
Endtown RPG Session #30.3 (Everett + Martin's adventure)

Apr 8th, 2016
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  1. We begin
  2. afew several crossed words Mallard has thrown a hissy fit, and threw it with all his duck strength.
  3. You are at the Lazy Day apartments pondering your next moves.
  4. Why are you getting banned here? Didn't Ranger Dog just leave with a bunch of dudes with guns?
  5. Martin Baron finished collecting his possessions, his expression solemn.
  6. Everett Pillory shakes his head at the rabbit "Come on, Martin... isn't there a court of appeal to this? Mallard is the sole ruler of Endtown? Don't you have a mayor? A council? Hell anything."
  7. Martin Baron puts his grocery bag of clothing down, responding "Yeah, I don't pay too much attention to who rules what here, but I know that there's a mayor here. Don't know his name or what he does though."
  8. GM (GM): ((There are many kiosks for people wondering about how endtown works))
  9. Everett Pillory rubs his chin "Maybe this mayor guy could help us... We should try to reach him sometime... covertly."
  10. GM (GM): ((But since Martin already lives here, there is the council, the mayor, and the head of securi-- Err, maybe just those first two.
  11. Martin Baron: (( But that implies he takes the time to care about these things. Mind of 3's a bitch. ))
  12. (( But yeah, I get what you're saying. ))
  13. "I'm remembering something else... Yeah, there's also a council, but I don't think we'll get an audience with them any time soon. They're separated from the others, rule up top anonymously or something like that."
  14. "Plus there's Flask... You know, I think I'd prefer talking to the mayor than her."
  15. Everett Pillory quirks his brow "Who is this Flask person?"
  16. Martin Baron: "Er... Chief of security, she's the one who commands all the rats. Used to be Mallard's job, but he gave it to her some time ago."
  17. Martin Baron rubs his head. "I met her before, and... Yeah, trust me, it's probably best we try to get someone else."
  18. Everett Pillory rubs his forehead "But... this is a security matter right? Christ, why is this town full of lunatics"
  19. Everett Pillory: ( Also Martin has 3 Mind, I have 8, together we have 11!)
  20. GM (GM): ((Then again she does cut through red tape. She'd fix this problem easy! or at least 'fix' it.
  21. Martin Baron: "Yeah, I guess it is... Maybe get the mayor to help us out on this?"
  22. GM (GM): ((
  23. Everett Pillory looks over himself "Right but best not to go to the mayor suited like this. Umm... Martin not to be too pushy but, got a spare pair of pants? I think Clayton still has mine."
  24. Martin Baron looks through the small bag he calls his "possessions". He pulls out a pair set of khaki pants and tosses it to Everett.
  25. GM (GM): You should still have 10 other pieces of pants at where they threw you. Then again, you are kind of the common size.
  26. Martin Baron: "Right, get dressed and we'll go to the mayor's place."
  27. Everett Pillory rushes into Walkers place and comes back dressed in his sleeveless undershirt and the borrowed pants with the topsider suit neatly tucked under his arm "Good now I look like a factory worker."
  28. Martin Baron: (( On to Pooh bear's place.))
  29. GM (GM): Okay.
  30. ((Because I haven't uploaded the token for dottie...))
  31. Martin Baron: (( Walking straight to Flask would be a bad move. The rats are dumb, but not dumb enough to just let two banished people walk by to Flask's office. ))
  32. The mayor is frequently known to be out of the office, particularly in his favorite fishing dock.
  33. Everett Pillory: (( Capybara eating Ice Cream ))
  34. BUT!
  35. On the way you encounter a rat wagon patrol!
  36. Martin Baron: (( Well that's not good ))
  37. GM (GM): It appeasrs they haven't seen you just yet, take an action!
  38. Martin Baron: (( So... Secret technique time? ))
  39. Everett Pillory: ((Hide in an alley?))
  40. Martin Baron: (( Yep ))
  41. (( I think I got hide as a skill, let me check what level ))
  42. (( Just 1 ))
  43. (( What roll should we take to jump into an alley? Straight 100? ))
  44. GM (GM): Just say you do.
  45. And roll your hide.
  46. Martin Baron: (( Alright, sorry. ))
  47. rolling 1d100
  48. (43)= 43
  49. Everett Pillory: (Mine is 1 as well let's see)
  50. Martin Baron: (( Ugh, well there I go. ))
  51. GM (GM): ((Whoops, for got da rulz
  52. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+20
  53. (58)+20= 78
  54. Martin Baron: (( Arigato ))
  55. (( Mind bonus applies to hide? ))
  56. GM (GM): You do have the camouflage skill.
  57. Martin Baron: (( ... Also at level 1))
  58. GM (GM): Whatever, reroll.
  59. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100
  60. (18)= 18
  61. (( Fug ))
  62. GM (GM): The rats, they spot you!
  63. Martin Baron: (( Everett's still hidden? ))
  64. GM (GM): But not the panda.
  65. Martin Baron: (( Works for me. ))
  66. (( Now... I could run or just accept surrender. Hm. ))
  67. GM (GM): Good idea to use that zoom function here.
  68. Rats: Hey, you're a POI!
  69. ...You don't look like a fish, that's FALSIFYING INFORMATION!
  70. It appears you are not dealing with the best of the best of the department here.
  71. Everett Pillory: (I still have some black powder... hmmm how easy would be for me to make a small firecracker)
  72. GM (GM): ((Ive got the tiger guy token right on this minimap thing. It's reall throwing me off.
  73. Martin Baron: (( Can try negotiation here. Convince them I'm just another rabbit. ))
  74. (( Bartin Maron. ))
  75. GM (GM): That works better
  76. Martin Baron: (( Yeah, cool. ))
  77. Everett Pillory prepares a harmless explosive to distract the guards
  78. Everett Pillory: ( That would be invention? Or Chemistry? )
  79. GM (GM): Chemistry if that's the only skill being used here.
  80. Martin Baron: "Um, I think you're looking for someone else... I just got here a few weeks ago, I'm... Bartin."
  81. Everett Pillory: ( Okay then ))
  82. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100
  83. (54)= 54
  84. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+20
  85. (14)+20= 34
  86. Rats: Well then, Mr. Bartin let's see your ID card.
  87. Everett Pillory: ( Chemistry at 3 too )
  88. Martin Baron: (( Rolls please! ))
  89. GM (GM): Oh right.
  90. Roll deception! (1d100+ mind)
  91. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+15
  92. (19)+15= 34
  93. PLEASE
  94. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+5
  95. (18)+5= 23
  96. Martin Baron: WHAT
  97. GM (GM): YOU WIN!
  98. Rats: Ah, right, yes.
  99. Go about your day, Bartin. No need to file for illegal profiling or anything!
  100. Martin Baron nods, faking a smile as hard as he can. "Yes, thank you officers. Have a good day."
  101. Everett Pillory breathes heavily hidden clutching his flash bomb... he covers his mouth to sigh in relief hearing that Martin made it
  102. the rats say with Everett holding a flashbang made from a beer can and wall scrapings over his head.
  103. GM (GM): Bartin Maron! Pverett Eillory! What do you do? The mayor might be in his office or down at the docks!
  104. Everett Pillory: Shall we go to that blasted office before we get gunned down in an alley like during the riots?
  105. GM (GM): ((Riots? What riots?! No riots happen in Endtown!))
  106. Martin Baron: "Agreed. Just... try not to look at the rats in the eyes."
  107. Everett Pillory: (( Pre-war ones ))
  108. GM (GM): ((Let's have some fun here. See the square two things down from the point on your map tools?
  109. Everett Pillory: (( You know the ones that were mentioned in the comic ))
  110. GM (GM): Highlight that and you get the text tool.
  111. ((I know, I was being alittle bit sarcastic.))
  112. ((I'm the GM I get to do that sometimes.
  113. anyway, use the text tool to put down on the map where you want the mayor's office to be.
  114. Martin Baron: (( Now I just gotta figure out how to delete it ))
  115. (( Fuck, I'm sorry. ))
  116. (( Anyway, I always thought it to be near the clocktower. What about you Suule? ))
  117. GM: Oh just click on it with the pointer tool.
  118. Martin Baron: (( Yeah but I don't know how to delete it, just flip it around. ))
  119. Everett Pillory: (( Somewhere here I believe. Near the police station and clock tower ))
  120. Martin Baron: (( Sounds reasonable to me. ))
  121. GM (GM): Just select it and hit delete
  122. Martin Baron: (( Thank you IT Dept __
  123. GM (GM): Okay then!
  124. Martin Baron: (( To the hall then! ))
  125. You proceed to the Mayor's office. There you encounter a large rodent woman filing through papers.
  126. Everett Pillory points to the rodent "That's the mayor right? She looks both busy and cute..."
  127. Martin Baron shakes his head, "No, that's a secretary I believe. I remember a much bigger guy being the mayor from a pamphlet. Bear, I think."
  128. Upon hearing those descriptors Dottie diverts her attention to you.
  129. Martin Baron walks to the counter. "Excuse me, we're looking for the mayor. It's pretty important that we talk to him."
  130. Dottie: May I help you?
  131. GM (GM): (I'm a page behind here.
  132. Martin Baron: (( I'm sorry? ))
  133. Dottie: Well, if it's important...
  134. The woman opens the door to reveal the mayor passed out on his desk.
  135. Everett Pillory looks up and mutters under his nose "'s almost like a newspaper comic, the mayor's assistant doing more work than the mayor itself."
  136. he is is covered in blood!
