那究竟是什么呢?」
  42. “Does Your Majesty not know? That was a bard skill, a spellsong. It differs from user to user, and can be performed with various instruments, but in my case, I evoke its effects through song.”
  43. 「陛下您不知道吗?那是吟游诗人[bard]的特殊技能之一、咒歌。根据使用者不同,也有人是用各种乐器来演奏的。但我是以歌声来发挥其效果的」
  45. “So that’s it, huh.”
  47. Freivartz could not help but smile as he saw Jircniv mumble to himself. Just at that moment, Jircniv remembered something he wanted to learn about, but did not have a chance to follow up on. He decided to take this opportunity and asked:
  48. 那就是吗。看着吉克尼夫这样呢喃,弗赖瓦尔兹不禁露出了微笑。恰巧吉克尼夫想起了自己曾想要去调查,但却没有机会去做事,所以便乘着这个好机会询问道。
  50. “...I have something to ask you. Can that spellsong control people?”
  51. 「……我有一件想问你的事,那个咒歌能够操控人吗?」
  53. “Spellsongs can convey a suggestion effect, just as spells can. It should be possible. In addition, they should be able to charm people, to a certain extent.”
  54. 「咒歌中确实包含暗示的存在。魔法也有拥有同样效果的,若使用的话应该是可能的吧。除此之外魅惑的话,在一定程度上也同样是可能的」
  56. Jircniv looked at Freivartz.
  57. 吉克尼夫看向弗赖瓦尔兹。
  59. “I see… is that so…”
  60. 「原来如此……是这样吗……」
  62. “That should be it, yes.”
  63. 「应该就是这样的吧」
  65. So that monster had the power of a bard, unless--
  66. 果然,那是拥有吟游诗人力量的怪物吗,还是说——
  68. “Then, what do you know of monsters which look like frogs?”
  69. 「那么,关于像青蛙一样的怪物你有所了解吗?」
  71. --Unless it was an innate ability as a monster. That possibility could not be completely crossed out. It was very important to make sure of that.
  72. ——那是身为怪物本身所拥有的能力,这样的可能性也是无法完全割舍的。这点必须要弄清楚才行,这可是非常重要的。
  74. “Frogs? You mean like Giant Toads?”
  75. 「青蛙吗?例如巨蛙[Giant Toad]这类的吗?」
  77. “No, not like that. Something more intelligent. I’m talking about a monster which stands on two legs, and can instantly activate something like that spellsong.”
  78. 「不是,与那不同。是像更具知性的那种感觉。双脚直立,能够瞬间发动类似于咒歌那般力量的怪物」
  80. “...Is that referring to a Toadman? A Toadman bard would fit your description… but if I recall correctly, Toadmen are not particularly outstanding demihumans. Perhaps if it was an old, tribe leader-class Toadman... I’ve heard those can use special abilities to confuse the foe.”
  81. 「……是指蛙人[Toad Man]吗?若是蛙人同时也是耹游诗人的话,便符合您所说的了……但我记得蛙人应该不是那么优秀的亚人才是啊。若是年老的族长级别的话,倒是有听说过它们能用特别能力令对方混乱的哦」
  83. What happened there was not quite confusion.
  84. 那与混乱还是有些的不同啊。
  86. He had read about the demihumans known as Toadmen, but their appearances differed slightly from the monster called Demiurge. Could he be a mutant or offshoot Toadman, or perhaps a king-type Toadman? Those possibilities could not be discarded, but it was most likely that those were not the case.
  87. 蛙人这种亚人确实曾有在书中看过,但那与那个叫做迪米乌哥斯的怪物外形上有着相当的不同。是蛙人的亚种或变异种吗,又或者说是王族吗。就可能性来说确实无法割舍,但恐怕并非如此的可能性要更高吧。
  89. “It seems not. My deepest apologies, Your Majesty. There is simply too little information. Perhaps, if you could tell me more about the creature in question, I might be able to solve this mystery for you.”
  90. 「看来并没能令您满意呢。真是非常抱歉,陛下。情报实在是太少了,若是能让我再详细了解一下的话,或许我就能为您解答了」
  92. That was like a life preserver to a drowning man.
  93. 这可真是雪中送炭。
  95. “Really now. Then, I shall tell you about the appearance of this monster. If possible, could you use your wisdom to help me out? In addition, could you tell me in detail about spellsongs?”
  96. 「是吗。那么我能把怪物的外观详细地说出来,若是可以的话,能请你用那份知识来助我一臂之力吗?另外,能详细的与我说明下有关咒歌的事吗?」
  98. In the Empire, there was probably nobody who knew more about monsters than adamantite-ranked adventurers.
  99. 在帝国,恐怕没有人能比精钢级冒险者的他们知道的更多了吧。
  101. “Your Majesty, that would be imposing on them. These are their livelihoods you’re talking about.”
  102. 「陛下,这有点强人所难了吧。那可是他们吃饭的工具啊」
  104. Freivartz chuckled in response to Baziwood’s words.
  105. 对巴杰德的话,他只是轻轻一笑便做出了回答。
  107. “Well well, it’s true we can’t talk too much about our trump cards. Still, answering that question earlier should be fine. Just… would it not be better to ask that great magic caster-dono? I’m sure he would know more than us…”
  108. 「咿呀咿呀,虽然关于我们的杀手锏之类话,确实不太好多说。但只是告诉您一般相关的知识可没有问题啊。只是……向那位大魔法吟唱师阁下询问一下,便可以了不是吗?我想是那位大人的话,肯定要比我们知道的要更多……」
  110. Jircniv strove not to show any information when the topic of Fluder came up.
  111. 由于被提到了夫路达的事,吉克尼夫努力不让自己露出任何表情。
  113. He had already issued a gag order on Fluder’s betrayal, so no information had been leaked. For now, Fluder was still in his position as the head magician, though his privileges and powers were slowly being stripped away so he would not notice. At the same time, he was looking for a way to fill the gap Fluder would leave.
  114. 关于夫路达背叛一事已发下言论钳制令,为此完全没有走漏风声。总之现在还是让夫路达继续就位着主席魔法师的地位,为了不让其察觉而慢慢地削走其权力,同时正摸索着能够弥补其空隙的方法。
  116. From the size of that gap, Jircniv realised exactly how much of a boon Fluder had been for the Empire, but it was already too late.
  117. 从空隙的大小中,吉克尼夫再一次认识到了,夫路达为帝国带了太多的恩惠。但这一切已经太迟了。
  119. “We can’t keep relying on the old man. This is like homework for a student. If one simply waits for all the answers because one had a good teacher, he’ll wind up being scolded for it.”
  120. 「过于依赖那位老人可不行啊。这就像是学生的功课一样,因为教师很优秀所以就只等着听答案。如果这样的话可是会被训斥的啊」
  122. Jircniv’s words were met with several laughs.
  123. 被吉克尼夫说的话勾起数道笑声。
  125. “Indeed, Your Majesty has a point. I understand. Well, the fees for this request were quite above average, given the task we were hired to perform. Then, I’ll summarize the matter of spellsongs for you later.”
  126. 「那正如陛下所说呢,明白了。正想着这次的委托费,就工作的内容来看的话,实在是有些破格了呢。那么待会就向陛下简单的说明一下,与咒歌相关的事吧」
  128. “I see. I’ll leave that to you, then.”
  129. 「是吗,那就麻烦你了」
  131. There were several VIP rooms in the Colosseum. One was reserved for the Colosseum’s investors. One was reserved for high-ranking nobles. Then, there was the one reserved for the Emperor, for a total of three. They were currently heading for the room that had been set aside for the Emperors through the generations. Perhaps Seyde had scouted the route before, but he did not ask the way even though he was leading the group.
  132. 斗技场的贵宾室是复数存在的,专供寄予斗技场经营的资产家们使用的、专供高位贵族们使用的,以及专供皇帝使用的、共三间。而现在所径直前往的,便是专为历代皇帝而设的贵宾室。是因为事先调查过路线了吗,他一次也没问过路,而是在最前列前进着。
  134. At last they arrived, but at the corner before they could see the door of the room, Seyde reached a hand out to Jircniv, indicating that he should stop.
  135. 最后当终于来到了,转过这个弯就能看得到门的转角处时,带头的瑟迪将手伸向吉克尼夫、示意他暂停。
  137. “Not picking up anyone here, but let me go first. Can you guys wait at this corner for a bit?”
  138. 「没有人的气息呢。但还是由我先过去,能请各位暂时在这转角处等等吗?」
  140. He did not wait for a response to his whispered words, but instead turned the corner like he was going for a stroll. His curiosity piqued by this, Jircniv had a look of curiosity on his face as he tried to spy out the situation.
  141. 压下声音地说的他没有等回答,便如遛弯似得地通过转了过去。因被勾起了兴趣,吉克尼夫稍微露出了些脸窥探了一下情况。
  143. He approached the door without making a sound, and after doing something, he slowly opened the door. Although he had barely cracked it open, that seemed to be enough for him to enter, and his entire body vanished into the room.
  144. 他完全没有发出声响就靠近至门前,并稍微做了些什么后缓缓地打开了门。虽然只是稍微推开那么一点点缝隙,但这似乎已经足以令他钻进去了,一溜烟那个身姿就从房间里消失了。
  146. After a while, the door opened, and they could see Seyde’s face within.
  147. 等待了数十秒后,门被打了开来,从中能够看道瑟迪的脸。
  149. “It’s fine. This room is safe.”
  150. 「没问题啊。这个房间是安全的」
  152. The group entered the room, which had been verified as safe.
  153. 全队开始了行动,进入了他确认过安全的房间里。
  155. Jircniv looked around.
  156. 吉尔克尼弗环视起了四周。
  158. It was a little small, but the exquisitely-made furniture was all first-class. The room had been immaculately cleaned for an Emperor who hardly visited.
