
BC4 - Mask of Vision / Mask of Speed

Jan 8th, 2023
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  1. Toa of Ice and Stone wound up sprawled in a heap at the base of the mountain, half buried in snow. Long minutes passed before they staggered to their feet, exhausted and aching. “I hate winter,” Pohatu growled.
  3. “The Mask of Shielding would have protected us from that,” Kopaka said. “We need to find the Kanohi Nuva now. As long as you are here, Pohatu… you might as well travel with me.”
  5. “It’s certainly been fun so far,” the Toa of Stone replied, brushing snow from his arms and legs. “Onewa mentioned a Mask of Shielding in an ice cave near here. Any idea where that might be?”
  7. Kopaka did not answer. He stepped away from Pohatu and activated the power of his mask, enabling him to peer through tons of stone into the network of caves within Mount Ihu. It was the work of moments to find a cavern in which there was a lone Kanohi Hau Nuva, the Mask of Shielding.
  9. “It is nearby,” he reported. “Perhaps half a kio up the mountain. But the entrance is —”
  11. Before Kopaka’s eyes, Pohatu vanished, only to reappear a split second later. “Blocked by boulders. I know. I saw,” the Toa of Stone said. “Mask of Speed, remember?”
  13. Kopaka’s eyes narrowed and his voice was like sleet striking a suva shrine. “Don’t do that again.”
  15. Pohatu was tempted to argue, but the storm was growing worse. Neither Toa could see more than a short distance ahead. They walked together in an uncomfortable silence, fighting the wind and the snow as they made their way back up the mountain.
  17. Finally, though, it was too much for the Toa of Stone. “What’s the matter with you, brother? I rescue you, you aren’t pleased; I scout ahead to save time, you aren’t pleased. Is there no pleasing you, Toa of Ice?”
  19. Kopaka stopped and said, “I am not here to be pleased. I am here to find Kanohi Nuva so I can regain my stolen powers and truly be the Toa of Ice again. If you wish to help, fine. If you wish to talk… seek out Toa Lewa.”
  22. - BIONICLE Chronicles 4: Tales of the Masks, Chapter 1
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