  137. Martin Baron screams like a little school girl.
  138. Martin Baron: (( Funny joke ))
  139. Everett Pillory: (( I bet it's ketchup ))
  140. GM (GM): ((Dang it,
  141. The mayor snaps awake.
  142. Martin Baron: (( I thought it was just the GM pulling the "one joke a session" ))
  143. Walt: Ah, man.
  144. Martin Baron: "Er... Are you the mayor?"
  145. He looks himself over he is indeed covered in condiments.
  146. Walt: Yeah, I did the sleep eating thing again. You can't prove a thing!... I mean, yeah I'm him.
  147. Everett Pillory wipes the red off the mayor and looks at him "Not even fake blood... disappointed."
  148. Walt: Now if you don't mind me, I'd like to get back to my sleeping and maybe eating...
  149. Martin Baron: "No! Wait, we need help."
  150. Walt: Ah, I didn't want to do any work today. Can't Mallard do it?
  151. Everett Pillory looks up "Mallard is very... upset right now."
  152. Martin Baron: (( Straight up tell him our problem? ))
  153. GM (GM): ((That or throw him a jar of peanut butter.))
  154. Martin Baron: (( We got a half bottle of whiskey but were planning on saving that for bomb defusing ))
  155. (( Anyway, going with it. ))
  156. "No, he's the one who caused this mess. We got our citizenship revoked, and we need someone to let us back in."
  157. Walt: Yeah, that sounds like him.
  158. Everett Pillory keeps looking up "And we want it back now..."
  159. Walt pulls a form from his desk and let's out a tired sigh.
  160. Walt: Okay, let's get some questions.
  161. Questions questions questions...
  162. Okay, one, did you kill anyone?
  163. Martin Baron chews his lip a second before responding "No, no we haven't."
  164. Everett Pillory headshakes "Of course not."
  165. Walt: No and of course, got it.
  166. GM (GM): Two, will you kill anyone?
  167. Everett Pillory fiddles with his thumbs "Ummm... in self defence? I'm not sure how pissed off I can be."
  168. Martin Baron: "No, we already said no to that."
  169. Walt: I'll just put an N/A there.
  170. Martin Baron: "Exactly, how fast is this process gonna be? Just turn it in, get our cards back in an hour or something like that?"
  171. Walt: three, do you plan to now, in the future, or somehow in the past plot or enact actions that may jeopardize Endtown, it's contents, or the people therein?
  172. Everett Pillory headshakes "Of course not. You jeopardize your home."
  173. Martin Baron: "Again, no."
  174. Walt looks up giving a long, sad look. The look of someone who has already spent a lifetime doing this and still has a lifetime to go. He looks wistfully out the window to watch leaves blow by. He says, "It'll be over soon."
  175. Everett Pillory: (( Martin is more convincing than Everett ))
  176. Martin Baron: (( Only if no one knows what he did ))
  177. Walt scribbles down your answers.
  178. He draws a big X on the rest of the sheets and flips them over.
  179. Martin Baron: "Please tell me this is quick, because they're threatening to kick us out by force if we don't leave."
  180. Walt: Okay, final question. What was the circumstances of your expulsion?
  181. Also: , sub question, would you like to take a survey to further your form filling experience?
  182. Martin Baron: "I... asked Mallard if I could buy his blaster. We go on missions up top, I wanted something to back me up without having to return it and ask for it back every time."
  183. "That depends, does that make this friggin' faster?"
  184. Everett Pillory looks at Martin then rubs the back of his head "...and I backed my friend here up."
  185. Walt: you know you can just ask for a blaster.
  186. Yeah... I'll just check the 'Duck Rage' box here...
  187. Martin Baron: "Yes, but for a time. I thought he'd be willing to make a trade!"
  188. Walt: Nah, just ask. He likes his power plays.
  189. Security hands them out free with the scout sachels.
  190. Anyway.
  191. The large bear slaps a stamp down on the forms with no real accuracy.
  192. Martin Baron: (( Something tells me this isn't gonna be fast at all. ))
  193. Walt: I'll get these up to security and you should have your reply in about... I don't know, a month?
  195. Everett Pillory 's eye twitches a lot
  196. Walt: And this is we have question two.
  197. Martin Baron jumps back in shock at Everett's outburst. Just in his anger, but not any less surprising.
  198. Dottie: You guys are in trouble, huh?
  199. Martin Baron: "Yeah. You got a solution better than this?"
  200. Everett Pillory face sports a nasty grimace while eye twitches and he doesn't respond... but the "a month" is certainly making the panda's rage go into phase two.
  201. GM (GM): Everett's Theme right now:
  202. Dottie glares at Walt.
  203. Dottie: I can walk you to security and we can have it resolved right away.
  204. Me and Walt know you've bent over backwards for this town... It's just complicated how things work.
  205. Martin Baron: "Um... Like I said, they're looking for us. Actually got found by a squad earlier, only managed to avoid them because I said I was Bartin."
  206. Walt: Yeah, go with Dottie then. I'll phone ahead to security to not be jerks.
  207. Dottie: Follow me, please.
  208. Everett Pillory is slowly calming do, although the desk he is gripping gains claw marks. "...they better not be. I'm having a bad day."
  209. Follow the giant rat?
  210. Everett Pillory: (( Yep ))
  211. Martin Baron: (( Off with the cutie-patootie ))
  212. ((... To New Persia ))
  213. GM (GM): Sorry, I've actually got alot of maps on this campaign.
  214. you are in new- Endtown security sector.
  215. Dottie waves the rats before they do something stupid and gives them your forms.
  216. Martin Baron tries to avoid looking the rats in the eyes.
  217. Everett Pillory is still visibly upset and just looks away from the rats with his arms crossed
  218. Rats: Okay, E. Pillory and B. Maron. Please go down the hall and to the right for your reassessment.
  219. Dottie waves and says, "Good luck guys."
  220. GM (GM): There is a room on your right.
  221. Martin Baron: "Thank you so much." Martin says, waving back.
  222. (( Off to death we go ))
  223. Everett Pillory mutters "Thanks..." trying to calm himself down
  224. Martin Baron looks somewhat distraught, wishing it didn't have to come to meeting Flask.
  225. You see a tall woman looking out a window to Endtown below.
  226. Flask: So you want back in colony?
  227. Everett Pillory leans back with a sigh "Yes... I'm not even sure why I got thrown out so quickly in the first place."
  228. Flask: You managed to piss off Mallard, not really hard to do.
  229. Martin Baron nods his head, not sure of what to say.
  230. Everett Pillory grumbles "I pissed off a lot of professors in my time and no one told me to pack up my bags and leave the university grounds. And I feel particularly sour after disarming that missle on the surface... that is after we grabbed it off a pack of loons from New Persia that tried to blow up Endtown with it."
  231. Flask: Yes. The missile is being a bit of a problem.
  232. I don't like problems.
  233. Apparently: someone came by and disassembled the missile. Further, that lunchbox you rode in with is being particularly beligerent. He refuses to answer to listen to anyone unless it's one of you three.
  234. Martin Baron silently thanks whoever told Hershel that command.
  235. Flask: That is to say, you two and your human friend.
  236. But that's besides the point.
  237. Everett Pillory scratches his head "Disassembled? What do you mean by disassembled? All I have done is made sure its playload won't fire off... at all. Human friend? You mean pepperoni face... Clayton?"
  238. Well: , I guess one of us is a liar then.
  239. Martin Baron: "What?"
  240. Because: Right now I have a missile sitting on top of the colony full of fuel with a loaded nose cone, and a big empty midsection.
  241. Martin Baron: "... We were gonna get rid of it."
  242. Blackie: Who else knew about your little adventure?
  243. Martin Baron looks to Everett, not sure if he should mention the others.
  244. Flask: "We were..." Sounding like that Mayor of yours.
  245. Martin Baron: "I... don't think he could do anything. We were gonna check in with Mallard, and hopefully once we got everything else sorted out deal with the missile remains, but that's when I asked if I could buy the blaster and..."
  246. Everett Pillory grumbles hiding his head in his hands... "Fucking..." and starts to again eyetwitch. He pulls his hand up as to ask for people to stop until he regains his composure. He takes few deep breaths then straightens himself out, his eye still twitching a bit "The only people present while I was disarming the bomb - me... one of the rats, Herschel... I also had to make a request for prof. Mallard to give me a book on Amesworth radiation as well as a hook-up to the navigational system to change the missle course..."
  247. Flask: Well, then. That's an issue.
  248. One of my rats?
  249. Everett Pillory shakes his head trying to think straight "Okay, hold on there... Miss... Flask? First of all that piece was HIGHLY radioactive. So whoever handled it was a goddamn idiot. Second of all radioactivity leaves a trace so the best course of action would be to trace it. Third of all, we can go upstairs and ask Herschel about things."
  250. Good: , do it.
  251. Flask: I'll sit on these forms until you this matter is resolved.
  252. Everett Pillory looks up sighing "Can I ask you one more question?"
  253. Flask: No.
  254. Get moving.
  255. Martin Baron: (( Don't mention the bomb facility? ))
  256. GM (GM): (( What is she going to do with that information?
  257. Martin Baron: (( Use it as a bargaining chip? We deal with that, you let us back in? ))
  258. GM (GM): I need a few minute stretch break here. Reconvene in 10 minutes?
  259. Flask does love bargaining.
  260. Martin Baron: (( Then me and Everett pray she doesn't want to come with us the crazy fucker ))
  261. Everett Pillory gets up and walks out grabbing Martin "Fine... we'll take care of that."
  262. GM (GM): Okay.
  263. Martin Baron: (( But sure ))
  264. GM (GM): afk for abit
  265. Everett Pillory turns around as he walks out "Do I at least have the permission to wear a topsider suit to check the radiation sensors? Dont' want to be shot."