  159. 房间虽然很小了,但每一件雅致的家具全都是一等品。为了不怎么来这里的皇帝,房间也经过了完美的清扫。
  161. A large window had been opened on the side of the room which overlooked the Colosseum, allowing a panoramic view of the scenes below. If one squinted, they would be able to see rows upon rows of fully occupied seats, packed by an audience which was excited to a fever pitch and cheering wildly.
  162. 竞技场一侧的墙壁上被开了一个很大的窗口,能够一览眼下的景色。稍微瞄了一眼,从中可以看到座无虚席的观众们正发出雷鸣般欢呼的、狂热的样子。
  164. The reason for the large crowd was because the Martial Lord had been suddenly scheduled for an appearance.
  165. 之所以会有如此大量的观众前来观战,是因为突然被绝定的的武王的出场。
  167. The King of the Colosseum -- the Martial Lord -- was overwhelmingly powerful. There was nobody he could fight in earnest. Therefore, it had been a long time since there had been a match with the Martial Lord.
  168. 基于斗技场的王者——武王压倒性的强大。根本没有能与其认真交战的对手。因此,有相当长的时间没有举行过与武王的比赛了。
  170. It was because of such a long-awaited battle with the Martial Lord that the crowd had come, drawn by anticipation of the heroic figure who would do battle with him.
  171. 正是因为武王那久违的一战,期待着其战斗的英姿的人才会多到溢出来。
  173. As expected, a big reason for that was admiration for strength. Since the Empire had its professional warriors that were called knights, the battlefield was like another world for the dwellers of the Imperial City. This was why they looked forward to this spectacle of life-and-death battle.
  174. 果然有很大一部分原因,是出于对力量的憧憬吧。而且由于帝国有着作为专业士兵的骑士,所以从市民的角度来看,战场等于是另一个世界的景色。正因如此才会期待着出现生死相搏的景象吧。
  176. No, he had heard there were those knights who enjoyed the Colosseum as well.
  177. 不,听说过在骑士们间也有喜欢斗技场的人。
  179. In other words, they looked forward to a spectacle and display of brutality.
  180. 那也就是他们所期待着,果然还是野蛮性的发挥和解放吗。
  182. Just as Jircniv was spaced out while thinking of this, Silver Canary had already completed their sweep of the room.
  183. 而就在吉尔克尼弗发呆一样思考的时候,银丝鸟一行已经结束了室内的探索。
  185. “Were there any signs of divination magic being used in here?”
  186. 「房间里有什么情报系的魔法,发动过的迹象吗?」
  188. “We discovered no traces of such, Your Majesty. Is that right?”
  189. 「并没有发现那样的迹象,陛下。没错吧?」
  191. “Yup. Well, seeing if spells have been cast is pretty hard for me, so I did a look-see around, checked for any magic items, but nothing turned up. Still, hope ya don’t forget that I don’t have the perception of a thief. Please don’t think it’s absolutely safe… well, our chief’s boosted our detection ability with his spellsong, so it should be fine.”
  192. 「是的哟。首先看破魔法的发动对我来说有些困难,所以我先调查了一下周围是否有魔法道具,结果并不能发现什么。但是,希望不要忘记的是,我可不具备像盗贼那样的调查能力哟。请不要认为是绝对没问题的。……嘛,由于我们的领队用咒文提升了探知能力,应该没问题吧」
  194. “Regarding the field of magic, this humble monk has used a divination to investigate the surroundings. However, there were no traces of any spells being cast. In any event, I have created a magical barrier which should impede divination spells, so one can assume that it should be fine.”
  195. 「魔法这边,也由贫僧的探知系魔法进行了调查。不过,并没发现发动的迹象。总之做出了能妨害探知的魔法场,应该可以看做是没问题了」
  197. Unkei thumped his shakujo on the ground, and a clear ringing echoed through the room.
  198. 运庆用锡杖敲击了下地板,房间内回响起青凉的音色。
  200. “Then, may I make another request? Is there magic which detects the presence of people nearby? It would be best if it was a spell which could detect even an invisible person.”
  201. 「那么我可以要求再追加一点吗?有没有能够发现有什么人接近的魔法呢?如果是连透明化也能明白的魔法的话就最好不过了?」
  203. “Regretfully, this humble monk has not learned such spells among his repertoire. However, I believe our leader has such a spell.”
  204. 「非常遗憾,贫僧所拥有的魔法中没有那样的魔法。但是,我记得领队好像是有的哦」
  206. Freivartz, whose name had come up, signalled that he understood and left the room.
  207. 被提到的弗赖瓦尔兹在发出明白了的信号后,便走出房间。
  209. “Now what? What measures will you take if the foe intends to eavesdrop upon us?”
  210. 「之后怎么办呢?如果对方想窃听的话,你们能想到怎样的对策呢?」
  212. Jircniv strove to think of what he could do against Ainz Ooal Gown. However, it was impossible to imagine what surpassed the imagination. The fact was, that man seemed so massive in his mind that nothing he could think of felt more than insignificant against him.
  213. 吉克尼夫必死想象着,如果是安兹·乌尔·恭的话能做出怎样的事。但老实说,想象远超想象的事,本身就是不可能做得到的。为此就算再怎么将那家伙巨大化,所作出的评价也绝不会过小的吧。
  215. “...Frankly speaking, I think it should be fine after doing this much. At least, that’s what I think. Don’t look at me like that, we’ve fortified ourselves with several spells already, right?”
  216. 「……老实说,都做到这种分上应该没问题了吧。至少我是这么想的。别看是这样,我们已经用了数道魔法来稳固防守了哦?」
  218. “That’s how it is, Your Majesty. This humble monk has already used anti-divination magic and configured it so that any attempt at magical investigation will send an alert to me. Please be at ease.”
  219. 「就是这么回事,陛下。也用了探知妨碍并将其设定成了,当对方想要在魔法方面上调查的场合,立即会传达给贫僧的结构。请您尽管放心」
  221. Seyde and Unkei spoke thusly, one after the other.
  222. 瑟迪与运庆交互着这么说道。
  224. Did they think he was a bit of a maniac? Or did they think he had gone a little mental because he was worried about assassination?
  225. 是被认为稍微有点偏执狂的感觉了吧。或者说是觉得因为感到暗杀的气息而变得神经质了吗。
  227. Still, what would these two think if he told them they were going up against the Sorcerer King? Now that was what really interested Jircniv. Would they go, “we can’t possibly prepare enough against him?” Or would they say, “If I’d known, I wouldn’t have come for this measly sum”?
  228. 只是,要是知道了对方是魔导王的话,这两人又会露出怎样的反应呢。这还真是勾起了吉克尼夫的兴趣。是会变成、对不管怎样警戒或许都有所不足这件事表示接受呢。还是会变成、早知道这样才不会因为那么点钱而接下这样工作呢?
  230. Naturally, the best scenario was to not tell them anything about the Sorcerer King and have them prepare against all threats as best as they could.
  231. 最好的情况自然是,他们在关于魔导王的情报什么都不知道情况下,便全力以赴的准备应对。
  233. Still, no matter how much he tried to censor information on the Sorcerer King, he could not stopper up 60,000 mouths.
  234. 但是,不管再怎么封锁关于魔导王的情报,堵住六万张嘴也是不可能的。
  236. News had probably gotten out. That being the case, since adventurers tended to spend more time gathering information the higher-ranked they became, there was a very large chance they had already learned about the Sorcerer King’s abilities.
  237. 绝对已经泄露吧。如果这样的话,听说越是高级的冒险者就越会在平时就开始收集情报,所以有很大可能性他们已经获得了关于魔导王的能力方面的情报。
  239. It wouldn’t be hard for them to figure out why I really wanted them here, no?
  240. (这边的真意被追寻也很那什么啊)
  242. After pondering various possibilities, Jircniv decided to bluff his way through with a warm smile.
  243. 思考气了各种各样的事的吉尔克尼,最后还是以暖眛笑容敷衍了过去。
  245. The two of them realised that Jircniv could not accept what they had said. Neither did they have anything else to say beyond that.
  246. 而两人也同样明白了,吉尔克尼并没能接受他们所说的吧。在此之上也没有想要再说些什么的样子了。
  248. A great cheer rose up from the Colosseum.
  249. 从斗技场传出了巨大的欢呼声。
  251. From where they were, it would seem that one of the battles between the gladiators had a winner.
  252. 从这边看过去,看来比赛之一的剑斗士们之间的战斗已经决出了胜负。
  254. In the past, the defeated were condemned to death, but not any more. There were still cases of deaths in battles, but there would be no killings after the victor was determined.
  255. 在以前会赐予败者死亡,但现在不同了。就算有在比赛中死去这种事,也绝不会有在决出胜负后再杀死对方这种事。
  257. Apparently, a gladiator had been spared because his repeated defeats were amusing. This allowed him to awaken his true power and he became champion, whereupon that particular restriction had been abolished. This decision had been made because there might be another person like him someday.
  258. 据说,这是因为觉得连败也很有趣,所以偶然得以捡了一条命的剑士发掘出了自己的才能,从而成功上升到冠军的位置时,这样的制度便被废止了。这是出于说不定以后还会出现像他一样的人,才会做出的决定。
  260. Which Martial Lord was that? Although he couldn’t compare to the current Martial Lord, but he was apparently quite a powerful chap. These people aren’t loyal to any country. I need to think about how to get them on my side...
  261. (那个家伙是第几代武王来着?虽然比不上当代武王,但好像也是个非常厉害的家伙来着。是该去思考下怎样拉拢,这类不归属于国家的强者吗……)
  263. “In any event, we’re done here, Your Majesty.”
