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a guest
Oct 14th, 2019
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  1. <ReallyPaint> hi samar
  2. <samar> hi
  3. <ReallyPaint> how are you
  4. <ReallyPaint> kifik
  5. <samar> gd u
  6. <ReallyPaint> l7amdella
  7. <ReallyPaint> shou 3amle
  8. <samar> home
  9. <samar> u
  10. <ReallyPaint> at work
  11. <ReallyPaint> addesh 3omrik?
  12. <samar> 38
  13. <ReallyPaint> nice
  14. <ReallyPaint> 33 here
  15. <ReallyPaint> shou bta3mle
  16. <ReallyPaint> house wife?
  17. <samar> house wife
  18. <ReallyPaint> haha 7zerta
  19. <samar> lol
  20. <samar> bravo
  21. <ReallyPaint> jeye senye
  22. * Loaded log from Mon Oct 14 14:17:32 2019
  23. <ReallyPaint> jeet
  24. <ReallyPaint> what do you come here for?
  25. <samar> sarle zamen mich jeye 2ellet chouf chou sar bil channel
  26. <ReallyPaint> haha yea
  27. <ReallyPaint> ele zamen ma sheyfik hon aslan
  28. <samar> hehe walla
  29. <ReallyPaint> yea 7eke ma3ik abel
  30. <samar> bchek
  31. <ReallyPaint> yea ana kamen bheck
  32. <ReallyPaint> bas sheyef esmik
  33. <ReallyPaint> ma shekik 3layke thats for sure
  34. <samar> sarle15 sene mich jeye
  35. <ReallyPaint> la wlo
  36. <ReallyPaint> aktar men month bas
  37. <samar> yup
  38. <samar> no mich ana
  39. <ReallyPaint> hmm
  40. <ReallyPaint> men wen ente
  41. <ReallyPaint> ana men Beirut
  42. <samar> keserwen
  43. <ReallyPaint> ohh
  44. <ReallyPaint> she jakh ya3ne
  45. <ReallyPaint> :P
  46. <samar> hehe
  47. <samar> u
  48. <ReallyPaint> Koreitem
  49. <ReallyPaint> kamen jakh :P
  50. <ReallyPaint> bas version taba3 el islem
  51. <samar> haha
  52. <ReallyPaint> 3abele ekol
  53. <ReallyPaint> je3et
  54. <samar> eh rouh kol
  55. <ReallyPaint> badde otlob
  56. <ReallyPaint> 7elo el 7ake ma3ik
  57. <ReallyPaint> 3andik se2a 3ayle
  58. <ReallyPaint> 3alye
  59. <samar> thanks
  60. <ReallyPaint> mzawwaje?
  61. <samar> chaklak ktir jou3an
  62. <ReallyPaint> mmmmm sobtiya be nossa
  63. <ReallyPaint> sta7ayna :P
  64. <samar> ma ba3dak 2eyelle enne house wife w btes2alne eza mzawaje
  65. <ReallyPaint> oh shit
  66. <ReallyPaint> la7za
  67. <ReallyPaint> da2et la ma7al el akel
  68. <ReallyPaint> w 3am be2ra shou 3am t2oule
  69. <ReallyPaint> eltella "ahhhh" w sakatet
  70. <ReallyPaint> hahahah
  71. <ReallyPaint> yes i am hungry
  72. <samar> lol
  73. <ReallyPaint> ana mjawwaz kamen
  74. <samar> gd for u
  75. <ReallyPaint> w ente good for you also?
  76. <samar> yu0
  77. <samar> yup
  78. <ReallyPaint> addesh sarlkon
  79. <ReallyPaint> ana sarle sene
  80. <ReallyPaint> tab howwe asmar? :P
  81. <ReallyPaint> 3a ases ente samar w howwe asmar
  82. <samar> ana sarle 13 years
  83. <ReallyPaint> 13 years
  84. <ReallyPaint> mashallah
  85. <ReallyPaint> mnajwara ya3ne
  86. <samar> lol
  87. <ReallyPaint> tajjayta hek :P
  88. <ReallyPaint> 7elwe eh
  89. <samar> hehe
  90. <ReallyPaint> oule oule
  91. <ReallyPaint> najwara lal benet ad ma elon sawa
  92. <ReallyPaint> b7eb etwa27an
  93. <ReallyPaint> khsouse ma3 mature
  94. <samar> khod rahtak
  95. <ReallyPaint> badde ekhod w a3te :P
  96. <ReallyPaint> mesh ekhod ra7te w fel
  97. <ReallyPaint> haha
  98. <ReallyPaint> bekhod ra7tik eza baddik
  99. <ReallyPaint> be hemmik tekhde conversation la ab3ad men hon eza ken el shakhs fun to talk to?