  266. Everett Pillory: (( Okay ))
  267. Bartin Maron: (( Gonna go get water ))
  268. (( Back. So, use Topsider suit to find glasses rat? ))
  269. Everett Pillory: (( First ask Herschel, then find the radiation traces ))
  270. Bartin Maron: (( Wouldn't it be better to find him here then go up to ask Hershel? ))
  271. Everett Pillory: (( Herschel will get us an answer but all rats look alike... whoops racism!))
  272. GM (GM): back!
  273. Bartin Maron: (( Wouldn't he be glowing like a glowstick when compared to others on the sensors? ))
  274. (( But if you insist, we can go check with Hershey first. ))
  275. Actions?
  276. Bartin Maron: (( Wait, they might just lock the door on us if we go up. ))
  277. Everett Pillory looks at Martin and then at Flask "Are you sure you won't lock us out of the colony?"
  278. Flask: Would you like me too?
  279. Then get moving.
  280. Ah, and when you find the device we may resume our conversation about Mallard.
  281. Everett Pillory cringes at the reply " And I will, is there a way to comlink you privately?"
  282. Flask hands you a hand held radio.
  283. Her deal: Give her the bomb and she'll reinstate you.
  284. Bartin Maron: (( Oh fuck ))
  285. The situation: There is a spy in the rats.
  286. Proceed topside?
  287. Bartin Maron: (( To Hershel ))
  288. Everett Pillory: (( Yeah... ))
  289. Everett Pillory looks at Martin and whispers"You know what...? Hearing her talk was like driving a nail through my head. She's... unh.... troubled"
  290. You have returned topsdie to the ever infamous missile.
  291. Bartin Maron: "Now you know why I didn't want to go to her."
  292. Everett Pillory sighs... at the verge of crying "What the fuck happend to get myself invovled into this. Should've just hid under the rubble instead of trying to go with you guys."
  293. A voice comes from the radio, "I thought you'd like to know I'm monitoring you with the sand crawlers... They also have mics."
  294. Bartin Maron breaks out into a cold sweat. He doesn't say anything else as he walks towards Hershel.
  295. Hershel: Hey guys!
  296. Busy day, huh?
  297. Everett Pillory walks over to Herschel looking even more defeated.
  298. GM (GM): ((Two minutes with Flask makes a hard man crumble, apparently.))
  299. Bartin Maron: "Yeah... We heard someone was handling the bomb back there. Can you give us a description of what he looked like?" Martin says, nervous over how things will proceed.
  300. Hershel: Which one?
  301. Bartin Maron: "What?"
  302. "Was there more than one?"
  303. Everett Pillory: Obviously not me, Herschel..
  304. Everett Pillory headshakes "Just... I finished disabling the bomb. What happened next?"
  305. Well: , that assistant came back with a hand cart.
  306. Everett Pillory pulls out the topsider suit and starts to put it on "Go on..."
  307. Hershel: Then he loaded up alot of the missile parts and left. he also told me to not tell anyone he was there.
  308. Everett Pillory speaks loud "You hear that, Miss Flask?"
  309. Flask: Yep.
  310. Everett Pillory puts on the helmet and tries to figure out how to switch on the radiation readout
  311. Bartin Maron: "Did anything else happen while we were gone?"
  312. Hershel: You should ask that third guy. He took to suit usage like a bike.
  313. That: third guy with the face? He came by and used the suit abit.
  314. Bartin Maron: "Ok, so nothing else happened, good. Was wondering where Clayton got that suit."
  315. (( WAIT WHOOPS ))
  316. (( Scratch that last thought then. ))
  317. GM (GM): ((Flubbing on the paint.))
  318. Everett Pillory hmmms and inspects the insides wondering how crudely the components were removed
  319. There is nothing in the midsection but frayed wires.
  320. the proton packs and the zero-emission device is clearly missing. Also the CPU spine.
  321. Everett Pillory headshakes "Whoever has it... did a very crude job at it." and tries to follow the radiation from the proton packs. Usually they emit a good spectrum
  322. If you did use the helmet, you'd see a thermal signature that leads straight down to where the pod popped up.
  323. Bartin Maron follows Everett, waving goodbye to Hershel before going back into Endtown.
  324. Hershel waves with his mind.
  325. Everett Pillory removes his helmet
  326. Everett Pillory: Now...
  327. Before the rats even start the let out a sigh, turn around in dismay.
  328. Everett Pillory: ...Martin, be prepared.
  329. GM (GM): (Bartin)
  330. ((He's bartin now, master private eye.))
  331. Everett Pillory puts on the helmet back and turns on the HUD again searching for the signature in the rats that are leaving
  332. Bartin Maron nods, keeping his hands close to his pockets to draw if need be.
  333. Bartin Maron: "Try to get a reading on any of the rats if you can. Maybe that assistant has trace amounts of radiation on him or something."
  334. (( Well that helps. ))
  335. GM (GM): Behold the mspaint bloob
  336. Everett Pillory walks to the holding cells "Miss Flask can we take a look in the holding cells for a second?"
  337. You hear a CHHK noise as a holding cell opens.
  338. Everett Pillory walks in and looks at the radiation read-outs wondering for how long the device was kept here.
  339. Bartin Maron: (( Probably stored here for a bit before getting carted out. It's probably somewhere down in the city now. ))
  340. Flask: There's a problem.
  341. Bartin Maron: "What's wrong?"
  342. Flask: Camera's are off in this cell. I'm getting static.
  343. Everett Pillory looks at Martin "Get out of here...
  344. Everett Pillory: Suit can take the rads, you can't
  345. Bartin Maron starts backing up, moving away from the cell.
  346. Everett Pillory starts to inspect it "Possible radiation side effect. Or a camera cut. Checking the levels right now."
  347. Flask: Relax, it looks like there was just a spike in radiation afew hourse ago, it burned out the lens.
  348. Everett Pillory shrugs "I know the suit can take it, I don't want my bunny buddy here to get hurt."
  349. The radiation reads as nominal.
  350. Flask: I've got some more information for you: That holding cell was for a recent violent offender.
  351. Another is that a recent recruit went in with a blanketed cart and walked out.
  352. Bartin Maron: (( Mind if I make a perception roll? Try to see if there's anything to see?))
  353. Everett Pillory rubs his head "Recent violent offender? Any file on him and I think that's our assistant there..."
  354. GM (GM): sure
  355. Everett Pillory: (( Sure thing, Everett is kinda relying purely on sensors.))
  356. Bartin Maron: rolling 1d100+15
  357. (11)+15= 26
  358. (( I got squat, sorry then. ))
  359. GM (GM): You see a panda in an oversized helmet.
  360. Bartin Maron: (( Thank goodness, I opened my eyes. ))
  361. Flask: They were last seen in the lift down to the colony.
  362. Everett Pillory: Well that's what the sensors say...
  363. Everett Pillory pulls the helmet off "So... we have a radioactive component in a population centre..."
  364. Everett Pillory looks at Martin "Do you have free press?"
  365. Bartin Maron: (( Press? ))
  366. Everett Pillory: (( Newspapers ))
  367. GM (GM): ((Nah, in Endtown they are like a nickel or something. I'm just assuming.))
  368. Bartin Maron looks around, wondering if any of the rats here have one he could take.
  369. Everett Pillory: (( Free as in you know... freedom of speech ))
  370. Bartin Maron: (( Oh. Um, I suppose? ))
  371. (( The fuck was that ))
  372. "I suppose so. Why?"
  373. Everett Pillory looks up "Because the press will have a field day with this if they find out."
  374. GM (GM): (( I was thinking of making a character that was a clown. He copes with Endtown by being a clown, like patch adams or that pbs guy.))
  375. Everett Pillory: (( After coding Space Station 13, a clown in a highly volitale setting scares the shit out of me ))
  376. Bartin Maron: (( Literally the worst ))
  377. Proceed down down down?
  378. Bartin Maron: (( The clown cannot honk if you break its hand ))
  379. (( Yes ))
  380. You encounter a WILD DOTTIE!
  381. Dottie: Hey guys, how did it go?
  382. Bartin Maron: "Well, we're going on a Scooby Doo mystery hunt until we're allowed residence again. This time we're looking for... you want to explain it Everett?"
  383. Dottie: I'm sorry?
  384. Everett Pillory rubs the back of his head "There's a zero bomb component in Endtown.. leaking radiation."
  385. Bartin Maron: "It was taken by one of the rats. We're hunting him down now."
  386. Dottie blinks, she clearly didn't register that.
  387. Dottie: ...I'm sorry?
  388. Bartin Maron: "Guy has bad thing from an even badder thing. We gotta find him before bad things happen. Plus he's leaving a trail of bad stuff all the way down to Endtown."
  389. Everett Pillory: To put it bluntly: OH MY GOD, A BOMB!
  390. Dottie goes pale and looks like she's about to faint. Looks like you've done enough damage.
  391. GM (GM): afk for afew min.
  392. Everett Pillory catches her "Easy there, lady."
  393. Bartin Maron: (( Alright. ))
  394. (( Hey Suule, excited for the Diamond is Unbreakable being aired? ))
  395. Everett Pillory: (( Yes! ))
  396. Bartin Maron: (( Been trying to read into the series just a few weeks ago. Just as soon as I get past Nijimura becoming friends I find out the anime's releasing an episode on April Fools. ))
  397. Everett Pillory: (( I'm still waiting on it to get on streaming services ))
  398. (( I think Crunchyroll gets it really quick. ))
  399. GM (GM): back
  400. Bartin Maron: (( My Dad subscribed to Crunchyroll to watch his animes along with Mom a year or so ago, I think I'm gonna ask them for their account and password to try to watch the second episode. ))
  401. Down to endtown?
  402. Everett Pillory: Yep
  403. Bartin Maron: (( Alright, let's follow the Green irradiated road down to the culprit. ))
  404. Flask pipes in, I have an ID on the traitor. Rodent mutant, afew criminal charges. Registered as "Randy Roeschach."
  405. Flask: Also I've a location: A sewer access in the NW sector.
  406. Bartin Maron: "That was fast... Anything else you can tell us?"
  407. Everett Pillory loads his shotgun "Do you want him dead or alive."
  408. Flask: Just one, no talking to the press and don't bring anyone back. Do you understand?
  409. Bartin Maron: "Aye. Guess it's dead then..." Martin says, getting small flashbacks to another criminal he fought in the sewers.