  264. 「总之我们这边是已经结束了,陛下」
  266. Jircniv turned as he heard Freiwartz’s voice.
  267. 听到弗赖瓦尔兹的声音,吉克尼夫转过头来。
  269. “Thanks.”
  270. 「有劳了」
  272. He should probably have been more sincere in his thanks toward these adamantite-ranked adventurers. However, he had simply tossed off the usual appreciation instead.
  273. 如果对方是精钢级冒险者的话,那就应该更加郑重表示感谢。但没有多想就把一直常说慰劳词说出来了。
  275. “You’re welcome. Still, we were hired for protection, so should we stand by in this room?”
  276. 「不敢担。不过由于我们是作为护卫被雇佣的,为此能让我们在房间内待机吗?」
  278. They had been hired as bodyguards. With that in mind, it was a reasonable suggestion.
  279. 他们是作为保镖才被雇佣的。如果这样考虑的话,这是理所应当的提案。
  281. However, would it really be alright to have secret talks with them in the room?
  282. 但是,让他们待在房间的情况下进行密谈,这样真的合适吗。
  284. Granted, there might be a lot of merits in involving them in this. However, once they realised what he was aiming for, he ran the risk of making unnecessary enemies.
  285. 尽管把他们卷入此事也有很大的好处。但当对方明白这边所想要的瞬间,很可能会有将不必于此为敌的人化作敌人的风险。
  287. Still, they’re nothing compared to that -- what am I thinking? I’m comparing every challenge I meet to that monster, that’s proof that I’m starting to go mad, if nothing else. Besides, it would be stupid to keep making enemies.
  288. (但是,比起那家伙并不是什么大不了的———我在想什么呢。作为对手的比较对象居然会选择那个怪物,这完全就是脑袋真的开始变得奇怪了的证据嘛。……再继续增加敌人,实在是太愚蠢了)。
  290. Jircniv shook his head.
  291. 吉尔克尼弗摇了摇头。
  293. “I’m sorry, but there will be important talks taking place after this. It would be quite troublesome to have you waiting in here.”
  294. 「很遗憾,在此之后是非常重要的会谈。要是让你们在这里待机的话我会感到非常困扰的」
  296. “However, it’ll be very difficult to protect you that way, Your Majesty.”
  297. 「可在那样的状态下要保护陛下是非常困难的……」
  299. “There are two men I trust in this room. They ought to be able to buy enough time for you to get here.”
  300. 「在房间里有我值得信赖两人。在你们赶过来前争取时间应该还是能做到的吧」
  302. “Well, that’s true,” the hitherto silent Ape suddenly said. “However, if the enemy is an assassin on the level of Seyde, if things go wrong, they might end up making quite a mess.”
  303. 「嘛,也确实是呢」至今为止一直沉默着的猿猴突然开口「可是,如果对方是瑟迪级别的暗杀者的话,一旦处理不好就会变成十分糟糕的状况呢」
  305. “When you talk about an assassin of my level, you’re probably talking about that girl from Ijaniya. She’s the kind who can use ninjutsu to suddenly attack from the shadows.”
  306. 「说道我这种级别的暗杀者的话,像是伊杰尼亚的姑娘就是啊。会使用忍术突然从影子里袭击过来的哦」
  308. “Well, with these two warriors around, a sword-wielding foe should not pose any difficulty. However, what about magic? It is precisely that point which makes this humble monk uneasy. In addition, I feel that we will be more interested by the match than any talks Your Majesty is conducting, no?”
  309. 「有身为战士的这两位,应付使用剑的对手应该是没有问题的吧。但是,魔法又如何呢。贫僧感到不安的正是这点。再加上,我觉得我们肯定会被比赛吸引注意力,并不会对陛下的会谈感兴趣的哦?」
  311. They had all ended up trying to persuade him to let him stay, but since Jircniv was this determined to not let information leak out, he could not accept their suggestions.
  312. 虽然都异口同声的说服着这边,但是对吉克尼夫来说已经为了不泄露情报行动到如此程度之上,根本无法接受他们的提案。
  314. “Your doubts are well-reasoned, gentlemen. However, I cannot compromise on that point, be it as a man or as the Emperor of the Empire.”
  315. 「诸位的担忧都很有道理。可是,无论是以我个人来说还是作为帝国的皇帝来说,这方面我都无法退让」
  317. Silver Canary looked to their leader, who sighed deeply.
  318. 银系丝鸟众人的视线朝领队聚集了过去。只见他深深地叹了一口气。
  320. “It can’t be helped, then. I’m sure Your Majesty must have your reasons which you can’t disclose to us. Then, we’ll stand watch outside. However, can you tell us exactly who is coming?”
  321. 「那就没办法了。以陛下的立场,肯定有无法告知我们的事情。那么,我们就在外面警戒好了。但是,能否告知我们究竟是什么人要来吗?」
  323. “A reasonable question. However, you have to pretend that you saw nothing. Can you?”
  324. 「理所当然的疑问呢。但是你们要当作什么都没有看到。可以吗?」
  326. “Of course. We will not reveal anything, no matter who comes. If it gets out, we will gladly bear the consequences.”
  327. 「当然。无论是什么样的人来,我们也绝不会泄露出任何情报。如果泄露了的话我们愿意负起责任」
  329. “I trust you. First are the High Priests of the God of Fire and the God of Wind. There will be four other priests with them.”
  330. 「我相信你们。首先是火之神殿的神官长,风之神殿的神官长。其余还有同行的四名神官」
  332. “I see. Then, we’ll be on guard for anyone besides these people.”
  333. 「原来如此。那么除此之外的人来的时候就警戒着吧」
  335. “Ah, please do. This VIP room was segregated from the other VIP rooms during its construction. I doubt anyone will get lost and wander here by accident.”
  336. 「啊,就是这样。这个贵宾室在建造的时候就与其他贵宾室隔离了开来。应该没有人会不小心迷路到这里来的」
  338. “Understood… Also, is it all right if we break the lock on the doors, Your Majesty?”
  339. 「了解了……还有,陛下,门上的锁破坏掉也没关系吧?」
  341. “You may destroy them if you see fit.”
  342. 「你们觉得有必要的话,破坏也没有关系」
  344. Fan stepped forward. A sinewy, scratchy sound came from his hands, which clutched the hilts of his battleaxes with a force that no human could match. It seemed a bit excessive just to break a lock, but Jircniv was no warrior, and had no room to comment.
  345. 走上前去的是方。手上握着的战斧柄上发出了咯吱咯吱的以人类不可能的握力发出的声音。虽然对于破坏一把锁来说投入的力量有点过多了,但是不是战士的吉克尼夫也说不了什么。
  347. However, the two members of the Four Knights had surprised looks on their faces as they spoke quietly to each other. That got Jircniv’s attention.
  348. 只是,由于两名四骑士也露出了不可思议地神情、在小声地交谈着。这点令吉克尼夫稍微有点在意而已。
  350. Fan slowly raised his battleaxes.
  352. “--Ah, you can’t break the doors.”
  353. 「——啊,门是不能破坏的哦」
  355. Fan stopped halfway as he heard Freivartz speak. Jircniv’s brows furrowed.
  356. 听到弗赖瓦尔兹的发言,方停下了动作。吉克尼夫也不由地皱起了眉头。
  358. “Why not? Weren’t we going with the plan of ‘Oh, we were planning to break the lock, but we wrecked the door too, what a shame, why don’t we come in as well?’ or something?”
  359. 「……为啥呢?这不是『本来只是想破坏锁的,结果不小心连门也破坏了。真是不好意思。但是机会难得,就让我们也一起加入吧』作战吗?」
  361. “Don’t do that this time. I don’t want to get involved in that complex political stuff.”
  362. 「这回就不要这么做了吧。我不想沾上错综复杂的政治关系」
  364. “Indeed. This humble monk does not wish to be even more hated by the temples.”
  365. 「没错。贫僧也不想更加被神殿势力更加敌视了」
  367. “All right. Then this much should be enough.
  368. 「了解呢。那么就这种程度吧」
  370. Fan gently swung his battle axe, and effortlessly broke the lock.
  371. 方轻轻一挥,战斧和锁相撞,非常轻松地就把锁给破坏了。
  373. He should have been speechless. Or perhaps he should have been displeased. Perhaps he should have felt many things, but all Jircniv felt was impressed. It made him think, as expected of an adamantite-ranked adventurer.
  374. 是该觉得无语呢。还是说该觉得不快呢。虽说或许会有各种各样的反应,但是吉克尼夫所感到的却只是钦佩。让人觉得真不愧是精钢级冒险者。
  376. He was not impressed by how he could so easily break a lock with a battleaxe, but by the sheer audacity of openly saying such things in front of the highest authority in this country. In addition, there was the arrogance it took to declare that they were willing to ignore the wishes of their client -- who was also the most powerful man in the country -- in order to do the best job they could.
  377. 并不是对于用战斧轻易就把锁破坏这样的事,而是在这个国家最高权力者面前,堂堂正正地说这种话的胆量。以及只要能够将接下的任务给最好的达成,即使是作为依赖人的最高权力者的请求都敢无视的傲慢。
  379. These were the things that Jircniv now lacked.
  380. 这些正是现在的吉克尼夫所失去的东西。
  382. “...I might as well drag them all into the mud of bureaucracy so they can’t escape.”
  383. 「……干脆把这些家伙完全扯进政治的泥潭中,让他们无法逃脱吧」
  385. Just as Jircniv quietly mumbled that, the members of Silver Canaries left like fleeing >rabbits, as though they had arranged it from the beginning.
  386. 正当吉克尼夫这么小声嘀咕的瞬间,银系鸟成员们便如同脱兔一般离开了房间。那动作简直就像是事先约好一般。
  388. The only people left with Jircniv and the two knights, who looked at each other.
  389. 只剩下三人的吉克尼夫他们,互相看了看彼此。
  391. “That was impressive. They worked together so closely without saying a word. ...Perhaps that was just par for the course? They’re adamantite-ranked because they can do that.”