  100. <ReallyPaint> w mhazzab w shattour metle?
  101. <samar> no
  102. <ReallyPaint> men khof ya3ne?
  103. <ReallyPaint> ana 3ande khof kamen
  104. <samar> i dont trust the irc
  105. <ReallyPaint> aha
  106. <ReallyPaint> meshen hek ne7na mnetla3 men irc
  107. <ReallyPaint> :P
  108. <samar> hehe
  109. <ReallyPaint> mne7ke phone, mne7ke whatsapp, aw email, she bas ykhalle el communication maftou7
  110. <ReallyPaint> la2enno ashkhas metlik nedreen
  111. <ReallyPaint> neder kteer ya3ne
  112. <samar> why is that
  113. <ReallyPaint> la2enno awwalan lek shou talee2a bel kalem
  114. <ReallyPaint> fully self-aware
  115. <ReallyPaint> we3ye
  116. <ReallyPaint> w ma betkhafe
  117. <ReallyPaint> ashta ..
  118. <samar> min allak ma bkhaf
  119. <ReallyPaint> ma betkhafe te7ke
  120. <ReallyPaint> t3abbre
  121. <ReallyPaint> bas tnaynetna menkhaf tab3an
  122. <ReallyPaint> w shaklik mshare2ta
  123. <ReallyPaint> w 3am tredde 3ala 7akye :) haida she nedir kellon sawa ykouno
  124. <ReallyPaint> so meshen hek, khsouse enno ekher marra tlo3te ken men meet sene
  125. <ReallyPaint> ma badde trou7e
  126. <samar> lol
  127. <ReallyPaint> w ente shou ra2yik be keef be7ke w bfakker :P
  128. <samar> harbou2
  129. <ReallyPaint> mesh me7tel bas
  130. <samar> mnajwar :p
  131. <ReallyPaint> yoooooo
  132. <ReallyPaint> tara2etne yeha
  133. <ReallyPaint> hahah
  134. <ReallyPaint> mrawwas ana
  135. <ReallyPaint> bas sabbe wi7de
  136. <ReallyPaint> kteer bov
  137. <samar> hehe
  138. <ReallyPaint> mnee7 le fetet lyom
  139. <ReallyPaint> ma kent sheftik law ma fetet
  140. <ReallyPaint> btousa2e laken w bte7ke ma3e?
  141. <samar> hone
  142. <ReallyPaint> ya nouso lek keef dabbit deghre
  143. <ReallyPaint> tab ma eza fallayte halla2, keef berja3 bel2atik
  144. <samar> lol
  145. <ReallyPaint> ma32oul hek bov tene nhar mafi she?
  146. <ReallyPaint> i guess kel she ma32oul
  147. <samar> yup
  148. <ReallyPaint> 2ahhaara
  149. <ReallyPaint> 7ar2ousa
  150. <ReallyPaint> ba3dik betmoute 3le?
  151. <ReallyPaint> walla khaffit
  152. <samar> la khaffit
  153. <ReallyPaint> ma ba2 3am be seeba mazbout?
  154. <samar> lol mbala
  155. <ReallyPaint> w lesh khaffit
  156. <ReallyPaint> ba3do bye2dar yjeblik dahrik ya3ne
  157. <samar> yes bass mich metel abel
  158. <ReallyPaint> lesh shou fara2
  159. <samar> khatyar
  160. <ReallyPaint> lesh addesh fi fare2 3omor
  161. <samar> hes 51
  162. <ReallyPaint> aha
  163. <ReallyPaint> kteer kbeer
  164. <ReallyPaint> 13 years fare2
  165. <ReallyPaint> w enta smalla ba3dik faras
  166. <ReallyPaint> 38 metl el naar
  167. <ReallyPaint> shou :P
  168. <samar> lol yup
  169. <ReallyPaint> betjeebe dahrik kteer solo?
  170. <ReallyPaint> bel mekhfe aw she ?
  171. <samar> yes
  172. <ReallyPaint> hmmmmm
  173. <ReallyPaint> bas betfeshe khel2ik mazbout?
  174. <ReallyPaint> shou darab el esta7a?
  175. <samar> eh bfecho
  176. <ReallyPaint> yawmiyye 3andik hek?
  177. <samar> sometimes i make him eat me till i came as much as i want
  178. <ReallyPaint> ah smart
  179. <ReallyPaint> bteferke howwe w 3am yel7as
  180. <samar> eh
  181. <ReallyPaint> as much as I want?