  410. Everett Pillory takes a deep breath. "Martin... if we get out alive out of this. I want to drink to our success."
  411. Bartin Maron: "Ok... But I'm either following you or staying at the bar this time."
  412. GM (GM): proceed down sewer?
  413. Bartin Maron: (( That sounded kind of gay. ))
  414. (( Yeah. ))
  415. GM (GM): Since this is obviously gonna get nasty, what is your guys hp, weapons, armor, etc?
  416. Bartin Maron: (( WEW, um... 43/110 HP and 0 armor. 11/60 MP too. ))
  417. Everett Pillory: (( Martin is bad on HP... I have 40 HP on armour left and 100 HP ))
  418. Bartin Maron: (( Use a kit on myself real fast? ))
  419. Everett Pillory: (( I did make a little flashbang earlier... I do have an idea. ))
  420. Bartin Maron groans, his wounds still sore from the previous turmoil and the explosion added onto that. "Let me wrap myself up real fast, if you don't mind."
  421. Bartin Maron: (( I got no skill in first aid. ))
  422. GM (GM): I've got rules for blindness but not an entry for flashbangs.
  423. Everett Pillory: (( I have first aid ))
  424. rolling 1d100+20
  425. (76)+20= 96
  426. Bartin Maron: (( Makeshift rule? Roll 1d4 or 1d6 on temporary blindness ))
  427. (( Cool, thanks. ))
  428. Everett Pillory: (( Drinking, playing doctor, yeah... we're getting dangerously homo here. ))
  429. Bartin Maron: (( Handing you my pants to wear. We've surpassed the homo boundary here. ))
  430. GM (GM): sure. Roll 1d10 for turns and you have to roll 60 or better for any hit.
  431. Bartin Maron: (( Sounds good I suppose. ))
  432. GM (GM): Rather, you must roll a crit for a ranged attack, roll 60 for melee or point blank.
  433. +10 hp.
  434. Bartin Maron: (( Invent some flashbombs Everett then head out to meet Splinter? ))
  435. Everett Pillory: (( Sure ))
  436. Bartin Maron: (( Ok 53 then. Good enough for me. ))
  437. Everett Pillory: (( I'll make some smoke power... I plan to use the HUD of the suit for aiming ))
  438. Bartin Maron: (( And I'll just... use my rabbit ears as radar? ))
  439. (( Anyway, if we're all good then, let's go. ))
  440. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+20
  441. (20)+20= 40
  442. Bartin Maron: (( Roll sneak? ))
  443. Everett Pillory: (I think that's good enough for the smoke powder )
  444. Bartin Maron: (( I got... 1 level in that. ))
  445. GM (GM): Yes
  446. Everett Pillory: (( Me too ))
  447. Bartin Maron: (( Any bonuses to that? Agility or mind? ))
  448. GM (GM): You've got 2 flash powders.
  449. No bonus.
  450. Bartin Maron: (( Hm. ))
  451. GM (GM): I'll consider amending that.
  452. Bartin Maron: (( Let's do this then. ))
  453. Everett Pillory puts on his topsider helmet and switches on heat signatures
  454. GM (GM): Level 1 is still a 30% chance.
  455. Roll peception for those ears.
  456. Bartin Maron draws his 10mm Colt, making sure the magazine is fully loaded.
  457. Bartin Maron: rolling 1d100+20
  458. (55)+20= 75
  459. (( +20 from hearing ))
  460. GM (GM): Alright, you can tell there's three people in the room.
  461. Bartin Maron looks to Everett and holds up three fingers, still listening for any other helpful information.
  462. Everett Pillory nods and looks at the heat signatures
  464. It does not appear that they have noticed you.
  465. GM (GM): ((He has a hook for a hand now.
  466. Bartin Maron: (( Sneak time? ))
  467. Everett Pillory pulls out the flashbang and tries to sneak forward
  468. GM (GM): ((Also, this is the same goddang sewer as last time.))
  469. roll sneak.
  470. Bartin Maron attempts to approach closer to the area, following Everett's lead.
  471. Bartin Maron: rolling 1d100
  472. (13)= 13
  474. GM (GM): Well, they have to roll perception.
  475. GM (GM): Well, they have to roll perception.
  476. rolling 1d100+15
  477. (53)+15= 68
  478. Oh look at that, they see you.
  480. (( Bah, can I try to get a first attack in? ))
  481. GM (GM): Sure.
  482. Bartin Maron spots the dog in the distance once spotted, immediately recognizing him. Ignoring any pre-built plan, he opens fire.
  483. Bartin Maron: rolling 1d100
  484. (100)= 100
  485. (( THANK YOU ))
  486. GM (GM): Shit!
  487. First good roll is the best roll
  488. Target?
  489. Everett Pillory: (HOLY SHIT ))
  490. Bartin Maron: (( Dog man ))
  491. (( Got a vendetta ))
  492. GM (GM): Roll damage
  493. Bartin Maron: rolling 2d10+30
  494. (9+3)+30= 42
  495. GM (GM): Ouch!
  496. Bartin Maron: (( Roll intimidating line? "Howdy mother fucker!" ))
  497. GM (GM): His metal armor is punched and trashed.
  498. Everett Pillory: (( Oh I still need to roll right ?))
  499. Bartin Maron: (( I'm surprised that bullet didn't ping off the wall and bounce back to hit him again. ))
  500. GM (GM): At this point a monster surfaces from the water.
  501. Bartin Maron: rolling 1d100+30
  502. (29)+30= 59
  503. Everett Pillory: rolling 100+60
  504. 100+60= 160
  505. rolling 1d100+60
  506. (11)+60= 71
  507. Bartin Maron: (( Wew man ))
  508. Everett Pillory: (HAHAH Nope!)
  509. GM (GM): rolling 3d100+30
  510. (78+62+82)+30= 252
  511. Bartin Maron: (( Flash bang them and I unload on them? Then we defuse the bomb and open up some crates for skins? ))
  513. Bartin Maron: (( ))
  514. Everett Pillory: FLASHBANG TIME
  515. Bartin Maron: (( Croc might not be hit. He might duck underwater and come for us. ))
  516. (( Still, best choice of action. ))
  517. Everett Pillory throws it in the middle of the room and covers his ears nodding Martin to do the same.
  518. Everett Pillory: (( Throwing flashbangs in tunnels = double the effect '))
  519. GM (GM): 20 ft range?
  520. Everett Pillory: (( I remember reading stories of stupid rookies doing that ))
  521. Bartin Maron copied Everett's move, closing his eyes and covering his ears as best he can.
  522. Everett Pillory: (( 25 possibly ))
  523. GM (GM): Yeah, you made these in an alley, 10 feet is best you get.
  524. Choose target!
  525. Bartin Maron: (( Aim for croc maybe. He is closest. ))
  526. (( Yeah, no good range here. ))
  527. Everett Pillory: (( Yeah let's go for the dog though, he still has armour ))
  528. Bartin Maron: (( That I completely wrecked. ))
  529. GM (GM): pop pop
  530. Roll to throw.
  531. Bartin Maron: (( Should've gone with a burst or full clip. He would be paste in the wall. ))
  532. GM (GM): Yes, that is why they put that on those guns.
  533. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+20
  534. (60)+20= 80
  535. GM (GM): Hit
  536. Everett Pillory: ((Melee bonus right? ))
  537. GM (GM): yes.
  538. rolling 1d100
  539. (94)= 94
  540. rolling 1d10
  541. (2)= 2
  542. He is blinded for 2 rounds!
  543. Endturn?
  544. Everett Pillory: Can I still shoot?
  545. GM (GM): You'd spend the rest of your turn getting out your weapon.
  546. Everett Pillory: Then I get it out
  547. ...
  548. (( That sounded dirty ))
  549. Bartin Maron: (( This is a really gay adventure. ))
  550. GM (GM): ((Oh dear!))
  551. Anyway, the croc leaps from the water and is trudging at you.
  552. Everett Pillory: (( ))
  553. Bartin Maron: (( Hope he goes for me, should be able to parry him. ))
  554. GM (GM): Dawg takes cover (-30)
  555. Rat darts accross the room and takes comver(-30)
  556. Bartin!
  557. Bartin Maron: (( Following suit, gonna take cover here. ))
  558. GM (GM): -30 to be hit.
  559. Bartin Maron: (( 2 actions left. ))
  560. (( Firing Zeus taser and Killer Croc ))
  561. (( *at ))
  562. GM (GM): Okay!
  563. Bartin Maron: rolling 1d100
  564. (15)= 15
  565. (( Oh come on now ))
  566. GM (GM): We have rules now for resisting stun.
  567. Won't be necessary here.
  568. one action left.
  569. Bartin Maron misses his taser shot, shouting something incomprehensible in anger at the lack of results with this weapon.
  570. Bartin Maron: (( Unload a full 6-round clip into the alligator. ))
  571. (( Sorry, 6 / 7 magazine into the alligator ))
  572. (( Bonus to damage. Can you tell me what that is again? ))
  573. GM (GM): This is with the sub machinegun right?
  574. Bartin Maron: (( 10 mm colt, I haven't drawn the Mongol. ))
  575. (( Sorry, don't know how I forgot this talk last session. ))
  576. GM (GM): +15 for half the clip then.
  577. +35 for all 7 rounds
  578. Bartin Maron: (( Ok, thank you.))
  579. rolling 1d100
  580. (26)= 26
  581. (( Excuse me, gonna go eat ass for a second. ))
  582. GM (GM): Sorry, I was kind of lost there.
  583. Bartin Maron fires rapidly at the approaching threat, missing every single shot! Bartin begins yelling even louder this time!