  392. 「那还真是厉害啊。居然能在没有任何交流的情况下如此团结一致地行动……呀咧呀咧,该说不愧是吗。能够做到那样的才是精钢啊」
  394. “...Well, I don’t know what to say. Though, it might not be quite right to admire them… Your Majesty, should we prepare drinks?”
  395. 「……虽然不知道该说什么好。但是你佩服的地方好像稍微有点不太对啊……陛下,需要开始准备饮品了吗?」
  397. “We should. Sorry about that. Can you help me with the preparations?”
  398. 「也是。抱歉啊。能够开始准备起来了吗?」
  400. “Understood. Then, come help out too, Baziwood-dono.”
  401. 「遵命。那么巴杰德阁下也来帮忙吧」
  403. Baziwood frowned at the suggestion.
  405. “Eh? Me too? Your Majesty, we should have brought a maid along, shouldn’t we? Our guests would probably find the drinks tastier if a girl were serving them. I mean, I know I would.”
  406. 「咦? 我也? 陛下—。果然还是该带个女仆来的吧?客人们也会觉得,比起脏兮兮的大叔准备的饮料,还是女性准备的更好喝的吧。换我的话绝对会这样觉得哦」
  408. “Yes, yes. Enough complaining. Baziwood-dono, please be extra careful.”
  409. 「好了好了。牢骚就发到这里吧,巴杰德阁下,还请以发牢骚的数倍勤劳来动手」
  411. “Please, Baziwood. There’s no point wishing for what we can’t get. We have to work with what we have. Just like the Empire.”
  412. 「拜托你了哦,巴杰德。没有的东西也没有办法。只能让在这儿的人想办法解决了。就像现在的帝国一样」
  414. “That analogy could use some work, Your Majesty,” Baziwood said as he busied himself with the preparations.
  415. 「这个比喻可一点也不够高明啊。陛下」巴杰德这样说着,也开始帮忙准备。
  417. Cries of encouragement rang out from the Colosseum below, and there were howls which sounded slightly different from those of wild beasts.
  418. 下方的斗技场传来了观众们的声援的声音,也听到了和野兽稍微有点不同的雄叫。
  420. The next match had already started.
  421. 下一场比赛似乎开始了。
  423. Jircniv searched his memories.
  424. 吉克尼夫探索起记忆。
  426. The match before the Martial Lord’s was apparently between adventurers and monsters. Matches where adventurers fought were quite popular with the audience, because it was more likely that they would be flashy affairs laced with magical explosions and the like.
  427. 武王出场的前一战似乎是冒险者与怪物的战斗。冒险者在斗技场出场的话,因为会有魔法之类的爆裂的原因华丽战斗比较多,在观众中的人气很高。
  429. Jircniv felt very touched as he looked down on the heated intensity below him, and he said
  430. 看着狂热地骚动着的民众,吉克尼夫十分感慨地说道。
  432. “What a peaceful sight.”
  433. 「真是和平的光景呐」
  435. “Really, Your Majesty?”
  436. 「是这样吗,陛下?」
  438. As he wondered why someone was responding to his self-directed mutterings, Jircniv turned to see Baziwood standing before him. Nimble had a look of annoyance on his face as he handled Baziwood’s share of the work as well.
  439. 还想着自己的自言自语怎么会有人回答的呢,转头向身旁看去发现巴杰德正并排站着。身后宁布尔则露出一副不满的脸色、连巴杰德份的工作也一并准备着。
  441. “Doesn’t seem peaceful to me at all. Just look.”
  442. 「看起来完全不像是和平的光景呐,你看」
  444. One of the adventurers had been gashed by a bestial monster, and blood flew through the air. The audience wailed and shouted their encouragement.
  445. 冒险者中的一人受到兽型怪物的爪击,血光飞舞。观众们响起了大声的悲鸣和声援。
  447. “I didn’t mean the fight, I meant the audience.”
  448. 「不是说比赛内容。而是观众们啊」
  450. Jircniv looked over the loudly-shouting crowd.
  451. 吉克尼夫眺望着大声呼喊着的观众们。
  453. “Is this not a peaceful sight, compared to the situation which the Empire is in? If the people knew the sort of monsters which lurked under that thin, fragile layer of skin, do you think they could enjoy themselves like this?”
  454. 「和现在帝国身处的状况比起来,不觉得是十分和平的光景吗?如果民众知道在薄薄的一层皮之下存在着怪物,还能够这样享受吗」
  456. “But isn’t peace good? There’s no point letting the people go around with aching bellies, is there?”
  457. 「和平不是很好吗? 让平民们都怀抱着胃疼的心情也没有用,不是吗?」
  459. Baziwood was right.
  460. 巴杰德的话语是正确的。
  462. Jircniv deeply regretted the pointless words he had spoken.
  463. 吉克尼夫为说了无意义的话语而感到后悔。
  465. “You’re right, Baziwood. Then, it’s almost time. What about the preparations?”
  466. 「就像你说的一样啊,巴杰德。那么,差不多到了对方来的时间了。准备的怎么样了?」
  468. “Yes, Your Majesty. I was a bit worried we would not make it in time because somebody was not helping out, but the drinks and paper are all laid out. So is the ink.”
  469. 「是的,陛下。虽然因为某人不肯帮忙的原因,本来还有点担心来不及的呢。但是饮品和纸的准备都已经完成了。墨水也十分充足」
  471. The astounding quantity of ink and paper was in case someone was eavesdropping on the VIP room. Although he felt that the cheering was loud enough and this room was distant enough from the others for that not to be a problem, and listening alone could only get one so much, it did not hurt to be redundantly prepared.
  472. 准备了惊人数量的纸张是因为警戒贵宾室内会被窃听。虽然认为在欢呼声很大、也没有临近房间的这个场所,要光靠声音来听取的方法很有限,但反复注意总不是坏事。
  474. He knew it was very troublesome. He had done this before in the Imperial City, but this was really very tiring.
  475. 知道这很麻烦。虽然在帝城内也做过相同的事,但这真的非常累人。
  477. The reason he had gone to such convoluted lengths was because the might of the Sorcerous Kingdom was an unknown value.
  478. 而之所以会做这样繁琐的事,全都因为魔导国的力量是个未知数。
  480. If he knew what they could and could not do, their response might have changed.
  481. 如果知道他们能什么做到什么,做不到什么,对应方法也能有所改变吧。
  483. He had planned to use the war to mount an investigation, but it had ended in a truly horrific manner, leading to a terrible tragedy. Still, he could not completely give up on his investigations. He thought of other methods, but if they were no safer than before, then he could only tremble before the enemy’s shadow. But even if he did get any results, even if he did uncover any actionable methods, he might end up being paralyzed by that same shadow to the point where he might as well give up.
  484. 先前意图藉由战争进行调查,却以实在太过严重的结果收尾。产生了巨大的悲剧。但也不能因此而放弃全部的调查方法,设计了其它手段、如果不比起前一次更加安全的调查的话就只能在敌人的影子下害怕。可结果有何呢,就算能够收集到了可行的手段,却又因为害怕其阴影就会陷入了不得不将其放弃的现状。
  486. No, he could not forget that heat that passed through his throat.
  487. 不过,穿过喉咙的那份灼热不能够被忘记。
  489. “Ainz Ooal Gown -- if I knew the limits of the Sorcerer King’s power, I might not have needed to go this far.
  490. 「安兹·乌尔·恭——如果能知道魔導王力量的极限的话,可能也没有必要准备这么多了吧」
  492. At that point, he had asked him to help as a collaborator, but now that he was a king and a peer, asking him for help was nearly impossible. No, he could ask for help, but the potential price of such aid made his head ache.
  493. 那个时候是以协助者的立场请他帮助、但是已成为对等的王的现在要让他帮助近于不可能。不、虽然可以请求,但是一想到不知道他会做出什么样的对价要求就感到头痛。
  495. “It’s not just the Sorcerer King, Your Majesty. It’s pretty bad as long as we don’t know what his vassals can do, right?”
  496. 「不只是魔导王呢,陛下。如果不知道那些家臣们能够办得到什么的话,不是也很不妙吗?」
  498. “That’s correct.”
  499. 「你说的没错啊」
  501. “...What if those subordinates are stronger than the Sorcerer King himself?”
  502. 「……那些部下中应该不会有比魔导王更强的人吧?」
  504. “How could that be? That’s impossible, right?”
  505. 「怎么可能,不会有这种事的吧?」
  507. Jircniv broke into a cold sweat at that answer.
  508. 如此回答的吉克尼夫不禁冒出了冷汗。
  510. As he reflected on the fact that the Four Knights were stronger than him -- and that they were his subordinates -- he could not bring himself to say that it was impossible. One who stood above others did not need pure physical strength, but other things.
  511. 考虑到将远比自己更强的四骑士作为部下的自己,不可能之类的话根本说不出来。在上位的人需要的不是单纯的腕力之类的力量,而是一些其他的东西。
  513. What if Ainz Ooal Gown was like that?
  514. 那么如果安兹·乌尔·恭也是这样的話?
  516. “--No, it can’t be. Listen, Nimble. Your thinking is wrong. Understood?”
  517. 「——不、不可能。听好,宁布尔。你的想法是错误的,明白了吗?」
  519. “Yes! Sorry, Your Majesty.”
  520. 「是的!很抱歉,陛下」
  522. If that were really the case, then they were finished. He hoped that at the very most, those subordinates would be equal to the Sorcerer King -- and Jircniv was desperately praying to the gods that they would be weaker than him.
