

Mar 22nd, 2021
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  1. 1. I would like to be a Helper in order to assist newer players. Since I a new player at one point and suffered the consequences of not having been able to access many knowledgeable and responsive resources in those days regarding what to do at all within the game, I would like to be able to provide a wise counselor's position for newer players. I believe this would greatly benefit those entering the game, and that alone is enough to provide me with drive to fulfill the role of being a Helper.
  3. 2. As mentioned before, I believe being a Helper entails, most importantly, being able to respond to newer players in a timely and responsive manner - responses to requests for help should be well thought-out, with effort and knowledge clearly demonstrated within them.
  5. 3. A critical aspect to being a Helper is their clearly defined, public role as a reliable figure. This allows Helpers to be able to draw attention to themselves, thus allowing for more volume of help produced, by virtue of simply having more people coming to them for help. This is fundamentally critical to being a Helper - naturally, if a Helper has no players to help, then they are unable to fulfill their role, whether that matter is in or out of their hands.
  7. 4. In my view, the purpose of a Helper is to be able to bring new players into the community and engage them, all the while being able to provide advice and share knowledge. Naturally, this entails being thoughtful, respectful, and knowledgeable, but also talking with the person in question rather than at them.
  8. that's the best i can put together without any context for the game
  9. since i've never played the game before
  10. kind of generic but i hope that helped
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