  584. GM (GM): No skill in pistol?
  585. Bartin Maron: (( None, just energy pistols. ))
  586. GM (GM): Welp, you killed a brick back there.
  587. Bartin Maron: (( Even then, that's a small five bonus. ))
  588. GM (GM): Your weapon: Empty.
  589. Bartin Maron: End turn
  590. GM (GM): Everett, 2 turns
  591. Everett Pillory runs to huddle with Martin and takes a shot at the Allied Gator
  592. GM (GM): Funny.
  593. Roll!
  594. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100
  595. (20)= 20
  596. GM (GM): miss!
  597. Everett Pillory: (( Calling 555-COME-ON-NOW ))
  598. Everett Pillory curses wishing he would take an aim first...
  599. Bartin Maron: (( RNGesus doesn't believe in our cause. ))
  600. GM (GM): What I'm surprised is how the mind 1 guy is going first.
  601. Bartin Maron: (( TIME TO DIE ))
  602. Everett Pillory: (( BTW how to use flash powder? ))
  603. GM (GM): I glossed over that part for brevity.
  604. Powder go in can, you light the powder, throw, and it bursts somewhere you want it too. very fast hands.
  605. Bartin Maron: (( Sorry to say this now, but I might need to take a quick break to grab something to eat before the cafeteria closes in 13 minutes. ))
  606. (( Short 10 minute break or less. ))
  607. GM (GM): Alright, let's continue at in 10 then.
  608. Everett Pillory: (( Damn my double barrel being so slow to reload ))
  609. GM (GM): (Well, it was made for scaring rabbits and scarring bears.)
  610. ((So, i've been hearing about that one band, Baby Metal.))
  611. ((I don't know what to think of it.))
  612. Everett Pillory: (( I know about that ))
  613. (( To be honest don't know what to think about it either ))
  614. GM (GM): Well, I suppose that's for the best.
  615. Get a new opinion on that sort of thing.
  616. So, This fight huh?
  617. That croc has an agility of 1. I had originally set up the dog with a hard armor vest but I changed that when I saw that i priced that at 1400.
  618. Everett Pillory: I'm still wondering if... oh
  619. GM (GM): Yes, let's have the ganger who just spent the last few weeks in jail with a cutting edge military body armor.
  620. Everett Pillory: Hmm since it's sewers there's gonna be something laying here.
  621. GM (GM): He just found. Just lying around!
  622. Everett Pillory: Might grab a can, shove shotgun shells and and flash powder and use that as a nade
  623. GM (GM): Sure, just use the frag grenade rules.
  624. range 25 ft.
  625. 4d10+40(60).
  626. I'm still thinking about what Martin's player said, having agility bonus apply to sneak and such.
  627. I'd like that but is that making it too complicated?
  628. Right now I feel the rules are at that line of being too complicated to be accessible.
  629. Everett Pillory: Not really
  630. GM (GM): Good to know. To be honest...
  631. (I play Rifts.)
  632. Everett Pillory: Like divide skils between "Mind-based" "Skill-based" "Brawn-based" and based on that apply bonuses
  633. (( Do you need a hug? )
  634. GM (GM): No, it changed me. Made me hard!
  635. But really, military people and people out of jail, those are who play Rifts.
  636. Apparently some Californian prison has an extensive palladium library
  637. So I don't have a good concept of what is a "nice" and "fair" and "not confusing system"
  638. But I agree on the stat-base skills.
  639. Right off the bat I'd say Strength is going to be the short one on that list.
  640. Everett Pillory: Also doing this will narrow down the use of washing hands
  641. GM (GM): True.
  642. Besides that I've noticed a power creep in the system.
  643. Mostly in damage values for melee.
  644. Bartin Maron: Back
  645. GM (GM): Believe it or not crafting in the system has been very comprehensible so far.
  646. Heyo!
  647. Rat turn!
  648. The rat fires half a clip at Panda! (accuracy spray.)
  649. rolling 1d100+30
  650. (64)+30= 94
  651. -30
  652. GM (GM): So hit!
  653. Take
  654. rolling 4d10+40
  655. (2+8+7+2)+40= 59
  656. You guys still up?
  657. Everett Pillory: (( Panda noise !! ))
  658. Everett Pillory: (( Yeah... oh boy let's see))
  659. (( Armour is gone!! ))
  660. (( What remains is the topsider suit ))
  661. GM (GM): ((They are not playing!))
  662. Bartin!
  663. Bartin Maron: (( Should try to report in to Flask real quick, maybe have her send backup. ))
  664. Everett Pillory looks down at his armour disintigrating... then the bullets hitting grazing him.
  665. Bartin Maron: (( Any aim bonuses for being right in front of the crocodile? Thinking of tasing him. ))
  666. Everett Pillory: (( Shit... zero shield! ))
  667. GM (GM): Probably a goobad idea, she has no eyes in the sewers.
  668. Bartin Maron: (( Turn it on and just run at them! ))
  669. GM (GM): If you move into melee range you only need a 20 or better.
  670. Bartin Maron: (( Anyway, thinking of taking 2 turns to reload and fire the taser at croc. Is there any aim bonus for him being so close? ))
  671. (( thank you. ))
  672. GM (GM): So move up if you want.
  673. Bartin Maron: (( That'd leave me out in the open. Can't risk that. Hm. ))
  674. GM (GM): Keep in mind you will be in melee range of him at that point.
  675. Bartin Maron: (( That too. ))
  676. (( Taking an action to reload the taser. Staying behind cover. ))
  677. (( Firing. ))
  678. rolling 1d100
  679. (85)= 85
  680. (( Firing at crocodile ))
  681. rolling 1d10
  682. (2)= 2
  683. GM (GM): He'll roll resist.
  684. GM (GM): He'll roll resist.
  685. rolling 1d100
  686. (82)= 82
  687. Everett Pillory: ((FFS))
  688. GM (GM): Over 60, it's a hit.
  689. Bartin Maron: (( He's stunned or no? ))
  690. (( Please don't tell me I'm having connection issues again. ))
  691. Everett Pillory: (( Nope. Can see you fine ))
  692. GM (GM): Wait sorry,
  693. Okay these are new rules.
  694. Fortitude.
  695. Bartin Maron: (( 85 hit, 82 resist. ))
  696. GM (GM): He has to roll under 120
  697. The converse to this is every action you spend shocking him he suffers -15 to his roll and 2d10 damage from the shock
  698. Bartin Maron: (( This taser is absolute trash then. ))
  699. GM (GM): Well, he's as big as gustine.
  700. Bartin Maron: (( Hm. I'm guessing it takes an action to draw my Mongol? ))
  701. GM (GM): Yes.
  702. Keep in mind there is some leeway here.
  703. Bartin Maron: (( Which would be? ))
  704. GM (GM): For one, it doesn't say it has to be continuous.
  705. So you can shock him progressively.
  706. Also, it doesn't say how many shocks you can deliver per turn.
  707. Everett Pillory: (( Is he now a clear target? ))
  708. (( As in auto-hit? ))
  709. Bartin Maron: (( Doing just that then, if it reduces his roll and deals 2d10 damage every turn, then that can help. ))
  710. GM (GM): Like in aiming you can say you shock him for 2 actions and he's now -30
  711. rolling 2d10
  712. (2+3)= 5
  713. So he's at -15 now.
  714. Bartin Maron: "Bloody hell, JUST. $%*#iING. DIE!" Martin says, temporarily abandoning his previous sense of morality.
  715. (( Does this take up my last action? And if not, can I dodge then? ))
  716. GM (GM): Sure, dodge.
  717. Bartin Maron: rolling 1d100+45
  718. (99)+45= 144
  719. GM (GM): Choose your new location!
  720. Bartin Maron: (( How far can I flip flop around again? ))
  721. GM (GM): Panda!
  722. Bartin Maron: (( Sorry for these questions, should read up on the instructions more. ))
  723. Everett Pillory drops his items, pissed off... "Martin... wish me luck.", activates the zero shield and rushes towards the rat "THROW YOUR WEAPON DOWN UNLESS YOU WANT TO BECOME DUST, YOU FUCKER"
  724. GM (GM): Equal your sprint distance for rabbits, so 14 squares, right?
  725. Bartin Maron: (( Woa what ))
  726. GM (GM): With your destroyed suit?
  727. Bartin Maron: (( Speed is 9 ))
  728. Everett Pillory: (( Is it destroyed ?))
  729. (( I had a vest over it ))
  730. (( How much HP does the suit have ))
  731. GM (GM): ● Rabbit's Feet: Inherent with the species you gain speed and jumping ability. Bonus: +1 to Agility. You can jump a height equal to your walk speed and you can jump across a distance equal to your sprint, put simply your vertical jump is your Agility times 3 in feet and your horizontal jump is equal to your Agility times 6 in feet.
