
TakJackson's Novice Review

Jul 5th, 2015
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  1. Hey there! :3
  3. Firstly, terrain. You have some nice terrain, with a good amount of layers and a decent shape! Now what you need to add is some atmosphere. This can be added through the use of grass, flowers, ferns, pathways, wheat patches etc. I would highly recommend this on your plot!
  4. You could also make a palette for your grass, including coloured clays, or dirt for example. You have //replace, which is a very simple command and would save you a lot of time.
  6. Secondly, organics. You don't have any organics on this plot. The most common kind of organic are trees. Some custom trees would look nice on this plot, especially to fill some of the spaces! Larger and smaller.
  8. Lastly, structure. You have a decent amount of structure, with a nice shape and a good design. I think the detailing needs some work, however. I wouldn't recommend the use of cobblestone with wood, at least not in this way. You have a nice shape to the towers, which means detailing would be quite easy! I recommend fences, buttons, wooden stairs, wooden slabs etc. Use these on the walls of the structure.
  9. I also suggest adding a frame to your structure.
  11. Notice how the logs are one layer out? This adds basic depth, and also makes it easier to detail!
  13. Good luck!
  14. - Dutty :3
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