
A Very Bradley Tantrum

Jan 28th, 2019
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  1. Covet: Kelsey was sitting at the counter with Connor eating at a plate full of french fries as a late night snack. She was going over some homework for one of her classes and was pretty invested in it. Connor had a few cars and was playing with them on the counter.
  2. Alexithymiaa: -Brad was making his way back and forth across the cafe with his phone to his ear, talking to his editor about the Liz and Aubrey video they'd just shot. "Right, so if you splice it together in that specific order, it'll give you that weird jarring effect, right?" He asked, watching his feet as he walked.-
  3. Covet: Kelsey was having a hard time concentrating as Brad paced about the cafe, talking loudly. She bit the inside of her cheek and started tapping her finger on the table top trying to ignore the extra sound. // Connor grabbed a french fry and turned around to throw it at Brad, because he was bored with his cars and he knew that Kelsey wasn't in much of a playful mood while studying.
  4. Alexithymiaa: -Brad stopped when the french fry hit him, giving Connor an 'I'm not messing around' look before continuing by them again, not stopping his phone conversation because he was in business mode right now. "Exactly, that's perfect. Now did you talk to the colorist about the tone we're looking for?"-
  5. Covet: Kelsey sighed and closed her laptop, looking over at the waitress, "Can I get a hot chocolate and a Large extra strong mocha, hopefully the caffiene will kill my growing headache." // Connor saw Brad's look, but just thought he was playing and grabbed another fry to throw at him.
  6. Alexithymiaa: -When the second fry hit him, he pulled the phone away from his mouth, covering the mouth piece with his hand and raising his voice a little in a stern tone, giving him a dirty look. "Connor, I'm on an important phone call. Stop throwing french fries and behave."-
  7. Covet: Kelsey looked over at Brad, then at Connor. "Sorry Kiddo, let's leave Dad alone for right now."// "But Momma I'm bored, and Dad and I didn't get to play all weekend." He said with a frown.
  8. Alexithymiaa: -He let out a groan and removed his hand from the mouth piece of the phone. "Sorry Benny, I'm going to have to call you back. You can just get started on those changes for now." He pulled the phone away from his ear to end the call, shoving it down into his pocket. "What's with all the whining?"-
  9. Covet: "Your son misses you, that's all. Since you've been working all weekend. He thinks he's neglected." // Connor smiled as Brad ended the call. Hearing Kelsey's words he spoke up. "I don't know what that word means, but yes. I'm that."
  10. Alexithymiaa: "Neglected? You get more attention than any kid I know. I'm sorry I actually have a job that needs to be tended to." He said in a disgruntled tone, crossing his arms over his chest. "What exactly do you want me to do, just drop everything to play Hot Wheels?"-
  11. Covet: Kelsey frowned at Brad's tone, clearing her throat. "Hey, he's been rather patient about not getting to hang out with you this weekend. Of course he doesn't mean that, he just wants his time with you. No need to get so grumpy at him for it, he's five." // Connor frowned looking at Brad, before taking his cars off the table and put them into the pocket of his jacket, very solemnly.
  12. Alexithymiaa: "Kelsey, he's throwing food across the cafe because he isn't getting attention from me. He knows better than that kind of behavior." He looked at Connor putting his toys away, letting out a sigh.-
  13. Covet: "It was two small fries, and they were the really hard crispy ones. It's not really that big of a deal. He's five years old, the fact that he hasn't bothered you up until this moment, is honestly a great feat for him." Kelsey said. "I'm more than sure he's got the point that it wasn't a good thing to do." // Connor slid off his chair and went to pick up the fries off of the floor.
  14. Alexithymiaa: "It's a big deal that if something weren't said, it would be someone else's responsibility to clean it up. Someone who really shouldn't have to clean up any more than they already do here. That's not fair." He held a stern look.-
  15. Covet: "Look, He's already cleaning them up. So nobody else had to do it, and he would have gone and picked them up himself anyways, because he does know at least that much. It was just some kind hearted mischief, you're the one making it into some big personal deal." // Connor brought the two fries up to the counter and put them on a napkin. "I'm sorry. I won't throw them again."
  16. Alexithymiaa: "But would anything have been done if I didn't say something? Throwing food isn't okay and I'm not wrong for saying that." He said, sticking to his guns on this.-
  17. Covet: "I'm sure he would have, or he would have been reminded to when we were getting up to leave. I was aware of what he was doing." Kelsey said. "Like you haven't ever gone against that and thrown food. He's five, he didn't start a food fight, it was two small tiny fries."
  18. Alexithymiaa: "So you were aware of what he was doing, you knew I was on the phone with a client and you just let it happen? Why?" He asked sharply.-
  19. Covet: "Because, I made the parental assesment that it wasn't that big of an issue. And I can't blame him when he hasn't done anything with you all weekend. And now you're choosing to take the time that you have now, to be selfish and angry with him." Kelsey said crossing her arms giving him the momma bear look.