  732. Bartin Maron: (( So theoretically, I could ninja-flip almost all the way to the dog pirate if it's 14 tiles.
  733. GM (GM): So 18
  734. Bartin Maron: (( Good grief ))
  735. GM (GM): The suit has 10
  736. Bartin Maron: (( USE HIM AS COVER ))
  737. GM (GM): Resists knives and stuff but bullets rip it apart.
  738. Besides that you need the helmet on to activate it.
  739. Do you have the helmet.
  740. Everett Pillory: (( I have it on, I'm using it as a heat signature HUD ))
  741. Bartin Maron: (( Wait, is this an open section? I can take cover there. Not sure about the taser though. ))
  742. GM (GM): Then fine, you activate the zero field.
  743. Everett Pillory: (( Also it says here that damage over 30 will tear it ))
  744. GM (GM): Yep.
  745. Bartin Maron: (( Taking cover there then. ))
  746. (( Entering flanking position ))
  747. Everett Pillory: (( When I recieved 59 armour damage, disintegrating my remaining 40 damage from the armour and that's 19 damage left. So no tear. Just pissed off panda ))
  748. Bartin Maron makes a mad dash towards new cover deeper into the sewers, attempting to dodge any incoming fire.
  749. GM (GM): its tricky because it can resist like rubber, but rips with the right kind of damage.
  750. Everett Pillory: (( It's really hard to solve right now. We need a clarification ))
  751. GM (GM): Anyway, zero field: Takes an action to activate. Takes another action to make it not destroy what you are currently wearing.
  752. Everett Pillory: I can't punch the rat after running towards it right?
  753. GM (GM): Keep in mind, that if it doesn't destroy it, then that's a gap in your field, not a protective bubble.
  754. Not if you don't have the speed.
  755. Everett Pillory: Speed 5
  756. Err
  757. GM (GM): So field up?
  758. Everett Pillory: Speed 4
  759. GM (GM): Just short.
  760. Martin Baron: (( Better throw your gun to the ground or that'll get dusted ))
  761. Everett Pillory: (( Yep that's what I'm gonna do ))
  762. Martin Baron: (( Could just body slam the alligator, but again, leave you out in the open. ))
  763. Everett Pillory: (( So no dice? How about the shotgun shells in a can idea? How long would that take ))
  764. GM (GM): At least two rounds.
  765. Actions?
  766. Everett Pillory: (( Then I'm gonna make a nade and toss it at the rat ))
  767. GM (GM): two rounds.
  768. Everett Pillory: Okay...
  769. (( What to roll ))
  770. Martin Baron: (( Pop em with a shotty ))
  771. GM (GM): I mean, it's a good idea and all but you have 5 seconds to make that and toss it.
  772. There is no roll to activate the z-field.
  773. Everett Pillory: (( Shotty requires a full round of reload ))
  774. GM (GM): Well you haven't fired it yet right?
  775. Everett Pillory: (( Did I? Oh right I didn't. I ducked after tossing the nade ))
  776. Everett Pillory pulls out his shotgun and takes an aim at the gator then fires both barrels almost-point blank
  777. Everett Pillory: (I'm gonna use one action to aim)
  778. GM (GM): +10
  779. Everett Pillory: (( Skill 1 shotties... oh boy ))
  780. rolling 100+10
  781. 100+10
  782. = 110
  783. Martin Baron: (( Niceu niceu ))
  784. GM (GM): ... Might want to add a '1d' to that .
  785. Martin Baron: (( Oh wait ))
  786. GM (GM): hehe.
  787. Everett Pillory: (( Yeah ))
  788. rolling 1d100+10
  789. (97)+10= 107
  790. Martin Baron: (( Still nice ))
  791. GM (GM): Well, that's a hit.
  792. both barrels so just roll 4d10+40 and double it.
  793. Everett Pillory: rolling 4d10+40
  794. (4+5+3+6)+40= 58
  795. GM (GM): You hit him very hard and wound him badly!
  796. Martin Baron: (( Well, two more buckshots and then he'll fall. ))
  797. Everett Pillory: (( I still have actions left, right??))
  798. GM (GM): Yes.
  799. Martin Baron: (( Didn't you aim and fire? Isn't that 2? ))
  800. GM (GM): Ah yeah.
  801. You do not have actions!
  802. The gator is upset and grabs you.
  803. rolling 1d100+5
  804. (24)+5= 29
  805. Everett Pillory: (( Oh right ))
  806. Martin Baron: (( Now regretting ninja-flipping all the way over there. ))
  807. GM (GM): Just barely he has picked you up over his head!
  808. Everett Pillory growls "EY WATCH IT!"
  809. GM (GM): You cannot make move actions at this time.
  810. Dog runs to martin
  811. Martin Baron: (( That asshole's gonna claw me with his hand and deal 5 million damage isn't he? ))
  812. GM (GM): He tries to make an attack!
  813. Martin Baron: (( Wait, isn't the dodge still in effect? ))
  814. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+30
  815. (34)+30= 64
  816. He missed.
  817. Yes it is.
  818. Martin Baron: (( Wanananana ))
  819. GM (GM): The rat readies another clip.
  820. Rabbit!
  821. Martin Baron: (( I'm in melee range, and Martin's really pissed at this guy. I'm saving him for last. Reload on the taser. ))
  822. Everett Pillory yells "BLAST HIM, MARTIN. SEND HIM TO HELL"
  823. Martin Baron: (( Firing. ))
  824. rolling 1d100
  825. (39)= 39
  826. GM (GM): To the dog or gator?
  827. Martin Baron: (( Above 20 to hit in melee, correct? And Dog. ))
  828. GM (GM): Hit
  829. Martin Baron: rolling 1d10
  830. (10)= 10
  831. Everett Pillory: ( HOT-DOG! ))
  832. GM (GM): rolling 1d100
  833. (25)= 25
  834. he has 5 strength, so 10 or less.
  835. You rolled a 10 so he is unconscious.
  836. Everett Pillory: (Do I want to disintigrate him or gut him )
  837. GM (GM): He squirms violently as your pulse voltage into his chest.
  838. Martin Baron is shaking with anger, finally finding the mutant he wanted to hunt down just a month ago.
  839. Martin Baron: (( Still got a turn left ))
  840. GM (GM): Okay.
  841. Martin Baron: (( Drawing Mongol. End turn. ))
  842. GM (GM): Panda!
  843. Everett Pillory drops everthing he's holding and gets wild stare at the gator "Have you ever read the bible yo oaf?"
  844. Everett Pillory activates zero field
  845. Everett Pillory tackles him
  846. GM (GM): ...He was already holding you.
  847. Everett Pillory: ((Even better! ))
  848. DUST TO DUST!
  849. Martin Baron: (( No action use either. ))
  850. GM (GM): Actually it is an action to activate it. Aaron was explicit on that one actually.
  851. Anyway, he's vaporized.
  852. Martin Baron: (( Ah, thought you said it wasn't then. Excuse me. ))
  853. GM (GM): You fall to the ground and are currently prone.
  854. Martin Baron: (( He has a nice pile of dust to blanket his fall ))
  855. GM (GM): True!
  857. Everett Pillory: (Intimidation roll?)
  858. GM (GM): Sure.
  859. Martin Baron: (( Hoo wee, here we go ))
  860. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+25
  861. (36)+25= 61
  862. rolling 1d100+25
  863. (63)+25= 88
  864. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+50
  865. (85)+50= 135
  866. GM (GM): I keep forgetting you have a mind 10
  867. Everett Pillory: (( No wait ))
  868. (( Mind 8 ))
  869. GM (GM): There you go.
  870. +40
  871. Everett Pillory: (( THat should be +40 ))
  872. GM (GM): Whatever, still high.
  873. Martin Baron: (( Yeah, Ernest is the one with 11 or something mind. ))
  874. GM (GM): They panic.
  875. Martin Baron yells out "Put down your weapon now, and we'll let you live!", knowing fully well what Flask ordered the two of them to do.
  876. Everett Pillory laughs... probably looking like some crazy topsider.
  877. Martin Baron: (( End combat? ))
  878. The rat surrenders!
  879. Rat: I didn't have anything to do with this, I want a lawyer!
  880. Martin Baron: (( Alright, put him up against the wall ))
  881. The dog is still convulsing so... Yeah, he's not a threat.
  882. Everett Pillory switches off his shield and picks up the walkie talkie. Then walks up to the rat and slams him against the wall "Spill the beans" he says putting the walkie talkie against the rat's face
  883. GM (GM): That pun man.
  884. That pun.
  885. Martin Baron still has a mixed look of disgust and anger towards the dog, ignoring Everett's interrogation.
  886. Martin Baron: (( well done man ))
  887. Everett Pillory: (( UNINTENTIONAL I SWEAR TO GOD ))
  888. Martin Baron: (( Mind if I do a perception roll? I want to find some rope, I'm going full edgy here ))
  889. Rat: I'm due a trial! I an sayin' nothin'!
  890. GM (GM): Sure.
  891. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100
  892. (61)= 61
  893. GM (GM): You find a length of chain covered in stuff you don't want to know. Probably rust.
  894. Martin Baron: It'll do. Martin takes the chains and starts wrapping the unconscious Dawg with it, trying to keep him completely immobilized.
  895. Everett Pillory asks Flask "He refuses to talk. Should I carry the original plan?"
  896. Rat: Hey man! I didn't hurt nobody! You can't do this!
  897. Dog is bound.
  898. Martin Baron: (( Arigatou ))
  899. (( Shout at him some more with interrogate, maybe he'll talk then. ))
  900. (( ... We've become mutant - Topsiders haven't we? ))
  902. Martin Baron: (( Shit we have. ))
  903. Everett Pillory: (( Red has a nasty side to his post-mutation personality ))
  904. Rat: Your work?! You did what the box told you to!
  905. Martin Baron: (( I've near schismed and got real aggressive. ))
  906. Rat: you didn't even disarm it you hack! You just made it so it can't fly!
  907. Martin Baron: (( Flask get that? ))
  908. GM (GM): ((You did call it in. The rat patrol should be here in about half a minute.
  909. Martin Baron: (( Rather, did Flask catch that he knows about the missile. He pretty much proved it was him. ))
  910. Everett Pillory snaps. He tosses the walkie talkie away, sits on top of the rat and starts to beat his face "DON'T DOUBT MY FUCKING ABILITIES, YOU MOTHER FUCKING THIEF."
