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a guest
Nov 22nd, 2019
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  1. # ______ _ _ _ _ _____ _ _
  2. # | ____| (_) | | | | / ____| | | | |
  3. # | |__ | |_ __ _| |__ | |_| | ___ _ __ | |_ _ __ ___ | |
  4. # | __| | | |/ _` | '_ \| __| | / _ \| '_ \| __| '__/ _ \| |
  5. # | | | | | (_| | | | | |_| |___| (_) | | | | |_| | | (_) | |
  6. # |_| |_|_|\__, |_| |_|\__|\_____\___/|_| |_|\__|_| \___/|_|
  7. # __/ |
  8. # |___/ by Spazzinq
  10. # Discord:
  11. # Github:
  12. # Spigot Page:
  13. # Donate:
  15. # Before you leave a negative review:
  16. # ✓ Read through ALL the information in this configuration
  17. # ✓ Contact me on Discord (if the config does not solve your problem)
  18. # ✓ Create an official bug report or feature request on GitHub
  20. # ____ __ _ _ _
  21. # / ___|___ _ __ / _(_) __ _ _ _ _ __ __ _| |_(_) ___ _ __
  22. # | | / _ \| '_ \| |_| |/ _` | | | | '__/ _` | __| |/ _ \| '_ \
  23. # | |__| (_) | | | | _| | (_| | |_| | | | (_| | |_| | (_) | | | |
  24. # \____\___/|_| |_|_| |_|\__, |\__,_|_| \__,_|\__|_|\___/|_| |_|
  25. # |___/
  27. # An EXTREMELY IMPORTANT idea to understand for part of this configuration is that flight only enables when it
  28. # has a reason to (it does not stay enabled in a neutral/un-enabled location).
  30. # Should FlightControl automatically update to the latest version?
  31. # (It will update the config automatically and add new features!)
  32. auto_update: true
  34. settings:
  35. # Enables flight automatically (no command necessary)
  36. auto_enable: true
  37. # Controls flight speed (default speed is 1)
  38. # The speed values match Essential's /flyspeed command (the number range is 0-10)
  39. flight_speed: 1.0
  40. # Requires CombatTagPlus, CombatLogX, CombatLogPro, AntiCombatLogging, or DeluxeCombat
  41. # NOTE: in the combat plugin config, deactivate its option to disable flight while in combat to prevents issues
  42. disable_flight_in_combat: false
  43. # Prevents fall damage when flight is disabled mid-air by FlightControl
  44. prevent_fall_damage: true
  45. # Requires EssentialsX or PremiumVanish
  46. # Bypasses the disabling of flight while in vanish (or spectating)
  47. vanish_bypass: true
  48. # Requires Factions (by MassiveCraft), FactionsUUID, or SavageFactions
  49. # Disables flight while a faction enemy is within a certain block range (set to -1 to disable)
  50. # NOTE: this feature may cause performance issues on larger servers
  51. disable_enemy_range: -1
  53. worlds:
  54. # Change "enable" to "disable" if you want it to disable in certain worlds instead
  55. # (and enable in the ones not listed)
  56. enable:
  57. - Spawn
  59. # Requires WorldGuard (and WorldEdit)
  60. # If you have multiple regions overlapping each other, please use /rg setpriority REGIONNAME NUMBER
  61. # FlightControl checks the HIGHEST priority region (otherwise it checks the first in REVERSE alphabetical order)
  62. regions:
  63. # Change "enable" to "disable" if you want flight to disable in certain regions instead
  64. # (and enable in the ones not listed)
  65. enable:
  66. exampleworld:
  67. - exampleregion
  68. exapleworld2:
  69. - exampleregion2
  71. # Requires Factions (by MassiveCraft), FactionsUUID, or SavageFactions
  72. # There are eight types of faction territories (OWN, ALLY, TRUCE, NEUTRAL, ENEMY, WARZONE, SAFEZONE, WILDERNESS)
  73. # OWN enables flight in the player's own faction territory
  74. factions:
  75. # "example" is a category (the permission to use it is flightcontrol.factions.example)
  76. # Keep in mind you can set category names to whatever you want (only alphanumeric characters, no spaces)
  77. example:
  78. # Change "enable" to "disable" if you want flight to disable in certain faction territories instead
  79. # (and enable in the ones not listed)
  80. enable:
  81. - OWN
  82. - ALLY
  83. # "example2" is another category (the permission to use it is flightcontrol.factions.example2)
  84. example2:
  85. enable:
  86. - SAFEZONE
  87. - WARZONE
  89. # Requires Towny
  90. towny:
  91. # Enables flight in player's own town
  92. enable_own_town: false
  93. # Disables all Towny-related flight during war
  94. # (this also affects the permission!)