  182. <ReallyPaint> shou jalse ya3ne
  183. <ReallyPaint> kam daher..
  184. <samar> 8 aw2at 9
  185. <ReallyPaint> shou faj3ane
  186. <ReallyPaint> zghar bas
  187. <samar> lol
  188. <samar> no some kbat
  189. <ReallyPaint> kellon 3a ba3don be fesho bas kel wa7ad zgheer?
  190. <samar> kbar
  191. <ReallyPaint> ouf
  192. <ReallyPaint> be na2ef ya3ne?
  193. <ReallyPaint> men hal 3yar?
  194. <samar> eh bikeb la barra
  195. <ReallyPaint> ouf
  196. <ReallyPaint> like pipi?
  197. <ReallyPaint> yekhzel3en
  198. <ReallyPaint> haida 3al m2aahara
  199. <ReallyPaint> fi ghadab bel ossa
  200. <samar> lol
  201. <ReallyPaint> dzzzzzzzt :D
  202. <ReallyPaint> kteer sexy
  203. <ReallyPaint> ana le ma3e dahra kteer 7ases
  204. <samar> yea?
  205. <ReallyPaint> eza benzal fiya mazbout la she 3 minutes, bteje
  206. <ReallyPaint> w btenhad
  207. <ReallyPaint> beseer badda tnem w be nashef
  208. <samar> uf
  209. <ReallyPaint> howwe bas ynashef ba3d 2 daher
  210. <ReallyPaint> khalas be nashef
  211. <ReallyPaint> cant yza7let anymore
  212. <ReallyPaint> ba3ref enno khalas kholsit
  213. <samar> oh
  214. <ReallyPaint> bas marrat betle2iya mja7she kamne
  215. <ReallyPaint> bta3ref te7ebso
  216. <ReallyPaint> when im ready enno keb, betdal 7ebse la keb
  217. <ReallyPaint> akh ma atyab nyeketa
  218. <ReallyPaint> 3asal
  219. <ReallyPaint> btel2a kteer
  220. <samar> hehe
  221. <ReallyPaint> hehe walla hek bye7la albo el wa7ad
  222. <ReallyPaint> ad ma kella may wel er 3am be za7lit fiya
  223. <ReallyPaint> w hay el ta2she :P
  224. <samar> hehe
  225. <ReallyPaint> tab e7ke ente shwai :P
  226. <ReallyPaint> 3abbreele
  227. <ReallyPaint> ana kteer zake 3a fekra, be2dar se3dik be shouuuu maken
  228. <ReallyPaint> shou ashate el pants? :P
  229. <samar> no lol eja ebne
  230. <ReallyPaint> hahahah ok ok ok]
  231. <ReallyPaint> takke la ekol
  232. <ReallyPaint> zablouta
  233. <ReallyPaint> ok back
  234. <ReallyPaint> akalet
  235. <ReallyPaint> betle2eene kteer we2e7 she?
  236. <samar> eh
  237. <samar> bass its ok
  238. <ReallyPaint> :)
  239. <ReallyPaint> ma sem3a hek kalem abel though
  240. <ReallyPaint> mesh men2allik hek la2elik direct ya3ne
  241. <samar> mbala
  242. <ReallyPaint> hon?
  243. <ReallyPaint> hmmmm ana ballash yensa7 adeebe
  244. <ReallyPaint> ma ba3ref lesh halla2 bas akalet w rte7et ballash yekbar
  245. <ReallyPaint> i have it like a mawze
  246. <samar> mm
  247. <ReallyPaint> walla
  248. <ReallyPaint> w naase7
  249. <ReallyPaint> kteer 7elo l7amdella
  250. <ReallyPaint> bet7essi zaber mazbout
  251. <ReallyPaint> ma teste7e
  252. <ReallyPaint> oule
  253. <samar> gd for her
  254. <ReallyPaint> gd for her eh w zyede 3laya
  255. <ReallyPaint> mdallale over
  256. <samar> lol
  257. <ReallyPaint> walla
  258. <ReallyPaint> bas kessa belou3a
  259. <ReallyPaint> so its good
  260. <ReallyPaint> law ansa7 ayre men hek kenit bale3to no problem kamen
  261. <ReallyPaint> dayye2 kessa bas byozlot
  262. <samar> oh so menteke min ablak
  263. <ReallyPaint> no
  264. <ReallyPaint> bas kessa byozlot
  265. <ReallyPaint> el fawte sa3be
  266. <ReallyPaint> bas jouwwa khalas be dob 3al er
  267. <ReallyPaint> bas tseer may kteer, be seer metel wa7ad 3am be tabbesh bel may
  268. <ReallyPaint> meshen hek se3eta betseer tzalwit aktar size
  269. <ReallyPaint> feene warjeeke
  270. <ReallyPaint> kermele
  271. <samar> kif
  272. <ReallyPaint> hehe 7abbet keef nattit
  273. <ReallyPaint>
  274. <samar> nice
  275. <ReallyPaint> 3anjad?