  911. GM (GM): Flask doesn't have any devices down here so unless you held the button down, no.
  912. Really you can do anything you want right now.
  913. The rat throws a punch.
  914. Martin Baron kicks the dog in the side, trying to wake him up from his taser-induced sleep.
  915. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+30
  916. (79)+30= 109
  917. Martin Baron: (( Hoo ))
  918. GM (GM): 10 damage.
  919. Everett Pillory: (Can I parry?))
  920. GM (GM): Sure
  921. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+20
  922. (88)+20= 108
  923. Martin Baron: (( Wow, that was damn close ))
  924. Everett Pillory: ((OH COME ON NOW ))
  925. Rat: I've seen better work out of public schools! Inner city!
  926. Martin Baron: (( Should I roll for the kick to the dog? ))
  927. Everett Pillory throws a punch at the rat!
  928. GM (GM): Sure.
  929. Martin Baron: (( Keep forgetting, Dawg. ))
  930. GM (GM): 15 damage.
  931. We using abbrevated damage right now.
  932. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+20
  933. (60)+20= 80
  934. GM (GM): He'll take that.
  935. Everett Pillory doesn't reply. His mind is gone. The only thing that remains is a pissed off red panda in a topsider suit...
  936. Rat: Hack, Fraud! You ain't no missile man!
  937. Martin Baron isn't even paying attention to the beatdown around the corner. He's focusing on Dawg. Still not awake, Martin kicks him in the side again, shouting "Wake up you inbred mutt!"
  938. GM (GM): the dog wakes up.
  939. Dog:
  940. Everett Pillory: (( How many punches can I throw at him?))
  941. Dawg: Great, wiell that .was terrible.
  942. GM (GM): about equal to the number he will throw back
  943. Everett Pillory: (( I mean Everett's gonna kill him at this point. He doesn't care ))
  944. GM (GM): let's say two
  945. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+20
  946. (75)+20= 95
  947. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+30
  948. (22)+30= 52
  949. Martin Baron kneels close to the ground, shooting a nasty grin. "Howdy mother #$%*?! ."
  950. Everett Pillory: (( Unless Martin gonna stop him that is... ))
  951. Martin Baron: (( Nope, in my own world ))
  952. Dog: So... best out of three?
  953. Martin Baron: (( Focusing on the guy that caused Martin to go schisming.))
  954. GM (GM): Rat punches
  955. rolling 1d100+30
  956. (32)+30= 62
  957. Everett Pillory: (( Heh, both of us have demons to face here ))
  958. GM (GM): 10 damage
  959. Martin Baron delivers another swift kick, still aimed where the last two kicks were: in his ribs. "I said I would find you. I didn't even think you'd be here."
  960. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+20
  961. (44)+20= 64
  962. Martin Baron: (( We've gone Deviantart tier of edgy here ))
  963. The dog urks as you give him the boot. He replies like a jerk, saying, "Really, I thought that's what I said to you?"
  964. Everett Pillory: (( Nah. Funnily enough Martin... would you believe that's based on my personal experience? ))
  965. GM (GM): The rat is not playing anymore.
  966. Everett Pillory: (( When I snap, I snap ))
  967. GM (GM): He jumps at your throat teeth bare.
  968. bite attack!
  969. Everett Pillory: (( Gonna parry that ))
  970. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+30
  971. (2)+30= 32
  972. Martin Baron: (( Yeah, these claw and bite damage values are crazy ))
  973. GM (GM): miss.
  974. Everett Pillory decides play time is over and activates the field.
  975. GM (GM): And the free bite
  976. rolling 1d100+30
  977. (72)+30= 102
  978. Everett Pillory: (( Ouch might want to parry that ))
  979. GM (GM): True.
  980. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+20
  981. (31)+20= 51
  982. GM (GM): He bites you for 15 then vaporizes.
  983. Martin Baron: "Was in the hospital, surrounded by my buds. Told them I was gonna find you." he says, kicking once again, hoping to break something.
  984. Dawg: I wasn't there for that!
  985. Martin Baron kicks again. And again. And again.
  986. You: took my hand you ass!
  987. Everett Pillory laughs at the dust "WHO'S NOTHING NOW" and deactives the shield walking over to his stuff... he picks up the shotgun, a handful of shells and hands it over to Martin. "Will make your task easier."
  988. GM (GM): The dog is really roughed up now.
  989. You guys are dark!
  990. Martin Baron: "And you tried to take mine! While I was drunk, no less!" Martin shouts back, now stomping the kicked spot.
  991. Everett Pillory: (( I mean... based on that Aaron note about personality shift I figured out that at timid academic now has a really psychotic side in him. ))
  992. GM (GM): ((Oooh it's all about yooou, isn't it?
  993. Everett Pillory: (( Yes! ))
  994. (( Of course !! ))
  995. Martin Baron: (( In RPG's that's what it's all about: yourself. ))
  996. Everett Pillory: (( Nah I just figured out it would be funnier if he was unhinged as fuck when everyone was laughing how harmless he was ))
  997. GM (GM): Anyway, the dog is almost uncounscious from severe internal damage. kill the guy or not?
  998. Martin Baron: (( Joking, joking, please don't take me seriously. ))
  999. Everett Pillory: (( Martin Baron in "The Old Yeller." ))
  1000. (( Nah it's all good ))
  1001. GM (GM): There's a reference!
  1002. Martin Baron continues to stomp on the spot multiple times. He doesn't intend on stopping.
  1003. GM (GM): Well he' is out and dead!
  1004. Everett Pillory looks at Martin and puts his hand on his shoulder "He died. You can stop now."
  1005. Martin Baron continues to stomp.
  1006. GM (GM): ((Says the guy who reduces his enemies to loose silicon.))
  1007. Just then, a flash!
  1008. Martin Baron: (( People with actual flash grenades? ))
  1009. GM (GM): Roll perception!
  1010. Martin Baron: (( Or a frog ))
  1011. rolling 1d100
  1012. (32)= 32
  1013. (( Good bye good rolls ))
  1014. GM (GM): Well, it was nice while they lasted.
  1015. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+40
  1016. (93)+40= 133
  1017. (( Stole your die ))
  1018. GM (GM): In the darkness you see two gold eyes!
  1019. Everett Pillory readies his shotgun "Identify yourself."
  1020. Martin Baron: (( He's probably spooked out of his goard. Two guys just started beating people to a pulp, one dusting the rat and the other making a literal bloody pulp.
  1021. GM (GM): You hear, "Thanks for the meal ticket!" Before hearing a series of blubs.
  1022. Martin Baron turns to the frog, stopping his stomping for a brief moment.
  1023. GM (GM): You hear an echoing voice: Nice job! good to see citizens taking out some trash!
  1024. Frogs: From what I gathered they wanted to hold the colony hostage! Can you believe that? Of course, who will, they're dead!
  1025. Martin Baron puts away the Mongol and draws the Colt, reloading the gun.
  1026. Everett Pillory chuckles to himself, wanting to break down into maniacal laughter when someone just called him citizen
  1027. Frogs: And this thingie here! What's that do?
  1028. Everett Pillory: Don't touch that... it's radioactive
  1029. Martin Baron: "Touch that and you die." Martin says plainly, weapon still out. "What do you want?"
  1030. Frogs: Oh, that's a question!
  1031. What do I want... What do I want?
  1032. hmmmm. Do you have any root beer?
  1033. Martin Baron: "No."
  1034. Everett Pillory: I got some candy! Want some candy?!
  1035. Frogs: Oh, that's a shame. I think I'll take... Afew thousand for now.
  1036. Just toss it in the water, I'll get it later.
  1037. Martin Baron: (( Speaking of which, I'm gonna search Dawg, see if he has anything of note. ))
  1038. GM (GM): Dawg's contents:Hook for hand. 2d10+25(35).
  1039. 9mm Blue: 2d10+20 (30)
  1040. Grenade: $80. Damage: 5d10+50(75) Blast radius: 8 feet.
  1041. Everett Pillory: (( I don't get it, is Frog trying to get money from us? ))
  1042. GM (GM): ((You are being blackmailed. yes.))
  1043. ((Or candy, really he just wants some stuff.))
  1044. Martin Baron: "And if we refuse?"
  1045. (( Does he have any ammo? ))
  1046. Everett Pillory: (( Martin, you have a nade ))
  1047. Martin Baron: (( ... Pretend it's candy? ))
  1048. Frogs: Weeeeell, then I give the little bear and the big bear in office pictures of you beating the pulp out of an endtown citizen and... I like this bit... A citizen using topsider technology to kill a rat in security uniform!
