
Sad convversations

Aug 31st, 2016
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  1. battingProdigy [BP] began pestering chaturangaCaller [CC]
  2. BP: cee?
  3. BP: ythere?
  4. CC: oh! hey jace!
  5. CC: whats up!
  6. BP: nothin much
  7. BP: just a little bummed out really
  8. CC: oh no! thats no good :c
  9. CC: whats wrong!
  10. BP: not too sure really
  11. BP: im just really off my game today i guess
  12. BP: can you believe that i missed two pitches today?
  13. BP: somethings not right im tellin ya
  14. CC: jace comon you cant let a few pitches get you down!
  15. CC: your probably just getting back in the swing of things (hehe) again now that your arms good enough to use again!
  16. BP: i dunno
  17. BP: also the pitching machines busted
  18. BP: so yay for that
  19. BP: nearly got pelted with baseballs
  20. BP: woulda been something from that one game
  21. BP: the one where theres high schoolers trapped inside a school
  22. BP: and the only way out is to kill someone and get away with it
  23. BP: yknow what im talking about right?
  24. CC: um! nope! hehe!
  25. BP: i think it was like
  26. BP: dengonrampa or something like that?
  27. BP: i dunno
  28. BP: anyways whatre you up to?
  29. CC: oh stuff!
  30. CC: i finally managed to rope vox into a chess game with me!
  31. CC: and then things got really dark all of a sudden!
  32. CC: and also this weird guy contacted me this morning!
  33. BP: gimme some deets on those last two messages homie
  34. CC: well vox just made a point of killing every piece of mine on the board, leaving the king for last!
  35. CC: it reminded me of his pirating adventures or whatever he calls them!
  36. CC: the other guy! i dont even know!
  37. BP: yikes
  38. BP: our games never turn out like that
  39. BP: so whos that other guy? whats his deal?
  40. CC: oh! umm!
  41. CC: he just like!
  42. CC: well hes elliots friend! and!
  43. CC: hehe well i think he wants to date me or something!
  44. BP: oh
  45. BP: thats
  46. BP: uh
  47. BP: cool? i guess?
  48. BP: whats he like?
  49. CC: haha i dunno he seems
  50. CC: sorta pushy and aggro i guess!
  51. CC: he kept trying to get me to send him pictures!
  52. BP: yikes
  53. BP: isnt that what predators do?
  54. BP: id say watch your back
  55. BP: he might not be who he says he is
  56. CC: i dont think hes a predator!
  57. CC: he sent me a picture of himself!
  58. CC: unless you think that was a fake?
  59. BP: i dunno
  60. BP: could be
  61. BP: ynever know
  62. CC: well i dunno!
  63. CC: he said hed speak to me again!
  64. CC: im sure itll be fine though! if he really was a predator, its not like hes coming out to the woods of tasmania to find me!
  65. BP: yeah thats fair
  66. BP: anyways you up for a chess game?
  67. CC: oh i dunno jace im kinda burnt out from playing with vox!
  68. CC: but definitely some other time!
  69. BP: oh
  70. BP: well thats alright then
  71. BP: i guess ill just bum around my room for a bit then
  72. BP: talk to ya later
  73. -- battingProdigy [BP] ceased pestering chaturangaCaller [CC]--
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