  20. Alexithymiaa: "Because bad behavior doesn't get rewarded. So now the punishment is the time spent with me is for a lecture instead of fun. That's how kids learn not to do the wrong thing. Just because you don't think my phone call was that big of an issue to be interrupted doesn't mean it wasn't. These are paying clients, Kels. And time is money."-
  21. Covet: "The only one who says it is bad is you." Kelsey said flatly at him. "He's more than paid for a couple of stupid french fries, by this attitude and display. Or are you just going to keep berating him for being a kid until he cries?" Kelsey asked him, then looked over at Connor. // He had his head burried in his arms on the table, listening to them.
  22. AlexithymiaaAlexithymiaa : "Oh so listening to me talk is a punishment for who, you or him?" He asked with an attitude. "I'm not berating him, I'm berating you because you're the one getting on me for being upset about him throwing food at me. I have every right to be upset he interrupted my phone call and I have every right to lecture him for throwing food. I don't know why you're so bent out of shape about correcting bad behavior."-
  23. Covet: Kelsey looked at him. "So what you're saying is that work is more important than family?" She said speaking in a cool tone, her arms still crossed. "He doesn't need a lecture over a couple of fries. A few stern words, fine...that I can agree on. But this... " She said pointing at him. "This is over the top, regardless of who it's directed to."
  24. Alexithymiaa: "I did give him a few stern words and you jumped down my throat like it was MY fault he was misbehaving. I never said work comes before family, but I've got a deadline to meet so playing with him right now is a little unrealistic. I've never neglected my responsibilities in this family and I've always made myself available to you both for whatever you needed. This weekend, I needed to work. Why is that wrong?"-
  25. Covet: "You know what.. You're right.. He's a terrible child who shouldn't ever ask for something as small as spending some time with the person he considers his Dad. It's not like his other one spends all his time with him or anything." Kelsey said with a shrug. "Sorry for interupting you and asking that you take it easy over a couple of stupid fries. That's all it was to him, Not this big important deadline. That's all." // Connor quickly wiped the tears from his eyes, on his arms before burying his head again.
  26. Alexithymiaa: "You're putting words in my mouth. All I wanted was to finish my phone call, but you know what?" He asked angrily, digging his hand into his pocket for his phone, holding it up into the air. "Fine. Everyone else wins now, no more phone calls." He threw the phone down on the floor with a lot of force, the screen instantly shattering. "Everyone happy now?"-
  27. Covet: Kelsey watched him and pulled out her phone to get an uber set up for her and Connor, before getting her laptop put back in it's bag. "We're not staying here if this is the tantrum you want to throw over something so stupid. You were pretty much done on the phone call as is You've more than made your point and I'm sure we both feel thouroughly lectured and yelled, that this will never happen again." She turned to the waitress who was bringing the warm drinks, and gave her a soft look, "Can you put those in to go cups for us please."
  28. Alexithymiaa: "I wasn't pretty much done on the phone, but thank you for making that assumption based on what suits you best. I'll be sure to tell the editor that the first half of the idea we talked about is the entire concept of the video." He shook his head, too riled up to budge on the subject.-
  29. Covet: "Thank you, I appreciate it, I'm sure they will understand." Kelsey said with a forced smile, waiting for the drinks to be brought back again. // Connor was upset because one they were fighting. Again. And two he was in trouble and it must be bad if they were fighting like this.
  30. Alexithymiaa: "Newsflash, you're the talent. People only understand when you screw up or don't do your job properly. It's okay for you to do whatever you want because everyone else will pick up the slack. It's literally their job. Unfortunately it doesn't work the same way for literally every one else."-
  31. Covet: Kelsey got her to go cup and put her bag over her shoulder, then got right up next to Brad's ear. "There are still expectations of me, I'm still expected to be on time, meet deadlines. and all of that. The only thing that's different here, is that I've made it very apparent to everyone and anyone that if my kid needs me. He comes first. I get that you can't do that with your job. But that doesn't mean he gets it... at five years old." Kelsey said to Brad in a sharp whisper, before handing Connor he's hot chocolate." Here you go kiddo. C'mon we'll get home and I'll make it better." // Connor took the cup and was sniffling, he stopped in front of Brad, but didn't look up at him. But he did utter out an apology to him. "I'm sorry, Dad."
  32. Alexithymiaa: "Then why were you on my back about it?" He whispered sharply in return to her before looking down at Connor. "Thank you for apologizing, Buddy. It's okay, but now you know for next time, right?"-
  33. Covet: "Because it sounded like you were done. I didn't think you'd have this big of an issue over it. Clearly I was wrong." She said then put her hand out for Connor. "C'mon kiddo, Our ride's here." Kelsey said taking a sniffling sad Connor home.
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