  95. disable_during_war: false
  97. # Requires Lands
  98. lands:
  99. # Enables flight in player's own land
  100. enable_own_land: false
  102. # Compatible: EssentialsX, PremiumVanish (disables while vanished)
  103. trail:
  104. enabled: false
  105. # 1.8 List:
  106. # 1.14 List:
  107. particle: "CLOUD"
  108. amount: 2
  109. # This option is used with colored particles (format: "red,green,blue")
  110. # Color picker:
  111. # For one specific color, you MUST set the amount to 0 if you use
  112. # COLOURED_DUST on 1.8, SPELL_MOB on 1.14, SPELL_MOB_AMBIENT on 1.14, or NOTE on 1.14.
  113. rgb: "0,0,0"
  115. sounds:
  116. # Plays the enable sound on EVERY player-activated flight (double tap of the
  117. # space bar) rather than when FlightControl allows the player to activate it
  118. every_enable: false
  119. # Please use the sound names from the "Sound Event" column
  120. # 1.8 List:
  121. # 1.14 List:
  122. enable:
  123. sound: "NONE"
  124. pitch: 1
  125. volume: 1
  126. disable:
  127. sound: "NONE"
  128. pitch: 1
  129. volume: 1
  130. # "can_enable" and "cannot_enable" are used when "auto_enable" is false
  131. # or if the player disables their own flight with /fly
  132. can_enable:
  133. sound: "NONE"
  134. pitch: 1
  135. volume: 1
  136. cannot_enable:
  137. sound: "NONE"
  138. pitch: 1
  139. volume: 1
  141. # If you do not wish for a certain message to be sent, make it empty (set it to "")
  142. # You can use "&" for color codes just like any other plugin!
  143. messages:
  144. # Use the actionbar (area above hotbar) instead of chat for notifications
  145. actionbar: true
  146. flight:
  147. enable: "&aYou are in spawn, so you can fly!"
  148. disable: "&cYou are no longer in spawn, fly has been disabled!"
  149. # "can_enable" and "cannot_enable" are used when "auto_enable" is false
  150. # or if the player disables their own flight with /fly
  151. can_enable: "&bYou can use /fly now."
  152. cannot_enable: "&cYou cannot fly right now."
  153. trail:
  154. enable: "&aYou enabled the flight trail!"
  155. disable: "&cYou disabled the flight trail!"
  156. permission_denied: "&cYou do not have permission to use this command."
  158. # ____ _ _
  159. # | _ \ ___ _ __ _ __ ___ (_)___ ___(_) ___ _ __ ___
  160. # | |_) / _ \ '__| '_ ` _ \| / __/ __| |/ _ \| '_ \/ __|
  161. # | __/ __/ | | | | | | | \__ \__ \ | (_) | | | \__ \
  162. # |_| \___|_| |_| |_| |_|_|___/___/_|\___/|_| |_|___/
  164. # Replace WORLDNAME in the permission with the name of the world
  165. # REGIONNAME with the name of the region
  166. # CATEGORY with the name of the category
  168. # Important Permissions
  169. # flightcontrol.admin - Ability to use FlightControl administrative commands (automatically given to OPs)
  170. # flightcontrol.bypass - Bypasses all fly restrictions and always allows flight
  171. # flightcontrol.factions.CATEGORY - Controls flight based upon the defined category
  172. # flightcontrol.flyall - Ability to automatically fly in all regions that are not disabled
  173. # - Access to /fly when the command option is enabled in the config (the Essentials permission "" works too)
  174. # Optional Permissions
  175. # flightcontrol.flyother - Ability to enable another player's fly and bypass all restrictions (like bypass permission) until server restart
  176. # - Ability to fly in a certain world
  177. # - Ability to fly in a certain region
  178. # flightcontrol.nofly.WORLDNAME - Denies flight in a certain world
  179. # flightcontrol.nofly.WORLDNAME.REGIONNAME - Denies flight in a certain region
  180. # flightcontrol.owntown - Ability to fly in player's own town
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