  523. 如果事实真的是那样的话就无计可施了,最差也和魔导王旗鼓相当——哪怕要让吉克尼夫向神许愿也好,希望在那之下。
  525. They did not know enough, after all.
  526. 果然情报不足。
  528. I guess we should continue that plan of trying to learn something from that Dark Elf girl, with the knowledge that it could be dangerous. Granted, we can’t buy a lot of slaves from the Theocracy, but maybe that method could… Or perhaps trying the boy (Aura) would be better? No, he looks too young, so using women on him probably won’t work. Besides, he looks very spirited.
  529. (从暗精灵少女那里打探情报的的计划,果然还是应该抱着危险继续执行吗。虽然不能从教国那里买到大量的森精灵,但以此作为手段或许能……。还是说少年[亚乌菈]那一边比较好吗?不、看起来还太年幼了使用女色的话不认为会管用啊,而且看起来也很强气的样子)
  531. Just as Jircniv settled in for a long contemplation, a knocking came from the door.
  532. 正道吉克尼夫即将进入漫长的思考时,敲门声响了起来。
  534. The three men looked at each other, and then Nimble went to open the door.
  535. 三人的视线交汇,宁布尔作为代表将门打了开来。
  537. As expected, Freivartz was there.
  538. 在那里出现的是预期中的弗赖瓦尔兹。
  540. “Your Majesty, the guests have arrived. There are six people in total and I’ve met the High Priests before, so I believe it’s them.”
  541. 「陛下是来客,人数总共为六人,神官长大人曾经会面过,所以我认为是他们没有错」
  543. “Then, please come in--”
  544. 「那么进来吧——」
  546. Just as he said that, Seyde chipped in.
  547. 就在这么说的时候,门的对面传来了瑟迪盘问的声音。
  549. “Whoa, whoa hang on a tick, you guys in the back. Numbers add up, but something’s off? The two of you in the back feel like me. So, you’re from the punishment squad of the temples -- the ones who kill apostate priests? I thought you guys were just supposed to be boogeymen?”
  550. 「哦妥、请等一下吧,后面的大人们。虽然数量是符合的,可不知是怎么回事呢。后面有两人感觉和我有相似的气味呢。神殿直属的惩罚部队——我还以为抹杀打破戒律的神官的存在只是一种传闻呢?」
  552. “This humble monk is quite surprised too.”
  553. 「贫僧也很惊讶啊」
  555. “Whose people are you?”
  556. 「你们,是谁的手下」
  558. “Good grief, how troublesome. It would have been fine if you had just let us pass without incident… Firstly, you are mistaken. I -- no, we have a good reason to be here. Namely, because the Emperor invited us. He’ll be unhappy if you show hostility to us, you know.”
  559. 「呀咧呀咧,还真是让人困扰呢。如果什么都不说让我们通过就好了……首先你好像误会了,我——不、我们是有正当的理由,而被皇帝陛下传唤来的。如果对我们展现敌意的话可是会让他不高兴的哦」
  561. “H--m. Okay, so could you wait there for a bit? Let me check if you guys are telling the truth here.”
  562. 「呼—嗯。那么在那里稍微等一下也是可以的吧?先让我们确认一下。你们说的是真是假」
  564. He let Jircniv see their faces. There was the High Priest of the Fire God, the High Priest of the Wind God, as well as four others he had not seen before. They wore dark-colored hoods which prevented him from seeing their full faces, and that was the most suspicious part.
  565. 让吉克尼夫看他们的面孔后,有火之神官长、风之神官长以及后面的没见过的四人。披戴着深色风帽而没法看到面孔的全部,没有比这更叫人怀疑的。
  567. Since this was the first time they had met, there was no guarantee that they actually were emissaries of the Theocracy. However, since the High Priests were there as well, things would not be able to progress if he did not believe them. The Sorcerer King would be the only one who benefited from any internal disputes which resulted.
  568. 因为是第一次见面,没办法保证他们是否真的是教国的使者。但是、既然神官长也在,不相信的话事情就没法进行了。如果起争执导致破局的话,会高兴的也就只有魔导王了吧。
  570. “They are the guests I was waiting for. Sorry, but could you let them in?”
  571. 「他们正是是我所等的客人没错,抱歉能让他们通过了吗?」
  573. The members of Silver Canary had shocked looks on their faces, but they still let them pass.
  574. 虽然银丝鸟成员的脸上都露出了讶异的神情,但还是让他们全员通过。
  576. Even after the doors were closed, they did not lower their hoods.
  577. 即使身后的门被关上,他们似乎也没有将风帽取下的打算。
  579. Jircniv did not say anything about this impolite behavior. They were probably just as wary as Jircniv was, and the object of their mutual caution was the Sorcerer King.
  580. 对于这种没礼貌的做法,吉克尼夫也没有多说什么。正如吉克尼夫在警戒一样,他们也正在警戒着吧。而警戒的对象自然是魔导王。
  582. “It seems my guards have inconvenienced you. I apologize.”
  583. 「我的护卫带给你们添麻烦了,真是很抱歉」
  585. “Please, pay it no heed. The truth is, those adamantite-ranked adventurers were right about the two people in the back.
  586. 「请不要在意,实际上后面的两人就有如那边的精钢级冒险者所看透的那样」
  588. The two emissaries of the Theocracy took a seat, while the other two stood at attention behind them.
  589. 两名教国的使者坐在座位上,剩下两人则在其身后保持着直立。
  591. Jircniv wrote the word “Scripture” on the sheet of paper he had. His response was a faint smile, but it spoke more than any words could. The Theocracy’s special forces were known as the Scriptures, so they must have come from one of the Six Scriptures.
  592. 吉克尼夫使用持有的纸张写下「圣典」的文字,虽然对此的响应只有微微一笑,但比起言语更能诉说那是正确的。在教国存在着拥有以圣典为名的特殊部队群,一定是那六色圣典中的哪一支没有错。
  594. “Then, why don’t we enjoy the fight first? The main event is about to begin, is it not?”
  595. 「那么、比起那个就让我们好好地享受观战吧?主要的比赛现在才刚要开始,没错吧」
  597. Jircniv nodded to that question.
  598. 对于这个问题吉克尼夫点了点头。
  600. The main event was when the excitement of the crowd reached its peak, and so the noise intensified. This would make eavesdropping very difficult, which was why he had chosen this time and this place.
  601. 主要的比赛将让观众的兴奋达到最高潮,为此声音会变白非常吵闹。这应该会使窃听变得非常困难才对,正因为如此才会选择这个时间以及这个场所的。
  603. The emissary from the Slaine Theocracy produced a document and handed it to Jircniv.
  604. 坐在旁边的教国使者从怀中取出信件交给了吉克尼夫。
  606. Jircniv carefully revealed the document, so as not to let it be seen from the back or the sides, and saw several questions there.
  607. 吉克尼夫以不被旁边或后面偷窥般的将信件小小地打开,在那里写着的是几个问题。
  609. Simply put, they were asking why he had asked the Sorcerer King to use that spell.
  610. 简单地说,就是为什么对魔导王请求使用那样的魔法呢。
  612. Then, they asked about the Emperor’s position on the matter.
  613. 之后是今后帝国的立场。
  615. About how much they knew about the Sorcerous Kingdom.
  616. 关于魔导国的情报掌握到什么程度呢。
  618. It was couched in the most diplomatic of terms, but it was still a questionnaire.
  619. 文章虽然写的非常有礼貌,但简约来说是质问书。
  621. While the could have simply mailed it to him, the reason why he had managed to get them all the way here was because they feared the reach of the Sorcerous Kingdom’s arms. Or perhaps it was because they did not trust the Empire.
  622. 虽然只要信件先送来就行,但在这里才好不容易交出的原因恐怕是教国也在警戒魔导国的胳臂的长度吧。又或者是因为他们并信任帝国呢。
  624. Dissatisfaction welled up in Jircniv’s breast. However, when he recalled their relationship with the Sorcerous Kingdom, it was only natural that they would not trust them at all.
  625. 吉克尼夫在胸中涌上些微的不快感。但之所以教国那一方会不信赖帝国的原因,回想起至今与魔导国的交际之后会变成这样也是当然的吧。
  627. Jircniv filled in his answers just as a round of cheering went up. It would seem the match was about to begin.
  628. 吉克尼夫将回答写在纸上后,响起了一阵特别大的欢呼声,看来比赛开始了的样子。
  630. “Before this grand bout, let me call your attention to Emperor El-Nix, who has come to spectate the battle! Ladies and gentlemen, please look to the VIP room above you!”
  631. 「在这场最盛大的比试前,艾尔=尼克斯皇帝陛下也将前来观战。各位,请抬头看看上面的贵宾室!」
  633. It was the announcer’s voice, amplified by a magic item.
  634. 响起了经过魔法道具增幅后的、司仪的声音。
  636. “Excuse me.”
  637. 「失礼」
  639. Jircniv rose, so the audience below him could see his face.
  640. 吉克尼夫站立起来,为了让当下的观众们能够看的到他的面孔。
  642. The people cheered as one for Jircniv. Jircniv turned his handsome face to the people, and smiled silently to them. The women began shrieking for him, and Jircniv felt quite satisfied that his popularity had not yet waned.
  643. 市民们一齐传出了赞扬吉克尼夫的欢呼声。吉克尼夫以他端正的相貌对市民们举起手,并回以沉静的微笑。从女性们那里发出了尖叫声,吉克尼夫对于自己的人气没有衰退这件事感到了满足。
  645. “Thank you very much! Then, next up, ladies and gentlemen, the long-awaited battle with the Martial Lord! The preparations will take a while, so please be patient.”
  646. 「非常感谢!那么、接下来各位、现在即将开始期待已久的武王的一战。将会花费少许的准备时间,请各位稍作等候」
  648. “The Martial Lord, huh,” Jircniv muttered.