  1049. Martin Baron: (( Can I roll a hearing perception? Try to sound him out? ))
  1050. GM (GM): Sure!
  1051. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100+20
  1052. (54)+20= 74
  1053. Everett Pillory: (( I did roll pretty high on my perception then... let's see if I can see him now ))
  1054. Frog: ...Then the usual press, security, fliers, maybe afew shots of that bomb thing. Really get it around.
  1055. Everett Pillory: rolling 1d100+40
  1056. (92)+40= 132
  1057. Martin Baron: (( dammit I forgot, what's the bonus again? Just mind bonus? ))
  1058. Everett Pillory: (( Yes ))
  1059. GM (GM): mind plus +20
  1060. For hearing
  1061. Martin Baron: (( I got 89 on hearing ))
  1062. (( Sorry, I swore it was just a plain roll a few weeks ago ))
  1063. You track the voice through the room, you find it, a sealed sewer grate, he must be using them as voice pipes.
  1064. Martin Baron puts the Colt away and now draws the Taser. He starts to prepare that to fire as well.
  1065. Martin Baron: (( You know Suule, I can just go full Punisher here, walk up to the grates and drop a nade in. ))
  1066. GM (GM): Cherry bomb!
  1067. Martin Baron: (( ))
  1068. Everett Pillory: (( Might be the best idea ))
  1069. (( Flask said... no witness ))
  1070. Martin Baron gives Dawg one last swift kick.
  1071. Martin Baron: (( Sneak to the grate? ))
  1072. Everett Pillory: And what if I were to say... we're poor as a church mouse? We had to pay a big hospital bill
  1073. Frogs: Well, I'm sure that... Who did you say? Flask? I'm sure she'd cough up some.
  1074. Martin Baron thinks one of his toes broke.
  1075. Martin Baron: (( Yeah, let's go full Punisher here. I'm gonna try to sneak to the source of the sound. ))
  1076. Frogs: Tell you what, I'll come by later. Have fun heroes!
  1077. Martin Baron: (( Crap, there he goes. Hi Kazen! ))
  1078. Everett Pillory: (( Let's see if you manage to do it ))
  1079. Martin Baron: rolling 1d100
  1080. (51)= 51
  1081. (( Doubt it ))
  1082. M. Walker: ((Heyo))
  1083. Everett Pillory: (( +20 +20 ? ))
  1084. GM (GM): Hey Walker!
  1085. Martin Baron: (( +20? It's just a straight sneak roll vs. perception, right? ))
  1086. GM (GM): right.
  1087. Everett Pillory: (( AH you're sneaking up on him ))
  1088. GM (GM): rolling 1d100+25
  1089. (97)+25= 122
  1090. Martin Baron: (( Damn perceptive frog. ))
  1091. Everett Pillory: (( I'll try too ))
  1092. GM (GM): Sure
  1093. rolling 1d100+25
  1094. (77)+25= 102
  1095. Everett Pillory: (( It's impossible ))
  1096. GM (GM): You can't outswamp a frog!
  1097. Martin Baron: (( Yeah. ))
  1098. (( Darn. ))
  1099. Everett Pillory: (( Flask is not gonna be happy ))
  1100. GM (GM): Sensing danger he flibbits off.
  1101. You now have a blackmailer.
  1102. Martin Baron: (( Don't radio in to Flask immediately, wait till you're in a non-echoey location then radio in. That way he wont know we're just gonna straight up murder the bastard.
  1103. GM (GM): Okay it is super overtime so I'm gonna say let's resolve this tomorrow.
  1104. Martin Baron: Wanna deal out XP and MP?
  1105. GM (GM): Ah yeah.
  1107. Everett Pillory picks up the stuff and walkie talkie... and walks into a non-echoing location "Miss Flask. Do you have in your records a frog reporter?"
  1108. Everett Pillory: (WOO! MP LOSS!)
  1109. GM (GM): rolling 1d10
  1110. (4)= 4
  1111. 4 to martin
  1112. rolling 2d10
  1113. (5+2)= 7
  1114. Martin Baron: Really? Only 4? For kicking a man to death?
  1115. GM (GM): To Everett
  1116. Martin Baron: Just a light slap on the wrist this is
  1117. GM (GM): Yeah, you think so?
  1118. It is isn't it.
  1119. Martin Baron: I mean, Everett completely melted one guy, punched a man to near death, then dusted him afterwards while cackling like a 80s cartoon villain, and I'm going full beatdown on Dawg.
  1120. GM (GM): So what would be good mp loss for taking out enemies then.
  1121. like 3d10? Then you would have an average of 15 mp loss per kill.
  1122. Martin Baron: I dunno, I'm sorry, just thought it was a bit light. We did go a bit overboard here.
  1123. GM (GM): No it really is.
  1124. No to mention that you regen 5 mp a day.
  1125. Everett Pillory: I mean GM
  1126. Martin Baron: That is true
  1127. Everett Pillory: Everett snapped
  1128. GM (GM): What is your mp?
  1129. Everett Pillory: -7
  1130. Martin Baron: And you recover, like, 50 MP for one visit to a therapist.
  1131. Everett Pillory: Like it was a bad day overall
  1132. GM (GM): Your mind points is reduced to zero Breaking out in sweats and nightmares. Effect: -10 persuasion rolls. -10 to skill rolls.
  1133. Mind points are 10% below zero. (i.e.: Having 10 mind points means -1, 70 means -7 total) Prone to fits of rage or violence. Effect: Every attack that reduces an enemy's hp to zero is a lethal attack whether the character intends it or not. -10 to skill rolls.
  1134. Everett Pillory: His work stolen, then thrown out, then taunted pushed to the edge of killing two people
  1135. Martin Baron: Plus we lost our home and have to go hunt some people down to get our citizenship back, and once we finally got that done, now we're being blackmailed by a frog bastard who took photos of this.
  1136. GM (GM): So now you have -20 to skill rolls.
  1137. Martin Baron: ... How did he know to come down here with a camera?
  1138. Everett Pillory: Woo!
  1139. Wait my MP before deduction?
  1140. Or after
  1141. Martin Baron: What if he doesn't have a camera?
  1142. Everett Pillory: If after then -21
  1143. GM (GM): He is a very sensitive panda, as expected of red pandas.
  1144. You saw a flash, he had a camera
  1145. Everett Pillory: I guess then I played the fits of rage good
  1146. Martin Baron: Damn, that's right.
  1147. Everett Pillory: Yep
  1148. One flash
  1149. Martin Baron: I'm hoping I did mine OK, don't know if I went too far or too little.
  1150. GM (GM): Go ahead, taunt a red panda at your local zoo, he'll start crying and handlers will beat the crap out of you.
  1151. Martin Baron: Yeah, but that's with me kicking a dead man in a bloody hole I made in his ribs, and the panda in a topsider suit with two piles of dust in plain view
  1152. GM (GM): I thought it was appropriate.
  1153. Everett Pillory: IT WAS AN ACCIDENT
  1154. I SWEAR
  1156. Martin Baron: Secretly all of this aggressive dialogue is someone else speaking via radio, seeing things on camera. Everett is actually a very cuddly red panda accidentally maiming people
  1157. Everett Pillory:
  1158. Martin Baron: Anyway, should we go further with the MP lost?
  1159. 3d10 does sound good.
  1160. GM (GM): Yes
  1161. Everett Pillory: So kay roll-em
  1162. Martin Baron: If people want it lowered, use drugs. Maybe alcohol.
  1163. GM (GM): so martin
  1164. rolling 3d10
  1165. (4+7+6)= 17
  1166. 17 mp loss
  1167. Everett Pillory: Not bad
  1168. Martin Baron: Alright, cool. Now a 6d10 for Suule
  1169. GM (GM): or just add 11 on to what you have now
  1170. Everett, add
  1171. Martin Baron: I got 4, so add a 13 actually
  1172. GM (GM): rolling 4d10
  1173. (2+5+5+7)= 19
  1174. 19, life ain't fair!
  1175. Martin Baron: I'm at -6 MP, -10% overall, WE'RE BACK ON THE CRAZY TRAIN BOYZ
  1176. Everett Pillory: So from -7 to... -26
  1177. Nice
  1178. Martin Baron: Out of how many?
  1179. Everett Pillory: No wait
  1180. More
  1181. Martin Baron: Hohoh
  1182. Everett Pillory: -7 -7 -19...
  1183. That's gonna be
  1184. GM (GM): -33?
  1185. Everett Pillory: -33
  1186. GM (GM): Terror: Your initiative is null. You always go last for every combat. Your perception and persuasion bonus is now 0. -10 to skill rolls.
  1187. Everett Pillory: Out of 90
  1188. GM (GM): You've got the sweats, fits, and terror.
  1189. Martin Baron: I got moderate symptoms on the SCHISM table
  1190. GM (GM): This ain't home, this ain't safety! Destruction and horror can hit at any moment.
  1191. Ah yeah.
  1192. Martin Baron: Can't copy and paste the aggression, could you real quick GM?
  1193. Yeah, you thought what you got's bad? Look at the table below that Suule
  1194. GM (GM): Aggression: You will engage in combat whenever possible. If you have not dealt damage to someone or something during combat an intense rage will burn in your gut and you will lose -2d10 MP. If slighted by other players you will suffer -2d10 MP unless you either roll intimidation against them or perform an attack at least once!
  1195. Schism is a worse slope then the stress table.
  1196. Martin Baron: Question: What does it mean to be slighted by other players?
  1197. GM (GM): Insulted.
  1198. Tricked.
  1199. Set up.
  1200. Martin Baron: So they say I'm going too far, or tell me to stop, etc
  1201. GM (GM): This group is remarkibly nice compared to others.
  1202. Martin Baron: Wait, Everett just told me I went to far earlier.
  1203. GM (GM): Yep.
  1204. Everett Pillory: Did I/
  1205. GM (GM): If you wanna look at it that way.
  1206. Everett Pillory: I just said "You can stop now, he's dead"
  1207. Martin Baron: When I was kicking him over and over you said I should stop, he's dead.
  1208. GM (GM): Really your character is super aggro so yes, in this case.
  1209. Everett Pillory: And you kept kicking
  1210. ANd he shrugged
  1211. There's a scene like that in Big Red One
  1212. Martin Baron: Still, you'd probably want to let Martin be. Say anything and he turns.
  1213. GM (GM): Rabbit on edge.
  1214. And if you don't do something very rash, you suffer 2d10 mp.
  1215. Martin Baron: I do hope someone says something instead of avoiding saying anything
  1216. Knowing what would happen
  1217. GM (GM): Literally wrestling with not going crazy.
  1218. Martin Baron: Tomorrow: Martin tries to chase down the frog through the pipes!
  1219. Everett Pillory: Yeah I'd rather leave Martin be at this point
  1220. Martin Baron: Screaming the whole way through!
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