  276. <samar> yes
  277. <ReallyPaint> mouqarantan fi?
  278. <samar> min my husband?
  279. <ReallyPaint> yes
  280. <samar> hes biger
  281. <ReallyPaint> mashallah
  282. <ReallyPaint> yemken el soura ghalat :)
  283. <samar> ken 2ele 3ez lol
  284. <ReallyPaint>
  285. <ReallyPaint> tfaddale
  286. <samar> how many cm is it 19?
  287. <ReallyPaint> haida kel 3ezzo
  288. <ReallyPaint> 23
  289. <ReallyPaint> bas el soura mazbouta hon
  290. <samar> eh houwe 21
  291. <samar> nice
  292. <ReallyPaint> eh jabbar haida
  293. <ReallyPaint> ba3d fi wi7de telte, dele2 kel te2lo w mbayyen metl el 7ayye
  294. <ReallyPaint> bas bel bet
  295. <ReallyPaint> ma baddik tdalle te7ke ma3e la yousal el lel meshen njeeb daherna sawa?
  296. <ReallyPaint> 3mele skype tayeb!
  297. <ReallyPaint> 3al aleele
  298. <ReallyPaint> warje 7osen niyye
  299. <ReallyPaint> bwarjeeke soureta ka 3alemet si2a bayne w baynik, 3mele skype la ne7ke 3le
  300. <ReallyPaint> 3am ba7el2e be souret adeebe? :P
  301. <ReallyPaint> ( ya rab tkoun 3am tba7le2) :PPP
  302. <ReallyPaint> ana jeye badde dakhen cigara, bas tghazzaleele be adeebi bel 7alten
  303. * Disconnected ().
  304. * Disconnected ().
  305. <ReallyPaint> back
  306. <ReallyPaint> :)
  307. <ReallyPaint> talla3te more 3ala addoubi? haha
  308. <ReallyPaint> ma3e video elo 3am be keb daher kteer kbeer
  309. <ReallyPaint> kaza 7able
  310. <ReallyPaint> feene warjeeke
  311. <samar> ok
  312. <ReallyPaint> kteer 7elo manzaro 3am be nawfer
  313. <ReallyPaint> 3andik lahfe lal er el kbeer
  314. <ReallyPaint> haida she wade7
  315. <samar> yup
  316. <ReallyPaint> btetalla3e 3layon online?
  317. <samar> no
  318. <ReallyPaint> bas lamma tshoufe btemboste
  319. <ReallyPaint> keef bet7ebbe ashkelon tkoun
  320. <samar> thick viny
  321. <ReallyPaint> ah metle
  322. <ReallyPaint> msharyan
  323. <samar> eh
  324. <ReallyPaint> bteste7e tetghazzale fi?
  325. <samar> eh
  326. <ReallyPaint> 7asset
  327. <ReallyPaint> ba3dik fet7a el soura?
  328. <ReallyPaint> ma3lesh
  329. <ReallyPaint> la7alna hon, fina ne7ke
  330. <ReallyPaint> bterja3eele kel shwai?
  331. <ReallyPaint> bala esta7a wlo, la7alna hon!
  332. <ReallyPaint> be2iyya lal ba7sa ya samar
  333. <ReallyPaint> tayeb halla2 bas tshoufe hay ra7 yeflat lsenik nshalla
  334. <ReallyPaint>
  335. <ReallyPaint> tfaddale la 3younik
  336. <ReallyPaint> nhaz badanik?
  337. <ReallyPaint> melhiyye be shab tene shaklik :P
  338. <ReallyPaint> melhiyye be shab tene shaklik :P
  339. <ReallyPaint> oops, 3edta
  340. <ReallyPaint> 3ajabik el video?
  341. <ReallyPaint> ba3ref bshouf 7aale be adeebi, bas howwe la mete3tik bel niheye
  342. <ReallyPaint> kebse 7ake ma3 7adan tene akid
  343. <ReallyPaint> haha
  344. <ReallyPaint> shaklo 3eref ye7ke aktar
  345. <ReallyPaint> akh, khsertik
  346. <ReallyPaint> ma3 enno adeebi men a7la el 2youra
  347. <ReallyPaint> kteer ghayran ennik 3am te7ke ma3 shab tene
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