  649. 武王吗、吉克尼夫如此低语。
  651. Jircniv had once asked Baziwood about letting all the Four Knights battle the Martial Lord. He had laughed and said they had no chance of winning. The answer worried him, so he let Fluder gather some information about the Martial Lord. The results showed that the Martial Lord was a being that was so powerful that it was unfair.
  652. 以前吉克尼夫有向巴杰德问过,若让四骑士全员与武王战斗的话会如何呢。那时候他笑着回答没有胜算。对那回答感到忧虑,于是让夫路达收集了关于武王的情报。而得到的结果,武王是简直强到无耻的存在。
  654. “Still, who is the Martial Lord fighting, Your Majesty?”
  655. 「但是陛下,与武王战斗的究竟是谁呢?」
  657. The question from the emissary was an obvious one. The fact was, Jircniv did not have an answer for him.
  658. 从使者那里发出理所当然的疑问,事实上吉克尼夫也并没有关于那个的答案。
  660. “I’m not too sure myself. This match with the Martial Lord seems to have been hastily decided and did not appear on the program either, for secrecy’s sake.”
  661. 「我也不清楚,这次武王的一战似乎是仓卒决定的,为了话题性而极为保密的样子,在行程表里也没有写呢」
  663. “I see,” the emissary replied.
  664. 原来如此、使者如是说。
  666. “Well, anyone who could go one on one with the Martial Lord must be an adamantite-ranked adventurer. However, Silver Canary is here, so it must be someone from Eight Ripples. Honestly, I really can’t approve of exhibition matches with a chance of killing one of the rare adamantite-ranked adventurers.”
  667. 「嘛啊,能够与武王单挑的人大概也就是精钢级冒险者吧。但是银丝鸟的人们在这里,那么就是八重涟中的哪一人吧。说真的,这种可能会让稀少的精钢级冒险者死亡的战斗,我实在是难以赞同让他们参加这种演出战斗呢」
  669. “I cannot completely refute that, but the fact is that strength is attractive. This place is probably best suited for letting the people see an example of overwhelming power and giving them a dream of making it their own.”
  670. 「虽然没有办法完全否定,但强度就是魅力。让他們看到狂暴般的力量、使他们拥有自己想变得与他们一样的梦想,这样的场所或许才是最合适的吧」
  672. The man who interrupted was the High Priest of the God of Fire -- in other words, the highest-ranking member of the God of Fire’s faith.
  673. 插嘴的是侍奉火神的神官长——在帝国是火神信仰的最高权力者。
  675. “That said, after considering the Empire’s present condition, it’s possible that it might end up lowering its military strength. The Martial Lord is the Empire’s mightiest being. Why not enlist him into your forces?”
  676. 「可话虽这么说,考虑到帝国的现状的话,可能会造成战力低下的行为实在是。武王是帝国最强的存在。不能将他也卷入进来吗?」
  678. “...To think someone like you would actually say something like that.”
  679. 「……像您这样的人,居然会说出这种话」
  681. The Slaine Theocracy was a human-centric country. No, it would be better to say that they looked down on the countries of other races.
  682. 斯连教国是重视人类的国家。不、该说是不承认其它种族的国家才比较正确吧。
  684. They were a nation that could still exist in a world filled with various races after advertising that fact. One had to hand it to them. Or rather, one could say that uniting a species was a condition of building a strong nation.
  685. 在这个各种不同种族存在的世界里,让他国知道这个事实之后,还能够继续维持国家。不得不说真不愧是他们啊。又或者说单一种族的统一,才是构筑强国的条件吗。
  687. “That’s just my personal opinion. It doesn’t reflect on my country. Well, that’s enough chit-chat for now, Your Majesty. Can I have your reply?
  688. 「这只是我个人提出的想法罢了。与国家没有关系。那么闲话就聊到这里吧,陛下。我能够得到您的回复吗?」
  690. “Indeed. Then--”
  691. 「也是呢,那就——」
  693. “--The wait is over, ladies and gentlemen! Introducing our challenger!”
  694. 「——那么,让各位久等了。现在开始就有请挑战者入场!」
  696. Jircniv’s hand stopped as he was about to write the answer to the first question. This was because he was curious about the challenger, who was brave enough to issue a challenge to that Martial Lord. Being acknowledged as a challenger meant that he must be able to put up quite a fight. Did anyone like that still exist in the Empire?
  697. 将笔举起、在想要书写最初的提问的答案之时吉克尼夫停下了手。这是出于对有勇气,对那个武王发起挑战的挑战者所涌起的好奇心。被承认为挑战者这件事就代表,他最少也能够进行程度相当的比赛吧。那样的人在这个帝国里面还有吗。
  699. If he was outstanding enough and was willing to serve the Empire, he would employ him even if he lost. Depending on how things went, he might end up giving him the seat on the Four Knights that “The Immovable” had left empty after his death.
  700. 如果够优秀、而且也有侍奉帝国的想法的话,就算败北也不是不能采用他。根据情况,将“不动”死后就空缺着的、帝国四骑士之一的席位交付于他也是可以的吧。
  702. “..The name of the challenger may well be known to many in the audience. That great man has come to grace us today! I give you, the Sorcerer King of the Sorcerous Kingdom, His Majesty! Ainz! Ooal! Gown!”
  703. 「……挑战者的名号,恐怕在座的很多人听过其传闻吧。而那位大人现在来到了这个现场!魔导国国王安兹·乌尔·恭陛下!」
  705. “--Haaaah?”
  706. 「——哈啊?」
  708. That sound of utter stupefaction escaped from Jircniv.
  709. 吉克尼夫不禁发出呆泄的声音。
  711. He did not understand the announcer’s words as they buried themselves into his brain.
  712. 司仪所言之意并没有得到理解,便从脑袋中直接穿了过去。
  714. Confusion filled the Colosseum, and the VIP room was deathly silent.
  715. 竞技场陷入困惑之中,贵宾室里就只有寂静。
  717. Jircniv looked around him, and he was sure that everyone had heard the same thing.
  718. 吉克尼夫环视周边,确信了每个人都与自己听到了相同的内容。
  720. “Ainz Ooal Gown?”
  721. 「安兹·乌尔·恭?」
  723. --Impossible.
  724. (——这不可能)
  726. Of course it was impossible. The leader of a country could not possibly appear in a gladiatorial match in another country. This was obvious to anyone with common sense. It was not as though he was a barbarian.
  727. 这是当然的。一国之君根本不可能出现在他国的斗剑比试中。这对于有常识的人来说是理所当然的事。又不是哪来的蛮族。
  729. In the first place, they had been keeping an eye on the Sorcerous Kingdom’s movements. If the Sorcerer King had entered the Empire, that matter would have reached Jircniv’s ears immediately. It would have been an absolute top priority matter. He had arranged to have that news reach him whether he was in his harem or in some other place.
  730. 而且说到底,这边一直有留意着魔导国的动向。如果魔导王进入帝国的话,这件事便会立即传入吉克尼夫耳中,属于最优先级别的事项。无论吉克尼夫身处后宫,还是处在什么别的状况下,都做好了让情报优先传达到位的安排。
  732. If that news had not reached him despite all these efforts, that meant--
  733. 明明是这样这则情报却没有被传到自己这里,这也就意味着——
  735. He secretly entered the country? Why would anyone do that? And he came to the Colosseum? What on earth is he think-- what? Could it be? Is it that how it is? This… how is this possible?
  736. (秘密入国?通常会怎么做吗?而且还是斗技场?到底在想什——什?该不会?是那样吗?这……怎可能?)
  738. Jircniv’s body shuddered uncontrollably.
  739. 吉克尼夫的身体不住的颤抖了起来。
  741. Then, he shifted his line of sight alone to look at the emissaries from the Slaine Theocracy.
  742. 然后只移动视线,看向了斯连教国来的使者们。
  744. Their eyes were keen under their hoods, and the looks in those eyes said only one thing. No, in all likelihood, Jircniv would have reached the same conclusion if he were in their shoes.
  745. 风帽之下的眼神相当锐利。而那视线所表达的意思就只有一个。不,如果立场相反的的话,吉克尼夫也会得出与他们同样的答案吧。
  747. They were thinking: Jircniv called the Sorcerer King here.
  748. 他们会认为、将魔导王叫来的正是吉克尼夫。
  750. “Please wait. This is a trap!
  751. 「请等一下。这是陷阱!」
  753. Indeed.
  754. 没错。
  756. All this was a conspiracy of Ainz Ooal Gown. If they did not understand that -- no, if could not accept that, the situation would become very dire.
  757. 这一切都是安兹·乌尔·恭的谋略。不让他们理解这一点、不对,若是不能让他們接受这一点的話,会变得非常糟糕。
  759. “A trap of the Sorcerous Kingdom? Or something else? After all, this place was specified by you, Your Majesty, and we only learned about this a few hours ago.”
  760. 「是魔导国的?又或者说是?毕竟这可是陛下指定的场所呢,而且传达我们这件事也不过是在数小时前」
  762. That was correct. He had been keeping everything hidden until the last moment in order to reduce the risk of information leaking out.
  763. 确实是那样没有错,为了尽可能减少情报泄露的风险,而将其一直隐瞒极限前的那一刻。
  765. Jircniv desperately tried to recall who knew about this matter. The number was very small, and all of them were reliable people. Or was that really the case?
  766. 吉克尼夫拼命的回想起知道这则情报的人。数量非常少,而且还都是一些值得信任的人。可事实又真的是那样吗。
  768. No--
  769. 不——
  771. “--It’s possible that the information was extracted through magical domination. This is definitely not a part of my plan. This is the proof. If I had set this trap, would I be so panicked right now?”
