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a guest
Jul 15th, 2018
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  1. "von rechts":
  2. z.z.: conv(conv A U conv B) = conv(A U B)
  3. Sei A U B = C conv(conv A U conv B) = conv(A c C)
  4. conv(conv A U conv B) = conv(conv A c conv C)
  5. conv(conv A U conv B) = conv(conv A c conv(A U B))
  6. conv(conv A U conv B) = conv(conv A U B) // folgt das echt aus der Zeile davor?
  7. conv(conv A U conv B) = conv(A convA U B convB)
  8. conv(conv A U conv B) = conv(A U B)
  10. Wegen A c conv A und A konvex <=> A = conv A, folgt die Behauptung(aus dem letzten Schritt)
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