  772. 「——有被魔法支配后,将情报抽出来的可能性。这绝对不是我所计划的。你看作为证据,如果是我设的陷阱的话,我不可能会这么慌张的吧!?」
  774. “You expect us to believe that? Are you doing this to draw us in? Or perhaps, to sell us out?!”
  775. 「您要我相信那样的说辞?不是为了将我们卷进去吗?又或者说是为了出卖我们」
  777. They did not trust him at all.
  778. 没有获得哪怕一点的信任。
  780. No, that was to be expected. Jircniv would be castigating them if he were in their place.
  781. 不、这是当然的。如果换做是吉克尼夫的话,也做出同样的谴责吧。
  783. Still, where was the leak? No, did it really leak? Could it be all this was all within the palm of his hand? He set out the bait, and waited for me to take the hook--
  784. (但是,究竟情报是从哪里泄露的?不,真是泄露的吗?莫非这一切全都在他的股掌之中?洒出诱饵,然后等待上钩——)
  786. Suddenly , a chill wind blew across his back.
  787. 突然后背掠过一阵恶寒。
  789. How many of his actions had the Sorcerer King predicted?
  790. 魔导王到底将我方的行动预知到什么地步呢。
  792. It was very possible that everything that had happened until now was part of his plan.
  793. 从最初开始到现在所发生的一切,全都在其计算中的可能性非常的高。
  795. The Sorcerer King is such an opponent, Jircniv’s brilliant mind concluded.
  796. 魔导王就是那样的对手,吉克尼夫的明晰头脑得出了结论。
  798. How elaborate was his scheme, anyway? No, now’s not the time to be afraid of his cunning! If I don’t act quickly--!
  799. (这到底推敲了多少计划啊!不,现在不是为那家伙的智谋感到恐惧的时候!不快一点的话!)
  801. “No good, we have to leave now--”
  802. 「不妙,得快一点从这里——」
  804. However, it was too late.
  805. 但是,太迟了。
  807. The intruder’s voice was like that of a hunter who had seen his prey fall into a carefully-laid trap.
  808. 新的闯入者发出声音,那犹如看着猎物落入设好的陷阱、而心满意足的猎人般的声音。
  810. “Jircniv Rune Farlord El-Nix-dono. It has been a while.”
  811. 「吉克尼夫·伦·法洛德·艾尔=尼克斯阁下,好久不見了啊」
  813. As he struggled to control his panicked breathing, he saw the form of the Sorcerer King, who had ascended from the heart of the arena to the same height as that of the VIP room.
  814. 一边拼命地控制住慌乱的气息一边回头,出现在那里的是、从斗技场中心上升到贵宾室高度的魔导王的身影。
  816. He brazenly displayed that disquieting face of his. It must have been to let everyone know that it was the man himself.
  817. 坦然地露出那个令人不愉快的真面目。一定是为了让人知道那是他本人吧。
  819. “Dur, dur-- huu. The same to you, Gown-dono. I did not think I would meet you in a place like this.”
  820. 「笔、笔齿——呼哼。彼此彼此,恭阁下。没有想到竟会在这样的地方与您相会……」
  822. He had no idea what to say. Just about anything he said might be held against him. However, Jircniv’s lips would not open, as though they had been glued shut.
  823. 不知道该说什么才好,毕竟无论说些什么都可能会被当成是证据吧。但吉克尼夫的嘴唇就有如粘上了浆糊似得开不了口。
  825. “The feeling is mutual. What a coincidence!”
  826. 「对此我也深有同感,这可真是无巧不成书啊」
  828. “Kuku,” the Sorcerer King laughed evilly. It was very obvious he did not think it was a coincidence at all.
  829. 库库地魔导王露出了邪恶的笑声。很明显他一点也没有觉得偶然。
  831. It was definitely not a coincidence.
  832. 绝对有没错。
  834. Jircniv was certain that all this was part of Ainz Ooal Gown’s scheme.
  835. 吉克尼夫这么确信到,这一切全都是安兹·乌尔·恭的策略。
  837. By taking control of the secret talks with the Theocracy, he would apply pressure on both Jircniv and the Theocracy and prevent them from allying with each other.
  838. 在控制住与教国密谈的同时,给予吉克尼夫压力并阻止两国同盟,也同时向教国施压。
  840. He was a truly twisted genius.
  841. 这才是真正的鬼才。
  843. He wiped his sweaty palms on his clothes.
  844. 用衣服拭去从手掌中渗出的汗水。
  846. A lot of information must have leaked out. The question was, how much of it did this fellow know?
  847. 这边的情报肯定已经泄露出不少了吧。但问题是,这家伙到底掌握了何种程度。
  849. Just as Jircniv was struggling to think, the hateful lights in the Sorcerer King’s eyesockets turned to regard the Theocracy’s emissaries.
  850. 而就在吉克尼夫拼命地回转起头脑的时候,魔导王眼窝中闪烁着的、令人生厌的灯火朝向了教国使者。
  852. “Friends of yours, Your Majesty?”
  853. 「那边几位也是陛下认识的人吗」
  855. Jircniv had no way of answering Ainz’s question.
  856. 对于安兹的质问,吉克尼夫根本无言以对。
  858. This was no simple question.
  859. 这可不是个简单的疑问。
  861. It was a test of his intentions.
  862. 而是思想检查。
  864. Would he lie to protect the people of the Theocracy, or sell them out, as a friend of the Sorcerous Kingdom?
  865. 是要庇护教国的人而说谎吗。还是作为魔导王的友方将他们出卖了呢。
  867. It was such a malicious scheme that Jircniv began feeling nauseous.
  868. 实在是太过毒辣了,这甚至令吉克尼夫的胸口泛起了呕吐感。
  870. That emotionless skull looked like it was twisted by evil. It must be mocking him, Jircniv, who could not speak.
  871. 感觉那没有表情的骸骨,就像是邪恶的扭曲了一样。那肯定是在嘲笑着,没办法开口说话的吉克尼夫吧。
  873. “What’s wrong? El-Nix -- no, Jircniv-dono. You look pale. Are you unwell?”
  874. 「怎么了?艾尔=尼克斯——不,吉克尼夫阁下。你看起来脸色很差,是不是身体微恙呢?」
  876. The fact that he sounded genuinely concerned first disgusted him, then terrified him. He felt like a small animal, squirming within a loving hand. As a human being, it was only natural to feel that terror wrapped up in that joy.
  877. 正因为听起来像是从心底感到担心的言语才令人讨厌,然后令人恐怖。彷佛是在疼爱在手中挣扎的小动物似得。会因包含了那喜悦的样子而感到恐怖,是身为人类理所当然会有的感情。
  879. “It, it’s fine, it’s nothing. I seem to have gotten a little dizzy from standing up so suddenly.”
  880. 「没、没事,没问题。似乎因为突然站起来有点晕眩的样子」
  882. “Is that so. Well, they say your body is your best asset, you’d best take care of it.”
  883. 「是吗,身体可是资本啊,要好好保重哟」
  885. Jircniv’s excused sounded very unnatural, but at least he had been let off. Was he waiting for the right moment to finish off his prey, or was he indulging his hobby of sadism? Or perhaps--
  886. 尽管吉克尼夫的借口很不自然,但之所以会放了他一马。是为了瞄准解决猎物的一瞬间吗,还是说他有嗜虐成性的浓烈嗜好呢,又或者说——
  888. “Then, would you gentlemen like to introduce yourselves? I am the Sorcerer King, Ainz Ooal Gown.”
  889. 「那么,能请这边几位来向我介绍一下自己吗?我是安兹·乌尔·恭魔导王」
  891. --Perhaps that was what he was aiming for.
  892. ——是想要这么说呢。
  894. Since he, as the leader of a country, had already stated his name, the other side could not retreat without saying a word. If they gave a false name, if the Sorcerer King learned their real names, how would he react then?
  895. 既然一国之君已经报上了自己的名号,对方就不可能一声不吭的退席。如果报上了假名,如果魔导王知道他们真正的名字,那时到底会有露出什么样的态度呢。
  897. Stop toying with us!!!
  898. (不要玩弄我们啊!!)
  900. His expression had not changed, or rather, that was because it was a skinless and fleshless skull. Not only did he not have eyes, the empty orbits of his eyes were occupied only by dancing crimson flames, from which no emotions could be read. Yet, Jircniv could feel that evil grin widening.
  901. 表情完全没有变化,倒不如说那完全是无皮也无肉的骸骨。不仅如此也没有眼睛,在深处的只有摇曳着的红色火焰,连哪怕一点感情也无法读出。吉克尼夫却能够明白,那邪恶笑容笑得更深了。
  903. “Thank you very much, and in truth we would have introduced ourselves as well. However, a dire emergency awaits us, so we must leave immediately. We shall inform Your Majesty about ourselves soon.”
  904. 「非常感谢,本来的话确实应当由我等来作自我介绍。可现在由于十万火急的紧急要事,我等不得不立即退席。关于我等的事就请稍后向陛下打听吧」
  906. The Theocracy’s emissaries rose from their seats.
  907. 教国的使者从座位上起身。
  909. “Is that so? What a shame. I do hope we will meet again. Please be well until then. Then, there is still the matter of the match, so please excuse me.”
  910. 「是吗,真是可惜啊,我们有缘再会吧。在那之前请保重吶。那么,由于我还有比试在身所以就此失礼」
  912. With those parting words of mockery (probably), the Sorcerer King descended.
  913. 说出大概是讽刺的离别话语后,魔导王便降了下去。
  915. As his shape vanished below, the Theocracy’s emissaries glared at Jircniv.
  916. 待他的身影一消失,教国使者便用锐利的眼光射向了吉克尼夫。
  918. “You set us up.”
  919. 「竟然算计我们」
  921. “No, I didn’t!”
  922. 「不、不是!」
  924. “You didn’t? No matter how you look at it, he knew everything about his place. Everything he has done is a clear mockery of a bunch of fools who are moving exactly as he has predicted. ...How much of this did you tell him? How many people were you going to betray to save your own country? You must have asked him to use that illogically destructive spell too, did you not?”
  925. 「不是在哪里。无论怎么看,那家伙都是知道这边的事的不是吗。那家伙的行动,明显是在调侃如自己预料般行动的愚者哦。……你到底交代到哪种程度了,为了守护自己的国家到底出卖了多少?恳求那家伙使用不合常理的破坏魔法,也是事实吧」
  927. Jircniv looked desperately to the priests for help.
  928. 吉克尼夫为了寻求帮助而看向神官们。
  930. However, he did not see suspicion and doubt there, but hostility and disappointment.
  931. 但在那两人眼里浮现出的感情并不是困惑和怀疑,而是敌意和失望。
  933. The Sorcerer King had struck a magnificent blow at the moment when it would have been most effective. It was one which would utterly cripple the Empire. It told the Empire that they had no choice left other than to betray humanity--
  934. 魔导王那、在最具有效果的时刻、打出的最完美的一击。那是足以让帝国体无完肤的一击。为了帝国知道事到如今除了背叛人类以外,他们已经没有别的道路可以选择了——。
  936. “Please believe me, I didn’t sell this information to him--”
  937. 「请你相信我,我绝对没有将情报卖给那家伙」
  939. “...Even if I did believe you, there’s no way you can deny the fact that your entire operation has been exposed. Your Majesty, I am sad to say that we will not be meeting again.”
  940. 「……就算我相信了,你也没有办法改变、情报被完全泄露出去的事实吧。皇帝陛下很遗憾,我们已经不会再见面了吧」
  942. After saying that, the Theocracy’s emissaries made to leave, followed by the priests.
  943. 教国的使者说出此话后便打算离开房间,接着则是神官们。
  945. “Please wait! I forbid you to leave this room until I hear your opinion!”
  946. 「等等!在让我听到你们的想法前,不许走出这个房间」
  948. Nimble and Baziwood drew their weapons and prepared to make their move.
  949. 宁布尔和巴杰德一边手持武器一边开始动作。
  951. As Jircniv struggled to restore some life to his shattered heart, he stared at the two High Priests. The Theocracy’s emissaries did not even look back as they left.
  952. 吉克尼夫一面振奋自己已挫断的心,一面定睛看向两位神官长。斯连教国的使者则是头也不回的走了。
  954. “You, tell me what the temples think. What do you think about the Sorcerer King!”
  955. 「你们,让我听听神殿势力的想法吧。对于魔导王是怎么想的」
  957. “...The Sorcerer King is a wicked, undead being, and we will not permit it to call itself King.”
  959. Before Jircniv could answer, the High Priest of the God of Fire continued: “However, we cannot defeat him in battle, so we must find some way to destroy it.”
  960. 「……魔导王是邪恶的不死者,将那个认为王是不被允许的」在吉克尼夫开口之前,火神的神官长接着说道「但是,与那个战斗是无法获胜的,为此才要摸索能将那家伙毁灭的手段」
  962. “Betray us if you will, oh Emperor, you who have been seduced by the power of evil.”
  963. 「如果想要要出卖的话,就尽管出卖好了。皇帝啊,被强大的魔力魅惑了的人啊」
  965. That statement, made by the High Priest of the Wind God, clearly illustrated their hostility towards Jircniv.
  966. 风神的神官长的发言,完全表明了他们与吉克尼夫敌对的态度。
  968. This was extremely bad.
  969. 这非常糟糕。
  971. The temples could not influence the government. However, they might well decide to excommunicate an Emperor who was in league with the universal enemy, the undead.
  972. 神殿势力没有办法干预政治。但是、对于与大敌之不死者连手的皇帝,很可能会采取放逐的行为。
  974. He could not purge them, because the temples were in charge of healing, as well as the saviors of the peoples’ souls.
  975. 不能够肃清他们,神殿是人民心灵救星的同时,也掌握着医疗。
  977. If he did that, the Empire would fall apart from the inside.
  978. 如果那么做的话,帝国将会从内部开始崩坏。
  980. To Jircniv, that single move by Ainz Ooal Gown felt like the sweep of the Grim Reaper’s scythe. Even if he did nothing, the Empire would collapse. Then, the Sorcerous Kingdom would find some reason to come calling.
  981. 吉克尼夫对于安兹·乌尔·恭所下的一步棋,感到了有如死神之镰一般的恐怖。他就算什么都不做,这样下去帝国也会崩坏。接下来魔导国便会找些理由过来的吧。
  983. If it were Jircniv doing it, he would use an excuse along the lines of “We’re sending troops over to maintain peace because our allied country is in chaos.”
  984. 如果是吉克尼夫的话,就会使用「身为朋友的邻国发生了混乱,所以为了维持治安而派遣军队」诸如之类的借口吧。
  986. Judging by their reaction, the Slaine Theocracy would not censure the Sorcerous Kingdom for doing that. The Kingdom would not have the strength to do anything about it, while the City-State Alliance would take a while to make such a statement.
  987. 从刚才的反应推测,就算魔导国摆出那样的态度斯连教国也不会进行谴责吧。王国也没有那种余力才对,都市国家联盟要发出那样的谴责声明也需要相应的时间。
  989. What kind of enticements could he offer to remove the doubts from their hearts? Or rather, to keep to their commitments even if they had doubts?
  990. 要提出什么样的利益才能够从他们的心中除去怀疑呢。不、即使心存怀疑,也能约定进行协助呢。
  992. Jircniv had always placed that topic foremost in his heart when he spoke to others in his capacity as Emperor. The simplest way to get people to take action was to appeal to their desires. Jircniv had grown up knowing this to be the right way to view things. There were so many humans who were ruled by desire for a pretty face that it was hardly surprising.
  993. 在吉克尼夫作为皇帝与对方说话时,总是将那个放在心上。想要让人行动的话,刺激他的欲望是最简单的。长这么大吉克尼夫非常清楚这种观念是正确的。在美丽面孔下被欲望所占据了的人类,实在是多的见怪不怪了。
  995. However, at this moment, Jircniv could not find an answer.
  996. 但是,在这个瞬间,吉克尼夫无法得出答案。
  998. Now that others thought he had betrayed humanity to work with the undead, there was nothing he could offer the other side.
  999. 被认为是背叛人类、与不死者合作的这个状况下,对方所需要的利益什么的根本就不存在。
  1001. All he could do was sincerely and earnestly tell his side of the story.
  1002. 所以只能真诚地、内心毫无伪装地诉说道。
  1004. “Please allow me to say one last thing. That fellow’s cunning surpasses mine. These developments might well be his doing. ...While I know I would not believe that so easily if I were in your shoes… I truly did not sell you out. And while you might not believe this either, as a human being I wish to tell you one thing. The Sorcerer King’s reign is very merciful. The people of E-Rantel still live in peace.”
  1005. 「最后请容我说一句话吧。那家伙的智谋超过了我。现在这个展开,恐怕也全都在他的计划之下吧。……虽然如果我站在在你们的立场上的话,也不会这么容易相信的吧……但我真的没有出卖情报。然后可能也没法被信任吧,但身为人类我还是想要给予你们忠告。魔导王的统治是非常慈悲的。耶·兰提尔的人民正平和的生活着」
  1007. “But we have no idea how long that will last, do we?”
  1008. 「那样的情况,我们根本就无法得知会持续到什么时候不是吗」
  1010. “Perhaps. But for the time being, at least, they are safe. If we fight a war which we cannot win, our country will immediately tread the road to annihilation. So I hope you will think carefully and not make any rash moves.”
  1011. 「也许是那样。但是至少,现在还是平安无事的。如果进行毫无胜算的挑战,我们国家便就会立刻踏上毁灭的道路,正因如此我才希望你们能够谨慎、切勿做出轻率的举动」
  1013. The two High Priests looked at each other.
  1014. 两名神官长互相看了看彼此的脸。
  1016. Then, their previous hostility toward Jircniv seemed to mellow a little.
  1017. 然后他们看向吉克尼夫的眼神中,原有的敌意略微的淡薄了一些。
  1019. “...It seems we may have been too emotional. If that undead creature truly is as the rumors say he is, we cannot discard the possibility that all this might have been part of his plan. Then, may we meet again somewhere, if it is meant to be.”
  1020. 「……看来稍微的感情用事了呢。如果那个不死者真的同传闻中一样的话,确实不能舍弃都是他的计谋的可能性啊。那么若是有缘的话,以后说不定还会在哪里相会的吧」
  1022. “Thank you. And before that, I have a request. No matter where, please watch that fellow fight in the Colosseum. If you can see a way to defeat him, please tell me.”
  1023. 「拜托了。然后在那之前我还有一个请求。无论在哪里,请看看那家伙在斗技场战斗的样子吧。如果有能打倒他的手段的话请告诉我吧」
  1025. Jircniv lowered his head.
  1026. 吉克尼夫低下了头。
  1028. Conspiracies included, there was no way to beat Ainz in a battle of wits. The human heart was the sole trump card left to those that wished to fight him evenly.
  1029. 包含谋略在内,论智谋战的话是无法胜过安兹的吧。如果要对等的与他战斗,就只有人心才是最后的王牌了吧。
  1031. Cheering came from downstairs, and Jircniv turned to look at it.
  1032. 从下面传来了欢呼声,吉克尼夫移动乐视线。
  1034. “...Good luck, Martial Lord. Oh, gods!”
  1035. 「……武王加油。神啊!」
  1037. Jircniv prayed in earnest for the victory of the Martial Lord.
  1038. 吉克尼夫打从心底的向神祈祷着、武王的胜利。
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